National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,292 The Price

Ning Weimin's judgment was correct.

When he saw Henri Lacamier himself coming downstairs, he further felt the "innocence" of this fourth-generation LV who was out of touch with the world.

Yes, Henri Lacamier was tricked by the wolf Bernard Arnault, which was the trigger for this meeting.

Perhaps it was also to avoid troubles and relax that Henri Lacamier left his downtown residence in the 8th arrondissement of Paris and hid in the western suburbs.

But there is really no need for him to show the loser's bad mood clearly on his face, as if everyone in the world owes him.

He should not even pretend to be enthusiastic when he knew that his friend, Master Pierkaton, was rushing from the city center non-stop to help him and rescue him.

This guy actually just came downstairs and shook hands with the master hastily. He didn't even say "welcome" to even say hello to this close friend.

And he just glanced at Ning Weimin, the person he met for the first time, and ignored him at all.

He even came down to see guests in just his pajamas.

His arrogance and pretentiousness are all evident from these alone.

Although this old guy wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses, he has the air of an English gentleman.

For Ning Weimin, it was like seeing Harry Potter in his old age.

But this guy's way of treating friends is completely opposite to that of Harry Potter, the character in the novel. He is the kind of person who is very self-centered.

He treats others without warmth and appears withdrawn and eccentric.

If he had the same bad behavior in the company, then Ning Weimin could understand why MH's former president couldn't get along with him.

Maybe he didn't mean it, just because he was born rich.

But if this kind of disgusting attitude of a person who dislikes dogs is put in the capital city, there is only one word to describe it - "screwing the loser".

It's called "mourning" for short.

But the good thing is that although the old man is not a very good person, he is not stingy. He directly orders the maid in a white apron to serve food outside and take the best.

This was quite gratifying to Ning Weimin, who had not eaten yet and was indeed a little hungry.

So naturally the next conversation did not take place in the house, but changed the location, and they went to the terrace behind the house together.

Henri Lacamier personally led Pierre Carton and Ning Weimin through the spacious living room and outside.

As soon as he came out of the house, Ning Weimin couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Because the backyard terrace area is larger than he imagined, much larger than what is actually needed.

At least more than 200 square meters, enough to hold a small dance party here.

And the terrace is not only large in area, but the scenery here is also good.

In the distance is a vast pond, opposite to the pond is a lush forest. There are water birds in the pond, two hounds with shiny fur are running on the lawn, and there are many exotic flowers on the terrace.

Even the outdoor furniture used here are wooden upholstered chairs, not simple ones made of mesh and aluminum tubes.

In addition, of course, there is a long dining table with a spotlessly polished glass surface that can be used for viewing.

Especially when this large dining table was covered with a gorgeous tablecloth by several maids, and on the table were placed flowers, pure white tablecloths, silver knives and forks, salt and pepper shakers, silver dishes, crystal wine glasses, and white dishes. After the wine, the silver ice bucket containing ice cubes, and the table wine basket containing red wine were placed.

To be honest, by this time, Ning Weimin was really envious.

Needless to say, this old guy really deserves to be a member of the "old money" and is quite capable of living.

Enjoying a sumptuous meal on such a spacious terrace and at such a smooth glass table is completely the happy model for the upper class and upper-middle class in European and American movies of the 1940s and 1950s. It is a common iconic symbol in movies. scene.

It was even his first time to have such an experience.

Even if the taste of the food is a bit not to his liking, whether it is gravy soup, lettuce leaf salad, chicken and ham cakes, baked crab meat, or almond cake, almost every dish has a monotonous, boring and light taste.

But the beautiful scenery, refreshing breeze and comfortable environment were enough to soothe the fatigue and negative emotions he had accumulated along the way.

It's just a pity that this kind of scene should have been accompanied by a beautiful woman.

However, Matsumoto Keiko stayed in the hotel in Paris, which made the situation imperfect and slightly inadequate.

Otherwise, it would be great if my wife could sit here.

However, not long after Ning Weimin began to feel comfortable, and soon after the conversation actually started, his mood that had just improved soon fell again because of his master's bad character.

