National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,190 After the first day of the new year

Chapter 1191 After the first day of junior high school

Presumably as long as it is in the land of China, no matter where it is according to the local customs, one must stay up late on New Year's Eve.

But generally speaking, no one says this word politely.

Especially for children, it is generally called "staying up late".

If you can stay up all night without blinking and see the morning sun, then you are considered a hero!

And everyone knows that it is easy to stay up until twelve o'clock, but it is difficult to stay up until dawn.

Because of this, this seriously violates people's biological clock and goes against people's normal physiological needs.

Especially at four or five o'clock in the morning.

This is the time when people are most sleepy and fatigued, and it is the critical moment when sleepiness is everywhere.

Even if you want to be a hero, at this point in time, very few can actually survive this level.

It often happens that the results fall short, and most people yawn and wash up before going to bed.

But this year, those employees and their families who followed Ning Weimin to Japan to work hard came back.

Most people passed this level easily and passively became real heroes.


It’s because their families all made a fortune!

Well, think about it, the person who got the least also got half a million yen from Ning Weimin!

Converted into RMB, it’s tens of thousands!

In these days, such a remuneration is no longer frighteningly high, but so high that it scares people to death!

Everyone knows that these days, those in the Beijing government agencies and units that hold the "iron rice bowl" can only earn a monthly salary of 180 yuan.

This is the average person’s income for half a lifetime! There are too many!

Not to mention that Tan Gong Restaurant is already a high-income unit, and the income of ordinary employees can be several times higher than that of the same industry.

In particular, those who followed Ning Weimin abroad received additional labor subsidies.

To be honest, no one expected that their husbands or sons would have already received all the remuneration they deserved when they went to Japan, and Ning Weimin gave them everything they promised.

Finally, before the end of the year, such a large bonus was actually given out!

And it’s pure foreign exchange!

It is no exaggeration to say that these families suddenly became rich.

Naturally, even the employees who made money and their family members who benefited from the work were so excited that they stayed up all night.

I'm afraid even if they take sleeping pills, the effectiveness of the medicine will be compromised.

For no other reason than that, I feel uneasy.

Who can blame this matter? Don’t you feel panicked?

In some families, the savings accumulated by the whole family over the years are still not as large as this bonus.

Naturally, it is inevitable for people to have random thoughts, so it would be strange if they really want to sleep soundly!

Anyway, no matter how you put it, because of Ning Weimin's generosity, this night, compared to previous years, there were many more people in the capital who passively stayed up until dawn.

Of course, compared with last year, what is more obvious is that the number of firecrackers set off this night has also increased.

I don’t know if it’s because of the remarkable results of the reform, but everyone is living a good life this year.

This huge capital city has a sense of celebration and peace.

Especially when it's near midnight, the firecrackers are like boiling pots.

Just listen to "Bang! Bang! Bang!", thunder and waves, making a loud noise.

Night pearls, flashing thunder, colorful, two kicks, old man flowers, one after another soar into the sky, illuminating the sky brightly.

There were no residents of all sizes around Majia Garden who didn't let go, and it wasn't until one o'clock in the morning that the noise gradually subsided.

What kind of momentum is this?

Therefore, even if there was no sound, the smoke could not dissipate quickly.

The paper scraps in the alley are as thick as snow. If you step on them, your shoes can be buried.

Not to mention that Matsumoto Keiko had never seen this scene before, she couldn't even think of it.

It made her so excited that she braved the wind in the middle of the night and watched the night sky full of bright fireworks in the courtyard for more than half an hour.

At the same time, the three grown men Ning Weimin, Luo Guangliang and Shen Cun were busy fighting.

Because the weather was dry and the firecrackers had no eyes, they really hit the treetops and fell into Ma's garden.

Or someone was not paying attention, and someone's legs exploded in the air in the courtyard, and fireworks fell down.

Maybe it was a spontaneous fire.

So these three people, holding shovels and brooms, and each holding a big flashlight, just like a joint defense team, patrolled the garden in the dark for two hours at midnight.

They waited until the peak period for large groups of firecrackers to set off was over before they could return home to warm themselves up.

Needless to say, their work was not in vain. In the south of the courtyard, they put out a fire burning weeds.

Otherwise, I'm afraid if I don't get it right, I'll end up feeling extremely happy and miserable.

This can be regarded as a shortcoming of a large family and a large business. It is a kind of trouble of wealth that ordinary people will definitely not understand.

Anyway, after this night, Ning Weimin noticed another shortcoming of Ma's Garden - the backward and insufficient lighting equipment.

It seems that the next step is to spend more money to improve the garden and install some street lights in the yard, otherwise it will be dark and invisible at night.

The next day, January 29, 1987, the first day of the first lunar month, the first day of the Dingmao year of the lunar calendar.

