National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,187 Thunder

Reunions are all about atmosphere.

At this point, the party in Ma's Garden was almost perfect.

Although we are not relatives, everyone here is truly close to each other.

Everyone’s happiness and joy was palpable.

Especially Miss Jiang Si, who unexpectedly visited here today, was present at the table, which almost completely offset the psychological and spiritual pressure Kang Shude put on Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko.

In fact, just when she was amazed by the duck and pine nuts and corn at the banquet, and when she was relieved to taste the pure Beijing New Year dishes, she never forgot to take care of this young couple. .

Especially when she looked at Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko, she liked them. She also gave them friendly looks from time to time, and used chopsticks and spoons to put food into Matsumoto Keiko's bowl many times.

Although Keiko Matsumoto had a small appetite and the dishes in her bowl were piled high, so in the end she had to turn to Ning Weimin for help, but they all felt reassured and warm by the friendly attitude of this beautiful old lady with a smile.

To be honest, Miss Jiang Si is really worthy of coming back from the United States. She has modern ideas and is not as conservative as everyone thinks.

In addition to being humorous and fond of joking, he doesn't seem to care much about seniority, rules, and etiquette.

She never found fault with these things. On the contrary, she was very moved when young people called her "Fourth Aunt".

Miss Jiang Si said that she originally had two brothers and one sister.

But because of the country's calamity, after both his parents left overseas, they have now gone their separate ways.

Among her relatives, one brother and one sister are now deceased.

Another brother traveled to Europe, and his last letter was sent from Austria ten years ago.

After that, contact was completely cut off, and she didn’t even know whether he was still alive.

The descendants of these relatives have no contact with her at all. So far, she only has one son who depends on her.

Therefore, although she has relatives alive, she is actually not much different from a lonely old woman with no relatives.

The calls from these young men and women in the capital are very heart-warming. To her, they couldn't be more precious.

Being able to meet everyone while finding my old residence is also a kind of fate.

At this point, there were tears in the old lady's eyes, and she threw money on the spot to express her relief and touch.

Except for her own son, everyone present received red envelopes as long as they were younger.

And no one is allowed to take them away, without exception, they are all fifty-dollar bills!

Needless to say, these young people then started shouting "Four aunts, fourth aunts" even more frequently.

The same goes for Ning Weimin.

Of course, that's not to say that he is also greedy for this little money. The key is who doesn't like such elders?

What's more, he himself is an orphan and also longs for warm family affection.

The scene in front of us of two generations happily gathering together is also a scene that can only be seen in dreams. Naturally, I am very moved and cherish it.

In short, after the meal, everyone became quite close and familiar with Miss Jiang Si. Her kindness, cheerfulness, humor and generosity won the favor of everyone present. The young people had a deep appreciation for "Four Aunt" or "Four Aunt". The title "Fourth Aunt" is already very smooth.

In comparison, Kang Shude, who was the most excited and surprised when he first saw Miss Jiang Si after she arrived, was the one who behaved most awkwardly during the dinner.

Because he had no idea that Miss Jiang Si would like Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko so much.

At the dinner table, Miss Jiang Si asked the most about Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko.

How did you meet? Where did you meet? Why is it getting better? How long have you been in love?

Do Qingzi’s parents know? What is their attitude?

There are also the living and working situations of this young couple in Japan and so on.

As he talked, he also talked about the pomp and ceremony of weddings held in the capital back then, recalling the grand occasion when the young master of the Ma family, the former owner of Ma's Garden, got married.

Zhang Dashao also joined in the fun, talking about the scene back then, and some things could be exaggerated.

Just these two people made all the juniors stare wide-eyed, and after hearing this, they cried out that they had never seen them before.

There is no doubt that Miss Jiang Si's arrival was a huge surprise to him, but it also ruined his inner plan.

Originally, he was still not optimistic about his apprentice marrying a Japanese wife.

He also put some more pressure on Ning Weimin in private, had a good talk with him, and tried his best to analyze for him the many inappropriate aspects of their marriage, as well as the possibilities full of variables, so that the apprentice could think about it rationally.

It's good now that there is Miss Jiang Si "helping the tiger". Now that he has the support of this "fourth aunt", even if his apprentice has the confidence, it is no longer possible to think seriously and listen to his advice.

The sad thing is that he didn't even have a reason to fall out on the spot or have an attack.

First, Miss Jiang Si was the person he missed the most and felt sorry for most in his life. He had no feelings for her at all, and was even filled with guilt in his heart.