Because although Henri Lacamier patiently listened to Pierre Cardon's plan relayed in French, he was not at all as excited as the master was when he heard Ning Weimin personally describe the idea.

Even during the whole process, his reaction seemed extremely uncomfortable, even a little impatient, which was really surprising.

So much so that the master sensed something was wrong. After explaining Ning Weimin's plan, he hurriedly asked without even moistening his throat with wine.

"What's wrong? Henry, do you have any concerns about this plan?"

"Not good enough, my friend, really not good enough."

Henri Lacamier said this. His gloomy expression showed no sign of clearing up due to the master's suggestions. He almost didn't think about it. Instead, he rejected it directly with some heartbreaking disdain.

"This plan is of no use to me. Although it may be able to help me get a veto power, the other party will still have the majority of the shares after all. And if I want to get the shares back, I have to spend a huge amount of money to fight a war of attrition. Not to mention that there are variables in the future. , it may not be what we want. For now, do I have to endure this humiliation for a long time? Do I have to watch others criticize me in my family business? No! What I hope is to get rid of this trouble once and for all, clean up the shame I suffered, and get rid of that annoying betrayer."

Needless to say, Henri Lacamier's expectations were manifestly unrealistic for the master.

"But you have to know that this is our best choice at the moment. If our funds are compared with the other party, we are already at a disadvantage. What's more, Chanel has withdrawn. At present, except for me, a kid, no one is willing to help anymore. We have no choice. To be honest, this is the only way to prevent the situation from getting worse. Only by getting a veto as soon as possible can we have the qualifications to continue fighting with our opponents. What else can we do besides turning defeat into victory?”

Unexpectedly, the master's kind advice inexplicably angered Henry.

Perhaps it was because of his recent misfortunes that he was under too much pressure.

Perhaps there is nowhere to vent his inner anger, and he needs to vent his anger on others.

Anyway, when the good words reached his ears, he didn't take them as good words at all. Instead, he got angry at the master.

"Have I become a useless waste in your eyes? An old fool who can only survive by relying on charity from others?"

"No, Henry, I didn't mean that."

"The Eskimos have a custom of throwing old people into the ice floes and leaving them to die because they can no longer hunt. That's how you see me now, isn't it?"

Oh, come on, that’s just a rumor..."

"No matter what, I will never end up like this. I can still hunt. I want you and Chanel to take a good look at how I solved this problem with my brain. I can I am not just a general person. I am the one who promoted LV’s influence outside of Europe. I am the one who made LV’s operating income from 20 million US dollars to one billion US dollars now. If I can do this in the past, I can do it in the future. Same. Even though I am over 70 years old and don’t have much money, experience is experience and wisdom is wisdom. I hope you believe that I, an old man, can still solve problems and make LV more glorious. s future……"

"Oh, why do you think so? I have never doubted you..."

Witnessing this scene and listening to Henri Lacamière's nonsense as if he was bragging, the master really didn't know what to say.

It is neither easy to say "I don't believe it" nor "I believe it". I can only regard these words as venting anger and complaining.

And his embarrassment can be felt even by Ning Weimin who doesn't understand what they are talking about.

But this was not the end. What was even more surprising was that Henry Lacamier actually aimed his anchor at Ning Weimin and took the initiative to speak to him in English for the first time.

Needless to say, Henry Lacamier's tone became even more unscrupulous when dealing with such a young man and an Oriental.

"Pierre told me on the phone that you are his smartest and most capable subordinate. Not only have you made hundreds of millions of dollars in wealth with your own skills, but you also gave me a genius idea. What do you think of your boss? What do you think of this evaluation?”

This was said in a very frivolous way and was clearly meant to be a joke.

Of course, Ning Weimin would not really take it as an affirmation and compliment to himself.