According to the old etiquette, one should get up early on this day, set up lanterns in the courtyard, light incense candles, set off firecrackers, worship the gods and ancestors, and pay homage to the elders.

We must also dress in a new style, do not siphon, sweep, beg for fire, do not use needles or scissors, and stop work.

Needless to say, for Ning Weimin, getting up early is definitely out of the question.

After all, I went to bed too late, so I can abide by the rest.

I want to use his words to explain the content of this day straightforwardly, it means eating, drinking and having fun without having to work.

So this is the real charm of the New Year, otherwise everyone would like the New Year.

There are only a few days in a year where you can be honest and lazy.

The only drawback is that since they are going home for the New Year, Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko are not yet married.

Even if a fourth aunt falls from the sky, the marriage between the two of them is considered to have been approved by Kang Shude.

Now that they have passed each other, it is impossible for two people to get into the same bed, not even to sleep in the same room.

Because in the words of the old man, this is called sexual immorality.

Regardless of their status in Japan, it is absolutely unacceptable to the older generation here.

If Ning Weimin dared to reveal such an idea, he would definitely be scolded by the old man who would blow his beard and glare at him. He would be lectured by Master Zhu's saying of "Those who do not agree with each other even if they are not right will stay together for a long time."

Therefore, in the final accommodation allocation, Qingzi could only sleep in the North East Room alone.

Ning Weimin had no choice but to sleep with Kang Shude in the west wing together with Luo Guangliang.

Fortunately, the room where Keiko slept was the room with a tatami that Mr. Song had originally prepared for his Japanese wife.

In terms of physical conditions, not only is there nothing unfamiliar, but it actually makes Keiko feel a little familiar.

This is just like traveling in Japan, she went to a remote town and slept in a historical hotel.

In addition, the west wing is large enough and has several rooms, which is enough to be used as a boys' dormitory.

The old man slept alone in a room, so Ning Weimin and Luo Guangliang stayed together, just in time to chat about their inner thoughts after a long separation.

As for the Jiang family's mother and son, they didn't have anything to worry about. They stayed overnight in the courtyard next door, where the Jiang family used to live.

The old lady slept in her old room, and her son lived in the wing opposite. This was a real and complete return to her hometown.

All in all, the people who stayed in Ma's Garden had a very comfortable rest this night. Even if they had different feelings, for the young people, this was a completely unfamiliar environment, and it did not delay them from entering a deep sleep.

It wasn't until the sun was high and it was past ten o'clock that everyone got up and washed up one after another.

Speaking of which, we have to talk about the advantages of this house.

Completely different from the ordinary Siheyuan, when the Majia Garden was originally built, the need for toilets and washrooms was taken into consideration. There were originally toilets and washrooms in the two courtyards.

In addition, Mr. Song was a warm man who loved his wife, and Mr. Jiang studied Western architecture. Both of them later made improvements to their courtyards.

Mr. Song has a Japanese-style bathhouse in his yard specially for his wife to take a bath, while Mr. Jiang built a Western-style bathing room.

Although these facilities were in dilapidated condition when the house was recovered, Ning Weimin was not afraid of spending money and not only sent people to restore them according to their original appearance.

They even spent tens of thousands of yuan to install a medium-sized boiler equipment, which can provide heating and sufficient hot water for most rooms in the two courtyards.

So don’t think that the Jiang family’s mother and son came back from the United States, and Matsumoto Keiko came back from Japan.

They were used to living in quite comfortable living conditions at home, but they didn't feel any inconvenience at all in the yard of Ma's Garden.

It's really comfortable and tight.

Needless to say, after these juniors followed the etiquette and met Kang Shude and Miss Jiang Fourth to celebrate the anniversary, it was almost sunrise, which meant it was time to eat again.

There is no need to prepare breakfast today, and lunch is not a problem either.

Dumplings on the first day of the Lunar New Year and noodles on the second day of the Lunar New Year are an old rule among people in the capital.

Anyway, everything is ready-made, and if you get some New Year dishes prepared in advance, you can have a decent meal.

But after dinner, if it was still like yesterday, with the young people strolling around the garden, or coming back to watch TV, eating mixed food, and chatting with the old people, it would be a bit monotonous.

So Ning Weimin asked Miss Jiang Si and Master for instructions, should we all go to the temple fair at the Temple of Heaven together? Are you still playing cards at home?

Before he finished speaking, he immediately took out a set of mahjong tiles as if offering a treasure.

Damn it, he brought it back from Japan.

Because he heard Zhang Shihui say on the phone a few years ago that because there are more people in the capital with money and time, they started to play this thing again.

However, most of the tiles that people can find are of inferior quality and are basically imported from the port city. Many mahjong tiles are even filled with plastic shells filled with sand. Once played, a lot of sand has to be sprinkled on the table, which is very messy.

So when he came back this time, Ning Weimin was thinking about this and bought four decks of cards in Japan to bring back as gifts to his relatives and friends.

