National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,192 A table of cards

January 31, 1987, the third day of the Lunar New Year.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Ning Weimin drove out in a brand new Santana he borrowed from the Temple of Heaven Park yesterday, carrying Keiko Matsumoto and the gifts he brought back from Japan.

He first went to the flower market, then to Fangzhuang, and picked up Fei Xiang and Zhang Qiang, who had already greeted them in advance yesterday and made an appointment at a time and place to meet.

It wasn't until a few people gathered together that they rushed to Song Huagui's house in the Diplomatic Apartments.

That's right, today is the day when subordinates like them come together to pay New Year's greetings to the big boss.

Although Song Huagui was tolerant, he never put on airs with others.

More often than not, she doesn’t even look like a boss, but more like an old lady.

And in a strict sense, both Zhang Qiang and Fei Xiang are completely free artists, and Ning Weimin only owns their financial contracts privately.

But from a practical point of view, no matter how well they do, they still rely on the golden brand of Pierre Cardon to make a living outside. This is called having a big tree at your back to enjoy the shade.

Even Ning Weimin relied on this foundation to develop and expand his industry rapidly.

So on this special day, they always have to go through a formality.

I would like to pay homage to Song Huagui, the head of Pierre Cardin China Corporation, and show my respect.

Otherwise it would be very ignorant.

What's more, for Ning Weimin, in this place in the capital, apart from Director Huo, there is indeed no one who has a more respected status and is more important to him than the eldest sister Song Huagui.

As for Director Huo, those who have been coming and going in recent days must have been official guests.

It's not a problem for him to join in the fun now, he might as well go there a few days later.

So it was reasonable and reasonable that he should take Qingzi to meet his boss first.

This is the basic operation of being a subordinate, there is no doubt about this.

However, what surprised Ning Weimin was that the atmosphere and significance of this gathering were completely different from what he had imagined.

"Wow, Manager Ning, you're here. Happy New Year."

When we arrived at the place, the person who opened the door was Song Huagui's daughter Song Xiaohong, and behind her stood Cui Jian.

The two are still in love and remain lovers.

Because they were all acquaintances of each other, Fei Xiang also visited Maxim several times.

They were already familiar with each other, and they were very relaxed when meeting each other. There was nothing new about them.

It is even less likely that ordinary people will make as much fuss when seeing celebrities.

Only Matsumoto Keiko met Song Xiaohong for the first time, so she became the only focus of Song Xiaohong's attention.

Before Matsumoto Keiko even entered the door, this girl was staring at him intently.

While watching, he said, "Wow, I didn't expect that she is really the heroine of "March of Kamata". Manager Ning, you are so awesome. You really have a Japanese celebrity girlfriend. I heard from my cousin, and You were bragging for him. I didn’t expect it to be true. It’s okay. How did you get it? "

This cold and reckless attitude made everyone laugh at the time, including Matsumoto Keiko herself.

Only Cui Jian, who is not good at speaking, is quite embarrassed by his girlfriend's inappropriate behavior.

Ning Weimin quickly smiled and took out the red envelope to lighten the atmosphere.

"Xiaohong, Xiaohong, please be more careful. It's not big or small, right? You dare to ask anything? Do you still want to get the red envelope?"

Song Xiaohong was "happy to see Hunter Xin" and immediately stuck out her tongue and apologized.

In this way, Ning Weimin handed her the red envelope, and then while leading everyone in, he jokingly asked about Xiaohong's younger brother.

"Where is your brother Xiaocong? Isn't it usually him who opens the door?"

Unexpectedly, Song Xiaohong's answer was beyond his expectation.

"He is not here, and neither is my dad. My dad just worked as a foreign teacher at the Hangzhou Academy of Fine Arts last year and also opened his own studio. Because he was too busy, he did not return to the capital during the Spring Festival this year. Xiao Cong went to Hangzhou during the winter vacation. . If I hadn’t been working as an art artist on a film crew, I would have gone too. Hey, when I was in school, I thought it was good to work. Now I know that it’s really not good to have a job. Even the winter and summer vacations are gone. My mother is even worse, who among us She can leave, but she has to stick to the capital."

Next, Song Xiaohong ignored Ning Weimin and began to congratulate Fei Xiang with Cui Jian.

After all, becoming famous overnight is a great joy for any artist.

And Feixiang's performance is perfect, neither arrogant nor impetuous, gentle and elegant, so humble that one can't fault him at all.

At the same time, he can also use his words to take care of Zhang Qiang and Matsumoto Keiko to prevent them from feeling left out.

