National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,202 Satisfaction

"Hello everyone, look, who is here?"

With a shout, Zhang Shihui took the lead in pushing open the private room door.

With his face glowing red, after he stepped aside, Liu Weijing walked in first, and the last person to appear was Ning Weimin, who had not been in contact with everyone for several years.

"Ning Weimin!"

Several old colleagues who recognized him called out his name in unison.

And immediately after, many people stood up in unison, including Huang Suqin.

From this subconscious reaction, we can see how much these old colleagues value Ning Weimin.

Indeed, although Ning Weimin worked at Chongwenmen Hotel for less than a year.

Moreover, it was because of disciplinary violations that I resigned and left in disgrace.

But the problem is that after all these years, none of these colleagues have forgotten him.

Even everyone is always paying attention to news related to him, and they all regard him as a legend who can be used to brag to others.

Unlike Mi Xiaoran who left for the United States, everyone else in this room today basically knows that Ning Weimin has become more and more prosperous after he left his original employer and changed his career to a foreign company.

As we all know, Pierre Cardin is known as the "number one foreign company", and its business has been booming in recent years.

Ning Weimin is also always involved in cultural affairs and projects related to Pierre Cardin.

In fact, no matter what kind of New Year garden party, sculpture art exhibition, Splendid Oriental Model Competition, or "Journey to the West" exhibition, as well as Alain Delon and Katharine Devna's visit to China...

Everyone can always see Ning Weimin's name in newspapers.

In addition, you should also know that Zhang Shihui's wife Liu Weijingke stayed at the Chongwenmen Hotel and worked for a long time.

Just by looking at the changes in Liu Weijing, everyone can know how much benefits Zhang Shihui gained by following Ning Weimin.

Apart from anything else, what was Liu Weijing wearing and smearing on his face that wasn't valuable imported stuff?

The lipstick you use may be worth half a month's salary, and you can't buy it without foreign exchange coupons.

Liu Weijing no longer cares about gold jewelry that every woman wants these days.

Especially when she was pregnant, Zhang Shihui actually drove a car and picked her up every day, which made many people envious.

And even if you are jealous, you can't say anything bad about them.

Because everyone sitting here has benefited a lot from it.

Since Zhang Shihui opened the tobacco shop, she has sold tobacco and alcohol to these old colleagues at the lowest price in the city.

He doesn't care, but everyone can save a few dollars every month through him.

Since no one can do without the help of these two couples, they have benefited from them.

No matter how jealous you look, it's not easy to talk behind your back, right?

There is no reason to scold the cook when you are full.

Not to mention Pierre Cardon's headquarters and Maxim Restaurant, which are still located in the Chongwenmen Hotel opposite the Chongwenmen Hotel.

On weekdays, you can't prepare for when you will see Ning Weimin coming in and out of Chongwenmen Hotel and Maxim Restaurant.

In fact, there is no need to go into detail about Ning Weimin's treatment at a foreign company.

Just compare it to the days when people are high-spirited, ride in cars, wear suits, eat Western food, drink coffee, and entertain guests every day.

Then look at your daily life of sitting in the front hall, going to the canteen to get food, waiting for the bus, or riding a bicycle to and from get off work.

It's enough to make these people feel dirty.

So to be honest, even though these people received Mi Xiaoran's invitation in advance, everyone knew that this was a gathering of all old colleagues.

But due to the "special relationship" between Mi Xiaoran and Ning Weimin, it's really hard to ask, please don't invite Ning Weimin.

In fact, almost most people don't have this hope.

Many people think that Ning Weimin is no longer a nobleman that everyone can afford.

It's a common phenomenon that people tend to forget things when people go out to drink tea.

Maybe even Zhang Shihui and Liu Weijing won't come.

After all, they no longer work at Chongwenmen Hotel.

If you don't want to come, you can excuse yourself because there are too many things going on lately, and no one can say anything.

However, no one expected that not only Zhang Shihui and Liu Weijing would come today, but also Ning Weimin.

Although they must be late, after all, it has only been ten minutes since they ordered the dishes, and the cold dishes have not yet been served. As long as people can come, everyone is overjoyed.

Especially the few people who came late showed no condescension and arrogance, not to mention that Zhang Shihui and Liu Weijing both smiled and greeted everyone.

Call me sister when you should, and joke when you should, just like when everyone worked together in the past.

Ning Weimin, who has become a "giant panda" in everyone's eyes, showed a humble attitude. He bowed repeatedly when entering the door and apologized for their tardiness.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! The road is not easy to walk today, and there is actually a traffic jam in the capital. I'm so sorry that everyone is so tired and waiting for us."

This kind and friendly attitude immediately won everyone's favor.

So someone also made a joke. "It's not enough to just apologize with words, you have to toast and apologize."

"I toast, I toast."

Ning Weimin also had no airs. In order to comply with public opinion, he went to find a wine glass himself.

Unexpectedly, he had just picked up the glass of wine when someone said again, "It's not enough to propose a toast. Everyone has to propose a toast."

