National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,180 Gold Content

Whether they are in a different place or a foreign country, migrant workers have one thing in common: they miss their families all the time.

Even though Ning Weimin installed a telephone in his employee dormitory in Tokyo that could make international long-distance calls at any time, he also gave each employee a certain amount of time every month to make domestic calls at public expense.

But just making phone calls cannot replace the companionship spent day and night.

Therefore, after being busy outside for nearly a year, none of the migrant workers who came to Tokyo with Ning Weimin did not want to go home quickly.

It started from the anniversary party on January 26, until they finally set foot on the land of the Capital Airport.

There is only one theme left in these people’s minds—going home for the New Year.

So that whether they are eating, drinking, going to the toilet, shopping, shopping, or even sitting on an airplane.

Everyone's words are inseparable from their parents, wife, children, and even their seven aunts, eight aunts, nine uncles and ten masters.

The closer I get to home, the more I miss home.

On January 28, 1987, at 11:15 on New Year’s Eve, when they finally flew from Narita Airport to Beijing, they were reunited at the airport with their family members who picked them up.

The sadness and the hard-to-recover fatigue that had been in my heart for the past year were finally resolved, and I finally let go.

Yes, they are all back in full glory!

Not only did he come back, but he came back with a full load.

He brought back rich gifts to his family and wealth unimaginable to ordinary people.

So it was completely different from those close relatives who were immediately excited and even cried with joy when they saw them.

These people all had smiles on their faces and were in high spirits. They comforted their loved ones in a very calm manner, pretending to be relaxed and saying soothing words.

"Why are you crying? It's so bad to celebrate the New Year. Dad, Mom, I'm not coming back now? I'm not going to jump in and settle down. My son has brought you a lot of things..."

"Ah, if I had known you were going to cry, I wouldn't have let you come. Damn it, I said it's almost done, this is so ridiculous..."

"Oh, look at my son! He's grown a lot. What? You don't even know your father anymore? I bought you a big car with a remote control..."

They are all the lucky proud sons of the East and the heroes of every ordinary family here!

A kind of deep-seated pride and confidence took over their souls.

So warm and heartwarming, this scene of joyful family reunions has become a unique Western scene at the Capital Airport.

Not to mention those foreigners who have never seen such a returning team, not even the airport staff have seen it.

Some staff looked puzzled and muttered privately.

"Hey, let me tell you, where did these people come from?"

"Little Japan."

"It's not like that. I didn't hear them speaking Chinese. Or are they overseas Chinese from the Philippines who have returned to visit relatives?"

"It doesn't look like that. These people are not that dark, and look at their suitcases..."

"Oh, those with hub wheels are really new. They can't all be American overseas Chinese, right?"

"Don't tell me, look at these big and small bags, how rich they are, it's a bit like that..."

However, although others may look confused, these people who have returned from Japan know clearly in their hearts where such visible and fulfilling happiness comes from.

So even if they can disband and leave after arriving in the capital, these people will still have to say hello to the noble man who made them rich and their good leader before leaving.

Or shake hands with enthusiasm and say with deep gratitude, "Mr. Ning, I wish you success in your work in the coming year and all your wishes come true."

Or just nod with an affectionate smile and say, "Mr. Ning, I wish you and Miss Qingzi a speedy marriage. We are waiting for the wedding banquet."

To describe this scene appropriately, it is like the mafia cadres worshiping the young godfather in the American movie "The Godfather".

There is one more thing to say here.

During this trip, the relationship between Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko was no longer a secret to those who were on the same flight with them.

Because Ning Weimin returned home with so many subordinates, it was really difficult to be special. He still couldn't fly first class or business class, and bought economy class.

Qingzi, who was traveling with him, also volunteered to downgrade his consumption and insisted on accompanying him.

So it is conceivable that the two people sat together in the economy class and talked and behaved very intimately.

In addition, when she was sleepy, Matsumoto Keiko unconsciously rested her head on Ning Weimin's shoulder.

In this way, anyone who is not a fool can't see the relationship between the two.

As a result, these returned employees of Tan Gong Restaurant became the first group of people to gain insight into their love affair.

There was so much gossip along the way.

This group of people put their heads together and analyzed and studied all the methods Ning Weimin used to hide his secrets.

I gained a new understanding of Ning Weimin's secretiveness.

Of course, no one would object to such a surprise.

On the contrary, everyone was inexplicably impressed and even excited about it.

