National Tide 1980

Chapter 1109 Gift

Chapter 1110 Gift

"Hurry up and find a girlfriend. Now there are girls who are willing to find themselves self-employed..."

"You should be pragmatic, save some money, and find a partner to live a responsible life..."

"Don't come to Maxim every day again..."

Since sending Zhang Mi off for the second time, these words have been echoing in Luo Guangliang's ears.

The words are all good and they are not meant to hurt anyone.

But I don't know why, but when such kind words came out of Zhang Mi's mouth, it was completely different.

The cutting made Luo Guangliang's heart bleed, making him restless and ashamed.

For several days, Luo Guangliang did not go to Maxim again.

He had to digest, accept, reflect on what Zhang Mi said to him, and think carefully about what to do in the future.

This all takes time, otherwise he won't have the means or courage to meet the girl he likes again.

How shameful he was to realize that he was an emotionally dull person.

He doesn't know how to deal with girls, he doesn't know how to please women, and as expected, he messed up everything with his own hands!

People like him who only know how to fight but cannot speak are not worthy of love.

He once again felt that he was not accepted in the world.

It would be great if he were Ning Weimin.

He is handsome, well-spoken, knowledgeable, and a standard Prince Charming. Girls all love him.

Sometimes there is no need to say anything, those beautiful girls' faces and eyes will sparkle as soon as they see him.

Not everyone in this world is as unpopular with girls as he is.

If he were Ning Weimin, his dream would come true, right?

While he couldn't help but envy his good brother, Luo Guangliang also couldn't help but have a big hole in his mind.

He could almost see how he was lying inside, buried in the dirt.

Zhang Mi stood next to the big pit, watching him being buried alive by a shovelful of flying soil, and remained indifferent.

However, it would be so beautiful if there were big tears rolling down on that delicate face!

He is willing to spend his whole life to win these two tears.

Unfortunately, he himself knew very well that if he died in a car accident one day, Zhang Mi would just sigh.

This girl has a grand life plan, let alone whether she cares or not, she may not even notice what happened to him.

His emotional shit isn't.

There are probably thousands of girls in this world who reject thousands of unfortunate boys every day.

Both his existence and his death should be boring to this girl.

To others, his unrequited love may not be as good as a line in a song.

What's more, some people understand the lyrics, but no one understands his love.

Probably no one would be interested in his love.

Only he himself will pity himself.


It took almost a week for Luo Guangliang to lick his wounds, finally mustered up the courage, and returned to Maxim's Restaurant.

Originally, he wanted to invite Xiao Tao to come with him, but the more he thought about it, the less likely it was.

How could I be so cowardly? Do I still want my brothers to embolden me for such a thing?

What's more, Xiao Tao seems to have a girlfriend, and they are having a pretty good relationship with her.

If Xiao Tao really knew about this, what would he think of me?

Are you still a man?

Isn’t this too wasteful?

It would be better to quickly find a place to bury it yourself.

For this, he gave himself a hard slap in the face.

He even felt that he deserved to be beaten!

It’s time to fight!

Where is Zhang Mi?

After not seeing her for a few days, nothing seems to have changed. She is still so happy on stage, concentrating on singing, pure and sweet.

No, there are still changes. She seems to have found the knack of performing.

There are more and more guests who like her day by day. After every song, there is warm applause, and the atmosphere is far better than before.

The bigger change was that in addition to the original band, there was also a fair young man who looked like a girl who accompanied Zhang Mi in the performance.

The pretty boy brought his own guitar. Sometimes he could accompany Zhang Mi, and sometimes he would stand up and sing with her. His voice was pretty good, but nothing special.

He sat most of the time. During his break, he sat next to Zhang Mi at the band table and drank the free drinks provided by the restaurant together.

Luo Guangliang felt angry when he saw them sitting together talking quietly and laughing loudly.

While he was guessing the origin of this pretty boy, he also stared at him with eyes that wanted to kill someone.

But the problem is that the two of them were immersed in their own world as if no one else was watching, and they didn't even look at the bar.

There is no way to vent all the anger.

At the end of the third performance, Luo Guangliang couldn't stand it anymore, so he took the initiative to come over and say hello to Zhang Mi.

It's a pity that what he got in exchange for abandoning his self-esteem was a rejection like a bucket of cold water in his pocket.