Ning Weimin was particularly satisfied with this.

He felt that Feixiang was really a polite and gentle young man.

This kind of upbringing is brought about in the bones. It is not about being good at art and morality, but about being really good at morality.

It is absolutely different from those bad artists in the future traffic era who are purely artificially created, but often turn over and even end up in jail because of their private lives.

And only if he invests in stars who are natural and consistent in appearance and appearance, can he not worry that the things he shoots will be implicated by the artist one day, resulting in being banned.

At this time, Zou Guodong also heard the sound and came out. He also met Matsumoto Keiko in Japan.

And he, Zhang Qiang and Fei Xiang are no strangers either.

So he put on a smile and greeted a few of them politely and cordially, then he showed off his boss's style and gave Ning Weimin instructions without any hesitation.

"When I meet the guests later, you have to go into the kitchen and help me. Take the initiative, don't forget, do you hear me?"

Next, Ning Weimin and the others walked into the living room after hearing the sound of "squeaking".

Ning Weimin finally understood why Song Huagui, who was always hospitable, did not come to greet them in person this time.

That's because not only was she playing mahjong with a few people, she couldn't get away at all.

It was also because the guests she was playing cards with were not ordinary people. They were actually several main actors in the movie "The Last Emperor" - Zun Long, Cen Chong, and Wu Junmei.

Moreover, sitting or standing behind Song Huagui, there were two models with graceful figures and pretty faces watching the battle.

Almost no one noticed them coming in. They were all focused and focused on the card table.

To be honest, this scene almost made Ning Weimin burst into laughter on the spot.

Because he originally thought that today would be similar to last year, and that it would be a family banquet-type gathering for the few of them to get along well with Song Huagui's family.

At most, there will be one or two foreigners, just like Liu Xiaoqin and Jiang Wen we met last time.

However, in fact, his Bulgarian "foreign brother-in-law" Wan Man and Song Huagui's son Song Xiaocong were not seen this time. They were not even in the capital.

Instead, when they arrived at the place, Ning Weimin discovered that there were so many foreign guests in the Song family this time. Not only were almost all famous celebrities, but there were also several international friends.

Now that he has brought several people with him, it is no exaggeration to say that the Song Huagui family has become a grand salon in the Chinese and foreign entertainment circles.

Especially Song Huagui's appearance at this time is just like the rebellious Duke Max of Bavaria in the movie "Sissi".

Princess Sissi's father, as soon as his wife goes out, he will be at home, behaving badly, drinking, playing ball, and recruiting friends.

Song Huagui was almost here, her husband and son were away, so she called on her friends to set up the card table.

Then look at the imported fruits, high-end tea snacks, and cigarettes in this courtesy set, which looks like a buffet table.

You know how nourishing her little life is and how selfless she is. I'm afraid she won't change it even if she is cheated by the Queen Mother.

But speaking of it, in this movie, Sister Song seems to be the Queen Mother Longyu who guest-starred.

Hey, why did I forget this?

This table of cards is interesting. The dragon plays Xuantong, Chen Chong plays Wanrong, and Wu Junmei... seems to be Wenxiu, right?

Hey, isn’t this the last royal family gathering a table of mahjong tiles?

I really should take a photo of them!

Just as I was thinking wildly, this card actually came to fruition.

It was Wu Junmei, Song Huagui's opposite, who lit the cannon for her.

"White board!"

"What a nonsense! Seven pairs!"

"Wow, MADAM Song, are you too fast? Can you give me a chance?"

Looking at Song Hua Guihu's cards, they were all mixed up. The eyes of the most handsome man in Asia almost popped out of his head.

Then he complained about Wu Junmei, "What problems with you! Miss, do you dare to play this card? You don't know the danger!"

"Why do you rely on me? I want to go to court, how about not fighting?" Wu Junmei expressed dissatisfaction.

"Wow, you were wronged. Look at my cards."

Zunlong simply revealed his cards and complained to Wu Junmei.

"Did you see that? I'd rather not listen and hold on to this blank slate. How about you, why don't you let others beat you when the house is almost deserted?"

"But... but I didn't know that MADAM Song wanted Hu Baiban..." Wu Junmei's voice became lower and lower, as if she had suffered a great injustice.

"Why are you angry with others?"

Cen Chong next to him couldn't stand it anymore and glared at Zunlong fiercely.

Then he took out his trump card and slapped it on the table. "Did you see that? I'm holding a whiteboard too. Who am I going to talk to?"

Come on, it seems that there is no way to play this card, no matter what, you will lose!

