National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,196 Champion and Runner-up

The meal served by Ning Weimin at Song Huagui's house was basically a combination of Chinese and Western cuisine.

In addition to the Chinese dishes, Ning Weimin and Zou Guodong made two hundred dumplings with the help of Yao Peifang.

There are also several cold dishes of jellyfish, shredded chicken cold skin, small crispy fish, pine flowers mixed with tofu, and several kilograms of hawthorn-stuffed Yuanxiao from Jinfang Snack Restaurant freshly cooked.

The rest of the dishes were French cold meals and desserts sent by Maxim Restaurant.

It's roughly a cold meat platter, grilled tenderloin, smoked salmon Caesar salad, mini sandwiches and macarons, crepes, cookies, chocolate cake and the like.

And of course French wines and real Champagne.

The biggest highlight of this smorgasbord of gourmet gatherings is their inclusivity.

Song Huagui took full consideration of everyone's eating habits, and her arrangements made everyone satisfied.

But for Ning Weimin, the reason why he enjoyed the meal so happily was not just the food and wine.

What is more important to him should be the harvest of personal assets and career progress.

First of all, whether it is the head office opening a star-rated hotel or selling a fast food chain to him.

To put it bluntly, the head office eats meat and he eats soup.

Especially in these two matters, he no longer has to worry about many critical joints and dealings with the authorities.

Just follow the ready-made ones.

Then isn't he in a good mood?

I have to say that the current domestic environment is extremely friendly to foreign companies and joint ventures. All the discounts that can be given are given, and all the policies that can be liberalized are liberalized.

Under such circumstances, if the foreign-invested enterprises and joint ventures that entered the Republic did not break out and conduct barbaric expansion, they would simply be sorry for this era.

As for Ning Weimin himself, it is of course more appropriate to be a small and insignificant sapling hiding under the towering tree of a foreign company.

With the banner of Pierre Cardon Company protecting him from wind and rain, it was like he had a golden body to protect him. It was more effective than having a real official body, and he could do anything he wanted with twice the result with half the effort.

You won't be harassed by local gangsters, and you don't always have to look at the face of someone with a red badge. You also have advantages in technology and information sources. It's hard to imagine the weather.

In comparison, it seems very sad to look at those red hat companies that have to affiliate themselves with state-owned units, or self-employed people who have upgraded to small owners through self-reliance.

Although he was born and raised as a seedling of a private enterprise, he lived in fear and fear every day.

In order to make some money, I don’t know how much supervision and management I have to accept from Mao Shen, and I don’t know how many relationships I have to work through and unblock.

It's really hard to be such a boss.

Not to mention that you will be knocked back to your original shape if you are not careful.

Even if you make money, you still have to be a grandson in many cases.

It really doesn't mean much if you take a closer look.

It’s no wonder that the first batch of wealthy people in China always like to consume in revenge, and they don’t care how much money they spend just to save face.

The root cause is that they are too frustrated and seriously lack a social status comparable to the wealth they create.

How about saying that Ning Weimin is a thief? As someone who has been through this, he will never do something like this again in vain.

Secondly, with Song Huagui's strong guarantee and Zou Guodong's hard work, Ning Weimin initially gained Zunlong's trust.

Because of this, when he informed Zun Lung that Matsumoto Keiko's agency planned to invest 2 billion yen to shoot a love musical this year, and Teresa Teng would play the heroine, Zun Lung did not regard it as bragging. Instead, he listened patiently to the outline of the story.

Moreover, even if Zunlong is dedicated to pursuing a breakthrough in acting, he is really not very interested in a vase-like male protagonist like "Crazy Rich Asians". He even felt a bit bored and disappointed after listening to Ning Weimin's introduction.

But Zunlong is still very grateful for Ning Weimin's sincere invitation and respect.

Especially for Song Huagui's sake, he did not show any particular resistance in person and refused directly.

Instead, he agreed to go back and think about it carefully, and readily left his agent's contact information with Ning Weimin.

Judging from what he meant, it seemed that as long as Ning Weimin could handle his economic company and his agent Huang Yumei agreed, he himself would reluctantly agree.

In this way, although it was not an instant hit-off, Ning Weimin had almost achieved his goal and got what he wanted.

Of course, this can also be said to be the blessing of being under Pierre Cardon's disciples and serving as a senior executive in a foreign-funded company.

Otherwise, it would have been Ning Weimin himself who would have been treated so kindly by Zunlong, let alone the first time they met.

