National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,153 For Love

Ning Weimin suddenly mentioned the matter of finding someone across the strait, and the most direct result was that the atmosphere at the dinner table suddenly became more serious.

In view of the current delicate relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, his remarks not only failed to reassure Teresa Teng, but also caused her to become suspicious on the other side.

To be honest, there is a gap between this situation and the result Ning Weimin wants, but if he puts himself in his shoes, he can understand it.

For no other reason than to think about it, just like Ning Weimin's own actions overseas, there will be a dedicated person supervising him and reporting to the country at any time.

As an artist, even if she is in Japan, Teresa Teng must be under the "care" of Baodao's special department at all times.

Ning Weimin boldly asked the other party for help in finding someone for his report. Of course he would be shocked if he didn't know who he was looking for.

How could Teresa Teng not be cautious about such a request that might contain some secret or special purpose?

So for Teresa Teng, with her connections and influence in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, doing such a thing should be twice the result with half the effort, which is far more convenient than others.

But Teresa Teng could not agree rashly.

Especially when I heard that Ning Weimin and these Mr. Song were strangers, neither relatives nor friends.

Strictly speaking, Ning Weimin was just looking for an old friend on behalf of his teacher, so Teresa Teng had to think a little more and was full of worries.

There is no way, kindness has its limits, and emotions have logic.

Because according to common sense, if it can be used to find people, it will be offset by Ning Weimin's huge financial support to help him run the awards.

This kind of effort and reward are really not proportional, and it still seems to be contrary to common sense.

Even though Kang Shude was Ning Weimin's teacher, after all, it had no direct connection with Ning Weimin's own interests.

No matter how kind-hearted a normal person is, they will never exchange on such terms or pay such a high cost to help others.

So Teresa Teng took the trouble to inquire in detail about Mr. Song and explore Ning Weimin's fundamental motive for looking for him.

But fortunately, what Ning Weimin said was true.

After seeing Teresa Teng's hesitation, he even took the initiative to reveal his emotional privacy in public, even though he was embarrassed.

In addition to explaining in detail to Teresa Teng that her relationship with Kang Shude was unusual.

Tell Teresa Teng that they are not relatives but are better than relatives. The two have been dependent on each other for many years.

He also confessed to Teresa Teng that he had indeed fallen in love with Keiko Matsumoto and that the two had already planned to get married.

But their marriage was rejected by Kang Shude because of Qingzi's Japanese nationality.

I neither want to live up to my love, nor do I want to fall out with Kang Shude over this matter. After thinking about it, there is only one way to solve the crux of the matter.

To put it bluntly, he asked Teresa Teng to help find someone because he wanted to satisfy Kang Shude's long-cherished wish and impress him. He hoped to impress Kang Shude with the news of his old friend's whereabouts and make him agree to his marriage despite his hard work.

And Mr. Song’s wife is also Japanese.

As long as he finds Mr. Song's emotional tendencies from similar situations, it will be enough for him to get the support of this great god.

Well, Kang Shude is an old-school person who pays great attention to respecting teachers. He can't even listen to his master, right?

Even if you can't find it, there is still hard work without credit.

As long as there is a clue, Kang Shude will be more sympathetic and there will be some relief.

So in this way, Ning Weimin's plea made sense, and Teresa Teng finally put aside her suspicions and concerns.

As for Minoru Funaki and Akira Okamoto, they also suddenly realized their suspicions about Ning Weimin's ulterior motives, and looked at him with respect and trust again.

But at this time, Teresa Teng, who accidentally caught the gossip, was restless again.

Although he expressed his willingness to try his best to help, due to his quirky nature, he couldn't help teasing Ning Weimin.

"Wow, it turns out it's for love. It's so touching. Your love is like a love novel. In addition, Matsumoto-san is really beautiful. He is the most beautiful woman. I didn't expect to be dating you. Ah. If this news is announced, Japanese men will probably kill you..."

"Haha, this must be said to be fate. As for the 'number one beauty', let's not talk about it. It's all a joke. Speaking of which, we Chinese have a lot of beauties. Like you, Hu Yinmeng is pretty good. …”

"Hey, I realize there's something really wrong with you. Why do you always like women our age? Do you want to see a psychiatrist? And you're so hypocritical. You're obviously patriotic, but you want to marry a Japanese wife. . How can I be so open-minded and say that I won’t date Japanese men if I don’t want to date them? Hey, wait, tell the truth, you’re not interested in me, are you?..."

"Diva are essentially sketch actors" is absolutely true. If a diva knows "martial arts", no one can stop her.

"I...this...I..." Ning Weimin felt at a loss for words for the first time, "Yes, I beg you to let it go. I really beg you, please don't elevate my love to the level of a nation? I I've had enough in the capital. I don't want to be like this, but it's really fate, and I know it. I've told you this, my feelings on this matter, my feelings about Japan as a country It feels like your father-killing enemy has a beautiful and lovely daughter..."

At this moment, Teresa Teng was also amused by his appropriate description.