You know, Mi Xiaoran has booked three tables at Huazhu Restaurant today.

If Ning Weimin really wanted everyone to toast, they would probably all be in place.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to ask for mercy.

"No, can I offer a toast to each table?"

"No! No!" Everyone laughed and deliberately challenged him.

In fact, by this time, the overall atmosphere in the private room was still very happy.

Zhang Shihui also started to smooth things over for Ning Weimin just in time.

He came forward to explain to everyone that he did not blame Ning Weimin today. In fact, he did not control the time when he went out, and he did not expect that it would be so difficult to find a parking space at Huazhu Restaurant. They parked the car in the alley and strolled over. of.

In this way, if nothing unexpected happens, as long as someone takes the lead to express understanding, such as the leader Huang Suqin.

Others followed suit, and everyone toasted together. The matter was over, and it was over with a laugh.

No one will be embarrassed, and the atmosphere will only be more harmonious.

A party is just for fun.

But the problem is that this meal is hosted by Mi Xiaoran.

Originally, she was like a resentful woman, holding a grudge against Ning Weimin. She wished that neither he nor Zhang Shihui would show up today.

But the timing for them to open the door and enter was so short.

It just interrupted Mi Xiaoran's words that were already on the tip of his tongue.

He abruptly diverted everyone's attention and delayed the serious things Mi Xiaoran wanted to say.

Then Mi Xiaoran can still feel happy?

Even if he knew that he was not as good as Ning Weimin, he would not be able to gain an advantage in a "head-on battle".

Then she also wanted to find trouble and squeeze on this kid, so she couldn't let him get too proud.

In the first two days, the neighbors in No. 2 Courtyard gathered together, and Ning Weimin was the host. There were many elders, so she naturally couldn't be arrogant during the dinner.

But today is different. Sitting together are all old colleagues, and women have an absolute advantage.

As men, Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui are inherently disadvantaged groups.

What's more, it's the home venue where she comes to treat guests. What is she afraid of?

No, this matter right now is obviously very suitable to hold on to and make a fuss about.

"Zhang Shihui, what you said is wrong. You are late. Any reason is fine, but the reasons you just mentioned are not valid. It is completely unfounded and shows no sincerity. You can tell yourself, this is nonsense! All of us No one is lucky enough to come here by car, and no one has food, but you are the only one who has a car to ride, but you are later than everyone else? This is to let you pass, but it doesn’t really allow you to treat us all like fools. No? No, the fine will be doubled! Even you will have to drink wine as a fine!"

This time, the wind direction suddenly changed.

Many people think what Mi Xiaoran said makes sense, and since he is also short-tongued, he is naturally more emotionally biased.

Some people who don't know what to do when things happen are easily incited and immediately agree.

As a result, not only was Ning Weimin being roasted on the fire, but Zhang Shihui also became embarrassed.

Because no matter how drunk he is, even if he drove here today, he can't touch alcohol.

If you are drunk, you are treating human life as a joke, otherwise the car will have to stay here all night.

If he doesn't drink, he will indeed be a bit arrogant, insincere and not manly enough.

So for a moment, Zhang Shihui regretted it and felt that she was too stupid and deserved to be beaten.

He had no other choice but to wink at Liu Weijing and ask his wife for help, hoping that Liu Weijing would intercede for them.

Unexpectedly, even this move was not hidden from Mi Xiaoran's eyes. She actually took the lead and blocked Liu Weijing's mouth with a joke.

"Weijing, please don't plead for these two men, and don't stand on the opposite side of our female compatriots. Today I just want to see if they are real men, and if these two big managers have the courage to face their own Responsible for mistakes! Do you have the ability to bear the consequences for the things you have done wrong? If you really can’t drink, then admit that you are not a man. We will not force them, right? Sisters. "

There is really something in the words, and every sentence is heart-breaking.

After saying this, he really caused a few loud laughs and unreasonable echoes.

Not only did Zhang Shihui raise his eyebrows, he realized that Mi Xiaoran had come with bad intentions and seemed to be deliberately making things difficult.

Even Huang Suqin and Liu Weijie also remembered the entangled things in the past between Ning Weimin and Mi Xiaoran.

I couldn't help but suspect that Mi Xiaoran was using the topic to deliberately embarrass Ning Weimin.

Unfortunately, understanding it does not mean there is a good solution, especially in front of Zhao Hanyu.

Even though Huang Suqin didn't want to see them arguing and wanted to make peace, she still felt like she couldn't do anything.

How to speak?

Don't bring up the past and cause new troubles.

Why is this Mi Xiaoran so small-minded?

However, even in this situation that seemed to have reached a dead end, Ning Weimin still remained calm and calm.

Although he suddenly realized that he seemed to have fallen into a trap today, Mi Xiaoran still had a long-standing grudge against him.

But after all, he is a master of communication and has a clear conscience.

Then, with just one hand, he calmly and skillfully solved the problem in front of him.

