National Tide 1980

Chapter 1151 Late Night Supper

Christmas is over and the new year is coming in just a few days.

On December 29, 1986, the final voting for each category of the Japan Record Awards will be held.

And starting from this day, the rehearsals for the Record Awards ceremony are also completely over, and the actors participating in the awards can take a two-day break.

Although the final selection results will only be announced to the public and contestants when announced live on New Year's Eve.

But there will be no changes in the performance of the show, everything will be in accordance with the arrangements set by the director.

It's just that actors like Teresa Teng and Akina Nakamori who have to participate in the Red and White Song Festival are not so lucky.

Although TBS TV station let them go, NHK TV station did not.

Because they are so popular, they have to attend the Red and White Song Concert and the Record Awards at the same time on New Year's Eve for cross-stage performances, so they still can't breathe at all, and at most they can sleep a little more every day.

This is probably the sweetest pain of being a star at the peak of his career.

But despite this, on December 28, Teresa Teng and Taurus President Minoru Funaki contacted Ning Weimin and asked to meet him because they were worried about the results of the Record Awards operation.

I would like to inquire about the progress of award operation at the Record Awards to relieve my anxiety and doubts.

Ning Weimin can certainly understand this.

He didn't show any airs, and made an appointment with Teresa Teng and the others to have a late-night snack at Dan Gong Restaurant in Ginza after the rehearsal.

At the same time, he also called in his good helper Akira Okamoto to help him explain the inside story to the hearts of Teresa Teng and Minoru Funaki.

Needless to say, it was not possible to discuss this kind of thing in the lobby, so the meeting place was arranged in a private room at Tan Gong Restaurant.

Of course, the first person to arrive on this day was Ning Weimin, followed by Akira Okamoto.

This kid has met a lot of big shots and done a lot of big things with Ning Weimin recently.

Not only has his temperament and knowledge improved, but he has also become more particular about his clothes.

Akira Okamoto knew that Ning Weimin was the agent of Pierre Cardon China, so he also bought an expensive and luxurious Pierre Cardon double-breasted suit and wore it.

His breast pocket also followed the example of Westerners, revealing a colorful handkerchief.

Sitting alone in a box drinking wine, he looks like a member of Wall Street.

But perhaps because Teresa Teng and Minoru Funaki were too busy, they waited until the clock pointed to a quarter past ten in the evening before they heard eager footsteps coming from outside the corridor.

"I'm sorry to keep you all waiting. The rehearsal of the Red and White Song Concert on NHK TV has just ended, which delayed a lot of time."

Teresa Teng and Minoru Funaki finally arrived, and they walked in hurriedly. Minoru Funaki apologized repeatedly.

"It's okay, there's no need to be polite between us. Do you want to drink something first? Or just order food?"

Ning Weimin greeted them to sit down gracefully.

Teresa Teng was really hungry, probably because of the heavy physical exertion, so she first ordered a spring roll and small wontons in chicken soup.

Then he picked up the menu and looked through it.

In comparison, Minoru Funaki, the person in charge of the Taurus Palace, is not so hungry.

After all, he only watched when Teresa Teng rehearsed.

So I didn't care about anything else at all, gave up the Japanese reserve, and went straight to the topic when I opened my mouth.

"President Ning, how are things going? The Record Awards, is there any hope for Teresa to win the Grand Award?"

Ning Weimin also said bluntly, "Currently, among the thirty-one judges, we are absolutely certain that there will be about thirteen votes for Teresa."

"Huh? Only thirteen votes?" Minoru Funaki exclaimed, looking a little disappointed.

You can tell from the look on his face that he must be thinking that there are thirty-one judges in total, and a majority of the thirty-one votes must be obtained to succeed.

If only a few votes can be obtained, there are still variables in this matter.

But despite this, he also knew how difficult it would be to accomplish this.

After all, it is the highest award in the Japanese music industry, and Teresa Teng is Chinese. No one can be 100% sure about this first-of-its-kind event.

What's more, they took the initiative to help, contributed money and effort, but there was no direct benefit from this matter.

So he apologized hurriedly again.

