National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,242 Must be spent

Just like the Japanese people's attitude towards stocks and real estate is warming up.

In recent years, Chinese people's enthusiasm for going abroad has also been increasing, and many people are fixated on the opportunity to squeeze out of the country.

However, the Republic is so large, the population is so large, and the economy is not very developed. Only a few people can realize their wish to go abroad.

Due to differences in work units, of course, the positions are also very important, and the number of trips abroad varies greatly.

Roughly speaking, there are currently two categories of overseas study, one is self-funded and the other is sponsored by the government.

With the current annual income of Chinese people, not many people can afford to go abroad at their own expense based on their own income.

Even if they rely on funding from overseas relatives, they will still be in the minority.

However, this self-payment also includes some college students, graduate students, and visiting scholars who receive scholarships or salaries from other parties.

Although there are many such people in institutions of higher learning, when compared to a country with a population of 1.1 billion, this number becomes insignificant.

The other type is public-sponsored, which depends on the person's position or department.

Those with high positions and large departments will naturally have more opportunities to go abroad. They don’t have to spend a penny to go abroad for sightseeing. This is the first-class job at the moment.

Onlookers sometimes find it difficult to understand that it only takes two and a half days to attend a meeting abroad, which is not enough time to go through the formalities of going abroad!

But those who go abroad never give up. There must be a secret in this.

The premise is that going through these procedures does not require any effort on the part of the person going abroad, as it is all taken care of by the foreign affairs department where you are located.

In addition, they don’t need to spend a penny. Even the physical examination fee and the cost of filling in the foreign language form are paid by their employer.

And if a person can often fly around in the sky and participate in international exchanges, his worth will double.

Speaking to the people below is naturally an invitation from the other party. Anyone who receives an invitation from a foreign country to attend a meeting is very "honored."

In addition, going out has benefits that ordinary people cannot imagine.

First of all, it is a public trip, where you can see the world and experience exotic customs, which is completely different from life in China.

If you calculate the expenses of going abroad in detail, including the cost of making clothes, round-trip air tickets, overseas accommodation, meals, etc., it is difficult to get it without 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

Imagine if the two to thirty thousand dollars were to come from your own pocket, it would be a bit difficult!

It takes at least ten or twenty years of frugality to save up.

But then again, even if you really save a lot of money, who is really willing to squander it within a few days?

Secondly, after returning to China, you can also buy duty-free imported electrical appliances in China based on the quota.

Even if you don't need it, you can still sell it for at least a thousand yuan just by handing it over.

Therefore, the value of such a good thing in this era is far more than being able to share a house.

If an opportunity falls on you, who wouldn't want to fight for it?

You can’t let it happen even if your head is broken!

Of course, having said that, whether it is possible to succeed in the end, opportunity is naturally more important.

For example, if the same person works in a subordinate unit all year round, it will be difficult to get the opportunity to go abroad.

Once you start working in the ministry, even though the amount of salary you receive each month is limited, your opportunities to go abroad will increase.

Just like the Chongwen District Service Bureau and the Temple of Heaven Park, these two units are both important financial cornerstones and foreign exchange-earning units of Chongwen District, no matter how bad they look.

However, due to certain limitations in their functions and work scope, they have always been isolated from the outside world, and it is always difficult to get a glimpse of the outside world.

Compared with some enterprises and institutions of the same level, it would be even more shameless when it comes to going abroad.

Because neither the Service Bureau nor the Temple of Heaven Park has yet had a chance to go abroad.

Not to mention the people below, the top leaders of these two units only travel around the country, going to Shanghai, Huacheng, and at most Shantou and Shenzhen to hold industry exchange meetings.

It is no exaggeration to say that if it is a company like Polar Bear, under the banner of "inspecting the market environment", even people whose positions have nothing to do with foreign affairs can be sent to the delegation to go out as members.

Even financial staff can get a share!

Not to mention the Tourism Bureau. Due to business needs, it has several travel agencies with international business under its jurisdiction. If you want to go out, don’t you just say hello?

Almost every grassroots cadre, from division chief to section chief, has the opportunity to visit developed countries in Europe and the United States.

Even the companies under the Construction Bureau are better than them.

In the name of supporting the construction of brotherly countries, many construction teams can still go to Asia, Africa and Latin America.

At least it's out of the question, right?

Because of this, you can imagine how rare it is for the Chongwen District Service Bureau and the Temple of Heaven Park to have an opportunity to study abroad.

This time, those who can really take this opportunity to go abroad and see the colorful world of Japan are so excited and excited.

The key is that this time there is no need to ask for help, and there is no need to look at their faces. Their reasons for going abroad are upright.

We have investments overseas and have made a lot of money through investment. Our purpose of going out this time is to expand our results and earn more foreign exchange for the country.

We don't even have to worry about the country's expenses for going abroad, and we don't need to apply for a foreign exchange quota. We can just pay for our own expenses.

Who's to say it's not worth taking a trip?

So to put it bluntly, the main theme is to feel proud, just one word - awesome!

Of course, they themselves also knew that they were taking advantage of Tan Gong Restaurant.