Even if he wanted to see Zun Long, it would be difficult for him to talk about his thoughts.

Does anyone know what you do?

You treat yourself like an onion, who will use you to cook the pot?

Just like what is said in those storytelling books, unknown people don't even have a chance to sign up, and they have no qualifications to compete with others.

This is the reality of this society.

At the same time, it is also because this society has not yet ushered in the Internet era. At present, information is relatively blocked and circulation is not smooth, so interpersonal communication becomes more and more important.

How could Ning Weimin not remember Song Huagui?

Come on, having such a good eldest sister to take care of you in this life is better than having a biological sister.

Ning Weimin was quite contented.

In addition, it is also interesting to say, don't look at him chasing Zunlong fiercely, racking his brains to win over and win over.

At the same time, there were others chasing him and Matsumoto Keiko around like flies.

Cen Chong and Wu Junmei are already veterans in the entertainment industry, and they are both the kind of people who have their feet in both China and the United States and want to take advantage of them.

As soon as they heard that the film by Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko had a budget of 2 billion yen and that it was a large-scale production involving actors from many countries, their eyes lit up.

Even if he knew that the heroine had no chance, he couldn't care less.

The next step was to swoop in. Since it was difficult to tell Ning Weimin, they targeted Matsumoto Keiko.

As a result, Matsumoto Keiko was tricked by Ning Weimin.

She spent almost the entire meal entertaining these two philistines.

I didn't eat much, and I didn't drink much wine, but my head was already dizzy from their chattering.

In the end, I had to excuse myself from feeling unwell and hide in the guest room to rest, and finally found peace for the time being.

In comparison, the girl named Yao Peifang looks particularly lovable.

Although she is also from Shanghai, she does not smoke, drink, or play mahjong, and has none of the bad habits of the two big stars.

And she speaks softly, which makes people feel that this girl is gentle and quiet.

He was obviously trying his best to fight for opportunities for himself, but he adopted another method of moisturizing things quietly.

She is very discerning and can never sit still in the living room.

She always takes the initiative to bring tea and water to everyone, and goes to help anyone who needs it.

Even when eating, I always help others carry plates, change bowls and chopsticks, and pour drinks.

It makes people feel that her presence is not only eye-catching but also very comfortable.

The only thing wrong with her is that she is too tall. Standing next to her can easily make ordinary men feel inferior.

It's impossible for Zunlong, who is only 1.72 meters tall, to get too close to her.

It was only possible to say a few words to each other unless we were sitting on chairs.

It can be said that among all the people today, she has the lowest attitude, and she has the consciousness of being a little transparent.

He doesn't look like a guest invited to a party at all, but a volunteer waiter who doesn't get paid.

Compared with her, champion Ye Jihong is much more arrogant.

If others ignore her, she never takes the initiative to talk to others.

This is true even when facing popular stars like Zun Long and Fei Xiang.

Even though Zou Guodong and Ning Weimin were theoretically her immediate superiors, in front of them, Ye Jihong remained reticent and never smiled.

She and Yao Peifang seemed to be like ice and fire, forming a sharp contrast in every gesture.

This is of course probably due to personality.

But in Ning Weimin's view, perhaps more importantly, her status as a champion gives her ample resources.

According to Zou Guodong, this year, Ye Jihong, who won the model competition championship, became a celebrity in the calendar company.

Many manufacturers are vying to purchase the rights to his image, just to reproduce the champion's photo on every calendar.

In addition, she has also received many advertisements and endorsements. Even Air China extended an olive branch to Ye Jihong and selected her to be the spokesperson of its own company.

The famous oil painter Chen Yifei even chose her as his royal model, and CCTV will also shoot a personal documentary on her.

In comparison, Yao Peifang, the runner-up, looks very pitiful.

It seemed like I had nothing but an opportunity to perform in Japan.

To be honest, judging from this incident, we cannot blame the Chinese for being overly obsessed with gold medals and championships, because the situation in the country seems to be winner-take-all.

Whether it is the sports world, the literary world, or the modeling world.

The first place always takes almost all the honors and benefits, takes away all the fruits of victory, completely covering up the brilliance of the second and third place, making them look like beggars.

Anyway, no matter how you put it, maybe just like the song that Ren Xianqi once tasted, Ning Weimin is always "too soft-hearted".

Or maybe Ye Jihong's aloof look is too much like Michelle Reis from Hong Kong City, and too much like the eldest lady of the Macau gambling king's family.