"Please don't be offended. I'm sorry. I'm a little greedy. After all, time is tight. It's not easy for President Ning to win such votes. I can imagine the difficulties. It's really a shame for you."

Funaki Minoru bowed deeply. His hair reflected the light, and the scale of his bow showed guilt.

Even Teresa Teng couldn't continue thinking about what to eat because Minoru Funaki suddenly said the wrong thing. She quickly put down the menu in her hand to smooth over the embarrassment.

"Mr. Ning, please don't mind. President Funaki said the rude words mainly out of concern. In fact, no matter what you say, we are very grateful. Whether this matter succeeds or fails, we will all feel Thank you. Hey, by the way, let me ask you seriously, is there anything good you can recommend? What did the emperor eat for supper? I looked at it for a long time, and I found that it is not much different from what we ordinary people eat. I will definitely do it. It’s the kind of delicacies that can make you sleep comfortably without dark circles under your eyes. Don’t hide your secrets, otherwise it will damage the reputation of your store..."

Sure enough, it's Teresa Teng, she's really quirky.

However, such serious nonsense and pretending to beg for food made Ning Weimin really lose his temper.

Ning Weimin almost couldn't stop laughing. After thinking about it, he playfully asked the waiter standing outside the door to get a bowl of rock sugar bird's nest for Teresa Teng.

Later, he also comforted Minoru Funaki.

"Hey, President Funaki, don't be so excited. There is no need to apologize or feel disappointed. However, the specific situation is a bit complicated. In fact, in my opinion, this matter is quite optimistic. Why not let Okamoto Akira explain the details Let’s talk about it…”

So Okamoto Akira took over the topic.

As a result, after some explanations from him, Minoru Funaki finally realized that there was a big gap between things and his imagination.

Although there are thirty-one judges and thirty-one votes in total.

However, as the organizer of the Record Awards, both the Japan Composers Association and TBS TV station only hold 11 votes.

The remaining nine votes belong to the public judges.

This is a measure to ensure fairness in the award selection. The judges are all celebrities or cultural celebrities outside the music industry.

In other words, the thirteen votes that Ning Weimin said were OK came from the vote warehouses of the two organizers.

The rest of the public judges' votes are unknown and cannot be determined for the time being. No matter how small they are, they are the key votes that determine the outcome of the Record Awards election.

In fact, whether it is the Composers Guild, TBS, or the two organizers with different factions, if they want their agreed-upon candidate to win the grand prize, they cannot avoid the nine votes of the public judges.

You have to try your best to get it.

The current situation is actually an excellent situation for Teresa Teng to win the championship.

It was difficult to determine the number of votes from the enemy, but they had already obtained thirteen votes.

Among the public judges this year, many people purely consider it from the perspective of fans and the public.

Since most of these public judges are older, many of them were originally fans of Teresa Teng, so they are naturally inclined.

To be honest, the reason why Teresa Teng could no longer be excluded from the Record Awards this time was because several public judges raised objections.

So now once the organizer's position changes, the public judges who originally stood on the opposite side of the die-hards in the professional field such as the Composers Guild and TBS TV station will become a help in promoting this matter.

In this way, since Teresa Teng's side already has 13 votes from the two organizers, it only needs to get four votes from the public judges.

The final result is likely to be that Teresa Teng can get the majority of votes, win with an absolute advantage, and win the Record Awards.

To put it bluntly, this matter is very close to success, and the possibility of Teresa Teng losing is no longer high.

In this way, after Akira Okamoto explained the specific situation in detail, Minoru Funaki's attitude changed 180 degrees.

At this time, he couldn't help but sigh happily, "That's it! After listening to Okamoto-kun, I finally felt at ease."

But then he asked curiously, "It's just... I'm still confused about some issues. Why do all our votes come from the organizer? This should be the most difficult ticket to get, right? In my opinion, President Ning Since we have this operational ability to break through the camps that are not conducive to us, then why not spend some money to get votes from the public judges first? If we can do it steadily, first easy and then difficult, and clearly get the support of the public judges, wouldn't it be Is that good? In that case, we will definitely win, and there will be no risk at all..."