"I won't bother you today. This is a friend I just met a few days ago. He is a professional actor in the Railway Art Troupe. He has no performance obligations recently. He is willing to accompany me to performances every day and take me home by the way..."

That's what Zhang Mi said, and she was easily persuaded by Luo Guangliang to back out.

And he was so cowardly that he didn't even dare to ask about the man's last name, how they met, the specific day they met, and what occasion they met.

After the day's concert was over, when the girl-like young man accompanied Zhang Mi across the road to the bus stop for the night bus, Luo Guangliang followed quietly.

He stood in a dark place where the neon lights were not shining, watching them chatting and laughing next to the station sign from a distance, and felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

It wasn't until twenty minutes later, when they got on the belated bus together, that he left feeling lost.

After that day, Zhang Mi greeted Luo Guangliang with the fixed words "Are you here?", and sometimes she even just nodded.

Her flippant and casual attitude can be interpreted as informality due to familiarity, or as a perfunctory intention to distance.

Because Luo Guangliang not only had no chance to send Zhang Mi as a gift, but also had no chance to chat with her. It seemed that there was an invisible obstacle preventing him from getting close to her.

June is coming soon and summer is about to begin again.

The business of Maxim's Restaurant was particularly booming.

Not only because this season itself is the peak season for young men and women eager to spend nightlife, but also because the two pillars of Maxim Restaurant have truly returned.

Especially after Cui Jian and Zhang Qiang participated in the performance of hundreds of singers, their fame was at its peak, attracting many admirers to support them.

So much so that after they returned to Maxim's stage, it was packed with customers every day and business was booming.

So at night, it's not easy to find a seat at the bar of Maxim's restaurant.

This directly led to Maxim's restaurant setting a limit of at least 80 yuan per person on evening consumption.

The restaurant manager has also become more snobbish, and is too lazy to greet ordinary customers. The people he greets must be high-rollers who are willing to spend a lot of money on a meal.

Needless to say, if Luo Guangliang still wants to hang out at Maxim's Restaurant, the cost of money and time will naturally increase.

He had to come before seven o'clock to have a place to sit, and sometimes dinner had to be settled here.

If you eat out, you have to order foreign wine in addition to beer, otherwise you won’t be able to drink a lot.

Although Luo Guangliang was not used to this change, he had no objection. After all, Ning Weimin was still a senior executive of Pierre Cardin.

Maxim's restaurant is booming, and Ning Weimin not only has face but also benefits.

This gave Luo Guangliang a sense of relief that even if he was slaughtered, the meat would rot in the pot.

But what Luo Guangliang found hard to accept was Zhang Mi's further changes.

As an actress who could take over the stage when Cui Jian and Zhang Qiang were in trouble, she and Maxim extended their contracts and their income increased by ten yuan, which was a good thing.

Her singing has become more and more comfortable and casual. She sometimes sings songs with crazy foreign rhythms in a hoarse voice, which is very popular.

But because of this, she also became famous in Maxim, attracting more and more attention in many consumer venues where elites gathered.

Among them are avant-garde young people who are engaged in art, as well as customers who come to Maxim's restaurant to spend money.

Throughout June, four or five young men appeared around her. They took turns escorting her and treating her with respect.

They pursue her, vying to please her, but she neither refuses nor gives them answers, leaving them in a perpetual state of fear and weariness.

Zhang Mi is kind and kind to everyone. Her indiscriminate affection is not only like a natural expression of warmth, but also like a deliberate manipulation.

They all looked at her with cautious hopeful eyes, and they all looked tired.

However, even though he somewhat understood Zhang Mi's tricks, Luo Guangliang felt jealous and helpless every time he saw Zhang Mi handing drinks to their mouths or patting their arms.

When he looked at her, there seemed to be a large space in his chest and abdomen, as if something had disappeared or been thrown away.

"What a shame!"

While Luo Guangliang was cursing secretly in his heart, his actual thoughts were that he wanted to go over and tell the "flies" who were pestering Zhang Mi, "Get the hell out of here, this is the girl I fell in love with first!"

Then he took out a rolling pin made of jujube wood from his sleeve and knocked his famous name on everyone's head so that they would never forget it.

But this is a dream that is difficult to realize. It is a fictitious obscenity. He knows it himself and can only think about it.

Otherwise, he would lose his freedom again and have to go to Chadian for several years.

And for some reason, as much as he pitied himself, he also felt a little pity for the young men surrounding a flower.

