National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,157 First Impression

Frankly speaking, Ning Weimin must have felt guilty for asking to see the prospective mother-in-law alone in private and without telling the prospective father-in-law.

Except that the matter itself is a bit sneaky and not fair enough.

At the same time, it is also because all the information he knows comes from Matsumoto Keiko.

Ning Weimin knows very well that for children, the image of their parents undoubtedly has strong subjective feelings.

The parents they see only face their parents and cannot be a complete social image.

Both kindness and soft-heartedness are based on blood relationships, but to outsiders, this may not necessarily be the case.

So if he really wants to contact each other, it is very likely that he will find that the other party is very different from his inner prediction.

This will make the outcome of the matter extremely variable.

What's more, even the two close subordinates of Matsumoto Keiko's office are not very clear about Matsumoto Keiko's family situation. Apart from a phone number, they can provide him with no information, help and advice.

In addition, Ning Weimin himself is still an orphan, and he seriously lacks the most basic experience and common sense in dealing with his parents and relatives.

Therefore, for him, the risks involved are immeasurable, and anxiety and uneasiness have become inevitable.

Even though he has a strong heart and a strong ability to withstand pressure, this move was entirely planned by him.

But before the phone call, Ning Weimin was also a little scared, fearing that he would screw up.

It has to be said that if the worst-case scenario is assumed, he doesn't even know whether the other party is willing to see him.

What if the prospective mother-in-law tells Matsumoto Keiko's father directly about this, or she treats him as a bad person or a liar with ulterior motives.

Then he was smart but was misled by his cleverness. He dug a hole by himself and buried himself.

Fortunately, the initial appointment went smoothly.

I wonder if it was because Ning Weimin was really good at eloquence. His sincere self-introduction and soft voice dispelled the other party's wariness.

Or maybe out of concern for her daughter's marriage and love, she wants to see with her own eyes what the object of her daughter's favor is.

Although she received a call from Ning Weimin unexpectedly, Keiko Matsumoto's mother Tsuneko was surprised and did not refuse Ning Weimin's private request to meet alone to discuss the issue.

After careful consideration, when she received Ning Weimin's call again the next day, she readily agreed.

So the two sides came to the second floor of Shiseido Dessert Shop to meet in the name of having afternoon tea.

On the day of the meeting, Ning Weimin was really focused on preparing for this special date.

Not only did he explain the important work in the morning, but he asked Tan Palace, Dadao Trading Company, and Axia not to contact him unless necessary in the afternoon.

He also took good care of himself.

It should neither look like a nouveau riche nor look shabby. Appropriate simplicity and cleanliness are the most appropriate.

Then there were five or six people, and they rushed to the appointment neatly.

This is to meet your future mother-in-law, so you must not be late - it is about first impression, and you must not be careless!

But even so, Ning Weimin could not restrain his random thoughts and worries about gains and losses because it was related to his emotional consummation and marital happiness.

Because it was still difficult for him to tell why the other party came.

Maybe you want to examine yourself, maybe give yourself a chance?

Maybe you just want to reject it face to face and beat the couple with a stick.

Is it possible that this kind of traditional family simply cannot accept free love?

Will there be a large check thrown in front of him that will keep him far away from Matsumoto Keiko?

There is no doubt that the nationality issue is also a psychological obstacle for Matsumoto Keiko's parents.

So if the other party comes today, he will not have a good look on his face, and the purpose of meeting him is to make him quit in spite of difficulties.

How to say something and how to do something, whether to use softness to overcome toughness or to speak out sincerely, all this requires a mental map first.

In particular, you can't offend people to death, lest Matsumoto Keiko will become more passive and completely fall into a dilemma.

Who said that there is no psychological burden if you scoop someone else's cabbage?

A "little pig" like him came to "surrender" today, and he was really trembling...

No matter what, this is a very important exam in his life, even though it is only the first exam...

Ning Weimin just thought about it all the way from Danmiya Restaurant in Ginza to the Shiseido main store headquarters in 4-chome.

Originally it was only a few blocks away and just a short walk away.

