National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,163 A new beginning

It is different from the Japanese who have long been accustomed to the magic reform of "New Year's Eve".

Descendants of China like Ning Weimin who were born in the mainland, even if they celebrate the New Year in Japan, other than seizing the time to make Japanese money, they don't have much interest in joining in the fun.

After all, New Year's Day belongs to the solar year, and we Chinese people all celebrate the Spring Festival, so we are not too "cold" about it.

Especially since Matsumoto Keiko couldn't stay with him after he came back, Ning Weimin could only celebrate the New Year alone.

He is even more lazy to cater to Japanese customs and follow Japanese New Year traditions.

He didn't buy the Tusu wine, which Japanese people must drink on the Great Dark Day.

He didn’t make the New Year’s Eve soba noodles that night.

He didn't even prepare the auspicious rice cake.

Not to mention Osechi cuisine.

He only found it troublesome to prepare those various festive dishes.

Even the rules of going to temples and shrines to pray for blessings on the first day of the new year are just a joke to him.

For no other reason, even if he puts aside materialistic values ​​and simply discusses gods based on gods, he doesn't think there is anything to admire in Japanese gods.

Do you know that in Japanese legend, Izanagi, after returning from the underworld, could actually give birth to a god by washing his eyes in water, picking his nostrils, and rubbing ashes?

How could a stupid island country create eight million gods like this?

Just asking if you are convinced!

From a mathematical point of view, the Japanese gods are simply brainless.

Think about it, how many people do Japan have in this small country?

Just over 100 million!

These gods who can appear anywhere are going to divide the Japanese people. How many followers can one god have on average? This is not environmentally friendly!

It’s strange that such a meager power of faith can be effective!

Therefore, as one of the millions of followers of Marshal Zhao Gong and Erye Guan, Ning Weimin naturally looked down upon the Japanese old man named Ebisu.

In his heart, the magic power of this old fisherman could not be compared to Marshal Zhao Gong's Sitting Black Tiger, or Zhou Cang who carried the sword for Mr. Guan.

So he even skipped the photogenic cakes offered to the Japanese God of Wealth. The Japanese God of Wealth was really out of style.

As a fierce dragon crossing the river, as a Chinese businessman, he still has such strong self-confidence.

Even if we don't worship Japanese gods and offer incense to these local snakes, he can still make a lot of money in Japan.

But having said that, after all, he is not living in a vacuum in Japan, and he is not completely exempt from vulgarity.

For example, through a flower shop, he placed kadomatsu and hung pine branches at the entrance to his apartment in Nishi-Azabu and the entrance to Daito Trading Company, just like the Japanese.

This is also one of Japan's New Year customs.

In the past, in order to welcome the arrival of the gods and provide a place for the gods to stay, every Japanese household would pull up straw ropes on the door, insert pine branches, and insert kadomatsu made of pine and bamboo.

Count from the first day of the new year and keep it for seven days, that is, January 1 to January 7.

During this special period, the Japanese have a special term called "Matsunouchi".

As for why Ning Weimin alone is willing to do as the Romans do in this matter?

In fact, the main reason is that he is afraid of causing trouble to Matsumoto Keiko.

You know, Kadomatsu is placed outside the gate, not inside the house.

What's more, the herd mentality of the Japanese is much stronger than that of the Chinese.

If someone discovers that someone in their neighbor's house is not following the rules, they will inevitably make a fuss, become curious, and gossip behind their backs.

To put it bluntly, for Ning Weimin, this was a way to save money and avoid disaster.

It's just a small amount of money spent to avoid provoking villains and avoiding gossip.

Similarly, there is another bigger New Year worry that Ning Weimin can neither avoid nor avoid.

It’s even useless to spend money. On the contrary, the more money you spend, the more miserable you become.

That is the indispensable New Year's greeting card for Japanese people!

The so-called New Year's greeting card is what our Chinese call New Year's greeting cards.

It is very popular in Japan to send New Year's cards.

In this matter, the main reason is that there are too few daily interactions between Japanese people.

It is the living habit of "chickens and dogs will never interact with each other until old age and death", which makes receiving a greeting card with greetings from the other party a matter worthy of attention.

Quite a few Japanese people use these small greeting cards to maintain social relationships that are beyond the reach of others.

It can be said that Japan's New Year's cards have formed a unique culture due to the strong needs of society.

Japanese people not only give gifts to colleagues, bosses, customers, and relatives, but also to friends and classmates.

