National Tide 1980

Chapter 1999 Rats have their own ways

Cats have catwalks, rats have mouse tricks.

Just like Jiang Hao and Nian Jing who were carrying losses, at the same time, due to a mistake in stamp speculation, Bai Harden was desperately trying to find a way to get back on the road to wealth.

Since the postal market crashed in 1985, this kid's life has been like Wang Xiaoer's New Year, and it's getting worse every day.

Yes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and he has a sharp mind. As a big businessman, he can make timely decisions when the situation arises.

At that time, in addition to a large number of pandas, he also saved hundreds of thousands of pandas, but the problem was that the money could not support him and he had so many subordinates to sit back and eat.

Most Chinese people these days lack experience in the speculative market. No one understands that if a speculative category changes from bull to bear, it will take only a few years to accumulate chips and it will not recover.

Hardman was no exception. After the collapse of the postal market, he never thought about withdrawing. He was still thinking about finding an opportunity to make a comeback. As a result, he violated the taboo of trend investing.

I forced myself to do two businesses, but I didn't make any money. Instead, I lost some money, plus dozens of people were eating horse chews.

Within two months, Hardman's capital had shrunk, from hundreds of thousands to one hundred thousand.

In addition, the postal market is becoming more and more lifeless, speculators have dispersed, and it has become the home of enthusiasts who mainly exchanged tickets. Hardman, who had nothing to do, inevitably focused his energy on bad stocks. Hobbies.

The small restaurant that used to be frequented by big businessmen who speculated on stamps has now evolved into a gambling den. Those big businessmen like Hardman who are nostalgic about it now regard it as a gathering point and stay there every day.

In addition to drunken bragging, what is left is the game of "wealth redistribution" through cards.

As a result, Hardman became a complete loser in this game of raising worms.

He relied on his vision and courage to play cards. Although he was good at observing people's emotions, he had the upper hand for a while at the beginning.

But as soon as the card game became famous, it attracted professional crooks. After all, his skills were inferior to others and he couldn't stand someone making marks on the cards.

It was during the Spring Festival of 1986 that Hardman was completely ruined. He had no money in his pocket and his eldest brother's dignity was gone.

The brothers under his command dispersed in droves, and Hadmen could only curl up in his bed with his head covered with quilts, and spent the Spring Festival in a cold pot, without even a matchmaker.

Even the dumplings he ate at night were brought to him by his neighbor who had watched him grow up, knocking on the window.

Later, after the Spring Festival, Hardman was like a waiter, wandering around the capital with unrealistic dreams, looking for opportunities to get rich suddenly.

At that time, there was already a master who was the first to practice "karate" in the hotel in the Dashilan area of ​​Qianmen.

There is always a group of people who stay inside every day, chatting eloquently about big deals, approvals for cars, wire rods, polyethylene, millions of civil engineering projects, etc. People in the capital call it "show money."

To put it bluntly, it is cheating, targeting people who come to Beijing from other places to cheat, and they will be fooled as much as they can be. Anyway, once the money is in their pockets, they will never get it back.

So much so that a nursery rhyme became popular in the capital, "There is a big idiot in front of me, with a BP machine on his waist, and he is going to talk about polyethylene at the Three Gorges Restaurant in Xidan, and he is a big idiot."

And relying on the two Picardon outfits he had saved by speculating on stamps, Hardman was also confused to join in.

Although he didn't understand the truth here at first and even believed it to be true for a while, relying on this innate advantage, he became the most handsome boy once he entered the industry.

It should be said that Hardman did make some money from this scam.

At least he can play Da Ya Matsuri sometimes, and he has learned professional-level acting skills from his senior peers.

I have become able to put on a professional posture and speak professional figures and terms from various industries, which seems to be a much higher level.

But the problem is that for him, this kind of gain is too small, and it is completely worth the loss.

People in the capital have always admired war criminals who could fight, and despised thieves and liars.

Not only was he looked down upon by his brothers in the martial arts world for doing this, it was a depraved act, but he really couldn't make much money out of it.

Most of them are just a banquet with a little tobacco and alcohol.

No one is stupid, and everyone understands the principle of not letting go of the hawk until it sees the rabbit.

So as time went by, even he himself felt a bit like a fool.

As soon as it was time for dinner, I said I was going to the game, but in fact I just went home to cook some noodles and pickles.

I only had ten yuan on me, and I had to buy a box of Marlboros to show off.

Occasionally, he would get some money by selling the "panda" that caused him bankruptcy and completely ruining his hands to an acquaintance at a low price and sending letters to him in exchange.

Isn't this just "Ta'er coaxing"? I originally wanted to deceive others, but in the end I found out that I was deceiving myself.

For this reason, his confidence was exhausted, and by the summer of 1986, he had plans to withdraw from the "Story Club".

But the problem is that in order to eat, he has to find a scratch first, and he doesn't have many choices in this situation.

First of all, he doesn't want to re-enter the world and eat blood from the tip of a knife.

The lessons learned in 1983 made him understand the power of the word "legal system", and he did not want to die young.

Secondly, he really has no talent for ordinary business, and he can't stand loneliness. The most important thing is that he has no capital.

So no matter how he thought about it, there was no path that suited him.

However, fate is so unpredictable, and often when it pushes people to the point of nowhere, it will give them new revelations.

In July 1986, Hardman obtained a batch of counterfeit "Polar Bear" soda from an unknown small factory in the suburbs, and then practiced "wild stall" beside the bus stop outside the west gate of Temple of Heaven Park.

It went smoothly at first, because there were so many tourists and they didn't care about the price. His small business soon began to generate profits.

Not long after, Hardmen already had a pile of money in his military satchel.

