National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,116 Reluctant

How high my expectations were back then, how disappointing I am today.

After arranging for Matsumoto Keiko and Kang Shude to meet, the relationship between Ning Weimin and Kang Shude developed a huge rift.

Ning Weimin must be unwilling to give up like this.

So in the days that followed, he almost tried his best to convince Kang Shude.

But these little tricks of his are no different to the old man, and the master is the master.

No matter how he begged and explained, even if Luo Guangliang helped to intercede, it was of no use.

Regarding this marriage, Kang Shude's attitude was that of being indifferent - no way!

Ning Weimin even donated these things, sold them, or gave them to Kang Shude if it was a big deal, and he wanted to marry Matsumoto Keiko.

This made Kang Shude furious and started to curse.

"What? You still want to hand it over to me? I've buried my chest with dirt, and you still expect me~ You give it to me? Bastard! If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight, and if you want to reach the top, you must endure it. It hurts. Do you understand?"

The old man scolded him for being unworthy and worthless. He was a bastard raised in a cricket jar. He was getting more and more tired as he worked more and more. He was not worthy of being his apprentice.

The old man taught him that since he chose this path and collected so many treasures, he must be responsible for these treasures from beginning to end.

Although the things were bought by Ning Weimin, they were left by their ancestors. They both have the responsibility to keep them, and they have to spend their whole lives to protect the safety of these things. It will never be, nor should it be. , the last owner of these things.

So whether he lets these things escape overseas or has no good place to go, he is nothing less than a national sinner.

What does a broken jar mean?

Shame on you!

Especially after learning that Matsumoto Keiko is also a female star in movies.

The old man even said without mercy that Matsumoto Keiko was beautiful, gentle, obedient, and very polite.

But Ning Weimin fell in love with a Japanese actor purely out of lust.

He is not looking for a wife at all, he is just a young man lusting after women. It will be too late when he realizes it.

As the saying goes, if there is a knife in the head of sex, there will be no escape from the pomegranate skirt.

Why not be stupid if you spend your whole life for such a Japanese girl?

Even if Ning Weimin mentioned that Kang Shude's wife was Japanese, it would be useless.

Kang Shude was stubborn, so it was okay not to mention it. Mentioning this past incident only strengthened his determination to interfere in Ning Weimin's marriage.

Kang Shude said, "You still dare to mention this matter in front of me? It's a matter of national justice, which cannot be ambiguous at all. Mr. Song back then is a lesson learned for you. Don't think about it. If it weren't for the wrong marriage, After taking this step, how could Mr. Song end up with his wife and children separated? Let me also tell you that the words I said today were all taught to me by Mr. Song himself. He told me never to forget and never to learn from our A cultural relic was lost in my hand and went overseas. I stopped you today because I am responsible for you, and I don’t want you to make the same mistake again and suffer the same hardship."

As a result, the master and apprentice became more and more anxious as they talked, and they were completely screwed.

Kang Shude, who hated iron for failing to become steel, became angry because Ning Weimin made a mistake.

His hands were trembling, the corners of his mouth were twitching, and because he had lost his patience, he did not hesitate to get angry and chase the person away, saying that if he didn't want to understand, he would never come back.

Of course, Ning Weimin thought that Kang Shude was a stubborn old man who was stubborn and disrespected his personal feelings.

But seeing Master like this, I was afraid that he would get angry, so I left quickly without saying a word.

However, after all, they were not biological father and son. It was precisely because Ning Weimin left so happily that the misunderstanding was exacerbated.

Kang Shude saw that Ning Weimin was going his own way and did not listen to any advice. He walked so confidently and irresponsibly.

I feel that he is destined to slip away to the end, sliding towards destruction and decadence.

It is inevitable to feel sad that all your hard work is not understood and will be completely wasted.

Where is Ning Weimin?

His life is lively, but his soul is lonely and full of resentment and resentment.

He couldn't understand how many lifetimes he had been longing for family love, but he just couldn't get it.

Why did he ask Kang Shude for his opinion? Don’t you really regard this master as a relative?

But this master has now become an obstacle to his marriage, making him disappointed, angry, but helpless.

Where can people go to reason with this?

In this way, the master and the disciple decided against each other out of anger, and the quarrel actually reached the point where neither one paid attention to the other.

It cannot but be said that sometimes good intentions may not always lead to good things.

And just like the master and apprentice, Matsumoto Keiko's condition also plummeted after the unhappy dinner.

No matter how high your love is, the pain of falling will be so painful.

She was in a trance, distracted, and her soul was almost torn to pieces.

Because I really couldn't concentrate at work and made frequent mistakes, I had to call it sick and take a leave of absence for the time being.

The crew could only bear the huge loss of funds and shoot scenes that did not require the participation of the protagonist.

But there was nothing that could be done about it, because Keiko Matsumoto really seemed to be seriously ill. She would burst into tears at every turn, and she would often cry like a mess behind her back.

