National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,303: Massive Construction

Since people have left the place of right and wrong, they no longer need to worry about right and wrong.

Of course, Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko would not know what happened in Paris after they left.

On June 2, when they flew to the capital, they naturally gained a new perspective and began to pay attention to the changes in the city in front of them.

When you get off the plane, the most obvious feeling is heat.

This year, the capital was much hotter than Paris. It was only the beginning of June and the temperature was already over 30 degrees.

Moreover, Beijing is still the kind of dry and hot place where the smoke and dust are combined with the sun. People can easily get sunburned as long as they stay in the sun.

In addition, the terminal equipment of the Capital Airport is relatively backward, and fans are still used at this time.

In comparison, Paris and Tokyo, which have central air conditioning, are definitely more comfortable than the experience at the airport.

But the good thing is that Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao, who came to pick them up, had already changed their guns.

They didn't come in that "big-headed shoe" this time, but an imported silver Mercedes-Benz.

Not only is this car very eye-catching on the road, but the air-conditioning is turned on and the breeze is whistling. The leather seats are also soft and cool, making the passengers feel particularly comfortable.

Shen Cun, the cheap cousin who dares to fall in love with Ning Weimin, is very smart and he also knows how to do as the Romans do.

After taking over the fast food chain and completing the business registration change procedures, the first thing he did was to take advantage.

Buy duty-free imported cars according to preferential policies.

First, because it is convenient to use, of course you cannot do without a car if you want to do big business.

Second, domestically imported cars are rare commodities that are rare to find. Anyone who can buy an imported car is making money in itself.

Third, everyone in China has the same problem now.

Whether they are officials or businessmen, they judge a person's strength by what kind of car he drives.

It seems that what class of car you drive is the most important criterion for measuring a person's wealth.

Therefore, this eldest cousin is extraordinary as soon as he takes action.

He used all the quotas for imported cars and the funds in the joint venture to purchase duty-free imported cars.

The money in the public account was not enough, so I added hundreds of thousands of dollars.

A total of four imported cars, one refrigerated truck and three cars were purchased.

Then he resold two imported cars at high prices.

In this way, it means that not a penny has been spent, and the fast food chain company has lost a refrigerated truck and an imported Mercedes-Benz.

In addition, when Shen Cun took it over from Zou Guodong, Pierre Cardin Company had already allocated two Daihatsu vans for this subsidiary company to pull goods.

So looking at it this way, whether it is attracting goods or people, the basic logistics conditions for fast food chain companies have been established.

And you must know that such hardware conditions are already considered advanced in the capital at this time.

Even Yili Fast Food, the first fast food restaurant in Beijing, a joint venture between Beijing and Hong Kong, does not have such a logistics configuration.

In short, I have to say that Shen Cun did a very good job in this matter.

This shows that he adapted well in his homeland and did not change direction in the mainland because of living in the United States, losing the flexibility of Chinese people.

For this reason, Ning Weimin was quite satisfied.

I felt a little more happy before I met the person, and planned to praise him when I met him.

Of course, although according to what Master Pierre Cardon said in Paris, France, this kind of Mercedes-Benz is the most vulgar high-end car, and its poor style is despised by the "old money" in Europe.

But why does Ning Weimin care about this?

As long as it is comfortable, practical, and does not heat himself and his wife, it is enough.

What's more, this eliminates tariffs and saves the company half of the money.

He is a person from a poor background, and to take advantage of such a huge advantage, he is really a bit forgetful of his roots and a bit pretentious when it comes to being picky about the brand of car.

Secondly, the street scene in the capital has also undergone significant changes.

On the road leading from the Capital Airport to the city, Ning Weimin noticed at a glance that the white police uniforms had turned green, and there were obviously more commercial activities on the roadside, with more and more people doing business.

Especially when the car drove to the vicinity of Sanyuan Bridge, there were actually many vendors selling fruits and agricultural products gathered here, and it had already become a large scale.

Ning Weimin saw someone selling cherries and mulberries, which were in season, so he asked Luo Guangliang to park the car on the side of the road.

He went down to take a look and tasted the freshness. He asked the price, but it was only 350 cents per catty, so he bought ten catties of cherries and five catties of mulberries. He planned to take them back and share them with everyone so that everyone could try them.

The buyer was also kind. Seeing Ning Weimin getting out of the car, he bought so much at once.

