National Tide 1980

Chapter 126: Being clever

There are also things to do on New Year’s Eve.

In the old society, this day was probably the busiest day of the New Year.

Because people at that time were superstitious, worshiping ancestors and welcoming gods were the top priorities on this day.

There are so many red tapes that it won't be complete until everyone in the family is exhausted.

But it was different after liberation.

Entering a new society, we pay attention to getting rid of superstition.

People no longer need to waste their energy on praying for blessings from ghosts and gods.

You can focus more on celebrating the New Year happily and getting together with your family.

But then again, after all, our country’s old history occupies a full five thousand years.

Moreover, since the beginning of history, the Chinese New Year celebrations have been more complicated than any foreigners.

Lively and beautiful, it is the light of the nation, and it is natural.

Therefore, there are still some traditional habits that cannot be completely abandoned.

Such as remembering ancestors, setting off firecrackers, lighting red lanterns, pasting Spring Festival couplets, door gods, blessing characters, cutting window grilles, making dumplings, printing red plum blossoms on steamed buns...

Many of these matters have gradually transformed from complete superstition into the meaning of praying for blessings and luck.

It is still regarded as a kind of folk art by our people and exists in people's lives.

There is no doubt that New Year's Eve in 1981 was already the second New Year's Eve that Ning Weimin and Kang Shude spent together.

It was very different from last year when the two of them were still separated, both were worried about their livelihoods, and had no intention of celebrating the New Year.

Since the two of them have become masters and apprentices as close as father and son this year, and they both have a lot of money, they naturally have the determination to live this year like that.

So all the necessary procedures must be in place.

After Kang Shude had eaten breakfast, the old man first began to instruct Ning Weimin on how to place offerings in front of his parents' portraits.

He solemnly ordered Ning Weimin to set up an offering table under the two photos on the west wall of the back room.

Then strictly follow the tradition and fill five bowls with millet that is flush with the mouth of the bowl according to the number of "five offerings".

And cover it with red paper, and put "Saqima", "Peach Crisp", "Zao Ni Crisp", apples and oranges on it.

When Ning Weimin bowed his head to the portraits of his parents in a serious manner, he fulfilled his duty as a filial son and a virtuous grandson.

The two of them began to clear the table, spread the writing mat, and write the word "福" and Spring Festival couplets together.

In terms of division of labor, naturally Ning Weimin was the one doing the ink grinding, while the old man was the one doing the writing.

Not to mention, Kang Shude's large calligraphy skills are quite good, and his thin gold handwriting is beautiful, and he will definitely be famous.

From Ning Weimin's point of view, he couldn't tell the difference between his calligraphy and those of Rong Baozhai.

So soon, as "Spring Festival Overture" was played repeatedly on the radio, the old and the young started posting together.

This time, it was Ning Weimin who was responsible for climbing up and taking action, while Kang Shude was responsible for watching from below.

With joint efforts, the doorkeeper of their main hall officially took up his post.

"Peace is blessing, harmony is spring" is posted on both sides of the door frame.

The banner is "Home and everything is prosperous".

In addition, the words "more than enough every year" are posted on the rice and noodle jars, and the words "make money every day" and "make money and bring treasure" are also posted on the cabinet door.

Next, it's time to put the word "福" on the doors of the other houses.

However, at this time, Ning Weimin took it upon himself to take the initiative and subconsciously followed the current practice of pasting the word "福" upside down, which showed his cowardice in front of the old man.

Not only was he stopped on the spot, but he also received a lesson from the master for breaking tradition.

The old man dared to say so.

"The word "福" is pasted upside down, using the homophonic pronunciation of "upside down" and "arrival", which means "luck arrives". There are indeed examples of this, but this method is only used in two places."

"One is on the water tank and the earth box, because the things in these two places have to be poured out. In order to avoid pouring out the blessings of the family, this homophonic word is used to seek good luck."

"Another place is on the cabinet inside the house. The cabinet is also a place to store items. In this case, the word '福' is attached upside down, which means that wealth will always come to the home, house and cabinet."

"But the word '福' on the door is completely different. It is always on the right side. Because this word '福' means 'welcoming blessing' and 'receiving blessing', and the door is the entrance and exit of the family, a solemn and harmonious In a respectful place, the word '福' must be solemn, dignified and generous."

"If the word '福' on the door is turned upside down, it will be top-heavy and disrespectful. You might as well look through the folk New Year paintings from various places. Are there any paintings with the word '福' on the door upside down?"

"Hey, you kid is just a fake expert who has only a little knowledge and doesn't know how to pretend to understand. This idea you came up with is too funny. We can't let you fool around like a dog-eat general on this matter..."

Wow, Ning Weimin is really not smart enough. He just takes ignorance as fun.

As a result, I was disappointed and couldn't refute a word.

When the master scolds him, he can only listen obediently.

Contrary to his disgraceful look, Kang Shude suddenly became happy.

He looked indescribably happy, as if catching Ning Weimin's sore leg was such a rare and beautiful thing.

It seems that the saying, old boy, old boy, does have some truth to it.

In the afternoon, the most important activity of the day finally arrived, which was making "Wuguang dumplings".