Look, what does it mean to be a capable person? that's!

Not only did he make a lot of money from the Japanese with them, but he also didn't delay his own affairs.

He actually abducted someone else's "number one beauty" quietly.

As expected of Mr. Ning!

What an idol to everyone!


So on this occasion, Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko could only be the last to leave. There was no other way.

However, this burden of two people receiving blessings from everyone is undoubtedly pleasant and relaxing.

I don’t know why, but when I saw the eyes of those employees and their families, I felt truly grateful.

Ning Weimin felt no secret joy at being in the limelight, but felt an inexplicable sense of fulfillment.


Luo Guangliang and Mi Xiaohui, who came to pick them up at the airport, had actually arrived long ago.

They had been waiting at a distance, because they saw Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko being put off by the stars, and they did not dare to rush forward to disturb them.

After finally seeing the crowd disperse, only a young couple and their luggage were left in the same place.

Luo Guangliang then took Mi Xiaohui to greet him.

"Wei Min! Wei Min!"

In order to let Ning Weimin see him quickly, Luo Guangliang shouted loudly from a distance.

"Brother Weimin!" Mi Xiaohui waved and shouted.

Both of their voices were trembling, and they were particularly excited.

If not for anything else, just because there is a big star next to Ning Weimin.

And he is also a Japanese star.

In this era, for ordinary people like them, celebrities are born with a certain aura of divinity.

Wanting to get close but not knowing how to get close is a combination of fear and love.


Ning Weimin turned around and saw them.

Ning Weimin looked at them, smiled, waved, gently pulled Matsumoto Keiko's hand, and then pointed at them.

"You are back!"

Luo Guangliang walked closer and took the initiative to rush to his luggage, looking honest and hard-working.

Ning Weimin was not polite to him and handed the box in Qingzi's hand directly to him with a smile.

"Hello, Miss Keiko!"

Because he and Matsumoto Keiko had sat at the same table and had dinner before, they were no longer strangers to each other.

Luo Guangliang smiled and said hello politely.

"Hello, third... third brother..."

Sure enough, Matsumoto Keiko still remembered her without any pretense.

Not only did he answer in somewhat jerky Chinese, but he also bowed formally.

Luo Guangliang immediately smiled like a sunflower and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Mi Xiaohui ran to Ning Weimin without asking or giving in. She held his hand and said, "Welcome, welcome, warm welcome. Warmly welcome you to come."

Ning Weimin frowned and was stunned for a moment.

I just thought this word sounded familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere.

After thinking about it for a while, he let out a happy "Puch" sound, and then said angrily.

"Girl, why do you still use this word when you see me? Could it be that I am a foreign guest?"

Mi Xiaohui, whose big eyes have never left Matsumoto Keiko since she ran over.

At this time, he was also confused. When Ning Weimin said this, he felt like he had just woken up from a nap.

Only then did I realize that I had made a fool of myself when I got excited.

He looked at Ning Weimin, then at the Japanese star, and couldn't help but stick out his tongue.

In Japanese terms, this emoticon is very "kawaii".

Ning Weimin was immediately amused by the little girl's embarrassment.

Although Keiko Matsumoto didn't understand what was going on, she saw that Mi Xiaohui was a very innocent girl and liked her very much, so she also smiled.

At this time, Luo Guangliang leaned into Ning Weimin's ear and whispered the inside story.

"This girl came here to see the stars. Last time you left, she couldn't see Xiao Xia in "March of Kamata" with her own eyes. She has been regretful and depressed for a long time. This time when she heard that you were coming back, she decided to come no matter what. When I pick you up at the airport, Xiao Tao is so scared that she has to let her do it."

Ning Weimin immediately understood what was going on.

So in order to help this girl, he took the initiative to introduce Matsumoto Keiko.

"Qingzi, this is my neighbor's child. We live in the same courtyard. She can also be regarded as my sister. Ah, by the way, she is still your little movie fan. I didn't see you last time, and she felt uncomfortable. "

Then he touched the top of Mi Xiaohui's head and said, "Really? So if you have any requests, just ask them quickly. Don't blame me for not reminding you, this is your private star-chasing time? There is no store like this in this village!" "

Under such an introduction, both Matsumoto Keiko and Mi Xiaohui laughed.

The only difference is that Keiko Matsumoto has a very generous and kind smile.

Mi Xiaohui, on the other hand, has the shyness of a girl, a little restrained, and still a little bit unable to let go.