To be more specific, it was actually because of Ning Weimin.

At this time, I recall that Ning Weimin decided to go to Japan to develop the market, and that the director of the Temple of Heaven expressed his complete trust and firm support against all opinions.

From top to bottom of the two units, one counts each other. Who can not be grateful and admire these two people who have benefited everyone?

It is also for this reason that the top leader of the service bureau fully displayed the virtue of humility and courtesy.

In order not to steal the limelight from the old director of Tiantan, the "top leader" not only found an excuse not to come because he had complicated affairs and couldn't get away with it, but he also gave a few extra instructions to his subordinate, Deputy Director Jin.

Remind him to distinguish between big and small kings outside, he must respect the old director, and the wishes of the director should be the main priority in all matters.

I have to say that this director's mind is really clear.

The first group of people are explorers. If they come next time, the conditions will be better, and the treatment will never be worse.

As long as Tan Gong Restaurant can continue to be a foreign exchange cow, the opportunity to go abroad will be inevitable.

Why should he be in a hurry?

You might as well carry forward your style, which can take into account the feelings of several parties, and also show magnanimity and calmness. There will always be people who understand and will accept his feelings.

As for those who were lucky enough to be "scout", it goes without saying that no matter what their position was, they all treated Ning Weimin with affection.

No matter behind the scenes, what is the attitude of these people towards Ning Weimin's substantial subsidies to employees, whether they say weird things, or whether they sing the opposite.

Anyway, I came to Japan today, and everyone smiled like a sunflower at Ning Weimin, and their attitude was a bit more friendly than when they were in the capital.

This is because they feel grateful in their hearts.

At the same time, it also contains the meaning of relying on friends when going out and hoping for more from Ning Weimin.

You can't offend the local snake who entertained them in such a blind situation, right?

If anyone can really do such a thing, then he should simply return to the grassroots and become a common man, because he does not have the basic qualities of a cadre.

No, when Ning Weimin asked the big guys to help deliver the suitcases to the chartered car at the airport, none of these bosses, who always only ordered others to do their work, complained.

When lining up to get on the bus, everyone was as well-behaved as a child, showing extremely high organizational discipline.

In short, they did whatever Ning Weimin told them to do.

If there really were awards for model tourists in this world, then they should be ranked and receive the award.

Of course, Ning Weimin was also worthy of them.

When everyone got on the bus and sat down, and the Japanese driver heard the greeting and started the bus, the first thing Ning Weimin did was to raise the horn of the Japanese tour guide and announce in front of everyone - pay!

Just like the first batch of employees who received Tan Palace, Ning Weimin first took out a stack of envelopes as a greeting gift for everyone.

The money had been packed in advance. He handed the envelope to Yao Peifang, and she was responsible for handing it out one by one.

Then Ning Weimin held up a loudspeaker and continued to explain to everyone.

"Dear leaders, in the envelope is 100,000 yen that I have prepared for each of you. It is a small thought and disrespectful. Now Xiao Yao will send it to everyone. But please don't misunderstand. This is not your living expenses in Japan. You don’t have to worry about any expenses in Japan, except for three meals a day, accommodation, and transportation. We will also buy personal belongings for the next few days, such as towels, toothbrushes, slippers, etc. You don’t need to spend money. To put it bluntly, this money is for everyone to spend during the trip. It will be more convenient if it is distributed to everyone.”

This arrangement absolutely catered to people's hearts and received a round of applause on the spot.

Some people even said "yes"!

Be good! One hundred thousand yen, that’s several thousand dollars!

Coming to Japan and doing nothing, everyone has two years of salary in their hands and can spend it as they please. Who can not be happy with this?

It would be nice if you could stay calm and not cheer!

But as the saying goes, good things come hard. Although everyone in this world loves money, veteran cadres have different perceptions.

For example, the director of the Temple of Heaven is a principled old-school person. The old man's status is also here. He has a straight temper and has no scruples in what he says. He actually got stopped.

"Hey, wait, wait, Weimin. This is not good. There are regulations on going abroad now. People who go abroad are not given pocket money, and they cannot exchange RMB for foreign currency at par. You are making a mistake by sending money like this. of……"

As soon as he said this, the excitement in the car cooled down a bit.

Not to mention that everyone was silent, even the few people who got the envelope first were in a bit of an awkward dilemma.

But Ning Weimin couldn't let the old principal's principles ruin his arrangements.

Everything must be done step by step. If no one eats the side dishes arranged at the beginning, how can he continue to lay the groundwork and achieve the final goal?

Although he also understood that the old director definitely had good intentions, he was probably worried about him, fearing that the issue of private bonuses to his employees had not yet been resolved, adding another crime here.

But he had good reasons. Not only was he not afraid, but he also wanted to live up to the old director's kindness.

"Goodbye, Mr. Principal, you don't know something. In fact, this rule is impossible to achieve at all. There are many tricks in it!"

"how to say?"