In addition to being happy, he also gave Ning Weimin a few more cantaloupes.

Needless to say, there is no woman who doesn’t like fruits.

Especially Keiko, as a Japanese, felt even more happy and satisfied when she saw that fruits from China were so cheap.

As soon as I sat in the car, I couldn't help but taste a few cherries and stuffed a few mulberries. I said it was sweet and smiled even sweeter.

It can be seen that whether it is a Japanese girl or a Chinese girl, some preferences are the same.

There is one thing, the mulberries are black. If you eat them, they will become discolored and you have to touch up your makeup.

Not only that, when the car continued to move forward, Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao took the initiative to inform Ning Weimin of the news.

It is said that the zoo already has the second five-star hotel in Beijing, which just opened on May Day.

They also said they had gone to find out where.

It looks like the hardware conditions are better than the Great Wall Hotel, and there is a Japanese restaurant called Nishimura there, which sells Japanese food.

According to them, the bungalows in Beijing are too hot in summer and there is no air conditioning.

If Matsumoto Keiko can't get used to living there or eating there, she might as well move there.

Or it would be nice to rent a few rooms to entertain her Japanese relatives during the wedding.

However... they just can't remember the name of the hotel, and it's hard to pronounce.

It seems to be in Lira, and I don't know if it has anything to do with Italy...

Just like that, they listened to the two brothers talking endlessly, as if they were performing crosstalk.

Matsumoto Keiko, who has made great progress in Chinese and can understand most of the words, kept thanking them.

Although Ning Weimin was also quite bold, he didn't say a word.

Not for anything else, but mainly because he kept holding back his laughter.

These two warm-hearted brothers actually related Shangri-La to the Italian currency, which is also genius.

However, compared with this incident, the changes at home were bigger and more lively, which was beyond Ning Weimin's expectation.

To be honest, because of the special purpose of this trip back to Beijing, they felt relaxed at home, but also had a sense of mission to hold a Chinese wedding, and the pressure and tension that came with it.

In fact, whether it was Ning Weimin or Matsumoto Keiko, the couple knew it very well.

Whether from the perspective of Ning Weimin's social relations in Beijing, or the attraction of Matsumoto Keiko, a big star, to Chinese and Japanese media, or considering the care of the two elders, Kang Shude and Jiang Nianyun.

These factors all destined that their upcoming wedding in Beijing would not be a simple matter.

The effort of mobilizing a large number of troops may not be less than that in Japan.

So they, who had already experienced the "torture" of the wedding, felt a little overwhelmed and could not help but feel sympathetic.

But even so, even if they had been prepared in their hearts, they did not expect that the Ma Family Garden would actually go to the point of large-scale construction, and the degree of mobilization was far beyond their imagination.

According to Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao, in view of the fact that it was pitch black at the beginning of the Spring Festival, even fire prevention was afraid of falling into the ditch.

Since Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko left this time, his American cousin Shen Cun immediately mapped the location of the street lights for Ma Family Garden according to his wishes.

In March and April, people were hired to dig ditches, wire, string lights, and press gates.

In total, the old man spent about 50,000 to 60,000 yuan.

Of course, Shen Cun had to pay for it, but Kang Shude did not let him go.

And this is not over yet. In May, Jiang Nianyun, the fourth aunt of the Jiang family, was afraid of leaking in the summer and the heat.

She urged the annual repair of the house and the construction of a shed in the yard.

Annual maintenance is easy. It's nothing more than asking two people from the ancient building team to check the roof.

Pull out the grass and replace the broken bricks and tiles.

Then wipe the roof and brush it with clean water.

In a week or so, the whole garden will be tidy.

But building a greenhouse is a difficult matter.

Because this business was before liberation.

Nowadays, not to mention that there are people doing this, even few people know about this business.

Think about it, there are no people, no materials, and even the big teahouses where employers and greenhouse builders used to discuss work are gone. How can this be done?

So Kang Shude told Jiang Nianyun that this can't be done.

If she is really afraid of heat, just get her an ice basin and buy her an electric fan.

According to Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao's cognition and understanding, the old man is very considerate.

Nowadays, even if it is the director of the Beijing city, few people can enjoy such treatment at home.

Who doesn't go shirtless and rely on a palm-leaf fan in summer?

There are many people who sleep outside when it is really hot.

But the fourth aunt of the Jiang family was angry about this.

