National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,134 Rewards

The atmosphere of the original conversation was a bit disharmonious, and this drama certainly exacerbated the atmosphere's deterioration. 【🆆🆆🆆.🆂🆃🅾5⃣2⃣0⃣.🅲🅾🅼】

For a moment, Ning Weimin and Axia's expressions were not very good.

Before the stunned Ning Weimin could even speak, Axia stopped.

"What are you talking about! Don't make random jokes, okay! You think about it first before you say it, otherwise I will take it seriously."

As Axia finished speaking, her big eyes shone like a leopard's, staring intently into Maria's eyes.

It's true that he is a Jianghu person. His aura and eyes alone can kill people.

It's just that Maria is not an ordinary person either.

To be able to become an outstanding woman in a place like Ginza, first of all, your knowledge and determination are unparalleled.

In a country like Japan where violent gangs can be seen everywhere and are even legalized, Axia's "death stare" cannot scare her.

She still expressed her wishes with great composure.

"Please don't misunderstand me. I don't mean to coerce you. What I want to do is an exchange of equal value. But I am really anxious, because I know very well that if your business reaches a higher level, then I will The amount of help I can provide will be reduced. If you wait until your business is on the right track before mentioning it, I will have no chance at all. It is better for me to mention it now and try my luck. The probability of success is higher. I may be overestimating myself when I say this, but people like me understand the importance of opportunities best. I have worked hard for my dreams and goals until now. Now I find that the best opportunity to quickly realize my dreams is right in front of me. Of course I Gotta grab it..."

However, her confession was met with an angry rebuke from Axia.

"It's not maybe, you just overestimate your capabilities. I can tell you clearly right now, you don't have any chance. What you want to do and what you can do are two different things!"

Axia even issued a threat, "I never accept threats from others. I am officially warning you that you are hoping for something that you should not have and do not deserve. You'd better shut up, turn around and leave here, and go do it." What a mother should do. Don’t make me angry again. Otherwise, I will definitely make you regret it.”

At these words, even Ning Weimin felt a chill run down his spine.

Of course he knew that Axia was not an empty threat.

If she is really anxious, Maria will be disfigured, chopped off her hands, cut off her waist, or even more terrible things will happen to her.

Unfortunately, I don’t know whether it was because of the Japanese’s psychological advantage when facing two Chinese, or because she had heard too many threats to women.

Maria just smiled slightly at this, and she didn't take Axia's words seriously at all.

"You don't have to be so fierce. I know my words are not enough to completely reassure you. Although I really want you to believe that whether I am allowed to participate or not will not affect my management of Chixia, but this is just a piece of cake. I can only acquiesce to the black that won’t fall off.”

She even admittedly said provocatively, "Axia, although Chixia once belonged to you, you are not my boss. We currently have the same shares in Chixia, and we are equal. So don't do this, you are angry I'm still happy. In fact, I don't care at all. Anyway, I didn't come here to work because of you. The president is the final decision-maker. Am I right? I would like to remind you that women should pay attention to the occasion when they act and speak, too Being strong will make men feel disgusted. No wonder your Chixia has such a good store, but the quality of your customers cannot rise..."

After saying that, a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes stared at Ning Weimin's face, and gave him a charming smile.

This way of fighting back not only intensified the conflict, but also made Axia tremble with anger, and was about to explode in anger at the sight of it.

He also passed the ball to Ning Weimin's feet, so that he could not stay out of the matter and remain silent any longer.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, don't get angry, just say it if you have anything to say. We are all our own people, why bother?"

Ning Weimin, who was caught between the two, naturally felt uncomfortable.

He winked at Axia and said calmly.

"You two really respect each other. You are both my partners. I will respect everyone's opinions."

It should be said that Maria was smarter than Asia in this regard. What she was waiting for was Ning Weimin's opening.

After hearing what he said, his tone immediately softened, and his attitude immediately changed eighty degrees.