So much so that no less than 1.5 billion New Year's cards are delivered to Japan every New Year, and Japan's post office is so busy at the end of the year.

Again, Japan has a population of just over 100 million.

It is completely conceivable that more than 10 billion New Year's cards are shuttled back and forth in such a small island country, and each one requires a postman to deliver it to the recipient. How terrifying it is.

So don’t underestimate this little New Year’s card.

Because almost all Japanese people will send this kind of thing around New Year, it has become a custom in Japanese society.

Especially for a businessman like Ning Weimin, his connections in Japan are now fully opened.

This year he received so many New Year's greetings.

Some were sent to his company, some were sent to the store of Tan Gong Restaurant, and some were sent to Huiwentang Bookstore.

Even the newly opened parking lot management company has people sending it.

There were even people in the entertainment industry who sent him New Year's cards to Keiko Matsumoto's office.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there are enough to crush people to death.

The key is that these New Year's cards are not just in his hands.

The New Year's cards sent by the Japanese were all written in his own handwriting, so he had to reply in his own handwriting so as not to be rude.

In fact, from the perspective of the work of the post office, there are indeed two peak periods for the explosion of New Year cards.

The first time is before December 28 of each year.

Because Japan Post Office no longer guarantees that recipients will receive greeting cards sent before the New Year.

The second time is after the New Year. Japanese people usually send New Year's cards again.

This is because greeting cards are often sent from friends or contacts who were missed when sending greeting cards years ago.

Then you need to send them a note after the new year to express your discourtesy.

Although Ning Weimin didn't understand Japanese customs and didn't send New Year's cards to anyone this year, after receiving more and more New Year's cards, he also understood what was going on by asking others.

So in order to make up for it, writing back New Year's cards became his New Year's task.

Although it is not necessary to reply to all New Year's cards, it is necessary to reply to more than 100 cards from important partners, friends made in Japan, and my subordinates.

So, during the two days when Keiko Matsumoto went home to spend the New Year with her parents, Ning Weimin did nothing else.

He went to the post office to buy 200 New Year's cards for the current year, which cost 100 yen each. Then he spent time in his apartment in Nishi-Azabu thinking hard about words and sentences.

It was so painful that my fingers were so swollen when I wrote it.

This kind of suffering, similar to that of college entrance examination students, has been far away from his memory for a long time.

Moreover, if you send New Year's cards after the New Year, the postage will be higher than before. It is not 52 yen, but 62 yen.

Look, isn’t this just spending money to buy suffering?

But then again, Japanese New Year cards can also be used for lottery. This unexpected benefit was something Ning Weimin didn't expect.

The official New Year's greetings contain the words "お年玉富", which translates into Chinese as "lucky money".

There is a set of numbers at the bottom of each greeting card. A unified New Year's card lottery is held across Japan after the New Year. Holding the New Year's card with the same winning number can get free overseas travel and other rewards.

Although the probability of winning this lottery is relatively low, at least it is an expectation in the New Year and also adds a bit of entertainment.

For example, Ning Weimin received too many New Year's cards, and there were always thousands of them. Some of them were people who Matsumoto Keiko had known in the industry in the past, so they sent New Year's cards to the Nishima Apartment.

If you add all these things together, the probability of winning is quite high. For example, Ning Weimin was extremely lucky and won 50,000 yen.

Not to mention that the cost of buying New Year's cards was recouped, and a meal was paid for a trip to Hakone.

This can be regarded as a small piece of happiness.

It sounds similar to the feeling he had in his previous life when he was able to get gold coins while browsing Douyin.

Although it's just a small piece of fly meat, why don't you give it free money?

It really must be said that in this special era, Japan seems to be full of money. If you don't pay attention, you can pick up a lot of it by bending down.

Two days passed by in a blink of an eye, and the trip to Hakone Hot Springs started as planned.

Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko were finally reunited and had a happy time like their honeymoon.

Hakone is located in the southwest of Kanagawa Prefecture, only ninety kilometers away from Tokyo.

Four hundred thousand years ago, this area was once a crater filled with lava.

But now it is surrounded by green peaks, gurgling streams, and the scenery is very beautiful. You can even see Mount Fuji, which is covered with snow all year round.

Therefore, it has become a famous hot spring town and health resort in Japan.

There are the famous "Hakone Seven Hot Springs" here, which are seven hot springs regarded as health resorts.

In addition, there are places of interest such as "Hakone Bali", Sounji Temple, Senjo Falls, Sengokuhara, and Kuzuryu Shrine.

