National Tide 1980

Chapter 111 Kindness

If this is not enough, if someone wants to see a life scene with more characteristics of the capital city, they may have to go into the countless small alleys.

Because those vendors who disappeared for many years have returned.

They still move around the alleys by carrying burdens, baskets and carts as in the past, and are very popular among ordinary people.

Such as those who shave heads, sharpen knives and scissors, mend pots, repair umbrellas, sell food, sell toys, popcorn poppers...

Of course, they still use the sound of goods to attract people's attention and attract customers. This is the unique sound of hawking goods in Beijing.

"Sharpen the scissors - sharpen the kitchen knife!"

"Jiangmi rice cake, bee cake, and aiwowolie!"

"Hulu, big candied haws, will be dipped!"

"Hey, roasted sweet potatoes are so hot!"

"Hey, radish is as good as pear. If it's spicy, change it to eh!"

Regardless of whether it is the shouting words that match the rhyme or the sound of the two tuning forks in the hand and the collision of a pile of tin and iron pieces, it is a song full of life.

In the ears of the people in the capital, it was extremely kind and pleasant.

Yes, all this is enough to confirm that our country has indeed changed a lot.

Regardless of culture or economy, what should be restored should be restored, and what should be run forward should start running.

Don’t doubt our future at all. This momentum of openness has just begun, and it is inert.

Policies can only become more liberal, and life will get better and better.

In 1981, we will still be marching forward on the road of reform and opening up.

If anyone still doubts this, let’s take a final look at the policies introduced in January.

On New Year's Day, the "Degree Regulations" officially came into effect.

The regulations stipulate that my country's academic degrees are divided into three levels: bachelor's degree, master's degree, and doctoral degree.

This has put our country's degree system on the right track.

On January 7, the air route from Beijing to New York was opened.

This is the first national civil aviation route to North America.

On January 13, higher authorities approved the Ministry of Education’s “Report on the Trial Measures for Higher Education Self-Study Examinations.”

It was decided to pilot the "Measures" first in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Liaoning.

On January 14, the State Council promulgated the "Interim Regulations on Self-Financed Study Abroad", which completely opened up the road to study abroad.

Not only has there been a craze for going abroad in China, but the TOEFL exam has also heated up.

On January 16, the State Council passed the "Treasury Securities Regulations."

It was decided to start issuing treasury bills to the public from 1981.

No matter what happens, it shows that all of us are moving forward with the country.

Our people have more power to choose and direction of struggle.

Of course, let’s tell the truth.

Having too many choices is not entirely free of side effects, at least people will incur more and more choice costs.

This includes not only money, energy, and time, which are sometimes given or given up, but also human emotions and other opportunities.

Therefore, even if they achieve their goals, many people may not gain as much as they lose.

He is even less certain that what he has made is the most correct choice.

This is probably a kind of helplessness that is completely unsolvable in life.

However, there is really a special case in the world that can survive this kind of trouble, and that is Ning Weimin.

As a unique time-traveling superman, even the "great man" who manages the national destiny cannot compare with him in this regard.

And precisely because you can see the future evolution, you know what you want to do, what you want, what you can do, and what you should do.

Ning Weimin lived happily without any psychological burden.

It means being comfortable and at ease with your job.

On the one hand, he was elusive and lived the life of a second-rate dealer.

In addition, he also organizes major and minor affairs for his family and neighbors, which is equivalent to enjoying three kinds of life pleasures at the same time.

Although he is so busy, through reasonable planning, he can handle all aspects of life properly.

Not only was there no flaw at all, but there was a lot of luck everywhere.

how? Do not believe?

Then take a look.

In the new year, he first helped the Luo family a lot, making the Luo family owe him another favor.

What's going on?

Isn't it because of the Luo family's baby bump?

The eldest grandson of the Luo family is named Robin.

This name was chosen casually by Ning Weimin when the Luo family consulted the neighbors in the courtyard before registering at the police station.

Guess he was thinking of Batman's assistant and made a verbal joke.

Unexpectedly, Luo Guangsheng, the eldest son of the Luo family, also thought of Robin Hood.

I said yes as soon as I heard it, because the name is foreign, heroic, and easy to remember.

In this way, it was unanimously approved by the Luo family.

Now that he has a large size, the child’s nickname is even more amazing, called Pan’er.

Because it was given by Mr. Kangshu Dekang.

The old man said that the compass is the compass of life.

The child is called this name, which means that he has a clear direction in life and will not take the wrong path.

This explanation not only made the Luo family happy to accept it.

Even other people in the courtyard found it interesting, pleasant, and meaningful.

It's just a pity that little Pan'er, the future pillar of the country, has a bright reputation, but his fate is a little unlucky.

Because in the year he was born, the time for the baby to be with his mother was really limited, and the maternity leave was only fifty-six days.

That's all a mother's rights are.

Miao Yujuan, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Luo family, did not have much opportunity to breastfeed her child.

Coincidentally, it was during this period that the poet Zhao Kai wrote a poem called "The Fifty-seventh Dawn", which vividly described this dilemma of life.

The work is about a female textile worker who went to work at dawn on the fifty-seventh day after taking fifty-six days of maternity leave.

“A mother and a stroller make a family that moves forward.”

From then on, the female worker had to push the stroller to get off work every day, and many warm family plans had to be made on the windy and snowy road. In this difficult life, what the female worker kept in mind was her husband who worked on an ocean-going freighter. Exhortation.

"Material things make people fed and clothed, and spirit makes people firm."

Needless to say, the content of the poem feels both solemn and harsh.

But what is even more unexpected is that it is not easy to solve practical problems by ordering milk.

Although infants, young children, the elderly, and the sick are guaranteed milk supplies, the quantity is limited, and each child is allowed a maximum of two bottles of milk.

Moreover, the logistics and transportation methods were backward at that time, and the time could not be guaranteed.

It just so happens that boys have big appetites, and fresh milk goes bad easily.

Therefore, sometimes when the milk is brought back from the station, it is inevitable that the milk will coagulate and become rancid due to the long delay on the day and the fact that refrigerators are not yet widely available.

Pan'er is hungry and can only drink rice porridge. Why don't you cry every day? It is also difficult to gain weight.

Although Luo Guangsheng's job has advantages, he can often get some condensed milk for his son from the pastry factory.

My neighbor Aunt Mi can also help me get some limited-edition baby powder from the grocery store.

But this child couldn't digest it, and either vomited or had diarrhea.

So the Luo family was worried. Even the old couple and the young couple were all facing a lawsuit and were looking gloomy.

Fortunately, Ning Weimin came to help. He got milk powder for the Luo family from the Friendship Store.

Although it is probably from Sanlu, the quality is still passable these days.

Just like that, thanks to him, the Luo family finally no longer had to worry about their children drinking milk.

Pan'er also grew stronger day by day and became one of the happier children these days.

Needless to say, I solved this problem for the Luo family.

Not only were the Luo family father and son grateful to Ning Weimin, Aunt Luo and Miao Yujuan sealed their mouths from then on.

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law never joked about Ning Weimin and Mi Xiaoran in private.

This is also a cannibalism.

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