Don’t forget that making dumplings during the New Year is a common custom among northerners.

Everyone also knows that "dumpling" and "Jiao" are homophonic, "Zi" means "Zi Shi", and eating dumplings means "Geng Sui Jiao Zi".

But in fact, few people know more about the evolution and details of this traditional food.

Especially the dumplings that are a custom in Beijing.

For example, the word "和" in noodles and the word "dumpling" in dumplings also mean getting together, so dumplings also symbolize reunion and joy.

For another example, because dumplings resemble ingots, they also have the auspicious meaning of "bringing in wealth and treasure".

And because when making dumplings, you have to pinch them along the edges with your hands, making sure that the fillings are not exposed.

Lest the "wealth" in the dumplings be exposed and the "luck" escape.

In addition, in the old capital, due to the influence of the bannermen, the official name of "boiled dumplings" was always called "boiled dumplings".

After the Republic of China, it was gradually renamed "dumplings".

And there is one biggest difference between the old days and today.

That is, no matter whether you are poor or rich in Beijing, the dumplings on New Year's Eve must be made with vegetarian fillings and no meat or fish at all.

This was not for anything else, but because at that time dumplings were used to worship gods and ancestors, and were called "god-pleasing dumplings."

At the same time, it also means to seek "purity and peace throughout the year" and to reflect the need for self-discipline and purification of the soul in the new year.

It is particularly worth noting that there is a difference between the traditional concepts of "meat" and "fishy".

"Fishy" refers only to big fish and big meat.

"Hun" refers to pungent plants with the prefix "grass".

Therefore, onion and garlic cannot be placed in the dumpling fillings.

Having said this, we also know that you can actually eat meat-filled dumplings on New Year's Eve. This custom has a history far less long than the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In the end, the lack of materials during the disaster years and the mandatory "shabby and new" movement should be the main reasons for the trend to be promoted.

However, when it comes to traditional vegetarian dumpling fillings, they are actually no cheaper than meat fillings and are quite troublesome to make.

Because even though it is a vegetarian stuffing, it still incorporates the Beijing people's concept of "never getting tired of fine food and fine food".

If a wealthy family pays attention to the wrapping method, it will be even more delicious than the minced meat.

For example, carrots must first be grated into shreds on a mat, then blanched in boiling water, dried and then minced.

Chop the Chinese cabbage with a knife, add a little salt to squeeze out the water, then wrap it in a drawer cloth and squeeze out the water.

Other dried foods such as mushrooms, yellow flowers, fungus, and vermicelli should naturally be cooked first and then chopped finely.

You can also add some finely chopped winter bamboo shoots, gluten, and dried white tofu.

In addition, the mixed vegetarian stuffing must also be added with crushed "Pai Cha", "祹馇 boxes" or cut fried cakes and fried dough sticks.

The purpose is to play a balancing role and make the vegetarian stuffing taste soft and moist, instead of being crumbly.

When these main ingredients are prepared, you can roll sesame seeds into sesame salt, add soy sauce and vegetable oil, and stir into a vegetarian dumpling filling that is salty, delicious, and moderately greasy.

Under circumstances like this year, masters and apprentices Kang Shude and Ning Weimin had plenty of meat and supplies.

Considering that the New Year’s Eve dinner, which is all big fish and meat, would be too greasy, eating dumplings with vegetarian fillings that are refreshing and soothing is the best way to change it. So Kang Shude chose to restore the tradition, and followed Lao Ling'er's instructions, and took Ning Weimin to mix a pot of exquisite vegetarian stuffing.

Of course, it would have been better if Kang Shude didn't explain it when the stuffing was brought to the table.

This detailed explanation fell into the hands of Ning Weimin again.

When I start kneading the dough, rolling out the dough, and starting to open the package.

This kid was grinning and deliberately bringing up old things again.

"Old man, your vegetarian stuffing is really well mixed. If you ask me, it is in line with the principles of scientific diet. It is definitely much more delicious than meat stuffing."

"But having said that, you are too particular about eating a dumpling. Then do you want me to learn from you? Or don't you want me to learn?"

"Am I going to be successful after learning, or am I useless? Am I really at a loss what to do? Let Master make it clear..."

Only then did Kang Shude think of what he had said this morning about the food being delicious and worthless, and he immediately became angry.

"Hey, you're in a rush again, aren't you? You want to know what it means to be promising and what it means to be unpromising, right?"

"Okay, let me tell you. If you only know how to eat and don't know why you eat, then you have no future."

"Do you know why we make dumplings during the Chinese New Year? Remember, it's just to 'pink the villain's mouth'. The purpose is to avoid slander and prevent villains from being slandered."

"I'm going to blame you today, kid. I have to squeeze each of these dumplings three times. I have to make this little guy's mouth swell."

Well, when Ning Weimin heard this, he was speechless.

Villain? Who is a villain? This is called suffering.

Otherwise, Master is Master.

The roast chicken is so big that it can really swell your mouth.

(Note: The glutinous rice box is a famous snack in Beijing. It uses mung bean noodles as the main raw material and contains vegetarian vegetables. It is shaped like a box and is crispy and delicious.)

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