In Ning Weimin's eyes, this guy was a sad face.

And because he was disgusted with Ye Jihong's aloofness, he was even more able to find Yao Peifang's loveliness.

And the more I observed, the more I felt that whether it was a certain demeanor or a certain temperament about her, she looked very much like Qu Xiao.

So when parting, Ning Weimin whispered a few words to Matsumoto Keiko, and then quietly called Yao Peifang over.

Then he handed Qingzi a business card in front of her, "This is my contact information in Tokyo, Japan. I will be there almost after the Lantern Festival. If you need any help in Kyoto, just call this Give me the call. If you feel that the performance work in Japan is not hard, and you have time, you are willing to take on some additional commercial shooting in Tokyo, or try the possibility of acting. You can also give me a call."

To be honest, Ning Weimin's move was nothing fancy.

He just saw that this girl was in good condition, and simply felt that Yao Peifang was just a loser and that she was unfairly defeated.

He just wanted to try his best to support her, otherwise he wouldn't have asked his fiancée for her permission first.

After all, in modeling competitions, a cold face is always more valued by the judges.

But in his eyes, Yao Peifang's conditions were no worse than Ye Jihong's.

If he had to choose, the champion and runner-up would definitely have to be swapped.

Needless to say, as a result, Yao Peifang's face was filled with shining longing and excited gratitude.

Knowing that her hard work today was not in vain, she happily responded, promising that she would definitely call Ning Weimin when the time came.

At the same time, he didn't forget to thank Keiko, and even bowed to Keiko like a Japanese. The hurried look was quite cute.

In short, in Ning Weimin's eyes, it can be said that this girl is both beautiful on the outside and beautiful on the inside. She is quite good and her emotional intelligence is definitely not low.

To be honest, from the perspective of communication skills, he thinks that Yao Peifang is actually more suitable for this fashion circle than Qu Xiao, who he once made famous.

So even he couldn't help but have some expectations for this promising material.

I am already very interested and plan to try out a role for Yao Peifang in "Crazy Rich Asians".


Ning Weimin's vision was indeed accurate, because at this moment, Qu Xiao, who was far away in Paris, France, was confirming his judgment with practical actions.

She really doesn't adapt to this circle, especially the atmosphere of the fashion capital.

At the spring design show of Saint Laurent in France, almost all Paris models came.

There are black people, white people, blond hair, black hair, Latin ancestry, Eastern European ancestry, and Asians are the least.

The candidate Qu Xiao stood out because of this. He was wearing 16cm high heels and his waist was tightly tied.

This state made her feel as if her upper and lower bodies were completely separated. She couldn't control her legs very well. Her pants were a bit like rubber and stuck together after standing for a long time.

As a result, when she took the stage, as accident happened.

As soon as she took the first step, she was caught off guard and fell.

Thanks to the professionalism accumulated over the years, she immediately stood up like a cat with a sexy posture and won applause from the audience!

However, it is a pity that blessings never come in pairs and misfortunes never come singly, and miracles do not always happen in this world.

Taking the second step, she actually fell out again. This time, she was greeted with laughter.

Forced to stand up without any trouble, Qu Xiao could no longer care about elegance, and walked backstage despite his injured body.

Then... I was scolded by the director.

But the most amazing thing later was that when the results of the semi-finals were finally announced, Qu Xiao was unexpectedly left behind and learned that he still had a chance to be shortlisted.

The director found her privately and said, "Are you the one who fell continuously? I noticed just now that your hair and skin are so good, like a delicate porcelain doll. Do you want to be shortlisted for the semi-finals? I am willing to make an exception for you, on the condition that ...Well, you want to have dinner with me. How about it?"

Qu Xiao shook his head without hesitation, and calmly pushed away the director's hand that wanted to hug him.

"I'm sorry, I just want to get the tickets based on my strength."

After saying that, he turned around and left without hesitation or nostalgia.

The director was particularly reluctant to leave, "Miss, please think about it again, this is Saint Laurent's ticket. It costs at least 30,000 francs for a performance, and I can also introduce you to a famous makeup artist. Hey, please believe me, here Everyone knows me, I’m not a liar... Oh my God... Are you actually going to refuse a performance contract worth 600,000 yuan..."

However, the retreating figure did not hesitate at all.

The director could only sigh helplessly, then shrugged as if to comfort himself, and considered dating another model. (End of chapter)

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