Second, in front of so many young people and it was a good time to celebrate the New Year, he insisted on interfering in other people's marriages, no matter how hard he looked at it, he was a wicked person who didn't have a generous heart.

As a result, he could only hold back all his resentment in his heart and managed to eat a meal as if he didn't care.

After the meal, all these young people went to the garden to see what was going on. Even Zhang Dashao, because he was too drunk, took a car driven by Luo Guangliang and went home to take a nap.

Kang Shude was able to have the opportunity to be alone in a room with Miss Jiang Si.

At this time, he finally no longer had to restrain his face.

"We were probably enemies in our last life, but before the fight was over, we made up for each other again in this life. Well, I'm surprised. We haven't seen each other for so many years. When we meet, you insist on facing me, right?"

Kang Shude spoke with wisecracks and even deliberately used a high-pitched tone to express his dissatisfaction.

"Hey, you are so eloquent now, and your words can make people choke. But I'm also surprised. They are such a good couple, why can't you look down on them?"

Miss Jiang Si seemed to have been mentally prepared and responded with a witticism.

Then he smiled and listened to Kang Shude continue to speak.

"As the saying goes, when doing things, you have to think about it. You don't understand what's going on here at all. Just eat, why should you express your opinion rashly? It has caused me so much trouble for nothing and left me in a dilemma..."

"Oh, you have wrongly blamed me. I did this just because I was afraid of embarrassing you. As the saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than to ruin a marriage. Young people are willing to love each other, so you have to beat them up. You I'm not afraid of people being resentful. I know I'm your apprentice, but even if you are a disciple, it's hard for you to intervene in this kind of thing. If in the United States, let alone teachers, what about biological parents? I have no right to interfere with my children’s emotional choices..."

"Don't be like the United States. This is a republic, not the kingdom of freedom. Here, everything should be in accordance with the rules. Don't be careless when making a covenant between husband and wife. How can you be like a child playing house! Even if your America is trendy , it is impossible to ignore the important matter of marriage. I don’t believe that those politicians and rich men would allow their children to take marriage as a trivial matter? If he were not my apprentice, I would not be worried about him. "

Looking at Kang Shude, who was so cunning, Miss Jiang Si was angry and funny.

"What kind of society is it now? Parents' orders and matchmaking have long passed. What's more, you are only his master, not his father. There is no reason for you to make this decision for him. Don't tell me that one day is a master, and one is a lifelong one. As a father, please don't make me laugh out loud. Listen to my advice, between relatives and friends, it is appropriate to be affectionate but not straightforward in your actions. It is important to leave some room for it. The past and present are like dreams. How could I ever dream of sleep? Now that I am old, there are some things Just be a little confused and don't take everything seriously."

"I understand what you are saying, but I don't want to be serious. I can't be serious. Don't just look at them standing together. There is a lot wrong with them. There are some things that I, as a master, can't say clearly. Not to mention anything else, the age and status alone are not a good match. The girl is almost eight years older. She is not one or two years old, but three or four years old, but eight years old. Where is he looking for a wife? He is looking for his aunt. Where is my son? Not to mention a foreign actor. Actors, the business of entertaining people with sex is the most despicable! Who is the daughter of a good family to do this?"

"Is that all? What does it matter? Are we allowed to have an old husband and a young wife, but not an old wife and a young husband? As long as they are consensual, it's not a big deal. Besides, it's only eight years old, and it's not eighteen Years old. My grandmother was eight years older than my grandfather, and he was not the first to die. As for the actor, let alone your old calendar. Nowadays, movies have become art, and acting in movies Female stars are artists in foreign countries. American female movie star Grace Kelly even married the prince of Monaco and became a princess. One thing you definitely don’t know is that the descendants of the Kong family, the four major families of the Republic of China, were the The one who served as a diplomat also married an American movie star."

"I don't care about the Kong family, I just want to take good care of my own apprentices. Even if these are nothing, I can't let my apprentice marry a Japanese. Mr. Song often said that the foundation of the world lies in the country. We are at home, we live in the world, starting a family, establishing a career, and being a human being are all the same. No matter how things change in the world, our standards for being a human being cannot change. Upright mind, self-cultivation, family order, country governance, and world peace. These are all correct, right? But what if it were me? My apprentice married a Japanese. Let’s not talk about the mixed blood. What kind of thing is this? Let’s just talk about where the things in this yard will end up. If they all become Japanese, what will happen to us master and apprentice? Aren’t you a sinner in this world? How can I be worthy of my ancestors and Mr. Song! I have lived an honest and upright life and adhered to my teacher’s teachings all my life. When I see this kind of result, I will die with my eyes open..."

