National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,137 Gift

These gifts include a bottle of bamboo leaves, a bottle of osmanthus, a flower ornament, a grape ornament, and a Guanyin statue for the couple Sakai Yujiro and Kagawa Miyoko.

There is also a gold-plated business card holder jointly signed by Pierre Cardin and Goldlion for each of Yujiro Sakai and the Kagawa sisters, and a high-grade gold-plated pen jointly signed by each of them.

As well as a paper fan with hand-painted flowers and birds, a wood-carved sandalwood fan, and some Beijing specialty velvet flowers, silk flower accessories and enamel filigree jewelry specially given to the Xiangchuan sisters.

For the Taniguchi family, Ning Weimin gave a jar of Jimo old wine from Director Taniguchi, a square bottle of Zui Liuxia from the old longevity star, and a pair of Peony brand cigarettes.

I also gave Mrs. Taniguchi a Beijing-embroidered silk scarf, a set of antique porcelain tea sets, a jar of jasmine tea, a jar of Dahongpao, and a jar of Liubiju pickled cucumbers.

In addition, each of the two families was given 200 Chinese dumplings made by Tan Gong Restaurant, a large box of Chinese snacks baked by Tan Gong, and a large watermelon bought in advance at the supermarket yesterday.

It can be said that everything is included, including things to eat, drink, smoke, use, play with, and wear.

Ning Weimin is like a Santa Claus who descended from the sky. It seems that he drove here specially to deliver gifts to these people.

Although he brought most of these things from China and they didn't cost much at all, things are rare and valuable.

Since they are Chinese specialties that are rare or even unavailable in Japan, they are quite popular among Japanese who have never been to China.

Especially those Chinese handicrafts that have no practical use but are full of auspicious meanings and rich cultural characteristics are particularly appreciated and loved by the Japanese.

So for a while, the room was full of thanks to Ning Weimin. Everyone took their gifts from Ning Weimin with smiles on their faces, making the living room lively and full of laughter.

As for why Ning Weimin only gave one of these things?

This is because Japanese people do not pay attention to giving gifts in pairs.

Unlike our Chinese who like even numbers, the Japanese like odd numbers, like numbers like one, three, five, seventy-nine.

They generally believe that odd numbers are yang numbers, symbolizing good luck, while even numbers represent misfortune.

Therefore, if you use even-numbered gifts to give to Japanese people like you do in China, just to keep things even, the Japanese will probably kick you out of your home.

Of course, Ning Weimin was happy to do as the Romans did in his hometown because of this taboo on giving gifts. At least it was quite economical.

But speaking of it, his gift-giving process today was not completely smooth, and there were no accidents at all.

Ning Weimin, for example, did not expect that Director Taniguchi's son, Taniguchi Xinyou, would also come to the party, which caught him off guard.

If you don't give me something, you'll not only lose face, but you'll also suffer a moral debt.

After all, this college student filled the employment gap of Huiwentang Bookstore in time when he was not in Japan.

Whether it was because he wanted to work-study voluntarily, or because he agreed to help for the sake of Director Taniguchi.

Anyway, he solved a big problem for him at a critical moment, so he must express his gratitude both emotionally and rationally.

Why didn't he just use the bean buns as dry food and let people go home empty-handed?

But let’s just say give it away. The question is, where can I scratch it temporarily?

What should he give as a gift?

It must be said that thanks to Ning Weimin being a shrewd postal dealer in his previous life, this seemingly unsolvable and embarrassing matter was successfully resolved.

In order to do as the Romans do, I thought that at the end of the year I would like to express my gratitude to the important and prestigious customers who have taken care of the Danmiya business since the opening of the Danmiya branch in Ginza.

Before returning to Tokyo this time, Ning Weimin took 4,000 yuan in the capital and asked Jiang Hui, who worked at a credit union, to help exchange a batch of new banknotes and coins.

After bringing this batch of banknotes and coins to Japan, Ning Weimin took the time to find a printing house to help print the exclusive cover.

Not long ago, he used these things to make two hundred sets of exquisite RMB envelopes.

In addition to all the banknotes and coins of the third set of RMB in circulation in the country, the cover also contains exquisite photos of the Ginza store of Tan Gong Restaurant and a rough text introduction of palace dishes and official seats.

At the same time, the 1987 annual calendar and New Year greetings such as "Gong Xi Fa Cai" and "Congratulations on the New Year" are printed on the book. It can be regarded as a gift book with both Chinese cultural characteristics and corporate advertising properties.

