National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,119 Don’t like luxury

Chapter 1120 Don’t like luxury

"...Director Sagawa? Yes, it's me, Ning Weimin. I'm already in Tokyo, I just got off the plane..."

Ning Weimin made the call at noon when the market was closed, and it seemed that he caught Sagawa Kenichi who was taking a lunch break in the office of the Nomura Securities Sales Department.

Judging from the vague and confused reaction on the phone, it was not difficult to guess that Kenichi Sagawa, the stockbroker, was probably taking a nap.

At this time, Ning Weimin looked at his watch again and found that the market would open in half an hour, so he took advantage of the not-so-much time and quickly asked the question he was most concerned about.

"Is it easy to talk? Please tell me, my account should be in good condition now, right?"

Sagawa Jianyi already knew Ning Weimin's temper very well.

I know that he is always straightforward when it comes to investment issues, and he hates it when others beat around the bush and tell the truth.

What's more, calling him just after he came back made him even more anxious.

So Sagawa quickly rubbed his face to cheer up, then looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, then retrieved the data that had been compiled long ago from the computer and reported it to Ning Weimin truthfully.

"Hi, it's convenient, Ningsang, there is no one else next to me. Please rest assured that your investment status is very good. As of the market close in the morning, your personal stock assets currently total... Let me see, it is about five One hundred and thirty-three hundred and sixty-nine and a half million yen..."

At the end of the sentence, he lowered his voice unconsciously.

After all, investment is an extremely private matter, and Ning Weimin is his biggest client, bar none.

He didn't want to inadvertently let people who might pass by his door hear such important information.

"How much? Please repeat it again..."

It's just that there was something wrong with the call line, so Ning Weimin didn't hear clearly.

"Hey, it's 53,369,500,000 yen..."

Sagawa said the number again, this time slower, but he still tried his best to keep his voice down and didn't dare to speak louder.

"More than 53 billion?" Ning Weimin finally heard it clearly this time.

From the 40 billion before he left, stock assets have expanded by another 13 billion.


After replying, Sagawa excitedly announced good news.

"Ning Sang, I would also like to congratulate you. You have become one of the top ten major customers in our sales department with personal investment amount."

Sagawa fully thought that Ning Weimin would be happy, but Ning Weimin's inconsistent response almost made him vomit blood.

"Hmm... It's a little less than I expected. Are you sure you haven't sold any shares? Are you following my instructions exactly?"

Well, that’s not enough!

Sagawa still remembers that at the beginning of the year, Ning Weimin's stock account only had a few billion yen.

Later, Ning Weimin really started to become a big player with a market value of tens of billions because he massively added 6 billion yen of follow-up funds to enter the market and increased the financing leverage.

Therefore, in Sagawa's view, in the second half of the year, just a few months after Ning Weimin left Japan, his assets continued to expand by 13 billion. This was a huge profit!

This is equivalent to earning an extra US$100 million, so you should be overjoyed.

He never expected that the other party's appetite was so big!

It would be an unsatisfying accusation!

"Ningsang, you don't know something. During the period after you left, the stock market experienced a deep adjustment. The Nikkei Index fell from 18,300 points, and the maximum adjustment range was 2,500 points. It once broke through the 16,000-point mark. In the past half month, the market has steadily recovered. Today, the Nikkei Index is still hovering around 17,300 points, and it has not yet returned to this year's highest level. Point. And the market value of your stock has increased a lot compared to before the adjustment."

Sagawa Jianyi, who was stunned and stunned, wiped cold sweat and explained carefully, lest Ning Weimin would really blame him.

Fortunately, Ning Weimin was reasonable. After learning about this situation, he immediately changed his coldness and expressed his full understanding in a kind manner.

"Ah, if that's the case, then there's no problem. Thank you for your hard work, Director Sagawa. You must have been under a lot of pressure during this period of market adjustment, right? Did your boss force you to do transactions for me again?"

With this understanding, Sagawa breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course he knew that Ning Weimin was also giving himself an opportunity to show off his merits, so he described the situation in detail.

"To tell you the truth, there was some pressure at the beginning. At the beginning of September, the market adjustment was very strong, and almost all stocks were green. Hanwa Industrial and Yamaichi Securities, which you hold the most heavily, had a large increase in the early period. , the adjustment was not small, and the adjustment range was as high as 27% and 21% respectively in two weeks. Therefore, the sales department manager almost urged me to take emergency measures and contact you quickly, suggesting that I adjust the warehouse for you. stocks, buying blue-chip stocks in the market. But I remember you told me not to contact you if the decline does not exceed 30% of the cost line, and to stay put. I ignored the sales department and persisted. The result Unexpectedly, both Hanwa Industrial and Yamaichi Securities released temporary performance forecasts at the end of September, and the data were very eye-catching. Then the two stocks soon began to rebound due to this, so wait until mid-October, when the market as a whole stabilizes and rebounds, you should take a heavy position. These two stocks have long recovered all their losses, and they have also taken advantage of the momentum to rise a lot. Mr. President, I have to say that you are the investor who knows the most about stocks I have ever seen. Your stock selection and investment The level really puts our analysts at Nomura Securities... no, it's enough to put all the stock review experts in Japan to shame. Fortunately, you had the foresight to warn me in advance, so I didn't make an irreparable mistake. It was you who convinced me, There are geniuses in this world!”

