National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,146 Strange Spirits

The meeting time was agreed upon by both parties at four o'clock in the afternoon. Ning Weimin took Matsumoto Keiko's contract agent Akira Okamoto with him and arrived at 3:40 p.m.

They found a place where they could easily be seen, ordered coffee, and drank it for nearly an hour.

In the end, both of them couldn't hold it in anymore and took turns running to the toilet.

It's hard to believe that the "Queen of Cable Broadcasting", who has just won the "double crown and three consecutive championships", arrived belatedly accompanied by her agent.

If you are someone who can't hold your breath, you will definitely become a little impatient at this time.

You may even get angry, guessing that the other party is playing a big role and deliberately trying to show off to you.

However, Ning Weimin did not. Instead, he was absolutely considerate of Teresa Teng's tardiness.

This is not only because his naturally free-spirited temperament has developed a certain amount of patience under Kang Shude's training.

Also because he has acted as a driver for Matsumoto Keiko countless times, and he is very aware of the helplessness of celebrities going to TV stations to participate in program production.

He knows that even big-name stars like Matsumoto Keiko often work overtime due to the additional requirements of the program team.

Even in order to meet the filming requirements of the crew, I had to compromise and sacrifice my personal rest time.

In the Japanese entertainment industry, there are not many actors who dare to be picky about TV programs and act as big names, but they are very few.

After all, the Japanese entertainment market is mature. As the second largest entertainment market in the world, it has begun to enter the stage where major offices are mass-producing stars in an assembly line model. Competition among actors is becoming increasingly fierce.

If you don't have a good relationship with the monopoly TV station, the artist will have no future.

So when Ning Weimin saw Teresa Teng wearing heavy makeup and gorgeous costumes, he knew that she just ran out of the studio stage in a limited time.

And it can be seen from his tired look that it was probably because the program production was not going smoothly that the other party could not strictly stick to the meeting time.

"I'm really sorry. The order of the program rehearsal has been adjusted again. You have been waiting for a long time."

Sure enough, Teresa Teng's apology confirmed Ning Weimin's thoughts when they first met.

The manager who accompanied the other party also said sincerely, "I'm so rude. Are you President Ning? I am Minoru Funaki from Taurus Records. There was something delayed in the studio just now, which is why I kept you waiting for so long. I’m so embarrassed.”

As he spoke, he took out his business card and presented it with both hands.

Naturally, Ning Weimin quickly said it didn't matter.

As a result, after they exchanged business cards, he discovered that this middle-aged man who looked very down-to-earth and steady was actually the president of Teresa Teng's record company. He was not an ordinary employee.

President Tangtang still had such a low profile, which made him a little surprised, but also quite gratifying to be taken seriously.

So I had a premonition that this negotiation was likely to go smoothly, and I felt relieved all of a sudden.

"It turns out to be President Zhoushan. I didn't expect you to be here. This is great. In this way, many things will be easier to discuss. If possible, I hope we can finalize this matter today. "

Knowing that the other party's time was valuable, Ning Weimin stopped wasting time on courtesy.

Uncharacteristically, he got straight to the point and expressed his expectations and sincerity.

"Like I said on the phone, this is a win-win situation. The movie "Li Xianglan", which was invested and filmed by Matsumoto-san and starred in it, has a very important theme song, and we think it is very suitable for Teresa to come to Singing. If we can work together, I believe that not only will the movie be enhanced by Teresa's singing, but Teresa herself can also use this film to expand her personal influence in the Asian music scene, and also have a A very good song will be used to compete for awards next year."

At this point, he turned to Akira Okamoto to take out a copy of the lyrics and a Sony WALKMAN from his bag, and then said, "Maybe you will think I am a bit loud. But I really don't mean to brag. This is The demo of the song and the basically determined lyrics have been fully approved by Ms. Shuko Yamaguchi herself. She has also repeatedly asked us to carefully find the person to sing this song. You will understand after listening to it and taking a look. I I really think it will be of great help to Teresa’s acting career.”

Teresa in Ning Weimin's mouth refers to Teresa Teng, which was Teresa Teng's stage name exclusively for her career in Japan.

His words also showed great confidence.

This is not surprising. Since it was a song that has been proven to be excellent and popular in a previous life, why is he not confident?

Think about it, not to mention that this is one of Jacky Cheung's most popular masterpieces. Even Stephen Chow in "Domestic Lingling Paint" can rely on this divine song to save his life. Even this kind of comedy can make the audience's eyes moist with lyrics and music.

What the hell if you can't impress two experts in the industry?

In fact, just after Teresa Teng and Minoru Funaki listened in turn, Ning Weimin could tell from the expressions on their faces that they were obviously interested.

This is not surprising, just as movie actors need good scripts and good roles, singing actors also need good songs.