Even though a set of banknotes costs less than 20 yuan, making the canonization is more expensive than this set of banknotes.

But the exotic currency itself has a unique charm and is very friendly.

What's more, the money also has a layer of cultural packaging, which makes it look less tacky.

In fact, these RMB envelopes are quite popular among Japanese bosses, and almost everyone laughs when they give them to them.

At this moment, Ning Weimin suddenly remembered that there were still a few volumes left in his car.

It was what was left after he recently acquired the parking lot and gave it to some parking lot owners for show.

So he had an idea and took out a volume to give to the son of the Taniguchi family. Isn't it appropriate?

Although the gift packaging was not done in advance, it showed a lack of sincerity.

But so what?

After all, he is a foreigner. Will the people here still be serious with him?

It's a good little toy just for emergencies.

As expected, Taniguchi Shinyu liked this gift very much. After getting it, he didn't mind that the packaging was not in place. Instead, he read it over and over with interest.

In fact, let alone him, Yujiro Sakai and Director Taniguchi also came over to watch with interest and even praised him.

The father said, "Ah, what an amazing gift. This is a complete set of Chinese currency. Very few people in Japan have seen it, let alone owning such a complete set. Xin You, this is not Ning Sang." You must cherish the kindness you bring from thousands of miles away..."

The other one deliberately teased Menzi, "I really envy you, boy, you are so happy. Why would such a good thing be given to you? I said to Xin You, do you want to consider selling it to me? I can give you 20,000 yen..."

At this time, Taniguchi Xinyou was grinning from ear to ear and refused to let go.

Ning Weimin, who was nearby, had a hard time holding back his laughter.

Nothing else. It can only be said that this young man is a bit naive and has little social experience. He is really easy to deceive.

In addition, what Ning Weimin didn't expect was that he came this time with full awareness and would not be taken advantage of.

But when he arrived, he discovered that he actually had a gift for himself.

Yujiro Sakai and Miyoko Kagawa prepared red wine from Bordeaux, France, and Western-style snacks ordered from Ginza Shiseido specially for him.

Director Taniguchi and Mrs. Taniguchi gave him a whole box of Japanese-style wagashi and high-end green tea from the century-old Aono Honpo store.

Rinko Kagawa gave him a set of high-end razors from a local Japanese brand, Kaiin.

Although they are not as flashy as he is, giving several gifts to almost everyone they meet.

But the things he got were also valuable. Every item was high-end, and the cheapest one started at 5,000 yen.

Who said Japanese people only give towels and soap?

Based on Ning Weimin's personal experience at this time, Japanese people in this era are really quite generous.

Whether for business or private purposes, gifts should be as expensive and luxurious as possible for the sake of face.

It is definitely not what the Chinese people have said. They often use exquisite packaging boxes to put worthless gadgets to fool people.

He couldn't help but think about the reason why Chinese people had such a stingy impression of the Japanese.

I'm afraid it has something to do with the Japanese people's lost mentality after the Japanese economic collapse.

After all, life is hard, and if people at the end of their rope are still generous, then that’s just a sign of illness.

In short, the atmosphere of this day's gathering started in a good way. Everyone had gifts, everyone was thanking, everyone was smiling, and they were exchanging warm greetings for the reunion after a long absence.

Of course, they are also celebrating the move of Yujiro Sakai and Miyoko Kagawa into their new home.

In fact, it is similar to the custom of people in the capital who treat guests when moving and pay attention to "warm house". The Japanese also have a similar custom called "warm house".

Although Japanese people generally do not like to entertain guests at home, when moving to a new house, Japanese people usually invite relatives and friends to their new house to eat, drink and play games together.

The purpose is to bring good luck, which indicates that your new house will be lively and prosperous from the day you move in.

Therefore, as a first-time guest, Ning Weimin would inevitably have to visit the house one by one, starting from the living room, accompanied by the owner.

It should be said that "one-family house" is a term that is relatively exclusive to Japanese housing.

It should be noted that it is very different from the villa that our Chinese usually have in mind.

Although it seems that a one-family house is also a single-family house, the biggest difference from a villa is that the one-family house is obviously not as "luxury" as a villa.

For example, villas are often located in wealthy areas, with large areas, luxurious decoration, beautiful courtyard greening, and excellent location and views.

However, one-family houses are often located in ordinary residential areas, and the distance between them and their neighbors is very small.