Although the denominations were not large, far less than the profits Hardman made from issuing full-page stamps, his heart was still full of joy.

However, the good times did not last long, and Hardman soon encountered his unprecedented misfortune.

Unknowingly, four middle-aged men on bicycles parked in front of his stall and surrounded him after getting off the bike.

One of them asked, "How much does a soda cost?"

"Three cents." Hardman replied happily.

"Who asked you to sell it here? Do you have a photo?"

"I...this...what do you do?"

"What do you think?" Another person said, taking out a work ID card and flashing it in front of Hadmen.

Not to mention that, Hardman originally thought that he could only say good things but be miserable, or that he could use his satchel to get a lighter sentence and let others treat him like a fart.

But it turned out that that day was actually an event organized by the labor union of another company. These four people just rode their bikes and left first, followed closely by the large army.

How could it be possible as he wished?

So Hardman said nothing, so he could only push the cart and follow the others.

When they arrived at the place, they gave a detailed account of their name, age, background, source of goods, purchase unit price, and motivation for their behavior.

In the end, his fingerprints were pressed and he was severely dealt with.

His crimes were listed one by one.

First of all, operating without a license.

Secondly, sell fake goods and make huge profits illegally.

The purchase price is 12 yuan and the sale price is 30 yuan, which is 0.5 yuan higher than the state-owned price of 25 yuan.

and engaging in commercial activities in non-operating areas.

For this reason, in addition to all the counterfeit sodas being confiscated, he also had to pay a fine of one hundred yuan before he could leave here with his borrowed three-wheeler.

To be honest, this kind of punishment is completely legal and compliant and well-founded.

Especially for someone like Hadman who had done bad things in the past, he was already being treated lightly.

But the question is, given Harden's current situation, where can he collect the fine?

Looking for help from buddies and brothers?

If a person is in trouble, he will have no friends and brothers, not to mention Hardman can't afford to lose that face.

Count on the neighbors?

Those people are kind-hearted, but everyone knows what kind of person he is. They have seen his behavior of eating too much and gambling.

Who dares to trust him and lend him money?

Even when he was doing business as a third wheel, people saw that he seemed to be doing something serious, so they reluctantly nodded.

So, if he can't even return the tricycle, he will have to face complete credit bankruptcy and complete "social death" in the place where he lives.

Therefore, it was this situation that forced Hardman, who had no way out, to do a shameful thing, that is, to become a "bronze and iron Buddha".

This is a slang term in Beijing. If translated into a meaning that everyone can understand, it means going to the construction site to steal scrap copper and scrap iron.

However, the arrangement of fate is so unique. It was precisely this decision that Hardman did not bother to do and never wanted to make, that actually led him to discover business opportunities.

You must know that the capital city of this year is an era of large-scale construction. There are construction sites everywhere. First of all, the supply of goods is abundant.

Secondly, the social environment and system have also changed. In the past, construction sites were heavily guarded.

Losing something is not a matter of high status, but a major mistake of the security department, which will be criticized or even punished.

That's not the case now. The construction site is extremely loose. It's hard to lose large items anyway, and trucks can't move them away at all.

Often just a few people are arranged to keep vigil.

Moreover, these night watchmen are not professional security guards. Their main purpose is fire prevention.

The waste products on the construction site are all processed by these people, sold together, and then the money is given to the work unit.

Some night watchmen don't even bother to deal with these things because they are old, and they don't even like the oil and water from plucked geese.

So Hardman was like a rat, stealing at night, not only did no one care about it, but some people were happy to see what happened.

Moreover, Hardman soon discovered that it was more cost-effective for him to buy construction site scraps and offer these night watchmen some benefits than to sneak them in.

Not to mention high efficiency.

He could only steal half a car in one night. Although he had no capital, how could he be so open and honest in broad daylight that he could take away the whole car?

In this way, Drunk began to devote himself to the "waste business". The waste materials at one construction site quickly ran out, and he turned his attention to other construction sites and enterprises.

Although basically uneducated, Hardman has two advantages over others.

First, he is thick-skinned. His family has been extremely poor since he was a child, and things like face are not important to him.

Although his vanity is also very strong, he has a lot of connections.

Once he sees enough benefits, he is not afraid of anyone's eyes and can really put down his posture.

The second is to know how to be a good person. Hardman is a charlatan and has been a show-off liar.

He knows how to gain the trust and favor of others. In addition to giving money, he also buys cigarettes and wine to accompany these night watchmen to eat, drink and gossip.

As a result, not only could he have a firm grasp on the supply of goods at these construction sites, but even if there were good deals worth doing, others would always keep them for him and take the initiative to inform him.

It didn't take long for him to collect these waste products in large quantities and sell them to the purchasing station, earning the price difference as a middleman, and living a prosperous life.

Although the profits from scrap products are meager and no longer what they were in the past, we can't bear the large quantities.

Moreover, the prices of some relatively high-quality and intact scrap products are quite high.

Therefore, Hardman also said to the outside world, "I will accept any waste products. The larger the quantity, the better the quality, and the longer-term effectiveness."

In this way, on the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival in 1986, he really got the news of a sweet deal. There was a construction site that was about to be completed and a batch of scattered building materials had to be disposed of.

At this time, cement bags were a hot-selling item in the scrap market, and the bags from this company only cost 25 cents per pound, which was far lower than the average price in the market.

According to Hardman's estimation, a large number of well-preserved cement bags alone can earn him ten to twenty thousand, let alone wire rods and steel frames.

So he rushed to the place quickly, but the problem he faced was indeed insufficient funds. In order to save trouble, the construction site leader insisted on "kicking him" and selling it to a family for 100,000 yuan.

And where can Hardman, who has no money to make a living, collect the money?

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