National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,107 Night Road

Chapter 1108 Night Road

There is nothing wrong with a young man loving a girl.

Food and sex are also the nature of human beings' great desires.

The man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried. When they reach the right age and want to have a partner, no one can find fault with them.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, Hardeman is a toad who wants to eat the flesh of a swan, but ends up being pecked by the swan. He is basically a fool who overestimates his capabilities and makes people want to laugh.

But for those in the game, they don’t think so.

On the contrary, you will be extremely serious and pious, and even feel sacred because of the touching of your soul.

If you can't give up, look away, and let go, you will do more stupid things that look silly to outsiders.

There is a well-written sentence in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" by Jin Daxia, "Asking what love is in the world can directly teach you how to make love between life and death."

Who doesn’t long for a romantic and lifelong love?

Not to mention Li Mochou was obsessed with love and crazy about love, didn't Zhang Asheng, the pig-slaughterer and sheep-killer in Jiangnan Seven Monsters, also secretly love Han Xiaoying all his life?

So this kind of thing is not uncommon in the world and has never been interrupted.

In fact, even in the capital at this moment, Hademan was not the only one who was deeply troubled by such love troubles and felt heartbroken by it.

As a man of the same age, Luo Guangliang, who even Hardman did not dare to offend easily, happened to have the same troubles as him.

When I was invited by Manager Sha to have dinner at Maxim's Restaurant, I met Zhang Mi who replaced Cui Jian and Zhang Qiang on stage.

Luo Guangliang started to run toward Maxim as if possessed by a demon.

If you don't come for one day, it will be like three autumns. It will scratch your heart and lungs, as if there is no point in doing anything.

Only by hearing Zhang Mi's singing and seeing her performances every day could he maintain a normal life and be busy with business.

And the strangest thing is that this is obviously not the first time for him to come to Maxim Restaurant. Ning Weimin has actually invited him here several times.

In the past, he had never been attached to this place. He just ate and drank there.

But after Zhang Mi performed on stage, it was completely different. He couldn't leave here.

Even though he didn't want to admit it and didn't dare to face it, a strong hormone-burning excitement still made him become Zhang Mi's fan.

Luo Guangliang is a rough guy, he doesn't understand what love at first sight means.

But in his life, apart from fighting on the street, being accidentally spotted by the coach of the wrestling team of Xuanwu Sports School, and walking into a gymnasium full of leather mats, leather men, sandbags, and barbells.

He had never been so obsessed with any place in the world.

In fact, even for most guests, Zhang Mi's performances are not as many as those of Cui Jian or Zhang Qiang, and there are never any fans waiting for her outside the door of Maxim Restaurant.

Even Manager Sha and Maxim’s restaurant experience talked about her in a disparaging way.

"Oh, you really hired the wrong person. This or something like honey, you just called me such a sweet name for nothing. His singing is just like plain water tofu, tasteless!"

"But no, once Manager Ning takes away the two pillars and beats her up, the business will not be as good as before! I am also looking forward to those two coming back from Japan every day..."

But for Luo Guangliang, Zhang Mi's voice and singing are simply irreplaceable. He just loves the clarity and purity of this kind of singing.

He couldn't find the feeling in other people's songs that could touch his soul and calm his emotions.

This may mean that everyone has their own fate and everyone has their own preferences.

So once Luo Guangliang realized that Zhang Mi was also under great pressure, he couldn't help but feel worried for this girl.

Almost every night, under the gradually dimming lights and a handful of applause, Luo Guangliang, who was sitting below the stage, saw Zhang Mi disappear on the stage as the performance came to an end.

He couldn't help but wonder if that delicate girl's face was hiding in tears where no one could see it.

For this reason, an irresistible impulse arose in his blood.

He wanted to find her, encourage her, comfort her, tell her how much he loved hearing her sing and her performance on the stage.

I also want to tell her that as long as she takes the stage, I will come on time every day...

But for some reason, every time he thought about it, he would feel extremely shy, embarrassed, and even afraid.

So much so that he would feel helpless and very depressed.

He was afraid that others would notice the capricious changes in his heart. This matter was the biggest secret in his heart.

Not only did he never dare to put his thoughts into action, he also didn't dare to let Xiao Tao know that he would come here every day.

Even Manager Sha, who always showed his kindness and invited him to have a drink every time he saw him in Maxim, he didn't dare to show it at all.

Until one day, a chance fell from the sky and finally fulfilled his long-cherished wish.

That day was May Day, and there were so many customers at Maxim's Restaurant that an extra show was added to the show that was supposed to end at ten o'clock.

So when Luo Guangliang finished watching the show and walked out of Maxim, there were no people on the street outside.

There was an empty darkness between the buildings, and most of the windows had no lights.

It's almost eleven o'clock.

Needless to say, the buses have long since disappeared, so Luo Guangliang has to rely on a bicycle to get home.