Although Sagawa's compliment was quite exaggerated, Ning Weimin felt a little embarrassed and almost complained about it.

But for Sagawa himself, his admiration for Ning Weimin comes from deep in his heart and is very sincere. He does not find these words difficult to say or make people blush.

The reason is that Ning Weimin made a lot of money in Japan's financial speculation game!

Sagawa watched with his own eyes how Ning Weimin became successful step by step!

His financing ability and asset expansion speed are unprecedented, let alone unheard of.

And the decisions he makes are almost never missed, just like the god of investment.

Compared with his investment strategy, those Americans on Wall Street would turn into idiots who could only count coins.

How can we distinguish between right and wrong financial investment? Isn't it by harvest and profit?

No matter how reasonable your analysis is, it still depends on how much money you make!

No matter how unreasonable your investment logic and investment methods are, as long as you win the bet, you have to accept it!

Not to mention that as an industry insider, Sagawa also knows some industry insiders that outsiders don't know.

For example, despite the unstoppable rise in Japan's stock market in recent years, ordinary individual investors have not made much money.

They remain outsiders, prey to brokers and their privileged clients.

In fact, in order to obtain commissions, by holding large shares in the media, the four major brokerages headed by Nomura are not only able to manipulate the information available to clients, but also conspire together to decide which stocks to favor.

The stocks they recommend are like "red lanterns" that lure the ignorant speculators to blindly follow them.

Their sales specialists will also help customers buy and sell stocks repeatedly without any mercy.

The unwritten motto of Nomura Securities is "let customers speculate until they are all gone."

This shameless behavior has resulted in the average annual return on investment of most companies' individual investors being less than 10% due to frequent trading, which is far lower than the average annual 20% increase in the stock market.

A few people don't even get 4%, which is not much better than saving money.

Conversely, the only reliable way to make a lot of money is to become an insider.

Which stocks the four major brokerages plan to speculate on will be disclosed to their respective privileged clients in advance.

Such as bankers, bureaucrats, politicians, wealthy people and even leaders of violent gangs.

The four major brokerages will guarantee the investment returns of these people and will also promise to compensate them for the losses they suffer in the event of an accident.

This is the so-called "guaranteed compensation for stock trading".

For privileged clients who have suffered heavy losses in the stock market, brokers will provide them with "ambulance stocks" to heal their financial wounds with these stocks that are bound to rise.

Since brokers are accustomed to boosting stock prices before additional issuances are announced, news like "such and such company has insufficient funds" becomes a complete money printing machine.

Although Japan has laws prohibiting insider trading, no one cares about it.

This market is so unfair. It’s no wonder that the Far Eastern Economic Review said that the Tokyo Stock Exchange is “the most unethical, speculative, and easily manipulated stock market in the world.”

But it is precisely because of this that Ning Weimin appears to be particularly extraordinary and truly remarkable.

He does not rely on insider trading or listen to the cheating of brokerage firms. He insists on picking stocks by himself and makes huge bets with huge amounts of money.

After buying it, hold it for a long time and wait for the price to rise slowly. It is completely legal and compliant.

However, his investment strategy seemed simple and even silly, but it made him a lot of money and achieved legendary investment achievements in the financial industry.

Even if others want to imitate, it will be difficult.

Because firstly, he does not have the confidence to buy, and secondly, he does not have the patience to hold shares.

Nomura Securities has not analyzed Ning Weimin’s investment model.

Ning Weimin's unusually large profits prompted analysts from Nomura Securities to separately study Ning Weimin's account data.

But even Nomura Securities’ proprietary trading couldn’t follow suit.

Just like this market adjustment, their sales department couldn't help but clear out the stocks of Hanhe Industrial that they had originally bought following Ning Weimin in the self-operated market. As a result, they were shorted when they turned around.

On the other hand, because Ning Weimin had given a strict request to die in advance, Sagawa did not waver at all.

Even under pressure from his boss, he did not place orders against Ning Weimin's wishes, and protected the stocks in his name for him, so that he could enjoy the highest returns.

Otherwise, when Ning Weimin comes back, he will really have nothing to explain.

Comparing these two things, how could Sagawa not respect Ning Weimin as a god?

He didn't know how Ning Weimin achieved accurate stock selection and "immovable as a mountain" wisdom.

But his ability to make money and his confidence in grasping the market convinced him and made him fall in love.

Maybe this is the difference between capable people and ordinary people!

He has no doubt that in the days to come, Ning Weimin will continue to rise in the sales department's asset ranking.