Unexpectedly, hey, it really came in handy today.

Facts have proved that, exactly as Ning Weimin thought, Miss Jiang Si is undoubtedly a keen mahjong enthusiast.

When I heard that there were mahjong tiles to play, I smiled happily and didn't want to do anything else.

And the key is that this Japanese mahjong is indeed of good quality.

Probably our national quintessence has been spread there a long time ago, and Japan’s mahjong production technology has developed sufficiently maturely.

Although it may not look like an industrial product, the slightly yellowish milky white body has dark lines on it. At first glance, you may mistake it for ivory.

The carvings on the cards are exquisite and the colors are light and elegant, which is refreshing and pleasing to the eye.

Especially the white board, unlike the domestic mahjong tiles, it is just a long square with a vulgar green border.

Only the four corners are engraved with thin, blue cloud hooks, which look like miniature tablecloths.

It also feels great in the hand. It always feels moisturizing when washed, scratched or touched.

Miss Jiang Si liked it so much as soon as she saw it. She couldn't wait to hold it in her hand. She kept asking everyone to set up the table, put the cushions on it, and come over to play cards.

Under her anxious urging, Kang Shude, Shen Cun and Matsumoto Keiko eventually became her poker friends, and they started shuffling the cards.

Ning Weimin and Luo Guangliang were watching the battle and served as waiters serving tea and water to everyone.

The fighting style is, of course, the rules of old age.

Unlike the current people in the capital who fight for gambling money, the older generation is not so vulgar in playing mahjong and pay attention to the rules and mouth.

No matter what peace, pair of pieces are in harmony, clear three pairs, old and young pairs, twenty-eight generals, broken waist, seven pairs, Kandang'er, clear in front of the door, missing one door, clear one color, mixed one color, one dragon, thirteen unreliable, Flowers bloom on the pole, peacocks fly southeast

There are so many things to pay attention to, and it's even more complicated than Japan's troubles.

But the stakes are not high.

For the sake of calculation, they only play with one dollar.

What surprised Ning Weimin was that in addition to the regular games, there were also many special rules, which made their game more and more a high-IQ game that challenged their minds.

Just like the dice thrown by the dealer, they must be taken back before the next player can draw the cards. If you forget, you will be fined.

If you don't touch if you say "touch", you will be fined.

If you say "eat" and don't eat, you will be fined.

If you leave the table before completing four rounds, you will also be fined.

These fines should be placed in the center of the card circle, and will eventually belong to the winner.

But there is one thing: after saying "and", you need to pick up the fine before showing the card before it can be returned to you.

Otherwise, the punishment will be doubled, and the winner will also be punished.

As a result, not long after the game, a rather strange situation occurred on the card table.

Several players who tied the cards actually forgot to take them in succession, which caused the total number to double cumulatively, which was a considerable amount.

However, the more nervous it is, the easier it is to forget, and the interest will be doubled accordingly.

In the end, Qingzi was lucky and had a clear mind, and luckily managed to get the fine before she made seven pairs.

As a result, the fine she got was actually more than the reward from Hu Pai, which made her drunk.

But the funniest thing is that as soon as Qingzi took away the fine, Kang Shude put another dollar on the table.

The old man then shouted, "Timeout first. I accept the punishment. I drank too much tea. I have to go there first!"

This caused a lot of laughter.

There is no doubt that all this fully illustrates that the game of Mahjong is a process of using wisdom to change disorder into order, and the more tortuous the process, the more interesting it is.

That's right, the "wan", "tiao", "cake" and "wind" in mahjong all have their own uses.

When talking about the "fan" or "mouth" style of play, try to tap its potential. It contains a variety of combinations, and it takes a lot of thinking to play.

Especially with a beautiful card, not to mention the difficulty, the card surface alone shows a harmonious and balanced beauty, like a set of elegant screens.

On the other hand, "overthrowing and making" is not the case. A pair of four pairs makes a peace.

So, shuffling the cards, stacking the cards, eating the cards, touching the cards, and winning the cards, the cycle starts over and over again.

Luck crowds out wisdom, rush replaces leisure, and chaos cannot be appreciated. This is the characteristic of "overthrowing and making peace."

Today is the first time that Ning Weimin has seen someone who loves playing cards and pursues this kind of state. Although he doesn't seem to be good at it, he becomes more and more interested when he looks at it from a distance. .

To say that God paid off, in the second round, Miss Jiang Si really made a "feng" all-match, even pair, and won dozens of dollars in one hand.

Ning Weimin was also a master who was obsessed with mahjong, but he had played mahjong for most of his life and had never seen such cards.

So wonderful and so beautiful!

In addition to sighing with emotion, I couldn't help but admire her. I sincerely admired Miss Jiang Si as a "mahjong artist".

Her pursuit of card colors is probably the difference between players and gamblers, right?

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