"Which overseas group doesn't have some pocket money set aside? Countries that require tips are almost all over the world. If they don't give out pocket money, how can they ask people going abroad to advance by themselves in such a situation? There is no such reason. Although there are only a few Japanese It’s a country that doesn’t require tipping, but it’s a high-consumption country. Everything here costs money and nothing is free. If you are thirsty, you can spend five or six yuan on a bottle of water on the street. , I can’t let everyone go abroad, but it will cause these people to go back to famine, right? Then how can I bear it, and I have to be scolded to death by everyone?”

The old director was surprised when he heard what he said.

"Why is it so expensive!"

Who knew that Ning Weimin said, "It's expensive, so we can make money by opening a restaurant. Let me tell you this, there is no price bureau here, as long as the price is clearly marked and there is no forced buying or selling, how much do you sell? The money is legal. How much do you think we can sell for a roast duck here? One thousand yuan is still in short supply. Otherwise, how can we earn several times as much as we do in China? Profitable?”

Ning Weimin indeed knew the skill of using Zi's spear to attack Zi's shield.

While his words caused a sensation, they also greatly shook the director's values, and his original persistence was shaken.

That's not all. Ning Wei, this kid also knows how to find another way to explain the rationality of giving and spending money from the perspective of national justice.

"Don't think it's too expensive. Japanese taxes are still heavy. Let me tell you something special about Japan. Yes, with our Chinese cooking methods, it is not difficult to make money from the little devils, but the problem is to take it away. It’s difficult. Old principal, people of your generation have come from hard times, and the style of hard work and simplicity is deeply ingrained in their bones. Advantages: Although our generation also grew up with the word "poor", we can't be as self-disciplined as your generation. However, this works in our country, but not in this place. This country's system. , he is forcing you to spit out all the money you have earned! If you don’t take the money distributed to everyone today, or if you don’t spend it, we won’t be able to make any profit on our public account. It’s so cheap for Japan. Do you want this?”

The more the old director listened, the less he understood.

Sitting in the first row, he shook Ning Weimin's arm anxiously, "Hey, let's make it clear. What's going on? If we don't want it, we'll become Little Japan's? Why? Why can't we take the money we make with us? ?”

In fact, let alone him, even the others stared at Ning Weimin with an expression of wanting to know what happened.

Ning Weimin's answer is very simple.

"Didn't I just say that taxes in Japan are heavy? Of course it's because of taxes. According to the Japanese tax system, the tax rate paid by companies is calculated based on the amount of income. In short, companies that make more money pay The more taxes you have. If you have more money than a certain amount, you will have to pay a very high tax rate, unless you use the money to reinvest or... spend it! This is why I don’t transfer the profits to the country. The main reason why we recommend opening a branch.”

"Here, where does this come from? Our hard-earned money is not allowed to be saved. What does this mean?"

With unbelievable shock, the old man was so impatient that he ignored the friendship between the two countries and took a car driven by a Japanese driver, even calling him "shit".

"What's going on? It's about Japan! It's right here. I'm really not talking nonsense. I cover all the expenses for everyone's overseas inspections, which can be counted as tax deductions in operating costs. From a certain point of view, it can be said that it is The Japanese tax bureau is giving us a treat.”

Ning Weimin was not deliberately going against the old man, but he just wanted the old director to understand the special nature of each place.

Sometimes, in some places, you really can’t save money, but spending it is more cost-effective.

But it must be said that this first wave of stimulation had a good effect, and the old director finally realized it and thought about it.

"Ah! There is such a thing in the world. But... if it is really like this, then of course it cannot be made easier for the Japanese tax bureau! It is all money, we might as well spend it ourselves. Then... then... Otherwise, let’s send it!”

With the words of the old principal, the atmosphere in the car finally became lively again.

But this is not the end, there is another person who will be stimulated next.

In fact, at the end of the sentence, Yao Peifang suddenly became confused.

Because she found that she still had an envelope in her hand.

Stunned for a moment, she quickly went to ask Ning Weimin.

"Why is there another one here? I came in order, everyone has been sent?"

Unexpectedly, after Ning Weimin took the envelope away from her hand, he put it back in her hand in less than a second.

And he also laughed at her, "Of course this is yours. Why did you forget yourself?"

"Ah? Mine? Why, why is this?"

Yao Peifang couldn't calm down while holding the 100,000 yen envelope, and looked at Ning Weimin with confusion.

That look undoubtedly meant that it was clearly agreed that I don’t want any reward!

Needless to say, Ning Weimin had no problem dealing with a young girl like her.

He said casually, "Nothing else, it's convenient for you to have some money with you. Why do you come to me temporarily when you need money? Besides, didn't you hear it just now? At least the money spent is our money." If you don’t want to spend it, then you have to hand it over to the Japanese Tax Bureau. In this case, you can do me a favor and help me spend the money, okay?”

"Oh", even though Yao Peifang had her big eyes open and couldn't believe the facts in front of her, she still accepted the money according to Ning Weimin's request.

And this was probably the craziest request she had ever heard in her life.

Spending money lavishly is actually helping?

Oh my God! If she had just met Ning Weimin at this time, she would definitely treat him as a lunatic!

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