Naturally, they can understand how this song fits Teresa Teng's personal conditions as soon as they hear it.

As long as they nod, it will at least guarantee that Teresa Teng will have another hit song next year.

Although the dream of winning four consecutive limited-broadcast titles is a bit too scary, once the movie is released, the quality of the song, the intensity of the film’s promotion, and Teresa Teng’s three-consecutive title will make this song a hot topic on demand. Not big.

Once you enter the award-winning shortlist, Japanese media reporters will definitely report it desperately before the award, and getting such attention is already considered a win for Teresa Teng.

Not to mention that at this time, Ning Weimin was striking while the iron was hot and offered generous rewards, which gave them no reason to refuse.

"As for the remuneration, this song will be recorded in Chinese and Japanese bilingual versions. How about 18 million yen? However, the royalties from the audio and video products belong entirely to us, and you can only enjoy the right to use it during the performance."

I have to say that the price tag is definitely extremely high.

I remember that when Tan Palace opened, Ning Weimin invited Teresa Teng to sing a few songs for only 1.5 million yen.

And this is not just for her alone, it is a team price including her band, makeup, and assistance to everyone, which is equivalent to 10,000 US dollars.

Let's just say that Teresa Teng's fame has reached the peak of her career as a singer, and Japan's economic bubble has also boosted prices. So if it were doubled, three million yen would be enough to perform a commercial performance.

Eighteen million yen is equivalent to 1.34 million US dollars at the current exchange rate, which is enough for her to sing for at least six consecutive shows.

Especially for a talented singer like her, just recording such a bilingual version of the same song can only be completed in four hours at most.

Isn't this still a good deal?

Although in terms of royalties, it is a pity that Ning Weimin is unwilling to share it with others.

But for Teresa Teng, she actually lost 2% of the net profit created by the corresponding equity.

To be honest, this is just a bilingual version of a song.

Even if this music album can rival her highest sales record in Japan this year, selling two million copies like "Toki no Flow".

But if the production costs are deducted and the remaining profits are allocated to each song, the royalties she can get are not necessarily much.

The entire album should cost tens of millions of yen, but a single song costs only a few million yen.

The price Ning Weimin was willing to pay was equivalent to paying more than twice the royalties that should be collected in advance.

It is impossible for Teresa Teng to know how popular this song will be, let alone how much profit she will gain from copyright in the future streaming media era, so it is not difficult to accept this condition.

In fact, the president of Taurus Palace, Minoru Funaki, couldn't help but beam with joy when he heard the quotation. He immediately turned to Teresa Teng and said, "That's great, Teresa. I didn't expect that President Ning is such a happy person. It seems that I admire you very much and you are very sincere. If you are willing to accept this job, don't worry about the notice time. I will try my best to coordinate it for you, and I will find ways to postpone some tasks for you."

To put it bluntly, Zhou Mumin has become Ning Weimin's lobbyist. He is quite unabashed and can't wait to get Teresa Teng to sign the contract.

If nothing else, as the owner of a record company, he probably saw more favorable things than Teresa Teng herself.

At least the collaboration on this song will undoubtedly be very helpful in improving Teresa Teng's market price level.

He is not stupid. Whether it is for Teresa Teng or for his own Taurus Palace, he hopes to seize this opportunity so that he can use this matter to ask others for more money in the future.

However, what no one expected was that Teresa Teng was silent for a while and did not answer the question. Her attitude was not very positive.

"What? Don't you want to sing? Are you not interested in this song?"

Ning Weimin was a little confused and didn't understand why Teresa Teng had such a reaction.

But I heard Teresa Teng say, "No, I really want to sing and I like this song very much. It's just that... if I sing it, it may be inconvenient for your business plan to take into account the markets of both countries... If in the end Because I have caused certain investment losses to you, which is an outcome I don’t want to see. So... out of consideration for you, I kindly ask you, President Ning... to think about it carefully..."

After being stunned for a moment by Teresa Teng's kind reminder, Ning Weimin suddenly realized what he was doing.

It can only be said that the times have knocked me back again.

But he is also a person who works quickly and has a backbone.

Although at this time he found that he was acting a bit recklessly, and he was using the thinking of decades later to do things.

But after thinking about it, there is simply no one better than Teresa Teng who can sing this song.

Moreover, he also felt at this time that this Asian diva not only had a good voice, but also had a good personality.

In order to prevent him from wasting his money, Teresa Teng would rather risk losing her generous remuneration and fame to remind him.

She is worthy of being the superstar that all Chinese people hope for, and she is truly worthy of so many people liking her.

For this reason, he made up his mind to stick to the original plan with almost no hesitation.

At worst, you can get on the bus first and pay for the ticket later.

It doesn’t matter if you really can’t fix it, at least there are no problems with the Japanese version of this movie.