"I have seen your movie. "Putian March" is a sobering and thought-provoking work. I really like your role as Xiaoxia, but... you... you are so beautiful in person, even more beautiful than in the movie. .”

"Thank you for the compliment. I'm glad to meet you, and I'm glad to hear that you like my performance. You are also very beautiful."

"Then...can you sign your name for me?"

"Of course, I'm honored. If you want, it's okay for us to take a photo together."

"Really, that... that's great, I'm so happy."

Matsumoto Keiko was very patient with Mi Xiaohui, who was a little incoherent.

Probably because of Ning Weimin, Aiwujiwuxia, Matsumoto Keiko not only met Mi Xiaoran's requirements, but also answered all her questions very carefully.

Even soon, she and Mi Xiaohui sat in the back row of the car.

In this way, Mi Xiaohui, who got her wish, also became a flower.

To her, being able to get along so closely with Keiko Matsumoto was like a dream.

In particular, she also discovered that this big star had no airs at all, and was neither squeamish nor picky.

This further strengthened her star-chasing heart.

So the little girl secretly made a decision. From now on, only Matsumoto Keiko will be ranked first among the Japanese female stars in her mind.

But there is also a side effect, that is, Mi Xiaohui, who has met big stars, can't stand her sister even more.

Because I am afraid of comparison in everything.

Even serious celebrities don't find anything picky, they ride in cars that look like "big shoes", and they don't mind the wind and sand in the capital.

My sister behaved like the Queen Mother of the West, arrogant and picky when she came back.

I don't like this, I don't like that, I just praise the United States.

What is this thing? Who is the foreigner?

It has to be said that the closer Mi Xiaohui gets to Matsumoto Keiko, the more she feels beautiful, amiable and exquisite in everything.

It completely violates the law of "distance creates beauty".

But at the same time, I also felt more clearly that my sister had become narrow-minded and stingy.

He is no longer the person he is familiar with.

This inevitably made her a little disappointed and sad, and she understood what is the "gold content" of a person.

As for getting on the bus, of course Luo Guangliang also revealed the news that he would have to change places to celebrate the Spring Festival this year, which surprised Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko.

Only then did they realize that this year, because Mi Xiaoran came back to visit relatives, the Mi family's house was not enough.

The old man packed up the house with Luo Guangliang and lent it to the Mi family for a few days.

So I didn’t spend New Year’s Eve in No. 2 Courtyard of Shan’er Hutong. The old man made the decision and moved to the small courtyard of Majia Garden.

Ning Weimin's most important stamps have now been moved along with the old man's treasures.

Just wait until he gets to the place and settle it by himself.

In other words, there will no longer be any important objects placed in Shan'er Hutong.

Logically speaking, this is of course a good thing.

Ma's garden is a large place, and there is a newly renovated large garden with exquisite architecture. Even the facilities in the house are top-notch.

Water supply, heating, even boiler, kitchen, ice cellar, toilet, bathing place, whatever you need is available.

Ning Weimin had actually long wanted to take Matsumoto Keiko to have a good look at it, to let her see what a truly good house is in a private house in the capital, and to let her appreciate the unique art of Chinese people in courtyards and landscaping.

But the problem is, he is really afraid that the feast will not be a good one.

What if the old man's bad temper comes back again and he forces them to break up face to face?

Ning Weimin couldn't help but frown with worry. Sitting in the passenger seat, he subconsciously turned to look at Matsumoto Keiko in the back seat.

Luo Guangliang seemed to be aware of Ning Weimin's concerns and comforted him while driving.

"Don't think too much about it. The old man just wants to have a good meal today. As long as you don't mention it, he won't necessarily mention it. Besides, the old man is a kind-hearted man. Since he asked me to drag you all over, It’s not just to embarrass you and make it difficult for you to step down.”

These words clarified Ning Weimin's point.

Yes, if you really want to find it, it can't be this day.

Okay, then go ahead.

At worst, I'll give him the Song Dynasty tea cup passed down from Qingzi's family.

If you are willing to give up, you will gain something.

I would not hesitate to give up such a rare treasure just to change my wife. I am embarrassed to disagree, right?

Thinking of this, Ning Weimin felt a lot more at ease, and he turned to look at Qingzi again.

The two looked at each other.

As if she understood what he was thinking, Keiko smiled at him with a trusting expression. (End of chapter)

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