However, what he never expected was that maybe it was fate, or maybe today was a test for the other party. He had made an appointment at 3:30, but the other party actually arrived half an hour early.

"Madam, with all due respect, are you Matsumoto-san's mother?"

"Yes, then you must be the Ning Sang who was talking to me..."

Even though it was their first meeting, Ning Weimin accurately recognized the middle-aged lady in kimono he met at the entrance of Shiseido Dessert Shop as Keiko Matsumoto's mother.

Because Tsuneko's appearance has too much in common with her daughter Keiko's.

The neck is slender, the facial features are delicate, and the characteristics of the bones are also very similar.

The biggest difference is that the eyes are very different.

Matsumoto Keiko has a pair of red phoenix eyes, which not only gives her a natural noble and cold beauty.

It also made her look very imposing when she played the role of a villain.

Especially when he is unhappy, he becomes much more aggressive in an instant. When he stares at people, he is very oppressive and somewhat calm.

However, Tsuneko's eyes were the same as Michiko, the commoner princess of the Japanese royal family today.

It is a combination of red phoenix eyes and peach blossom eyes, which looks gentle and approachable.

In Ning Weimin's eyes, if they were the same age and only looked at appearance, Keiko Matsumoto would score 95 points, and her mother would probably score 80 points as well.

But in terms of temperament, Ning Weimin would feel that the mother and daughter were almost transferred.

Because as a mother, Han Changzi's overall image is very dignified and quite approachable.

I can’t say it’s not scary at all, but I should say it’s comforting to watch.

She is the image spokesperson of a gentle wife and loving mother.

Therefore, if we follow the rules of life that Kang Shude told Ning Weimin - the older a person gets, the closer they will be to their parents.

So of course Ning Weimin had no objection at all to having such a mother-in-law.

On the contrary, when he thought that Qingzi could really become his wife, she would become so gentle and amiable in the future.

She will be like an ageless witch, still so beautiful when she is forty or fifty years old.

He actually felt that he had caught something, and he felt secretly happy from the bottom of his heart.

So for this reason, as soon as he confirmed the identity of the other party, he no longer hesitated and quickly bowed at ninety degrees to greet him.

"Hello, it's our first time meeting you. Please give me some advice. I am Ning Weimin who is talking to you on the phone. I feel sorry for inviting you here rashly for such a thing."

To be honest, it was the first time for him to give such a big gift to someone, even after staying in Tokyo for such a long time.

But the good thing is that it shows that you are sincere and polite to many people.

Although Ning Weimin's performance was a little awkward and his greeting was a bit abrupt, Matsumoto Keiko's mother did not have any dissatisfaction and responded enthusiastically.

"No, no, it doesn't matter. You don't have to be so polite. I am Qingzi's mother, Han Changzi. I also want you to take good care of me."

She returned the gesture with a smile.

Ning Weimin breathed a sigh of relief at such a gentle tone.

Ouch, this is a good attitude. It seems that I am not here to beat the mandarin ducks.

No, no, you still can’t be careless, maybe you should be polite first and then attack...

While thinking about it, Ning Weimin continued to be polite.

"I'm from China. Maybe my name is a bit hard to pronounce. If you don't mind, just call me Amin."

Unexpectedly, Han Changzi seemed to be a very talkative person. He was not polite at all and said, "Okay, I'll call you Amin!"

Then he invited Ning Weimin into the store for a detailed discussion.

"We'd better go inside to chat. It's more convenient to talk there."

Naturally, Ning Weimin couldn't have any objections, so he agreed honestly and happily followed the mother-in-law-to-be into the store and up the stairs, feeling very happy as he climbed higher and higher step by step.

If nothing else, Keiko Matsumoto has mentioned before that her mother is easier to talk to, but her father is more difficult to deal with.

This information seems to be true now!

The future mother-in-law's personality at least seems to be very easy-going and like a well-educated person.

It seems that it is impossible to do something that can make people stand down in person...

In short, Ning Weimin's first impression of Matsumoto Keiko's mother was indeed good.