And although it is a two- or three-story building, it is basically a "rigorous" design with three or four bedrooms and one living room, which can accommodate a family of three or four people.

The Western style is generally a bungalow design, while the Japanese style is a traditional wooden structure, tatami room, etc.

In addition, because it is an independent building, there is no security or property services.

Sometimes due to limited conditions, the orientation of a house is not so ideal.

If it's not done well, it may turn into a completely shady house, which becomes the kind of "inverted house" that people in the capital despise most, with the south facing north and not being warm in the winter and not being cool in the summer.

Therefore, if we consider the livability of the environment, facilities and services, regardless of the location, there is actually no need for Ning Weimin to envy Sakai Yujiro and Kagawa Miyoko.

After all, labor costs in Japan are very expensive. If you want to enjoy apartment property and security services, and if you want to dispose of the garbage in your home anytime and anywhere, you will definitely have to pay a lot of costs.

Even though the apartment Ning Weimin currently lives in is not large, it is a high-end apartment bought by Matsumoto Keiko in the most livable area in Tokyo.

Regardless of the facilities and services, or the room orientation and views, they all completely surpass the "one-family building" that is not a villa.

To put it bluntly, there is always an insurmountable class gap between well-known actors like Matsumoto Keiko and ordinary people like Sakai Yujiro and Kagawa Miyoko.

However, due to differences in national conditions, Ning Weimin did not have a clear understanding or feeling of this.

Therefore, in his eyes, the new house of Sakai Yujiro and Kagawa Miyoko is quite good, it can be said that it is a small house with all the internal organs.

Except that the west side of the house is blocked by the building in the distance, it may be darker in the evening and the sunset cannot be seen.

There wasn't much wrong with the house in his eyes.

For this reason, from the beginning of the visit, he was full of praises and expressed his appreciation and surprise appropriately.

In particular, he was very supportive of Yujiro Sakai's decision to transform several bedrooms into tatami and closet-style designs.

He said approvingly, "As long as the nationality belongs to the world, it will be comfortable to live in this way. You will not feel the unfamiliarity and inconvenience of the lifestyle just because the building is a purely Western-style house. We should selectively absorb Western culture and transform it to Suitable for your needs.”

This made Zuo Hai Yuerlang suddenly feel that he had found a soulmate, and he couldn't help but pour bitter tears on Ning Weimin's face.

He said that he had worked hard to come up with the perfect idea and spent a lot of money on it. He thought it would make Miyoko happy.

But ever since it was completed, what Miyoko disliked the most was his idea.

I have always complained that he made several houses nondescript and made him depressed.

Now that Ning Weimin has been vindicated, it seems that the hero has the same opinion.

At the same time, Mrs. Taniguchi was also comforting Miyoko Kagawa, who was a little angry because of Zuo Hai's complaint, and spoke words of comfort to her.

Mrs. Taniguchi claimed that in a big city like Tokyo, if you want to own a house without inheritance, it will take a lifetime of struggle.

Many people are approaching retirement before they finally get a piece of land and build their own house.

Otherwise, how could the old couple settle for the next best thing and choose to raise their children in Tuandi House? I really can’t afford it.

Therefore, for Yujiro Sakai and Miyoko Kagawa, buying such a house together when they get married will have enough guarantees for their married life, and there is really no need to get angry over some unsatisfactory little things.

As long as you think about it, their children are different from their parents. They will be serious Tokyoites when they are born, and you should be happy.

In the end, it worked.

Japanese people all have class anxiety, they all experience educational involution, and they all plan for their children.

Miyoko Kagawa thought that their children would not have to endure the hardships they had gone through in Tokyo.

Moreover, everything from elementary school to university will be much smoother than theirs, and they will have a better future. As expected, they will be happy.

Ever since, the process of visiting the new house has come to a successful end.

Yujiro Sakai vented his depression and gained sympathy and support. Miyoko Kagawa's dissatisfaction was successfully resolved by Mrs. Taniguchi.

Although Ning Weimin knows that the future will not be as beautiful as they think now, and their children may not be as good as their situation today, but what does it matter.

No matter what, these two young people are about to form a new family. Now, relying on their own efforts, they have undoubtedly surpassed most people of the same age financially. Such a successful career is definitely something to be proud of.

Even Kagawa Rinko bought a house because of the two of them, and has since been freed from the pain of renting a house. She also has her own independent room in the home of her sister and soon-to-be brother-in-law.

No matter how you look at it, it is a happy thing and worthy of everyone's celebration. (End of chapter)

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