National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,128 Red Light

Although Axia used the word "true" three times in a row to express her exclamation. γ€πŸ††πŸ††πŸ††.πŸ†‚πŸ†ƒπŸ…Ύ5⃣2⃣0⃣.πŸ…²πŸ…ΎπŸ…Όγ€‘

Ning Weimin didn't care about this, she just said it half-jokingly.

"Look, this is called burning fire and making love, mutual consent, how wonderful it is!"

However, such nonchalant ridicule further aroused Axia's nerves.

She reacted strongly and couldn't help but blurt out.

"I really can't believe that President Ning is so good at taking advantage of the weaknesses of human nature and completely understands the psychology of others. I originally thought that you were introduced by Mr. Zeng, and you must be an honest person who behaves according to the rules. I didn't expect that you were introduced by Mr. Zeng. You are very cunning. Today I finally understood what it means to 'sell someone else and let someone else count the money for you'. It's so dark!"

Ning Weimin burst out laughing, then shook his head and said with emotion, "Where can there be truly honest people among businessmen? It depends on the situation to follow the rules. This matter has been forced into this, and I can't do it unless I'm evil! I How can you protect yourself without being black? If you don't use some unconventional means, will you succumb to barbarism and tyranny, and honestly give up the benefits you deserve? It's not that I'm black, but that this architecture firm is too black . Although Japan is rich, it is not a paradise. On the contrary, the overflow of money can better reflect the cruelty of the jungle. Do you believe it? In the next few years, it will be even more chaotic. By then, all kinds of messy things will happen in Tokyo. This city will definitely scare you. One jump..."

Axia couldn't disagree with these words.

She nodded, calmed down a lot, and tried to make amends for her slightly disrespectful remarks just now.

"That's true. People die for money, and birds die for food. People will go crazy for money. Please don't get me wrong, I don't mean to criticize at all. I wouldn't be willing to accept it. Your methods are understandable and surprising. . I was just simply surprised. I found it too difficult to see someone clearly. It was as if I had met a brand new you."

"You are right. In fact, the reason why I invited you here today is to let you have a more comprehensive understanding of my way of doing things. In case we really start to cooperate, you will discover another side of me. That will inevitably cause misunderstandings, or cause us to misjudge each other. When it comes to cooperation, the most important thing is mutual trust."

Not only did he accept Axia's words calmly, Ning Weimin also took advantage of the situation to flaunt his candor.

As he spoke, he untied the tie at his collar, as if it was only then that his nerves began to relax.

"So I hope you won't have any bad opinions about my character. Although I am not a good person, I am not bad either. I treat friends and enemies differently. I can distinguish between closeness and distance. I have always been Repay kindness with kindness, repay hatred with hatred. You see, we have been in contact for such a long time, and I have always tried my best to help, and I really think about you, right? I have never made you suffer, right? "

Axia didn't expect him to climb the pole so smoothly, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

But after thinking about it, it is indeed true.

It's just that she is still unwilling to be completely led by others, and the words she says are somewhat different.

"President Ning's open and honest way is really refreshing. To be honest, I really appreciate your help to me. I have benefited a lot from your suggestions while I am in Tokyo. Without your help, I would definitely not be able to do anything. We will live as comfortably as we do now. But as you just said, this world is very dangerous, people will go crazy for profit, and many things will change. It is one thing that we have no interests involved, but once we cooperate, it is another It's the same thing. Since the success or failure of this matter is too involved, it is related to the livelihood of all our brothers in Tokyo, as well as the safety of Mr. Hong's daughter, so please forgive me for proceeding with caution. Speaking of matters, I'm afraid I still need to set the conditions for cooperation. Only when I see more sincerity from you can I truly make up my mind."

The implication was that if she was not satisfied with the conditions, she might regret it.

This is of course Axia's retreat in order to strive for better conditions.

But she didn't expect that this hand was completely useless.

Ning Weimin's mood was calm, but the response she gave made her feel anxious.