The rich and powerful lady got angry and told Kang Shude that others didn't build a shed because they were reluctant to spend money. Everyone knows the difference between building a shed and not building a shed in summer. Don't be so perfunctory to me. Is your place a slum?

She also said that Kang Shude didn't look like a master at all. He knew that his apprentice was going to get married and had to go back to the capital to do business.

As a result, he was not busy with anything. The theater was not repaired, and the shed craftsmen were not found. He was not at all concerned.

Could it be that in order to save trouble and effort, just find two cooks to set up a few tables in the garden and consider it a job?

This is too foolish and shameful.

That's not all. The fourth lady of the Jiang family actually asked her son to go out and inquire, and claimed that she would pay for someone to build a shed and repair the theater.

Guarantee to prepare a wedding banquet for Ning Weimin, it will be grand and decent.

This is a slap in the face.

As a result, the old man was forced into a corner, and he could only follow the wishes of this young lady and go out to take care of this matter.

Don't say it, the old man really didn't beat around the bush, and he really found out after asking.

Because Zhang Shihui knew that Ning Weimin had used tent craftsmen and color craftsmen to prepare for the Spring Festival temple fair for the Temple of Heaven.

After hearing the old man's story, he quickly found someone who could do this through his acquaintances in the Temple of Heaven Park Management Office.

But the problem is that building a tent and repairing a theater are two different things, and the price is also different.

I don't know if Kang Shude is afraid of spending money or trouble. Anyway, he is only willing to pay 3,000 yuan to build a ceiling for the small courtyard where Jiang Nianyun lives, and he doesn't even build one for his own courtyard.

As for the renovation of the theater, the old man was even more firmly opposed to it.

His reasoning was that this was a bad idea.

Now that we have been liberated and entered a new era, the capital has long stopped holding wedding ceremonies and calling them home.

It requires too much manpower and material resources. Doing so is not only wasteful but also eye-catching.

If it is not done well, it will be labeled as a feudal remnant and cause unnecessary trouble.

And the key is that time is not enough.

Such a large and good theater requires very high craftsmanship. Even if it is repaired, it will not be in time. It will take at least a year or two to complete the repair.

But Jiang Nianyun certainly didn't listen to him.

The fourth lady of the Jiang family was tit-for-tat, extremely persistent, and said something.

"I haven't heard that operas were not allowed after the Liberation. I just wanted to have some noise at home to make it lively. This is much more subtle than beating drums and gongs outside. Is it against the law to have a wedding behind closed doors and have fun with our family?"

"I don't believe it. I clearly spent money and invited a few people to my home to perform. What law have I violated?"

"As for the theater building, although it is dilapidated, the structure is good. If you really want to repair it, it is easy. Just spend some time to repair the structure and clean it. Then you can ask the stage craftsmen and painters to frame the facade. It doesn't cost much money at all. It will be done in less than three or five days."

In this way, from the beginning of May to the middle of May, Kang Shude and Jiang Nianyun held their own opinions on these things and were deadlocked. They argued again and again, and no one could convince the other.

And the factor that finally changed this situation, no one expected, was precisely the wedding of Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko held in Japan first.

After Shen Cun, who attended the wedding, came back, he showed Kang Shude and Jiang Nianyun the photos he took at the wedding.

He also said that the two weddings were really grand, with many celebrities as guests, and the weddings were all raised by the bride, and the money spent was probably huge.

As a result, these photos and Shen Cun's description made the two old people stunned.

After watching it, it was good this time. No one was persuaded, Kang Shude took the initiative to find Jiang Nianyun to discuss it.

Probably he also wanted to hold a scene of equal level, and it would not be good if the gap between the two sides was too big, and the old man also cared about face.

So soon, the whole garden of Ma's Garden was busy

Some people were repairing buildings, some were building sheds, and they were busy every day, as if it had become a big construction site.

Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao both hoped that Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko would also be mentally prepared, saying that Ma's Garden is now full of building materials and full of workers during the day. If they can't stand it, they can just go to live in the West Third Ring Road.

Needless to say, after hearing these words, Ning Weimin was more surprised than anyone else - his marriage actually caused the old man to lose money!

Matsumoto Keiko was still okay, after all, there were some things she couldn't quite understand.

But Ning Weimin had already filled in enough information in his mind. He really didn't expect that so many things had happened in the Ma family garden in the past few months.

Hearing this, he felt sorry for the old man who was "bleeding so much".

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