But to be honest, he attributed the smoothness of the first meeting mainly to his good luck. He took it for granted that the prospective mother-in-law was born with a good temperament, but in fact he ignored a very important point.

Because the reverse is also true.

In fact, the reason why the other party treated him so kindly was because his appearance was good enough, which attracted the other party's attention and impressed him.

It has to be said that when interacting with people, first impression is very important.

When a person meets a stranger in a social situation, it is often the first few glances that determine whether or not to continue the relationship.

The love between Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko is a typical example of this.

They were able to be together entirely because they felt their hearts flutter when they first met. It would be no exaggeration to say it was love at first sight.

There is a special discussion on this in psychology.

It is believed that a good impression comes from the first few to ten seconds of meeting someone.

Once a person's first impression is formed, it is difficult to change.

If the first impression is not good, perhaps the following things may fall through and fail.

In other words, if we take a salesperson as an example, the success or failure of his work is often determined before he even opens his mouth.

In such a short period of time, people can make a final conclusion about a person.

This is called the "primacy effect" in psychology.

Regardless of whether it is right or wrong, no one can deny that this is objective reality.

Most people rely on the information of the first impression, and the formation of this first impression plays a very important role in future decisions.

It is far more important than the second or third impression and later understanding.

Because most people don’t have time to get to know you, you can only start the second step if you make a good first impression.

If you make a bad first impression, you often don't stand a chance.

Others will treat you with a particularly emotional attitude - no, this person can't.

In fact, during their first meeting today, Matsumoto Keiko's mother had been looking at Ning Weimin carefully.

Not only guessing his age, listening to his words, paying attention to his understanding, looking at his figure, his face, but also paying attention to his clothes.

Pay special attention to his shoes and socks, collar, cuffs and hair.

The first impression Ning Weimin gave Han Changzi was unexpectedly very satisfying.

She was so happy that she showed such a gentle and friendly attitude.

Otherwise, no matter how good-tempered she is, she will not show such kindness without grudges.

In fact, she had thought about it when she came here, just in case her daughter got confused and fell in love with a man who "cannot be judged by his appearance".

Then she should be cold and indifferent, and should speak frankly to let the other person give up the idea.

Even if Ning Weimin were an ordinary handsome boy, she wouldn't be like this.

I can only lament that women are not allowed to stay in college.

Most likely they would pity their daughter for choosing such a thing.

Not falling in love for so many years has really delayed me, and I have reached the point where I am so anxious to get married.

But the reality is this.

So after seeing Ning Weimin with his own eyes, Han Changzi immediately understood his daughter's thoughts.

Perhaps the mother and daughter are a family after all, and the same preferences may be engraved in their common genetic inheritance.

As a mother, once she saw Ning Weimin in person, she fully understood why Matsumoto Keiko valued this relationship so much.

He actually kept it secret from his family for so long, even if he did not hesitate to destroy the newly eased relationship between father and daughter, he had to stick to his tough attitude to the end.

Han Changzi couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart, there is indeed something worthy of women's fascination with this young Chinese man.

That's right, appearance is justice.

Appearance is always the most direct way to impress a person.

Although everyone likes to tell others confidently, we should be rational and objective and not jump to conclusions based on a person's appearance.

But in fact, people all over the world do this habitually.

So in this way, although the two people have not really started talking, they have already had a good beginning.

Then the next thing will be much easier to handle.

As the old saying goes, the more a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more interesting he becomes.

Because she liked him at first sight, Ning Weimin's mother-in-law-to-be had enough patience and high expectations to talk to him freely.

Even out of this good impression, Han Changzi's appetite and interest in talking were much better today.

For coffee, she didn't order a simple English as she usually liked, but ordered an Irish coffee that needed to be mixed with whiskey.

For dessert, I also ordered Shiseido’s most famous cherry blossom cream cake, and a tempting parfait piled high with various fruits.

As if it would be rude not to treat guests with such sumptuous food.

Even the menu with the bill that the restaurant manager sent later was pushed in front of her.

This left Ning Weimin, who originally wanted to treat the guests, with no choice but to refuse the kindness imposed on him. (End of chapter)

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