In his heart, as long as the stock market situation does not end, sooner or later, Ning Weimin will rise to be the individual client with the largest assets in this business department.

"Okay, okay, stop complimenting me. You can keep your promise and stick to it for me, and you are trustworthy. I really saw you right. I will keep your credit in mind."

Ning Weimin laughed and finally said something that made Sagawa happy and relieved.

"Everywhere, it's all due to your wisdom, President. I'm just doing my duty. You think highly of me."

And Sagawa didn't raise his tail. Such humility and good manners made Ning Weimin very satisfied with him.

So he changed the subject and asked bluntly, "Hey, you just said that I have become one of the top ten customers of your sales department in terms of funds, right? Then I want to know, what kind of people at my level Customer, does your sales department have any expressions? It’s not just empty congratulations, right?"

"No, no, you don't have to worry about this at all. Of course, our sales department will take practical actions to express it. I will wait for you to come back and listen to your request."

Sagawa Kenichi currently only has a big customer like Ning Weimin, which is almost equivalent to his career life.

Whether Ning Weimin is happy or angry is equivalent to his happiness and sadness.

So without even thinking about it, this guy just sold the sales department completely.

"If you like cars, I think you can ask the sales department to send you a Rolls-Royce or a Ferrari. If you like yachts and helicopters, the same is possible. It's just that those things need to be reserved and are difficult to get. Goods. In addition, in addition to giving away cars, yachts, and airplanes, our sales department usually gives away memberships to golf courses worth tens of millions of dollars to customers like you, or luxurious overseas vacation packages..."

"These, frankly speaking, I really have no interest in. You should know me, I am not a person who likes to show off and enjoy luxury. Is there any more affordable gift? Especially the golf membership, I am so busy, where can I give it? Do you have time to play ball? In fact, for me, it is better to give me some expensive physical gifts...

What Ning Weimin said was true. That extended Cadillac made him worry enough about parking.

Although these gifts are valuable, those things are troublesome to maintain and require professional locations and professional maintenance workers.

He does not have so many elegant tastes, and he also knows that his life is not yet time to enjoy himself to the fullest.

Even though he was laid up immediately, he still had two million U.S. dollars in monthly light interest, which was fully capable of supporting such a luxurious life.

But he loses his ambition by playing with things. He is a pursuing person, and he does not want to be like the Japanese and waste time and money on flashy gadgets.

In order to maintain high morale and continue to achieve greater success, he still wants benefits that can increase the value of his assets.

To put it bluntly, he was using luxury goods to deceive others. If others deceived him, would that make sense?

But this time Sagawa Kenichi was in a bit of trouble.

"President, if this is the case, I really...can't think of it..."

Yes, although it is a natural industry rule for brokerages to serve key customers meticulously, as long as they always have a lot of money trading in their accounts, in order to satisfy them, entertainment expenses are never a problem.

But the question is, what should we give to a high-end customer like Ning Weimin?

Although he has a clear request for gifts.

But will giving him expensive drinks, cigars, gold and silver utensils, works of art, or luxury watches and clothing satisfy him?

The value of these things is far inferior to that of luxury cars, airplanes, and yachts. Sagawa does not believe that a genius who has become a proficient in stock trading cannot calculate this amount.

Perhaps he could understand his difficulties, so Ning Weimin simply showed off his cards, "That's right, I really like art from China. I know that there is a person who has a batch of valuable Chinese utensils, worth about three thousand dollars." It’s about 10 million yen. What do you think? Can your company consider buying it and giving it to me?”

To put it bluntly, he almost said "discount" directly.

But in this way, it is straightforward enough.

Sagawa couldn't help but feel blessed, and then he came to his senses, and agreed wholeheartedly. "Yes, yes. President, you just need to tell me who to buy it from. I will report it immediately and ask the sales department to prepare the entertainment fee."

In this way, the two of them fully reached a consensus and settled the matter happily.

For Ning Weimin, of course he was very happy.

An idea suddenly struck me, and I came up with the idea of ​​asking Nomura Securities to spend money to buy things from myself and then give them to myself.

Even he admires himself for such a brain.

It was a bit of a bargain, but I lost 30 million yen in vain. This was easier than stock trading.

Why don't you want the free money? Isn't it cheaper than the Japanese?

If, in order to thank himself, he bought other people's things to make others rich, then he would not be able to sleep.

And I was really not embarrassed about Sagawa.

Because this kind of thing is actually not uncommon among senior clients of securities companies. Rich people are far more shameless than ordinary people imagine.

As far as he knew, in September, the nightclub owned by the mistress of the fifth-ranked individual customer in the sales department opened.

People from the Nomura Club were invited to congratulate them, and on the suggestion, they bought a hundred bottles of XO in the store as a congratulatory gift.

That's a full fifty thousand dollars, just to make the client's mistress smile.

As a client with such huge stock assets, Ning Weimin opened his mouth for the first time, so it was not too much to ask for such a benefit.

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