"Haha, you are such an interesting person. I will definitely go to the capital to see if I have the chance. If someone as interesting as you could be born, he must be in an interesting place. Okay, okay, so that you can get married as lovers, then I will Just be a good person and promise to do this favor for you."

In this way, Ning Weimin breathed a sigh of relief, and his head was sweating out of embarrassment.

"Ashamed, ashamed, ridiculous. But no matter what, this matter not only allows me to repay my teacher's kindness, but also relates to my personal happiness. It is really important to me, so thank you very much for your willingness to do it, and I will ask you to Already..."

"Don't thank me in a hurry, we can make a deal. The information you provided is too little, and the time between 1949 and now is too long. I can't say whether I can find Mr. Song or not. I can't guarantee when I will find it. I can only promise to do my best. If this matter doesn't go well, don't blame me..."

"Of course, the words 'do your best' from you are enough."

"Hey, now you say that, but I'm really worried that if you get nothing, you will hate me in the end. How about this? Let's make a gentleman's agreement. If I can't help you, the cost of operating the award will be I'll take care of it. No matter how much you spend, you tell me when the time comes and I will return the money to you..."

"As for you, you are really straightforward and fair. But there is no need for this. Don't worry, if it really doesn't work out, I won't ask you for money. In that case, you will just be a A gift from the fans..."

"Gifts? This is too exaggerated. Yes, many of my fans give me real money and give me anything. There are also many who directly seal the money in red envelopes or throw gold and silver on the stage. Today, there are even fans who make huge plaques with thousands of flowers every day and ask me to accept them. But I have never received such a gift from you. President Ning, you must spend at least hundreds of millions of yen on this matter, right? Do you want to be such a wealthy person? If the mainland knew that you were spending money like water, how would you explain it? I am very touched, but also because I regard you as a friend, I feel worried for you..."

"Haha, it's a great honor for you to consider me a friend. However, there is no need for you to worry. That's right, when it comes to the Record Awards, it's not so much about comparing knowledge, but more about who has the money. Spread more. But in this matter, the method of giving money requires a little skill - superb acting skills to make the money look like it is not money..."

"Oh? Acting skills?" Teresa Teng said teasingly. "Do we still need to pretend to give money and gifts?"

"Of course, it cannot be true. As long as the gift is given safely, the other party will accept it. Only by giving gifts in a special way can we not worry about the other party just taking money and not doing anything. This is another very important element of gift giving. .Forget it, in order to make it clear to you, I will reveal some more inside information to you."

"Hey? What do you say?" Not only Teresa Teng was interested, Minoru Funaki and Akira Okamoto also had bright eyes and were equally curious.

"Ah, I won't go into too specific details of the negotiations. I'll just give you a rough outline. In addition to talking about the record awards, my contact with Director Kaga of TBS was also about the TV series "" "Dream of Red Mansions" will be broadcast in Japan, as well as the future cooperation between TBS and Matsumoto Office in the filming of Japanese dramas. In addition, I will personally invest in Mrs. Kaga and help her open a high-end beauty shop. As for the composer I approached and negotiated with Mihara, the association’s executive director, as a lover of art. As long as he was willing to help us win the Record Awards, I would buy it from him afterwards at a price 20% higher than the market price. Most of the collection.”

"The advantage of this is that not only can my contacts with these people not be criticized or questioned on the surface, but even if I spend a lot of money to smoothen the relationship and run the awards, I will not lose money. As for the TV station, I can suddenly I have accomplished many things, some of which I had originally asked for. The record award has become a stepping stone and a touchstone. As for art, the future trend is also optimistic in the long term. Although now I buy the art from Mr. Mihara, Although the price is a bit higher, in the long run, it may still be a profitable business.”

“And the most important thing is that I give them this kind of packaged business, just like holding a pair of chopsticks in my hand. The huge benefits generated by the addition of many things that can be cooperated will make this cooperative alliance unbreakable. Not only can it be guaranteed that they are unlikely to regret it halfway for the sake of subsequent benefits. It also leaves other people who are willing to pay high prices to canvass for votes at a loss. After all, the benefits of one thing are limited and cannot be compared to the benefits of multiple things. In fact, big business is all about This kind of thing is always about interests combing interests, but there are rarely isolated matters. Are you right?"

Hearing this, not only Funaki Minoru and Okamoto Akira's eyes shone, they felt like they were enlightened and were filled with admiration.

Even Teresa Teng found it thought-provoking and enlightening.

He actually narrowed his eyes and deliberately looked on guard.

She also spoke in Chinese.

"President Ning, you are so treacherous and treacherous. It's amazing. When I see you, it's like seeing Cao Cao in contemporary times..."

"I am Cao Cao? Then who is Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty?" Ning Weimin was dumbfounded and responded in Chinese.

"Miss Teresa, my words may be a little offensive. But you have to control your mouth and don't keep talking such serious nonsense. Maybe you got married long ago..."

Then...then Teresa Teng burst out laughing, leaving only two Japanese people who didn't understand Chinese confused. (End of chapter)

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