"Well, since the president has said so, let's end this matter. Axia, I apologize to you. What I said just now was too harsh and it was my fault. I just hope you can listen to me first. Suggestions…”

Then he bowed to Ning Weimin and said, "I'm very sorry. I made my own decision today and I've made you worry about it. But please don't worry, I didn't lie. I really didn't mean to coerce you. I will never slack off in Chixia's business. I will definitely fulfill my mamasang responsibilities. I will also try my best to get along well with Axia in the future."

Such an attitude, of course, greatly benefited Ning Weimin.

Although he also understands that this is a professional characteristic of a gold medal female publicist, or one of her skills - do not question men, only express understanding and recognition.

But who doesn’t like a submissive woman, a sensible subordinate?

Regardless of whether it is true or not, on the surface, as long as Maria maintains the same attitude as him and shows the same parts of him.

It is inevitable that he will be fond of Maria, and his closeness will also increase.

To put it bluntly, as a gold-medal female publicist serving as a bartender, Maria is not on the same level as Axia, a halfway monk, in terms of professionalism.

With many years of work experience, Maria has already been able to fully control her emotions and body language.

Being able to please men anytime and anywhere is completely a habit and a natural subconscious reaction.

But Axia can't do this yet.

Although she also understands that men hate women's rebuttals and self-righteousness, and she also knew how to deliberately please men when she was a mama, but the traces of role-playing are heavier and not smooth and natural enough.

Especially in real life, the more familiar she is with people, the easier it is for her to act relaxed and casual.

Just like the closer the relationship with Ning Weimin is now, the flaws of Jiang Hushou and the edges and corners of his own character are more exposed.

Comparing the two, from a workplace perspective, Maria is of course completely crushing Axia.

It is not surprising that Ning Weimin would be biased towards him in his heart, words and deeds.

"Axia, you see Maria has taken the initiative to apologize, so don't worry about this matter."

Ning Weimin, who could not escape the limitations of gender, took the initiative to intercede for Maria out of sympathy.

In addition, he also heard that Maria had always emphasized equal exchange, so there must be something in her hand that he felt he needed.

"Besides, whether it's OK or not, we really should listen to what she has to say first. You see, she has been emphasizing that she has no intention of coercion and will not affect Chixia's business. I think we should still show some patience. …”

As a result, Axia could only suppress her anger and nodded with a cold face.

After all, grace is still required. If she doesn't give in, she will look like a shrew who is deliberately targeted because of jealousy.

And rivers and lakes are big and small. Her substitute just now was just surprised by the blackmail, and lost control of her emotions due to a moment of anger.

Ning Weimin is the big boss, and she is not really confused in terms of affiliation.

In this way, Maria finally got the chance to express her thoughts.

So next, she stopped showing off and quickly revealed her true intention.

"It's like this. Since I took over Chixia, I know that you are desperately buying parking lots. I also know that what you are longing for is in the bustling areas of Tokyo, where parking demand is strong. Coincidentally, I happen to know an agent. The president of imported car sales and auto parts repair has several parking lots under his name.”

"This man's name is Mitsuo Takeda. His parking lot is mainly used to store the cars he wants to sell and repair cars. There happens to be such a parking lot that meets your requirements. And what's more coincidental is that recently, this Takeda owner The business of Chang's agent imported cars is very prosperous, with orders soaring. He has decided to expand the business next year, and has already proposed to foreign partners to expand the brand range of imported vehicles, increase the number of imported vehicles, and original parts. Accordingly, This will also require you to pay a large additional deposit.”

"However, it takes time to find a bank loan. The bank's lending requirements and time cannot meet his requirements. He is trying to find ways to raise funds from various sources. I think I can try to persuade him to sell the parking lot in that prosperous area. . I just don’t know what you think? Are you willing to cooperate with me and try to fight for it? "

This is of course a good thing. Ning Weimin and Axia looked at each other quite unexpectedly, feeling each other's movements.

To put it bluntly, in fact, hoarding land is also based on the principle of "having food at home, and not panicking".

With their recent buying spree, they only have about 2.5 billion in funds left.

Because there is no longer the worry of missing out, buying parking lots is no longer so selective, and the strategy has gradually shifted to focusing on quality over quantity.