From these explicit words, you can tell that Funaki Minoru's inner desire has been completely burned, and you can also know that he is actually a person who doesn't know how to operate awards and give gifts to attract votes.

This guy takes it for granted. He thinks the operation of the awards is too simple. He really thinks that he can just give it away if he has money.

In view of this, in order to make the other party recognize the objective reality and understand the difficulty of operation, Ning Weimin had no choice but to give him a rough explanation even if he did not want to take credit.

"Indeed, if we can get the votes from the public judges, we will definitely win. And to be honest, the current situation still cannot make people 100% reassured. These thirteen votes are just what others have promised us now. It's still not counted until the day of implementation. If something unexpected happens, the votes that decide the **** will be unexpected. Or those public judges who came to **** because they like Teresa's singing are successfully canvassed by others. , there is still the possibility that we will lose. But there is no way. We are faced with a tight time and urgent tasks, so we must focus on the big and let go of the small, and do our best to solve the main contradiction. In my opinion, there is no way to get the best of both worlds. The votes of the public judges It is absolutely not allowed to be touched, and this is the only way to achieve the highest success rate!"

Seeing Minoru Funaki's confused expression, even Teresa Teng raised her head in confusion, her attention drawn.

Before they could express their doubts, Ning Weimin, who had an unusually firm attitude, continued to point out, "Yes, that's the point. Running awards is not that simple. It's an art, an ingenious knowledge."

"We all know that the so-called canvassing operation means spending money to give gifts. So in order to get things done, gifts must of course be given to the recipients, but sometimes there may be more than one recipient, or in order for things to be successful, multiple parties are needed. Effort and coordination. Who should I give the gift to at this time? Is it necessary to give them all? Especially when time is urgent, it is indeed a big problem."

"You know, there are many people who choose the wrong gift recipient in real life. Often they send the gift, but the thing is not done. Just because the other party is not a key person, even if the gift is given, it is in vain Yes. When doing this kind of thing, the first principle you need to follow is to give gifts to the right people."

"Gifts must be given to key people. You must not give a little to this and a little to that. Not everyone should have a share. If you do this, not only will the gifts be scattered and appear to be insignificant, sometimes they may not be worth the money at all. The role of profit-driven. The key is that if there are too many recipients of gifts, it is inevitable that people will talk too much and reveal their motives, which will be harmful to the matter but not beneficial."

"Okamoto and I actually discussed this matter for a long time, in order to achieve our goal. After a full investigation, we finally decided to focus on the two responsible persons of the Composers Association and TBS TV station. According to our Chinese The old saying goes, 'To catch the thief first, catch the king'. On the surface, each judge has one of these votes, but after all, the judges of the organizer are divided into superiors and subordinates. I wonder if the attitude of the top person in charge changes, if not When there are important interests concerned, who else would go against the top person in charge? No matter how dissatisfied you are, you have to hold it in."

"So I think these tickets can actually be regarded as the pockets of Masahiro Mihara, the executive director of the Composers Association, and Shinichiro Kaga, the deputy director of TBS. As long as they are dealt with, it is equivalent to the organizer. Because In this way, Okamoto and I will overcome the difficulties and go from top to bottom, directly starting from the top leaders of the groups that were originally hostile to us to dismantle them. As a result, as you now know, these thirteen votes are Mihara’s The executive director and Director Kaga put together the votes that they think are absolutely fine."

When Ning Weimin said this, Zhou Mumin and Teresa Teng finally understood a little bit, and their faces showed a look of sudden realization.

Well, if someone has short hands, all the benefits will come in vain.

Now that they have received the gift, the two top people in charge of receiving the gift will naturally take the initiative to help canvass votes.

For the rest, they don’t have to do anything and just sit back and enjoy the success.

And those public judges are originally unstable factors fighting on their own.

We cannot just think about their favorable impression of Teresa Teng without considering the danger.

Ning Weimin really wanted to come to his door to give gifts, but he met his master who had an awkward temper.

Not to mention that the news will definitely leak out, maybe someone will take the initiative to expose it and expose the scandal to the media.

If that happens, Teresa Teng will not only win awards, but her reputation will be ruined, and she will no longer be able to survive in the Japanese entertainment industry. (End of chapter)

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