National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,282 Queen

Of course, Ning Weimin himself knew that it was impossible to expect complete information confidentiality.

Even though there is a confidentiality clause, there are no fewer than dozens of staff members from the two production companies involved, including board members.

With so many people, how can it be possible to ensure that everyone keeps their mouths shut?

Otherwise, the rumored news about this matter would not have been leaked out so early.

Who knows, is it a big shot who doesn't speak strictly, or a little guy who wants to attract attention?

Therefore, the so-called confidentiality clause is based on the bottom line of trust, just to guard against gentlemen but not villains.

What's more, there are some smart people who discovered the truth of the matter just by intuition. This was something Ning Wei Minsui couldn't stop, so it was impossible for him to block all the interference that came from it.

Katherine Devner was one of those extremely smart people, and her sources were older than most.

On May 28, she was at the officially designated hotel, drinking and having fun with a few old friends from the jury.

By the way, I would like to say good things to Marcelo Mastroianni, the leading actor of the film "Dark Eyes" in the competition section of this film festival, and try to win him the Best Actor Award this year.

Unexpectedly, she learned the shocking news from a friend of the judges during the half-time chat after drinking for three rounds.

In fact, there is no need to verify whether the news is true or false, because the person who revealed the news works at the French Film Archive and is an authoritative figure in the film industry.

He never spreads unfounded gossip, as long as the news he tells must be true.

When he told Catherine Deneuve about this, his original intention was to tell her that the Asian rights to dozens of movies starring her had been bought.

After all, the two French film companies that made deals with Ning Weimin have acquired many other film companies over the years, either due to expansion needs or government requirements, and their film libraries have become quite large.

No one would believe that someone bought so many copyrights just for personal collection or personal appreciation.

Therefore, this judge was kindly reminding Kathleen that she would pay attention to the Eastern film market.

He thought someone might soon create a good money-making opportunity for Kathleen in Asia.

Given France's dire economic situation and the decline of European cinema, she might be interested.

However, the judges never expected that Catherine Deneuve would have such a big reaction after hearing the news, and she almost became excited immediately.

"What? Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course. Is this important to you?"

"Yes, I really can't believe it, I can't believe it..."

Katherine murmured to herself and her expression changed from surprise to anxiety.

The judges noticed her abnormal state and couldn't help but worry, "What's wrong? Kathleen? Are you okay..."

"Oh, I'm fine, but I have to go, thank you..."

Katherine kissed the other person's face gently, then turned and left without any regret.

The judges were left standing there in astonishment, silently savoring the lingering fragrance of the "First Lady of French Film"'s red lips brushing against their own cheeks, watching helplessly as Catherine in a red dress looked like a beautiful elf Just like that, he disappeared into the crowd.

However, it is not so easy for Kathleen to leave here smoothly.

Because this party was not only full of big shots from the Cannes Film Festival organizing committee, heads of major European studios and stars, but many of these people were also her friends.

What's more, with her status in the European film industry, she is destined to be the focus of everyone's attention. It is almost impossible for her to pass through the crowd unnoticed and leave the scene as quickly as possible.

So in fact, everyone who met her in a group conversation would leave her behind.

And she almost managed to break through the layers of blockades and find the gate with her smile and politeness, as well as clinking glasses and drinking more than ten times.

Unexpectedly, just when victory was in sight and she was finally able to leave the reception, her arm was actually grabbed.

Then a man's cheerful voice sounded in her ears.

"Ah, my goddess, I finally see you! Honey, where are you going?"

Because her success was on the verge of failure, Catherine turned angrily to look at the person who blocked her.

But he discovered that it was his former lover, Italian actor Marcello Mastroianni.

Kathleen did have a different feeling towards this man.

Not only because when she was twenty-eight, she fell in love with this man irrespective of the fact that he was already married.

It was also because even after they broke up, there was still an emotional bond between them, which was the illegitimate daughter they shared.

That's why she willingly helped this man canvass votes for this year's Cannes Film Festival without asking for anything in return.

To be honest, compared to her ex-husbands who had formal marriages, this man who had only been fooling around with her for four years,

On the contrary, it allowed her to have the most unforgettable happy time ever, with the heaviest emotional weight.