After lighting a cigarette, Luo Guangliang began to look for his bicycle in the darkness of the sidewalk not far from the restaurant.

His car was moved.

However, just when he was struggling to find it among the bicycles and motorcycles that were scattered and erratic on the sidewalk.

The door of Maxim's Restaurant opened again immediately, and several people walked out.

The first one looked around and shouted Luo Guangliang's name into the darkness of the street.

Although it was far away, Luo Guangliang was certain that it was Manager Sha, as evidenced by the neon lights and the unique voice.

He thought there was probably something he needed help with.

So thinking that he had drunk a lot of wine from this guy, and for the sake of Ning Weimin's face, Luo Guangliang couldn't just sit back and watch, so he walked back from the darkness.

As I got closer, I discovered that the two people behind Manager Sha were the restaurant manager and Zhang Mi.

Manager Na Sha was overjoyed when he saw him, and as expected, a request emerged from his mouth full of cigarette smell.

"Oh, you haven't left yet, that's great. Do you have anything else to do besides going home?"


"If you're okay, help drop her off. She usually catches the night bus before ten o'clock. It's too late today. She's a little scared and doesn't dare to go back alone. Can you give her some strength? Are you brave? By the way, she said that in the alley where she went back, there were always a few gangsters gathering to drink and play guitar, and they would whistle when they saw her..."

Luo Guangliang never expected such a request. Looking at the shy Zhang Mi, he was dumbfounded.

Manager Sha thought he was unwilling, so he slapped the restaurant manager next to him with his hand.

The manager quickly pestered and begged, "You are also an old customer who comes often. We are all friends, so please help me. It's late at night and there are not many of our employees. We don't know how late it is. Until when? In this case, if you come back tomorrow, I will treat you to a drink of black..."

"Where are you going? Where does she live?" Luo Guangliang reacted, suppressing his excitement and asked about the destination.

"The other side of Guangqumen... seems to be only two or three stations away. How about it? Is that okay?"

To be honest, it's not going the same way, it's completely the opposite direction.

But realizing that he finally had a chance to be alone with Zhang Mi, Luo Guangliang nodded and agreed without hesitation.

Two or three stops?

He just felt that the road was too short and wished that this girl lived in Haidian.

Perhaps this surprise came too suddenly. After finding the car, Luo Guangliang's hand shaking the car lock was trembling.

He was sweating profusely, and the car lock just couldn't be opened.

He wanted to kick his broken bicycle, but managed to restrain himself.

Fortunately, when Zhang Mi got a little impatient and asked anxiously, "What's wrong? Is your key broken or the lock broken...".

Finally, the stubborn car lock jumped open with a snap.

"The key doesn't work."

Luo Guangliang felt unable to hold his head up because his clumsiness had delayed his time, but at this moment he breathed a sigh of relief.

Pushing the cart to the middle of the road, Luo Guangliang and Manager Sha said "see you later", and Zhang Mi also expressed her gratitude to the restaurant manager and Manager Sha.

Then they walked towards the opposite side of the road together.

At the beginning, both of them were a little embarrassed.

Due to the trend these days, if it were not for time travelers like Ning Weimin, the sense of boundaries between strangers and men would be very strong.

There is no one where a man takes a girl when they meet, and they carelessly ride a bicycle together.

Therefore, along Chongwenmen East Street, which bypassed dozens of residential buildings, Luo Guangliang was always pushing the cart in front, and Zhang Mi followed behind.

In the dark place, Zhang Mi was very close to Luo Guangliang, as if she was about to grab his back.

Where there was a light, Zhang Mi was quite far away from him, and the sound of footsteps was at least five meters away.

When she encountered a fork in the road, as if she was afraid that Luo Guangliang would turn around, Zhang Mi said from afar, "Turn right."

Luo Guangliang turned over obediently.

For a long time, he could not find the courage or opportunity to speak.

In his imagination, even Zhang Mi's long eyelashes were clearly distinguishable, and she was extremely gentle.

Her skin was fair and her cheeks were a little thin, all of which made her more delicate.

Although her hair is a bit short, making her look like a tomboy.

But her face is so delicate and charming, no matter how you look at it, she is a lovable beauty.

Her eyelashes are so long, can they be fake?

Luo Guangliang couldn't explain this sudden attention.

Ordinarily, it is common to encounter a beautiful girl on the street and can't help but take a look at her secretly.

But this time the mood is very different, why?

I didn't meet those street gangsters that Lao Sha mentioned, and no one blew the whistle to scare and harass this girl.

This made Luo Guangliang deeply feel that he had lost an opportunity to perform.

This opportunity may never come again.

Apart from that, what is the most natural way for him to express his feelings?

No, there is no place for heroes.

He didn't want to hit someone for no reason, but he wanted someone to provoke him, hit him, and then resist.