The few younger guys who took turns accompanying her all gave her dog-like looks.

They asked for the same thing from her.

But she gave it to no one.



Jealousy makes people mad.

Luo Guangliang is jealous of Zhang Mi's current flower protectors.

As someone who had lost such an opportunity, he was extremely envious of them.

Then I felt a kind of ridicule and an insult.

He hated them for this, and he couldn't help it.

So one day in late June, he finally did something stupid and unexplainable.

On this day, after the performance, Zhang Mi was bowing.

The pretty boy from the railway art troupe came again, helping to organize the microphone wires and watching people applaud.

Zhang Mi first said goodbye to today's lead singer Cui Jian, then greeted the band members one by one, and then started to walk out.

The pretty boy stood behind her like a pageboy, silently packing up everything and even carrying his guitar.

On this day, Zhang Mi wore a dress that exposed her shoulders, and many guests' eyes were attracted to her bare shoulders.

I don't know when she started to get used to this kind of gaze. She walked by nonchalantly and smiled at those who paid attention to her.

The restaurant manager waiting for her at the door handed her an envelope. Zhang Mi folded the envelope and stuffed it into the Kun bag on her shoulder.

She held up a finger and said something, and the restaurant manager suddenly broke into a shuddering laugh.

Luo Guangliang sat on a high stool at the bar and watched all this through the floor-to-ceiling glass, his thoughts passing by like a rapidly flipping book.

He watched Zhang Mi and Xiao Bailian walking out of the restaurant door one after another, lowering their heads and hurriedly walking onto the road. He couldn't help but stand up and walked outside the restaurant door.

The light from the street lamp was dim, and Zhang Mi's skin lost its luster and looked rough and thick.

A truck carrying goods passed by on the street, and it was blocked by the truck for a moment.

When Luo Guangliang saw them again, the two of them had walked across the road holding arms like a couple.

At this time, under the neon lights, Luo Guangliang's mind became hot, he immediately threw away his cigarette and chased across the road.

He patted the pretty boy on the shoulder from behind, tried his best to restrain himself, and asked him to go away in a gentle tone.

"Hey, what are you talking about? I have nothing to do with you today. I'm here to see her off..."

Everything was in line with his imagination. He had practiced it many times in front of the mirror and remained quite calm.

The man was so frightened that his legs went weak and he couldn't say anything.

It took Zhang Mi a while to see who it was.

"……Who are you……"

"Don't you recognize me?"

She smiled immediately, but her face was also pale and her smile was a bit fake.

"It's you! Are you here again today? I didn't see you just now..."

Luo Guangliang didn't mean to talk nonsense and went straight to the point, "I want to tell you something. Can I see you off today?"

"Okay, then...then Xiao Wu, it will save you trouble today, you can go first..."

The pretty face showed an expression of extreme disappointment.

He stared at Luo Guangliang timidly, still a little nervous.

He obviously couldn't restrain himself from showing hostility but didn't have much courage.

Of course Luo Guangliang looked down on such a wimp, and he glared at the pretty boy more and more rudely with contempt in his eyes.

Seeing this, Zhang Mi quickly pulled the pretty girl aside and muttered for a while.

She was explaining something, and her expression was tense.

Luo Guangliang took this opportunity to silently recite what he wanted to say.

Before the words I thought about were forgotten, new words kept pouring out.

Can he express himself appropriately?

To be honest, he actually didn't have much confidence.

The pretty boy finally left reluctantly.

The process of going away keeps looking back.

"You shocked me. Why didn't you tell me in the restaurant if you wanted to send me off?"

Zhang Mi pretended to be angry, then she smiled and pretended to be tolerant.

"Forget it, we didn't chat anyway. I forgive you. How are you doing lately?"


"Hey, what do you do? Sell clothes or something? I don't think I've heard you say that."

"My... tricycle... is just for transporting people, not goods..."

Luo Guangliang didn't know how to explain clearly what he was doing.

But it doesn't matter, Zhang Mi doesn't really want to understand anyway.

She just said lightly, "Oh, that's quite tiring."

Then she shifted the topic to herself.

"But of course it's tiring to make money, and I'm tired too. I earn ten yuan more per day now than before. Did you hear? I can now earn the salary of a professional actor in one day. Although it's not as good as Cui Jianhe Half of the income of Zhang Qiang and the others is not enough compared to the previous ones, but more than the lower ones, right? Many self-employed people probably don’t earn as much as me..."