So Kathleen's brows that were already furrowed with anger turned to soften, and she tried to express her demands patiently.

"Marcelo, now is not the time, please let me go, I have things to deal with..."

If it were another person who didn't receive such treatment, I'm afraid she would have been angry by now.

After all, the title of "Ice Beauty" is not a lie, and Catherine's family background and connections are enough to support her to release herself at will.

However, I don't know whether it is because the self-proclaimed romantic Italian man always thinks highly of himself, or because his movie has received good reviews and reputation, he is really happy.

Of course, it is also possible that this guy is a little drunk, or he thinks that his relationship with Catherine is extraordinary.

Anyway, Marcello Mastroianni clearly heard Catherine's request, but instead of obeying her order, he hugged Catherine even tighter.

"You are so bad. I have been watching you silently here for a long time, and I only saw you chatting and laughing with other men. What? Now you still want to leave me. Stay, at least accompany me for a glass of champagne..."

This kind of olive oil-like love talk is his usual skill.

If it is matched with a pair of bright eyes that pretend to be affectionate, as if glazed.

From 18-year-old girls to 50-year-old middle-aged ladies, nine out of ten will be confused and fall in love.

This is the same for Catherine, who was married to David Bailey at the age of 26.

And this was deliberately shown by Marcelo, just like the love scene in the movie, and even attracted the cheers and applause of the two bystanders who were chatting with Marcelo just now.

"Look! What a beautiful couple! The best actor and the best actress, a match made in heaven."

"Yes, it's really interesting, Marcelo, if you are a man, don't let her escape."

So in such a booing atmosphere, Marcelo became more excited, as if he wanted to prove his charm in front of his friends.

He really entangled Catherine tightly, no matter how she said, he dragged her to death and didn't let her go, and even wanted to kiss her.

As a result, his rogue-like behavior exhausted Catherine's patience and tolerance.

Unable to bear it any longer, finally... the "First Lady" exploded.

Catherine showed her sturdiness, slapped Marcelo in the face, snatched a glass of champagne from the hand of the onlooker next to her, and poured it over Marcelo's head!

The cold wine flowed down Marcelo's hair to his face and neck. The coolness and the burning taste on his face were like a panacea, making Marcelo burp and freeze.

The complacency and glibness were all gone from him, and what replaced his face was panic and confusion.

This Italian lover and famous actor was probably the first time to be treated like this in public.

The original intention of happiness was the opposite of the final result, and his face was full of incredible embarrassment.

He opened his mouth as if he wanted to call Catherine's name, but he didn't have the courage after trembling for a long time, and just murmured.

"It's just a joke... Sorry, I didn't expect it... It's just a joke..."

As for the two people who had just made trouble, their faces were pale, as if they were also splashed with wine.

Even the surrounding environment began to be silent.

Many guests noticed the abnormality here, turned their heads, widened their eyes, and watched everything that happened next in surprise.

Only Catherine raised her chin and stared coldly at the frightened unfortunate man in front of her.

"You asked for it!"

After a moment, she said in a proud tone of wantonness, "Are you awake now? Then let go of your hand and let me go!"

Then, she got rid of the entanglement, and turned her head and walked out of the door without even looking at Marcelo.

Whether her cold expression or her righteous statement, it seemed to remind everyone present.

Catherine Deneuve will always be Catherine Deneuve!

She is as unpredictable as the roles she plays.

Although she is indeed beautiful, she has never had the burden of beauty, and she has crazy genes.

Whoever makes her angry may let you know at any time that beauty is not made of face.

Fortunately, there were no media reporters at the scene. Otherwise, with such an explosive scene and some reporters' exaggerated imagination, I'm afraid that today's banquet incident would be enough for the whole Cannes, and even the whole French movie fans, to talk about it for a year.

But then again, although Catherine left so chic and high-profile, she is now very happy.

She even guessed who was the initiator of the shock in the French film industry, and directly asked her driver to drive her to the hotel where Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko were staying.

But unfortunately, she was disappointed.

She came here excitedly and learned a frustrating news from the hotel front desk with full expectation.

Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko actually left early this morning.