Especially after acquiring a parking lot in Shinjuku, they found that the operating income of a parking lot in a good location can basically equal five in other locations, but the difference in land price is only more than twice.

Such generous income undoubtedly makes their desire for high-quality land even more urgent.

So the news provided by Maria was really what they needed at this time.

"Can you tell me more about the parking lot? Location, area, approximate price...

Ning Weimin couldn't help asking for details.

"Okay, then I will try to be as detailed as possible..."

Maria, who looked happy, thought carefully and said, "That place is near the Togo Seiji Art Museum in Nishi-Shinjuku. I went to see it in person yesterday. It's a rare place that can park more than 180 cars. It's almost There are no vacancies, and you even have to queue for more than half an hour during busy times. The parking lot charges are also higher, 500 yen for ten minutes during the day, 1,400 yen for half an hour, 2,500 yen for one hour, and 3,200 yen at night. Yen all night. As for the sale price of the parking lot, I don’t know much about it, but I know that the capital hole that President Takeda needs to plug is about 10 million U.S. dollars.”

The more I talk about it, the more people are drooling. It is rare to see a large parking lot with an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters, and it is also a popular area in Shinjuku City.

Such a large parking lot in a good location is completely rare. Everything was unexpectedly good for Ning Weimin and Axia.

If they really win it, not only will their core assets have to be upgraded to a higher level, but also the key is to form a joint operation and joint management with another piece of land in Shinjuku's Kabukicho Street.

Since the distance between the two places is not far apart, parking spaces can even be allocated to each other to achieve complementarity.

Especially recently, with the rapid appreciation of land prices in the Shinjuku area as a whole, the price of parking lots in Shinjuku has been quietly rising.

It seems that prices can no longer be suppressed and are about to experience a price explosion.

So even Axia was attracted by this big piece of meat, and her eyes showed an eagerness to try it.

"Ten million U.S. dollars, that's almost 1.5 billion yen. And if he wants to get such a large amount of money, he has to consider the transfer ownership tax paid to the government. For a parking lot, if it's almost tens of thousands of U.S. dollars One square meter. This price is a bit high. Do you mean that President Takeda will not sell it if he does not get 1.5 billion yen? Can you let him lower the price some more? You know, with the current market situation Calculating, the land value of Shinjuku parking lot is about 2.7 million yen per square meter. One square meter is 900,000 yen. And the parking lot building itself has no value. In this case, even if it is 500 square meters, it is reasonable The price should be controlled at around 1.35 billion yen. Do you actually want us to pay 1.8 billion yen to buy it?"

Out of the instinct of running an underground bank, Axia is extremely sensitive to the amount of money, even far more than regular bank employees. She calculates it meticulously and carefully.

Regarding this point, Maria cleverly did not answer the question directly in order to avoid another dispute with Axia.

She just smiled and passed the ball to Ning Weimin.

"I don't know the price, but based on my understanding of President Takeda, it is his psychological expectation to be able to solve the financial dilemma. If it is lower than this number, the probability of success is low. President Takeda is probably reluctant to put such a price Good parking lots can be sold at will. And considering all aspects, I don’t want the transaction I brokered to be a unilateral victory. That would not only damage my personal reputation, but also be detrimental to Chixia’s long-term operation. Please also ask for this You two forgive me, so I would like to ask the president and president to carefully consider whether to do it or not."

This is not only beautifully said, but also quite wise.

Being able to make comprehensive considerations for both parties in the transaction and pursue a win-win result for both parties is enough to prove that Maria is not a short-sighted woman who kills the goose to get the egg.

She understands what is the most valuable thing about herself, and how to protect her long-term interests.

Although Ning Weimin understood Axia's professional instinct for underground banking and her instinctive impulse to maximize profits.

But in my heart I couldn't help but admire Maria, I almost cheered for her.

Yes, why do you have to eat all the fish?

It’s enough to eat the juiciest part!

Jin Dao knew that he spent a lot of money to buy his apartment for the sake of the overall situation. Could he still not understand this?

But he did not show this emotion because he had to quietly ask Maria about her request. (End of chapter)

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