And if you wait a few more years, you will be able to monetize your copyright and gimmicks in the streaming media era.

Anyway, he doesn't lose money at all. It's just a matter of making money early and making money later, or making more money and making less money.

"I don't have to think about it anymore, Teresa, thank you for reminding me, I will find a way to solve these difficulties. But do you know what is the most important thing? That is, I think only you are the most suitable person to sing this song Singer. If this song comes from someone else and is not sung by you, then in my opinion, it would be the biggest regret for both the movie and the song."

But with Ning Weimin's unquestionable attitude, the next step in this matter was truly smooth.

Not only did Teresa Teng smile like a flower, but she also felt the happiness of being respected and appreciated from Ning Weimin.

Minoru Fukaki, who had thought he was on the verge of losing this contract just now, regained his composure and complimented Ning Weimin for his wise decision, and then began to discuss the details of the contract signing and cooperation between the two parties.

Needless to say, Ning Weimin did not need to worry about specific practical issues such as time, venue, personnel, etc.

Therefore, the object of President Funaki's discussion was Akira Okamoto brought by Ning Weimin.

As for Ning Weimin and Teresa Teng, who also did not need to worry about these issues, the two of them were considered acquaintances when they met this time. They chatted like friends, and they both had a tacit understanding of using Chinese.

I have to say that Teresa Teng does have an interesting soul.

After chatting for a few words, Ning Weimin felt her quirky side.

For example, she was curious about the relationship between Matsumoto Keiko and Ning Weimin, but she didn't know how to inquire about it and gathered information by making insinuations.

"Hey, President Ning, have you and Matsumoto-san been doing business together? The last time your restaurant opened, I remember she declared herself a shareholder of the restaurant on stage."

"Yes, she also has shares, you remember it very clearly."

"Then you also invested in her office and the studio she bought? Do you want to develop in the Japanese entertainment industry?"

"No, no, I'm here today just because Matsumoto-san is still filming in mainland China and has business cooperation with Ms. Deng, so I was appointed to help Mr. Okamoto act as an intermediary."

"That is enough to show that Matsumoto-san and you have a close friendship. Otherwise, it would be impossible to entrust such an important matter to you with such confidence?"

"It's okay. But I'm really happy to be able to facilitate this. I still say that you will sing this song. This is the best result in my opinion."

Teresa Teng quickly raised her finger to shush, "Don't be so loud. What if others hear me? I'll be shy!"

Just this pretentious sentence made Ning Weimin laugh on the spot, "What are you doing? Who else here can understand Chinese besides us?"

"That's not necessarily true. Don't look down on others. Once, I met a Japanese man who could speak Shandong dialect on a TV station here. It almost made me mistakenly think that I met a fellow from the mainland in Japan."

"Fellow? So your ancestral home is Shandong?"

"No, actually I am from Hebei. But Hebei is close to Shandong, and I can speak Shandong dialect, and I can also sing Shandong songs. Have you ever listened to my song...well, that song "Shandong Man" Wave"?"

"Shandong? Mambo?" Ning Weimin found it strange that two completely unrelated things formed the title of a song.

"You really haven't heard of it? Then let me sing a few lines for you. It's very serious, don't laugh."

After saying that, Teresa Teng sang a few words in a low voice.

"Hey fellow countrymen, we have steamed buns from Shandong. Northerners are full after eating them, but southerners can't sleep after eating them... Big noses will die after eating them..."

Teresa Teng's preface only intensified the effect of the song. The vivid Shandong dialect and humorous lyrics almost made Ning Weimin laugh out loud.

He had to express his surrender and hoped that Teresa Teng would no longer display her humorous talents so intensively. It was too easy for people to lose their composure.

Unexpectedly, Teresa Teng would not show mercy because of his plea for mercy.

"Hey, let me ask you something. Was it your idea to ask me to sing this song, or was it Matsumoto-san's?"

"It was my suggestion, but she fully approved it. Does it make any difference?"

"Of course. I am a loyal fan of hers. I just want to know if Matsumoto-san knows about me?"

"Oh, why do you still underestimate yourself? You are the queen of limited broadcasts. How can anyone in Japan not know you? I'm serious. She is also your fan..."

"Really or not? Then let's do this. Can you be the middleman again and help me exchange signatures with her? The last meeting was so hasty that I was too embarrassed to mention it..."

Well, this is about mutual fans and attention.

Ning Weimin almost spit out his coffee, he was really surprised by her frank and unconstrained thoughts.

Yes, the rumors about the Internet in the information age are correct.

As expected, Teresa Teng is full of jokes. This diva is so naughty. She is actually a "joke maker" who was delayed by singing.

I can't help but be good at singing and stand-up comedy.

But just when their conversation was getting better, becoming more and more familiar, and becoming more and more happy, someone came to disturb them. (End of chapter)


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