Ning Weimin had seen her lying on the bed crying bitterly, the pillows were all wet.

But even so, she never complained about anything. Instead, out of consideration for Ning Weimin, she tried her best to hide her sadness so that Ning Weimin didn't have to worry too much about her.

She was even more worried when she learned that Ning Weimin and Kang Shude had a quarrel.

He repeatedly advised Ning Weimin to admit his mistakes first and improve the relationship with his elders.

Don't make the elderly sad and cause further misunderstandings.

She couldn't help but tell Ning Weimin that her parents were actually opposed to their being together.

He also said that his impulsiveness had already hurt his parents' hearts, and now he regretted it so much that he felt guilty all the time.

They can't be together. They are bound to break the hearts of the three old people, right?

It would be best to get the blessings of these elders.

Otherwise, they will not be happy in the future and will always feel guilty and troubled.

Needless to say, Ning Weimin had just learned that Matsumoto Keiko had endured family pressure for him.

The more this happened, the more Ning Weimin felt sorry for her, and the more he felt that he could not let her down and couldn't bear to hurt her.

But it was also because of this that he was embarrassed to tell Kang Shude the real reason why he objected to their being together.

The prenuptial property agreement and the proposal to make a divorce and a will in advance, which were already on his lips, were swallowed silently by him.

All in all, it was a very helpless, painful, shy, uneasy, and panic period of time.

Everyone involved in this almost unsolvable matter has experienced great emotional suffering.

Especially Ning Weimin, who was in the middle, felt for the first time that his wealth had become a ball of hot coals in his arms, which he could neither part with nor throw away, let alone throw away.

And it is inevitable to recall the prophecy that the old man had made about him because he was too greedy, saying that sooner or later he would feel pitiful and pathetic because of his wealth.

Yes, he couldn't choose between Matsumoto Keiko and those ancient artifacts.

He couldn't give up anything. Matsumoto Keiko was so cute, so charming, so considerate.

If he loses her, he really doesn't know what the future means.

But he couldn't deny that Kang Shude's words did make sense. What should he do?

So under such circumstances, Ning Weimin naturally had no intention of working. He was troubled almost every day by not being able to find a perfect way out of the situation.

He had no interest in the management of the book club and the filming of documentaries by the old craftsmen, and left them to Zhang Shihui and Liu Weijing.

The Agricultural University invited Ning Weimin to participate in seminars several times and report on the progress of the palace yellow chicken and rouge rice projects. He didn't pay much attention to it. He just arranged the follow-up funds and acted like a hands-off uncle.

Even the translation work for the overseas version of the TV series "Dream of Red Mansions" he just won, he has no intention of doing it.

I have given full authority to the Foreign Research Service to hire experts to translate the text, and I plan to wait until others arrive in Japan to deal with the rest.

Ning Weimin's original plan to organize the four major Pierre Cardin spokespersons to appear in public together failed to materialize.

He just went to the airport to see off Alain Delon and Catherine Deneuve when they returned to China, and gave them some expensive gifts, which was enough to end their love for each other.

He was also unable to attend the banquets hosted by the crew of the movie "The Last Emperor" at Tan Palace Restaurant and Maxim Restaurant after filming was completed.

Therefore, I missed the opportunity to get acquainted with the famous Italian director, Zun Long and Cen Chong, who were about to become famous all over the world.

As for the progress of the Pierre Cardon Building and the joint venture factory, he was completely indifferent, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Even some of the schedules he had originally planned, he broke his promises and made appointments.

For example, I made an agreement with Chen Peisi to visit the courtyard house he bought and then discuss the investment amount for subsequent works in the "Father and Son" series.

And he promised Yin Yue that he wanted to have a good chat with her about the clothing company's next expansion and development plan, and then get together with "Meichun Yang Meizi".

In addition, there was Sun Wufu waiting to report to him, show him the good things he had accumulated in the past six months, and keep in touch with the heads of the handicraft factories.

As a result, he didn't go to any of them as promised, and ended up rejecting them all.

To put it bluntly, it is an absolute truth that everything thrives when the family is in harmony. If the family is not at peace, he is completely out of state and has no intention of getting down to business.

However, even so, there were still some things that he couldn't really let go of completely.

At this time, Japan's Daito Trading Company actually called and wanted to urge him to go back.

Ning Weimin's subordinates in Japan reported unexpected bad news to him on the phone, saying that the company was in trouble with real estate.

As mentioned before, Ning Weimin came back to China this time, in addition to producing tapes for Zhang Qiang and Cui Jian, helping Matsumoto Keiko coordinate some domestic film shooting affairs, and handling some personal business projects.

Part of the reason is that he wanted to avoid trouble.

The apartment under his name in Akasaka, Minato City, was spotted by an architectural firm with a complex background.

Since the firm has obtained the land rights for the building, it is about to acquire the apartment building, but few apartment owners want to sell.

Apartment buildings have never been peaceful since then, with owners increasingly being lobbied and harassed by architectural firms.