She was very proud, and only then did she show her age-appropriate youthful air.

The streetlight illuminated her face, and her whole body was wrapped in the dim light, making her look like a white porcelain person.

Luo Guangliang looked at her and felt his throat was dry.

"What...Xiao Zhang, you have good conditions and a pretty good person...I think..."

"The same goes for me. We haven't known each other for a long time and haven't interacted much, but I think you are very sincere and trustworthy. Even though I am a foreigner, in the capital, I still have so many trustworthy friends who care about me. I am particularly Happy, really..."

"I think……"

"Just say what you want to say."

Zhang Mi was very straightforward and not surprised at all.

Such an attitude made Luo Guangliang immediately realize that she was probably used to seeing this hesitating look and hearing this hesitating voice.

She let him talk, and actually seemed eager to silence him.

She's so experienced that the guys have spoiled her rotten.

Luo Guangliang felt that the courage to talk quietly left him.

"What I want to say is that society is too complicated and you are still young. It is easy for you to accidentally..."

"I'm already twenty! If you have a problem with how many friends I have, then you don't have to. I think it's not a bad thing to have more friends. They can help each other in many ways. As the saying goes, you rely on friends when you go out. I'm a foreigner. In the capital, who can we rely on if we don’t rely on friends? Besides, aren’t we also friends?”

There was some impatience in her arrogance.

She was familiar with how to deal with this kind of situation, and Luo Guangliang was immediately speechless when asked.

It took him a long time before he picked up the conversation again.

"The clothes you wore in the past were very nice, but this one today is not so good..."

"I also feel a little exposed. But just wearing it, it doesn't matter. I only wore it after seeing Yamaguchi Momoe wear it. At most, people will look at it a few times, and it won't hurt a hair on my head." , besides, it’s quite cool…”

"Why has your makeup changed now? I didn't expect it. Especially the color of the lipstick is too heavy, which makes your mouth look bigger. In fact, you used to look very friendly to others. It's a pity that you changed it..."

Something warm flowed in Luo Guangliang's heart.

He wanted to express a kind of tenderness so that he and the other person could be touched.

"Really? No one has ever said this... This is an imported product. I bought it from the Friendship Store with thirty foreign exchange coupons. Okay, I'll change it back... You are so considerate..."

This time Luo Guangliang persuaded Zhang Mi, and she herself was indeed a little suspicious.

The light cast the figures on the asphalt road. The road was empty, and there were not many cars visible in the distance. .

Under the station sign, there were only two of them.

This environment made Luo Guangliang feel a little more relaxed.

"You may not like to hear it, but like you said, we are friends. So as a friend, I still have to give you a few words of advice. It is not easy for you to be alone. You should be more prudent in dealing with things. If you fall, you can get up. It’s difficult. Don’t trust others easily. There are liars everywhere. If you are a girl, you may suffer a big loss.”

"……I know."

"Don't take it seriously. If you make a bad friend, it will be too late to regret it. I got into trouble just because I trusted others. Don't be like me. Make friends regardless of good or bad, and treat everyone with your heart. It turned out to be bad luck...don't laugh."

"I'm listening carefully."

"I think you have a lot of future. As long as you work hard, you will definitely be able to make it. Cui Jian and Zhang Qiang are both famous in Maxim. If you have talent, you can do it. Don't ruin your career. Good conditions..."

"I will definitely do it. I didn't expect it. I didn't expect it at all. Really..."

Zhang Mi seemed to have been holding back, but now she couldn't help it anymore and started to giggle.

But for Luo Guangliang, he didn't see anything ridiculous.

He has tried his best.

These words don't sound scary, they sound quite natural.

He had nothing more to say.

There are some words that I can't remember at the moment, and there are some words that I think clearly but can't say a word.

At least for several minutes, Zhang Mi was still laughing.

Luo Guangliang laughed so hard that he felt an unconcealable sense of embarrassment and shame in his heart.

He wasn't angry, he just felt aggrieved.

Because he speaks the truth and doesn't pretend to be pretentious.

"What are you laughing at?"


"What are you laughing at? Are you laughing at me?"

"I'm laughing...your words are the same as those of my father and mother. Even the words are almost the same. I'm laughing at this. I don't mean anything else."

Luo Guangliang felt empty and bored.