"This is normal. Brothers have to settle accounts. It is necessary to be a villain before being a gentleman. This is also responsible for both of us. Especially the sooner the problem is discovered and the differences are resolved, the better. It is better than parting ways. . However, although I really want to give you time to fully consider it, I also hope that you can fully consider it. Unfortunately, time does not allow it. This matter must be settled before your store is sold to the Genji Group."

Axia immediately frowned, her expression extremely unhappy.

"Why? President Ning, are you forcing me?"

"No, no, please don't get me wrong. I'm just stating objective facts. Because our greatest chance lies in the race against time."

Seeing that Axia had misunderstood, Ning Weimin began to explain.

He said very frankly, "It will be December soon. According to the practice of Japanese society, generous bonuses will be distributed at the end of the year. You know this, right? So the end of the year is the peak consumption season in Japan. Major cities and all walks of life All industries will have major promotions. Major Japanese companies have also begun to enter the financial settlement period. If banks have unfinished loan tasks for this year, it will be easier to approve them during this period. I can't say whether Tokyo land prices will skyrocket as a result. But the stock market certainly will."

"Because bank interest rates have been lowered several times, the phenomenon of bank deposit relocation has become more and more serious. It is now time for retail investors to enter the market. I predict that many white-collar workers' year-end bonuses will be converted into stocks. The stock market has just adjusted recently. However, even without the participation of retail investors, it already has a certain upward momentum.”

"The key point is that the special accounting method of Japanese companies allowing floating profits from stocks to be included in financial reports, but not including floating losses in financial reports, is really abnormal. This makes it difficult for Japanese companies to submit eye-catching financial reports. Of course, profitable stocks If you want to continue to rise, no company that is losing money is willing to sell it, turning it into an actual loss. At the same time, there are a large number of retail investors waiting to enter the market with money, so the result is needless to say? So I want to congratulate you on your success in the stock. The losses are almost over.”

Unexpectedly hearing good news about her stock from Ning Weimin, Axia breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

This certainly made it easier for her to accept Ning Weimin's words.

"As for my investment strategy for parking lots, it is very simple. I just hope to start high and raise as much funds as possible now. I can take advantage of the relatively low price of parking lots and the soaring stock market at the end of the year, which will greatly increase the temptation for Japanese people. When the time is right, try to get as many advantageous plots of land as possible. Then use these plots to apply for mortgage loans, as well as the cash flow generated from operating parking lots to continue to buy land and expand the scale. Really wait until Tokyo land prices soar again, or parking The price of the property is the same as that of other properties, so we are basically just sitting back and making money. So the first step is particularly important. It is directly related to our future income."

"I can say that I am far more obsessed with time than the architectural firm we just visited today. At this critical time, even if we delay for one more day, we will bear incalculable cost risks. If we I have been unable to reach a consensus in the past few days and missed a good opportunity to make a move. If the price of the parking lot changes significantly, I can't imagine what will happen next. Do you think I can not be anxious? "

"Also, if we decide to cooperate, in order to raise more funds, I would also like to take advantage of your house sale to ask the Genji Group for financing from Toyo Sogo Bank. This will even directly affect our relationship with Genji. The group’s negotiation strategy. In all aspects of this, I am considering our common interests. I hope you can understand."

It must be said that Ning Weimin's reasons are so sufficient and practical that it is impossible to refute.

So as the car encountered a red light at the intersection and gradually stopped, Axia fell into silence.

After pondering for a long time, she finally made up her mind until the light turned green and the car started again.

Knowing that there is no way to avoid it, what is coming will eventually come. Ning Weimin is right, this matter should not be delayed any longer.

"Well, I've been thinking about the parking lot investment plan these days. Generally speaking, I agree. And based on our friendship, no matter what, the most basic trust is still there. Then let's talk about the specifics. What are the conditions for cooperation, the proportion of investment and the ownership of responsibilities? How should they be divided? What are your thoughts?"

Axia's words were not without purpose, she had a lot of hidden thoughts.

In her opinion, the business of managing the parking lot must rely on the brothers under her command.

Then she will naturally be able to take the initiative in the distribution of equity, and there is a high probability that the major shareholder will be several parties.