"Hey, let me say hello to you. It's commendable to have such a belief, but you can't be paranoid about this belief. Otherwise, you will suffer the consequences. Even harm others and yourself. Isn't Qingzi a foreigner? Can you feel at ease? Liang Hongzhi, Lu Qinzhai, Li Chengcai, these scum who once sold Chinese treasures and smuggled countless national treasures overseas, which one is not Chinese? In this kind of thing, the most important thing is to look at character, right? You Doesn't it mean that I care about her nationality so much? What's more, I am also an American national now. In your eyes, am I also a foreigner? "

These words and a barrage of questions really forced Kang Shude to question him.

Especially when he finally heard Miss Jiang Si asking him face to face whether he was a foreigner, he felt very uncomfortable.

"No, no, you are are different...of course you cannot be considered a foreigner..."

Kang Shude answered subconsciously, and inadvertently, he had actually lost his logic.

However, Miss Jiang Si did not give him a chance to think about it carefully, and instead went further to deceive him.

"I'm different. What about my son? Where are my grandchildren? My son is also an American. My grandson even has a white mother. According to your standards, then they must be foreigners? Then I ask Let me ask you, if my son also likes Chinese antiquities, should he or she not do it? If he wants to spend money to buy a few pieces and wants your help, what will you do? Should you shirk it or help him? "

"I...I..." Kang Shude was incoherent and his mind was confused. He suddenly realized that he had never thought of this problem.

Looking at him with an expression of shock and inexplicable confusion, he looked extremely cowardly and pitiful.

Miss Jiang Si, who understood his thoughts very well, suddenly felt soft and couldn't bear to force him anymore.

He sighed softly and said, "Don't think too much. There's no need to worry about it. To tell you the truth, my son didn't mean it. I was just talking. As for our current nationality, although it is no longer Chinese, this is not who we are." What I wish for is caused by history. Although we are separated by mountains and rivers for so many years, my homesickness has never changed. I am connected by blood with this land, and this emotion cannot be changed by nationality. So I must come back, and I must die here. Here, it is important for people to pay attention to the return of fallen leaves to their roots. There is another important thing I want to tell you. This son of mine is not my biological son, he is actually the child of sister Chunzi. Speaking of which, he should be called your uncle!"

These last few words were like thunder exploding in the room.

Kang Shude almost went crazy.

His hand shook and a cup of tea was poured on himself.

But he didn't care at all, his lips trembled, and he only asked, "...his... biological mother is Song Chunzi? Then isn't he Mr. Song's... Mr. Song's grandson?"

Seeing Miss Jiang Si nodding silently, Kang Shude couldn't wait to ask, "What about Mr. Song? Do you know Mr. Song's whereabouts? Where is he... now? How is he doing? And his son, Xing How is Yuan doing?"

Unexpectedly, Miss Jiang Si showed a sad expression, and when she spoke, it turned out to be extremely unfortunate news.

"Mr. Song's people are gone. When he first arrived there, he seemed to have enjoyed a period of prosperity, and I heard he even became an official. He has become an apartment owner, and he just collects rent, reads, and teases his grandchildren. Song Xingyuan's family of four had a mysterious encounter with a kidnapper when Mr. Song was still alive, and none of them survived. Chunzi's sister's husband also got into a car accident for no apparent reason after Mr. Song passed away. Later, she finally contacted me and tried her best. She had to go all the way to Hong Kong before entrusting her eight-year-old child to me. Later, when we returned to the United States, there was no news about Chunzi. We only heard that she had mysteriously disappeared in Macau. Now, I am afraid that Mr. Song’s family This child is the only one left with this kind of blood. There are a lot of strange things about this matter, and it involves things over there. I didn’t tell you until we met just now. I know how strong the teacher-student friendship is between you and Mr. Song, and why? I hope you know this and don’t be too sad..."

This time, the news revealed by Miss Jiang Si was like pouring cold water on Kang Shude's head, making him feel cold from head to toe, even his head was numb.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?"

Looking up at a yellowed calligraphy and painting hanging on the wall, Kang Shude's eyes were filled with tears, and he couldn't hear what was said behind him.

The teacher's kindness is profound and will never be forgotten.

A kind of piercing pain made him feel like a baby, so soft that he fell into the armchair. (End of chapter)

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