He quietly looked at her plump breasts and shoulders and realized that he actually liked her in this dress.

He just couldn't stand others admiring her unscrupulously.

He glanced at the curves of her body in great pain, and yelled to himself in his heart with great contradictions.

"I don't have any pretense! What I said is true!"

However, in the brief moment of self-movement, he actually saw naked desire further.

He wanted to grab her shoulders immediately, express his feelings to her openly, then kiss her and bite her delicate lips.

She was spoiled rotten.

She needs physical blows and conquests.

However, even if his palms were filled with sweat, he could only do nothing.

He's not that kind of person. There are some things he just can't do.

He probably looked very ugly. Zhang Mi soon discovered this, and she was shrewd and immediately changed her tune.

"But... I still have to thank you for your advice. I have many friends, both men and women. In fact, I have discovered it a long time ago. Some people are very enthusiastic on the surface, but actually want to take advantage of me. Some people Very kind, but actually very nasty at heart. They were wrong. I have been singing for a few years, and I was invited to sing in school. I have seen everything, and I am not afraid of anyone. My road is not smooth, but I can To find a way out, I will do it to the end if I think about it, really!..."

She pretended to be humble and grateful, and her tone was sincere.

But Luo Guangliang knew that she was pretending.

She felt embarrassed now, and she was shaking slightly, she was scared.

What is she afraid of?

Are you afraid of me?

What she said just now seems to have a meaning. Could it be that I have bad intentions?

Luo Guangliang couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and also felt a little sad.

He couldn't understand that he was just saying this for Zhang Mi's benefit. But she is actually afraid of him!

At this time, Luo Guangliang suddenly remembered that he had prepared a gift in his pocket, which seemed to be helpful in clearing up the misunderstanding.

So he quickly took it out and mustered up the courage to hand it to Zhang Mi.

However, Zhang Mi's response was beyond his imagination.

"Hey! I can't afford a gold ring!"

"Nothing, I like to hear you sing..."

"Is it gold?"

"You are singing better and better..."

"In comparison, I can't have this thing."


"Because I don't want to confirm the relationship. We are just casual friends. I don't know you at all."

"I didn't mean that! I just thought it looked good on you, so I bought it."

"...You say that, and I won't let you go when the time comes. You are different from them, but I really can't ask for it. If you want to give me flowers, I will definitely want them."

"I really...don't mean it."

"If you want to treat me as a friend, you should respect my opinion. Take the ring back and keep it for when you propose to me. I am still your friend, and everyone who likes to listen to my singing is my friend... "

Zhang Mi seemed a little impatient and even more scared. Her body was shaking.

And he actually looked towards the Maxim restaurant across the road.

What is she worried about?

Are you worried about being choked and wondering how to call for help?

"I'll say it again, I didn't mean it at all. I hope you can believe me. You don't have to worry about anything..."

In order to show that he was harmless and had no evil intentions, Luo Guangliang deliberately took a step back.

This step was effective, and Zhang Mi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Of course I believe you, and I'm very touched. Thank you for saying these words to me, and thank you for sending me today. But I won't bother you tomorrow, and let Xiao Wu come."

"Xiao Wu? Is that the person I drove away today, that kid from the railway art troupe? How old is he? Is he twenty years old?"

"His name is Wu Xiupo. Despite his young age, he is already an officially established actor. Besides, I didn't say that I liked him. His voice is not bad. He has received professional training, and he is quite competent as a friend. The key is In fact, his emotions are very fragile, and he will seek death at every turn. I have no other way to deal with him now, I have to coax him. So I hope you can understand, ah, by the way, I suddenly remembered that something was pulled off me. Sorry, I have to go back. Goodbye, don’t wait for me..."

Zhang Mi hurriedly ran across the road and rushed into the neon lights.

Her naked body parts looked like porcelain under the lamp when they were a little further away.

She was wrapped in a glittering dress, like a flower made of crystals and gems.

However, her sophistication is frightening.

When she doesn't like someone, she doesn't express disgust on the surface. Is this something an ordinary twenty-year-old girl can do?

Inside her alluring body is a soul that no one can fathom.

Luo Guangliang was dumbfounded by this, until Zhang Mi hid in Maxim as if running for her life, even taking away the smell of perfume and shoe prints.

Only then did he realize that on this widest road in Chongwen District, only the long reflection under his feet was accompanying him.

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