And after asking friends such as Ono Mitsunami and Kagawa Miyoko who are real estate agents, Ning Weimin also predicted that the next step is likely to be harassment by violent groups dispatched by the architectural firm.

For this reason, considering that he was not Japanese, Ning Weimin was afraid of getting into trouble and being deported, but he did not want to sell such a good property.

Adhering to the wise saying that you can't offend or hide, he rubbed oil on his feet and returned to the country.

Only the old, weak, sick and disabled from Da Dao Trading Company were left to compete with those people.

According to his opinion, even if a violent gang is dispatched, it is not good to bully the disabled and women. It is estimated that there is nothing they can do with these people.

Moreover, his people go to work during the day and return home at night, while the violent gang acts at night, so it is not a big problem.

As a result, the current facts proved that his estimate was wrong. When the architectural firm failed to lobby, a violent group was indeed dispatched.

The methods of the violent group are also quite fancy, not just spraying paint on the door at night and leaving dead cats in front of the company, etc.

In broad daylight, they can also turn on the switch, disturb the sound with the horn, steal or damage employees' work vehicles.

The people employed by Ning Weimin were all honest and ordinary people, and almost all of them had never experienced anything like this.

So now the company is so frightened that it can no longer operate normally.

Then there was no other way. The temporary person in charge of Dadao Trading Company felt that he couldn't handle it anymore, so he could only notify Ning Weimin and ask him to come back and handle it personally.

For Ning Weimin, Dadao Trading Co., Ltd. certainly cannot afford to lose anything.

That was the ballast stone for his business in Tokyo.

Not to mention being a cash cow, it generates considerable profits for him every day and is the main source of cash for Ning Weimin's business activities in Japan.

Just use it as collateral to borrow a loan from Caili Suez Bank, which is also extremely important to Ning Weimin.

It can be said that if something goes wrong with this company, Ning Weimin will be in big trouble.

Although it won't affect his all-round layout, it will definitely cause confusion and pain.

What's more, the current property prices in Akasaka, where the company is located, are also very valuable, which also involves speculation.

So even if Ning Weimin no longer had the time to deal with official duties, he had to put his personal affairs on hold for the time being and quickly buy a plane ticket to return to Japan.

Of course, it also meant that he had to be separated from Matsumoto Keiko for the time being.

Monday, November 3, 1986, the waiting hall of Beijing Airport.

After two weeks of recuperation, Matsumoto Keiko, who was feeling slightly better emotionally and physically, came to see Ning Weimin board the plane in person today.

She glanced at the big clock and saw that there were still fifteen minutes left before takeoff.

"Amin, when you get there, you have to call me. Don't forget it."

After saying that, he hugged Ning Weimin.

This is a rare move for the Japanese.

Japanese people never show their emotions openly in public.

Such a gaffe can only be said to be that Matsumoto Keiko was too attached to Ning Weimin.

Matsumoto Keiko pressed her face against Ning Weimin's chest and could clearly feel his heartbeat.

Ning Weimin could also feel Matsumoto Keiko's body and mind trembling.

He used his hands to stroke her back and forth, and patted her gently a few more times.

I thought this was enough, but suddenly I felt my neck was wet. It turned out to be Keiko Matsumoto's tears.

"Qingzi, what's wrong with you?" Ning Weimin held Matsumoto Keiko in his arms and asked with concern, "Are you unwilling to let me go? Are you still worried about something?"

However, Matsumoto Keiko huddled in Ning Weimin's arms and stopped talking. After about five minutes of silence, she raised her head, frowned, and said helplessly, "I'm sorry, it's my fault, I feel a little sad again... …”

"What's wrong? Why?"

"I'm so scared you'll leave me."

"It's okay, Qingzi, haha, it's because of this! Don't worry, I will never leave you. We will meet soon. I promise. Let's celebrate the New Year together, okay?"

Ning Weimin smiled pretending to be relaxed.

Unexpectedly, although Qingzi smiled, it was very bitter, and then he lowered his head again.

After a while, he actually whispered, "Amin, otherwise, I'll still be you...your lover, okay?"

"What?" Ning Weimin didn't hear clearly.

"I said I would be your lover. I don't ask for marriage. You can get married! As long as we can be together."

She cried with a trembling voice.

After finally understanding her thoughts, Ning Weimin couldn't control himself.

He didn't expect Matsumoto Keiko to be so willing to compromise for the sake of love.

Then his heart almost exploded, and he hugged Matsumoto Keiko like a death and held her tightly.

"No, no, don't wrong yourself so much! Don't say such things! Fool! No matter what, I will be with you. I will never be separated in this life, always together, together! Don't be afraid of other people's objections, who There is no way to separate us. I promise you that I will solve all the problems as soon as possible. I will definitely marry you."

"Yeah", she closed her eyes, shed tears, and nodded.

Probably this is the embodiment of love. No matter how smart a man is or how mature a woman is, they will eventually become naive children.

They really don't want to separate and they can't let each other go. (End of chapter)

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