Take the mountain tram, cable car and aerial crane to climb the mountain, and you can enjoy the winding valleys and beautiful lakes and mountains.

Although such travel has become more and more luxurious nowadays, and the mentality of Japanese people who are keen on traveling abroad has become a second-rate option.

People who come to Hakone to celebrate the New Year are either families with low incomes or student couples.

Most Japanese people have gone abroad for vacation.

But Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko are more willing to enjoy this kind of tranquility and convenience.

They imitate young people and travel like those student couples.

During the day, they traveled through various places, walking in the streets and scenery, holding hands and laughing heartily.

In the evening, they stayed at a hot spring hotel with a history of more than a hundred years, facing a mountain forest and a stream. It is said to be the place where the famous writer Junichi Watanabe lived.

The proprietress is not very beautiful, but her skin is particularly white, tender and delicate. She looks like she is only in her thirties. When I asked her age, I found out that she was already forty-six years old. She joked that it was all due to the hot springs.

They didn't know whether the hot springs had such great effects, but the comfort of the hot springs was well-deserved.

They booked a couple's hot spring, rejoicing in the steaming mist and the torrent of spring water.

Especially in the world of rest, lying in this hot spring hotel, it feels very quiet, and I can only hear the sound of the flowing mountain spring.

In such a world, spending a few days relaxing is a wonderful enjoyment for both Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko.

In addition to washing away physical fatigue and mental stress, you can also quietly sort out their respective lives and discuss their future.

It allows them to dream about their common dreams together and find a new starting point.


Maybe it's because Ning Weimin has caught up with a rare opportunity in a century, or maybe it's because he is God's favorite.

After returning from Hakone, Ning Weimin really felt the new atmosphere of the New Year - his assets had greatly improved.

First, stocks continued to soar after the start of the year.

As if the Nikkei Index was depressed during the New Year's holiday, it has been advancing with a general increase of 2% from the first day.

It seems that I want to make up for the missed gains in one go.

This is simply an era when you can make money by buying stocks with your eyes closed. No matter which stock on the street, it will only rise.

Ning Weimin's stockbroker Sachuan took the initiative to page Ning Weimin several times, not to give him any investment advice.

Instead, he simply reported the good news, saying that his stock assets had exceeded the 60 billion yen mark, and his current asset ranking had ranked seventh among the top ten individual customers of the Nomura Minato Sales Department.

Although Ning Weimin was very calm about such news, he was very happy that the financing quota had become further loose and the financing interest rate had dropped further.

So he increased leverage without hesitation and decided to borrow another 5 billion yen from Nomura.

The same goes for real estate. Mitsunan Ono of Higashi Foundation and Miyoko Kagawa of Aoba Real Estate both called him urgently.

Ono Mitsunami and Kagawa Miyoko are all for the same thing, that is, land prices are rising rapidly, and they are simply going up at full speed.

Ono Mitsunan told Ning Weimin that the current average land price in Ginza has increased fifteen times compared to when he bought it. The average price of ten million yen per square meter is a thing of the past, and now it is one thousand two thousand yen. One million square meters, if you consider selling him, he can take over if he has ready customers.

Miyoko Kagawa told him that parking lot prices in Tokyo have finally begun to rise, and the trend of filling the price gap is quite obvious.

The land that Ning Weimin bought some time ago has now appreciated by almost 20%.

Before hanging up the phone, Miyoko Kagawa did not forget his kindness and told him specifically, "Our house is also going up very fast. It is not easy to buy a house now. The place where we live has started to implement a lottery system. If the lottery does not win, we will not be able to win." There are no qualifications to enter and buy. There are fewer and fewer good locations. Even if you don’t consider appreciation, if you want to buy a satisfactory house, it is better to buy it sooner rather than later. Thank you very much, President Ning, if it weren’t for your suggestion , even if I am a real estate agent, I will cry bitterly when facing the current housing prices."

Hey guys, let’s buy a house through lottery.

It sounds like a really familiar word.

So under this situation, even Axia called him specifically to praise him for his vision and expressed her admiration for his decision.

Even if their alliance has reached this point, it is really stable. Even if some parking lots do not make much money due to their poor location, they will not waver anymore. The rising land prices effectively make up for everything.

To put it bluntly, in the current situation, if someone stood up and said that "the real estate bubble will burst soon and the economy will be ruined", I am afraid they will either be regarded as a lunatic or a red-eyed monster. (End of chapter)

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