This made her have nowhere to vent her words on the road, and her mood became more and more irritable.

So next, Alain Delon became the unlucky guy in the end.

Because when Catherine turned to call him to inquire about Ning Weimin's whereabouts.

This noble, frustrated "Queen" who felt that she was let down by her friends, all the negative emotions that came from this today also fell on him.

"Alain, what's going on? Has our friend left Cannes? Where is he now? How can I find him?"

"What's going on? Who are you talking about?" Alain Delon's confused voice came from the phone. "Catherine, have you been drinking?"

"Hey, don't play dumb with me! I'm talking about Ning, our mutual friend. Now everyone in Cannes is talking about the feat he has done. He bought all the copies of World Television Films and ImageOgana Productions Asian copyright. Oh my god, I really can’t believe that I learned all this from other people’s mouths! Don’t tell me that you don’t know this, and don’t tell me that this has nothing to do with you… "

When Catherine said this, she was shaking all over, so much so that she had to light a Yves Saint Laurent cigarette to help calm down.

Alain Delon on the other end of the phone was greatly surprised by this.

He didn't expect Kathleen to react like this.

"Kathleen, don't be excited. In fact, I am as surprised as you are. I have been kept in the dark and completely unaware, and when I knew all this, I felt unbelievable. I You promise, this deal is actually just a temporary move by Ning, and even his wife is also surprised." Alain Delon could only try his best to explain.

"I don't believe it. How could such a large transaction be without premeditation? Don't think of me as a fool!"

Kathleen made a judgment based on common sense, "Tell me the truth, how much did Ning spend on these two transactions?"

"If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do about it, but what I'm telling you is the truth."

Alain Delon's voice always remained gentle, "As for the transaction amount, I was not present at the scene, and what I know is not very clear. Anyway, it adds up to about 500 million francs!"

"Five hundred million! Ha!" Kathleen exclaimed uncontrollably. This number was far beyond her imagination.

She really didn't understand where Ning Weimin got so much money, and why he spent money on these useless copies.

Of course, what she couldn't figure out even more was why the two of them kept it secret from her.

"I really can't believe that as your mutual friends, both of you chose to hide this from me. I didn't even know he was gone! Why didn't he want to say goodbye to me? Not even a phone call to say goodbye. None? Did he never consider me a friend? What did I do to make him treat me like this?"

"Don't think nonsense, Kathleen. Listen to me carefully..."

Alain Delon sighed helplessly. An excited woman was already troublesome, let alone appeasing the arrogant Queen.

"My dear, what is so difficult to understand? I have to say that confidentiality is indeed necessary. If you think about it from another angle, what will happen to Ning and his wife once these things are leaked? All studios They will treat them as big fat guys and want to get involved with them in order to sell the copies of their inventory. Of course they don't want to do this. As for not telling you or having time to say goodbye, it was entirely because of an unexpected situation. Ning and I also discussed inviting you over on the day of the closing ceremony to get together again, but unfortunately..."

"what happened?"

"His chairman also knows about this. So Mr. Picardon hopes to meet him as soon as possible and have a good talk in person. You know, it is like the Middle Ages, a lord is summoned by the king. There is no delay and it must be respected. Just In this way, I helped him get two tickets temporarily, and he left by plane at noon today. He did entrust me to take him to say goodbye. However, I am also busy with other things. Sorry, I forgot... …”

"Then he is in Paris now? Can I find him in Paris?"

"Hey, relax. If I tell you how to find him, then I have to know why you are so anxious to find him. After all, he also asked me to help block the news. Although I can do something special for a true friend Deal with it. But you can’t make it too difficult for me in front of him..."

"Okay." Kathleen finished smoking a cigarette and finally regained her composure. "I'm looking for him because of Yves. You know, Yves Saint Laurent has always wanted to go public, but there is still a long way to go to meet the standards for going public. Some. Now my friend Yves is suffering from illness and lacks inspiration. He no longer has much capital to be as firm as before. For Yves and my own investment, I really need to find someone for help sooner. Tell me. If you would rather invest the 500 million... no, even only half of it in Yves, then the listing of Saint Laurent may not be a problem for everyone. Now, God knows, he still has it. How much money can you have..."

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