"Penalty! Punishment! You really deserve to be punished! What Xiaoran said makes sense. No matter what, being late is wrong, let alone us coming in a car. No matter what the reason is, there is no way to defend yourself."

Ning Weimin first agreed with Mi Xiaoran's words, then made another twist and raised the leather bag in his hand.

"But Zhang Shihui is really not allowed to drink while driving today. As for me, I haven't seen the big guys yet, and I really want to have a good chat with you. If everyone toasts a glass of wine, I guess I will have to go back to bed directly after drinking. Okay. Is this good? Let me give you an alternative. I originally prepared a small gift for each of you today, but now I will take it out and distribute it to everyone. Even if Zhang Shihui and I have taken away the merit, okay? ?”

No one expected Ning Weimin's move.

When he said this, Zhang Shihui's eyes immediately lit up.

He also remembered that this time was coming and became excited, and quickly agreed.

"That's right, we also brought gifts for everyone. Is that okay?"

I heard that there are still gifts available, so some of these women are unhappy.

Let alone taking advantage of one's nature, let's just talk about it from an emotional point of view.

The fact that Ning Weimin can be so generous and still think about them is enough to touch people's hearts.

As a result, the atmosphere at the scene eased and the wind direction changed again. As expected, many people loosened their stance and began to turn towards Ning Weimin again.

"Hey, hey, I say, sisters, sisters, please be patient and don't be impatient yet. In my opinion, we still have to take a look at the gift before deciding whether it is a good thing. Gift-giving It also pays attention to sincerity. Everyone has to see what the gift is, whether they are satisfied or dissatisfied, and then decide whether they should be spared?"

Mi Xiaoran certainly didn't want to see Ning Weimin take the initiative and win people's hearts, so she couldn't help but stand up and use her last effort to block everyone's decision.

She saw that Ning Weimin's wallet was not big, and she knew that it was not a gift that could be easily obtained. She even shouted words that did not hesitate to incite class hatred.

"Sisters, can we have some backbone? Big managers like them who work in foreign companies are already masters. They can't just give us some worthless gadgets and just bribe us. Then we can Is it too worthless?"

It's a pity that although her words accurately targeted people's hearts and her analysis was accurate, they did have a certain depressing effect.

But the one she was fighting against was Ning Weimin, the illegitimate son of God.

Her little tricks may be effective for ordinary people, but they are not enough for Superman who can fully grasp the pulse of the times.

Ning Weimin didn't bother to argue with her, he just opened his purse with a smile and took out stacks of small boxes.

Facing every colleague present, he said politely, "It is indeed a small gift, a bit hard to get. But I think everyone will like it..."

Then Zhang Shihui and Liu Weijing helped distribute it to everyone present.

Sure enough, as soon as the first person took the gift with his hand, shouts of surprise began to flow out of control and spread in the private room.

In fact, even one table of people was not fully served, and the order of the three tables in the entire private room was chaotic.

Everyone was in high spirits and wanted to surround Ning Weimin, Zhang Shihui and Liu Weijing.

Even supervisor Huang Suqin, who is known for his stability, is no exception.

"Feixiang! Feixiang! It's still the original!"

"Really? Oh my god, it's true! It's really Feixiang! It's really the original version!"

"Wow, that's great! How did you get it? I like it, of course I do!"

"Ah, I am so happy! How is this possible? Am I not dreaming?"

"Weimin, you are so awesome! How can this be considered a small gift? I heard that a plate is sold for ten dollars! You can't even buy it if you want."

"That's right, just this gift from you! I admire you so much! I can drink your wine for you!"

Yes, what Ning Weimin sent was none other than the tapes that were originally backlogged in his hands.

The music album originally released by Pacific Records - "Songs Across the Four Seas".

Ever since Fei Xiang became famous in the Spring Festival Gala, his first mainland album, which had long been judged to be a failure, has turned around.

The existing goods in Ning Weimin's hands plus the goods in Zhao Changqing's hands would not be enough to sell once they were spread out to the whole country.

Even though Feixiang has only been popular for a week, major audio and video stores in Beijing have already sold out the few hundred thousand copies in stock.

This made Ning Weimin regret it. He didn't have a clue. He knew clearly about this situation, but he forgot to make a calendar for Fei Xiang.

Otherwise, it could be sold for tens of millions.

Now, if anyone in the entire capital still has Feixiang's tape, there is really no one except Ning Weimin.

He kept five hundred plates not for sale, but just to travel around during the Spring Festival and give them out as gifts to gain favor.

Look, what does it mean to sail a ship that lasts ten thousand years with caution?

No, Mi Xiaoran's deliberate attempt to make things difficult was a direct hit in his hands!

Who let him have Feixiang's treasure card in his hand? He can easily win the favor of any woman.

PS: It seems that I am Yang again, and I have been sick for two days. Just asking if you are satisfied or not?

Everyone, please take care of yourself.

Warning in advance, as long as I maintain my current feeling and it's not serious, I can still get better.

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