He believes that his resistance in front of the girl will be fierce and extraordinary, and will leave a deep impression on everyone who sees it...

In this way, when Luo Guangliang fell into his own random thoughts, he walked two miles away without knowing it.

Zhang Mi seemed to be tired from walking, or maybe she was exhausted from today's performance, so she finally took the initiative to speak.

"...Hey, Master...Master...are your tires inflated enough?"

"Zoo, what's wrong?"

"My feet hurt...please see if you can..."

"Oh, I understand. Then... you can get in the car. As long as you don't mind, I will ride with you..."

"Thank you so much, master, I'm so sorry..."

"What's this? You're welcome..."

Finally, two figures sat on a bicycle.

Although the girl was still a little shy, she only dared to grab the iron bars on the back seat of the car and did not dare to touch Luo Guangliang at all. This was still quite different from a normal couple.

But he was definitely not as silent as before, without saying a word.

While Luo Guangliang was pedaling, she always felt that she should say something in order not to appear too embarrassed.

"Master, am I quite heavy?"


"I'm really sorry that it's so late and I've made you tired, Master..."

Luo Guangliang was naturally as happy as a flower. After saying a few words, he became bolder and became more eloquent.

"Don't call me master, that's too polite. My surname is Luo..."

"Oh, Luo...Brother Luo. Then where do you work?"

"I'm self-employed...I come here often..."

"Well, I remember you. The day I went on stage for the first time, you were the one who called me to come, right?"

"……it's me."

"You are quite fashionable. Self-employed people understand Western food culture. Not many people are willing to come to Maxim's class."

"Hey, I can't say I understand. I came here with a friend."

"You look very fierce today. I thought you didn't want to send me off. I haven't dared to talk to you. I'm really sorry!"

"Am I fierce? No, right?"

"Then... maybe I should say serious... he looks like a policeman."

The girl was a eloquent person, so she immediately laughed to cover herself up, fearing that Luo Guangliang would be unhappy.

She is much livelier than Luo Guangliang imagined.

"By the way, what do you think of my singing?"

"It's very good. I just love to hear you sing. Your voice... is awesome!"

"Yeah! No way, a hundred people have told me that. But actually, my voice is very bad, really, not great at all. No one in the profession praises my voice, I just But I have some imitation skills. I can pretend to have a dumb voice. Do you believe it? It’s just a pity that I can’t pretend to be Zhang Qiang’s voice. The restaurant manager said that the customers didn’t respond well to my songs. Hey, I’m really worried. Maybe even if I don’t sign the two-month contract, the restaurant will need to be replaced..."

"No, don't think so. You are yourself, you have unique advantages, there is no need to imitate others. The restaurant's business is not good, I can't blame you. After all, they are mainly targeting He's a foreigner in Beijing. No matter what, I like your voice anyway. It's true. I will tell the restaurant manager..."

Luo Guangliang blurted out.

He thought about these words all the time, and it was still surprising that he said them suddenly.

However, at this moment, the girl arrived.

Luo Guangliang only felt a light behind him and turned his head to look.

The girl jumped out of the car nimbly and ran to the unit door of a six-story red brick building.

"I'm home, thank you!"

"I'm leaving……"

"Okay, it's time for me to go home. Thank you, thank you very much! By the way, if you have time, please come and support me..."

The girl waved casually and ran briskly into the unit door.

This building is very old, several pieces of glass are missing from the door, the corridor is very dark, and the stair handrails are made of cement.

The girl's figure disappeared through the door, but Luo Guangliang's eyes stayed in one place blankly.

Zhang Mi was wearing a pair of flat-soled cloth shoes, and Luo Guangliang saw them the moment she entered the building.

Hardly any girls wear it these days.

The cloth shoes gave off an astonishing simplicity to her feet.

The light in one window was out.

A light came on in one window.

Luo Guangliang couldn't guess which floor and which house she lived in.

He pedaled his bicycle and left in the night, memorizing the shape and location of this old Soviet-style building.

On the way back, the thoughts in his head were always chaotic, as if he were in clouds shining with moonlight.

And the feeling of Zhang Micai sitting behind him is still unforgettable.

Although the girl was no longer behind the car at this time, Luo Guangliang could still clearly feel the sweetness and fragrance of the grass behind him.

He rode south from the Statistics Bureau of Chongwen District to Gym Road, and then made a long circle around the Temple of Heaven Park.

It was already past midnight when we returned to No. 2 Courtyard of Shan'er Hutong.

Afraid of making any noise, he carried his bicycle into the small alley.

The familiar smell of the yard hit his face, but he still couldn't get rid of the dreamlike feeling.

He quietly opened the door left for him by Kang Shude and walked into the back room without turning on the light or taking off his clothes.

Lying on the bed fully clothed, I just kept smoking.

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