If Ning Weimin wanted to take advantage, he could only use his financial advantage to make up for it.

However, although her wishful thinking was successful, she did not expect that Ning Weimin did not follow her routine, and the conditions he stated almost made her vomit blood.

"I have calculated that your store can currently sell for almost 20 million yen per square meter, which is probably worth about 2.5 billion yen. After deducting the transfer income tax, there are about 2 billion yen left. However, this also includes I borrowed 300 million yen from Toyo Sogo Bank."

"Regarding my plan, I will use the sale of your store as a condition to exchange the loan with Dongyang Sogo Bank. The amount is temporarily uncertain, so okay, after excluding your original loan, let's count it as one billion. In this case, your equity can be counted I will also invest at least 3 billion yen personally. The two of us will invest a total of 6 billion yen to establish the company."

"As for the management of the company, I am the chairman and you are the president. Regarding the specific division of labor, I will be responsible for grasping the general direction of investment and financing-related matters, and you and your brothers will be responsible for the daily operation and management of the parking lot. For both of us Don't worry, we also need necessary financial supervision. You and I will arrange half of the accounting manpower. For financial and tax auditing, we can find a third-party company with a good reputation to outsource services. As for the shareholding ratio, I will be six and you will be four. How about ?”


This condition left Axia completely speechless, and for a time she thought she had heard wrong.

If nothing else, the investment amount of both parties is roughly the same, and the hard work is still borne by Axia's side.

Ning Weimin only needed to give orders, and he actually said that he was responsible for the general direction of investment and financing.

To put it bluntly, someone who talks a lot wants to take away 60% of the profits?

How whimsical this is!

Where in the world can such a good thing happen?

"President Ning, are you kidding? This distribution method is too unfair. It should be me six and you four. Why is it the other way around? There are a few points I think it is necessary to remind you. Chapter 1 First, in terms of investment amount, we are one and a half. So the rights and interests should be equally divided. Second, the financial and debt pressures are shared by us. Of course, the investment target and financing work need to be negotiated, and cannot be completely controlled by you. . And since the people who contribute to the specific operations are all my people, you just have to sit back and enjoy the gains. Then there is no reason to take more and get more. I'm sorry that I really can't understand your way of thinking."

At this time, it could be heard from the tone of her voice that Axia really couldn't hold back her anger.

This is actually normal, because in Axia's eyes, she has seen shameless people, but she has never seen such shameless people.

In order to get more, Ning Weimin was too careless about food appearance and too greedy.

She never thought that before she had any idea of ​​​​Ning Weimin, Ning Weimin was thinking of biting her back.

What is this thing called?

No wonder he insisted on dragging her into the gang. Sure enough, there are no truly good people in the world.

However, what she didn't expect was that Ning Weimin didn't feel any guilt at all, and instead spoke plausibly.

"I'm a little sorry that you think so. However, everyone's position, concept, mentality and thinking mode are different, and the amount of information obtained and the way of interpreting information are also different. I also understand your reaction. So we do this It’s necessary to make it clear.”

"In your opinion, maybe you and your brother have contributed the most to the parking lot operation, so you should get an extra share. But in my opinion, investing in the parking lot has essentially become a normal business. It has become an act of speculating on land. Now we can predict that the biggest income we will generate in the future will not be operating income, but will come from the speculative increase in land prices. We all have to admit this, right?"

"Then the importance of my investment vision, judgment, IQ, as well as connections and financing capabilities are self-evident. So the question is, since I have created the greatest value, naturally I should have the largest piece of cake? Is this right? Is it wrong? If we divide it according to the head, wouldn’t it become a big pot meal for our mainland? This is what you Hong Kong people can’t stand the most!”

"Also, you said that investment targets and financing matters need to be negotiated. This is not acceptable. It's not that I have to monopolize the power by myself. It's because the purpose of our cooperation is not to join forces and learn from each other's strengths? We are Complementary cooperation is the best choice, and everyone does what they are good at. If they have to cross each other's fields, it will become a drag on each other. Instead, it is better to go alone. What do you think?"

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