Today I met a mahjong master. Although Zunlong didn't say anything, it could be seen from his expression that he was convinced that he had lost.

That's the only thing about playing mahjong, three points are skills and seven points are luck. If you don't have luck, you can only hold your breath in your heart!

Who told you to go to the mahjong table?

In this way, he, the unlucky emperor, could only pay.

It was only after watching several people take out large US dollar bills to check the accounts that Ning Weimin finally had the opportunity to say hello.

"Sister, you're so lucky! Does it feel good to win?"

Now not only Song Huagui turned around after hearing the sound, but everyone finally discovered that several more people had come to Song Huagui's house, standing at the door of the living room.

"It seems that you, the Queen Mother, are the most powerful. No matter whether it is the emperor, the queen or the concubine, you will lose. However, isn't this a bit too weak to win? It must be because of your status that people don't I have the nerve to win money from you, the Queen Mother..."

Ning Weimin said again, and as expected, his wonderful ability to make connections made everyone laugh.

The next step is naturally to meet and greet each other.

It has to be said that the appearance of Fei Xiang, Zhang Qiang, and Matsumoto Keiko shocked the guests in these rooms.

In this year, after all, John Lung and Chen Chong have not yet become world-famous with the Oscar-winning movie "The Last Emperor". They can be said to be equal to each other and have equal weight.

Speaking of which, among all the guests, the two models had the least sense of status and were marginalized.

They are both winners of the 1986 Oriental Splendid Model Competition, one is the champion Chen Jihong, and the other is the runner-up Yao Peifang. Their performance contracts have been signed with Pierre Cardin Company, each for five years.

But although they are beautiful and in good shape, their professional potential is limited, and the industry ceiling determines that they will be overshadowed by movie stars and singers.

Except on the catwalk, they shine brightly, and few people can recognize them when they get off the catwalk.

This is something that can't be helped.

Therefore, they can only be reduced to foils among many popular stars.

But after all is said and done, Ning Weimin's existence is the most subtle among all people.

Those who met him for the first time and didn't know him at all could not figure out what his role was.

What kind of relationship is it with Song Huagui?

There are so many doubts about him.

First, he came in with big and small bags. In addition to food and drink, the gifts he gave also included a set of mahjong tiles.

After that, he went away again and sorted the things he brought into categories by himself, putting them wherever they should be placed. He even helped Zou Guodong set up another card table for the entertainment of others who were idle.

Looking at his young age, his attitude makes him look like a son of the Song family.

But at the same time, he dared to joke with Song Huagui without hesitation.

Song Huagui and her relatives actually took it for granted.

Moreover, Fei Xiang, Zhang Qiang, Matsumoto Keiko, and even Cui Jian were included.

Everything he said seemed to follow his lead.

From this point of view, he looks like a person with important status and great power in Pierre Cardon Company.

This is incompatible with his age, and why would Song Huagui tolerate such an unruly subordinate?

However, he showed that he was very familiar with Zun Long. When they first met, he mentioned the two movies "The Iceman" and "Year of the Dragon" starring Zun Long, just like he was a loyal movie fan.

However, the most unexpected thing was that he changed the topic and bluntly said that he had a movie that he wanted to collaborate with Zun Long.

As for Song Huagui, not only did he not have any objections to this, but he also helped him. He asked Zun Long if he had any other work arrangements after filming "The Last Emperor" and suggested that Zun Long give Ning Weimin his agency contact information.

After that, Ning Weimin couldn't stand Zou Guodong's urging. He honestly took off his coat, rolled up his arms and sleeves and went into the kitchen to follow Zou Guodong and make dumplings.

Before leaving, he had not forgotten to entrust Zhang Qiang and Song Xiaohong to take care of his celebrity girlfriend, who was as trivial as a little man from Shanghai.

In short, he seems to be both ordinary and extraordinary, calculating yet confident and generous. Many completely contradictory things are concentrated in him.

It was so strange that one couldn't help but wonder about him.

Not to mention the two models whispering and speculating on what kind of person Ning Weimin is.

Even Zunlong looked at the kitchen door and wondered, where did this guy come from? How much energy does it have?

Song Huagui seemed to see what Zunlong was thinking, and smiled and said seriously, "He is a capable and capable person. Not only is he reliable, he is also quite smart, decent and considerate. The key is to have a unique vision. There's nothing he wants to do that he can't do. I'm serious. If you want to believe me, then you should believe him."

Needless to say, this comment can't help but surprise Zunlong, and everyone else at the card table is also stunned. (End of chapter)

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