After thinking about it, he said without being humble or condescending, "Mr. Picardon is an elder worthy of respect for me. He is both my boss and my teacher. In the eyes of the teacher, those who are more diligent and have achieved some achievements Students will always be given preference, even if they are stupid and have flaws, they are still cute. It is just like how parents view their own children. In fact, I never think that I am really good at anything, or that I am better than others. What's really smart is that Mr. Picardon's praise and recognition of me are just an encouragement for my efforts. He wants to cultivate me and never forgets to support me at any time and deliberately gives me opportunities. Today, if it weren’t for Mr. Picardon’s help, I wouldn’t have had the chance to come to your manor and get to know you personally.”

Henry Lacamier was a little surprised by these words. He probably didn't expect Ning Weimin to be so eloquent.

These words not only praised Pierre Cardin, but also smoothed things over just right, relaxing the atmosphere and giving everyone a step forward.

However, he is used to being domineering whether in the company or in his own family, and he is not so easy to get along with.

He sneered dryly and added, "Pierre is indeed a good man. As you said, he always likes to give young people opportunities. It's the same this time. But you are an Oriental, which I didn't expect. And although Pierre said you can help, but I don't see how you can help. Do you really think your idea of ​​​​costing a lot of money, taking a long time, and maybe losing money or making a profit is of any use to me? I don’t think so. Young man, you don’t seem to understand what I care about. Do I care about how to get more shares? No, what I care about is how to maintain tradition and dignity, and how to ensure LV. If the style is not lowered, my family business can move steadily towards a more glorious future step by step. To achieve this, I only need to prevent an outsider from giving random orders to my family business and prevent the bastard who betrayed me from staying in the company. , is enough. In fact, as long as I achieve this goal, I may not get more shares. Of course, the sooner I get rid of that bastard Bernard Arnault, the better."

Ning Weimin tried his best to restrain his unhappiness.

To be honest, he has never seen such a shameless person, who behaves so meanly, so arrogantly, and so condescendingly even when faced with people who mean well and come to help him.

And there seems to be suspicion of racial discrimination, as if he is very dismissive of Asians.

Otherwise, the poor man must be hateful. No wonder he suffered this disaster.

But then again, the old guy's last words couldn't help but make Ning Weimin curious.

He really couldn't imagine that in such a weak situation, with far more enemies than friends, Henri Lacamier could do nothing but use his only funds, seek help from his only allies, and go to the stock market to fight a tug-of-war. There are other better options.

"Then what do you want to do? I really can't think of any other way you can solve the problem as you said. If you don't mind, I wonder if you can tell us, which will prevent us from helping you anymore. It's no cause for worry, I also hope to learn some valuable experience from it," Ning Weimin said sincerely in a seek-for-advice tone.

At this time, even Master Pierkaton cast curious eyes and couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, Henry, what do you want to do? If you have a way, just say it."

"Okay, I won't hide it anymore. In fact, I just talked to the former president of MH an hour ago. I threatened him and told him that if he treated me like this again, I would break up the company and would rather lose money. Both sides will suffer, even if they become the laughingstock of Europe or be acquired by others. I will try my best to re-divide LV and MH into two companies, unless they immediately stop all internal fighting and drive away the traitor. No one should have a good time..."

Henri Lacamier paused deliberately, and then said, "As a result, Alain Chevalier was afraid. He knew that I could win over at least 40% of the shareholders. He understood that It won't do anyone any good. He knew better that I was not a vegetarian and could do what I said, so he agreed and offered to talk to the traitor on my behalf. He also hoped that we could let it go and reconcile. "

These words of "I would rather die than live in ruins" surprised the master, "What? You mean MH and the others agreed? They want to end the internal fighting. That's it? They will drive Bernard away for you?"

Henri Lacamie said with some pride, "Of course, it won't work without paying some price. MH and I have agreed that in the future, both of us will have autonomy in our operations and will not interfere with each other. Guinness will take the profits from LVMH." In return for the distribution rights of wine, as for Bernard Arnault, doesn’t he want Dior? Then give him the Dior perfume and cosmetics business, if he is willing to leave..."

Having said this, he couldn't help but smile for the first time today.

Unfortunately, in Ning Weimin's eyes, his smile was really blind and stupid.

Like Harry Potter reaching the finals of the Triwizard Tournament.

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