National Tide 1980

Chapter 1307: Making the Decision

Open a joint venture garden hotel!

Ning Weimin really didn't expect that the old man would be willing to use his garden to receive foreign guests, and he would come up with such an idea!

But it should be said that this is indeed a very, very good idea.

Ning Weimin didn't need to think about it at all, and he could fully realize the many benefits of doing so.

First of all, from an official point of view, joint venture hotels are also the introduction of foreign capital, which belongs to the business category of policy support.

Externally, it can supplement the capital's insufficient conditions for receiving foreign guests, and internally it can provide many job opportunities for young people in Beijing and solve employment pressure.

For such a good thing, the Beijing Municipal Government will definitely strongly support it.

As long as they can open this business, not only can they enjoy various preferential policies of joint ventures.

More importantly, with this name, no matter what the garden looks like, it can be explained to the outside world.

After all, foreign-funded enterprises are still very popular these days, and most people dare not offend or make things difficult for them.

Moreover, many high-end joint venture hotels have been opened in Beijing, and more and more will be completed in the future. No one will question this cooperation model.

Compared with those hotels with more than ten floors, the garden is large but a bungalow and not very conspicuous.

In a word, as long as the sign is hung and business is started, the existence of this garden is reasonable, at least it is justified on the surface and can solve many problems that arouse curiosity.

Secondly, the hardware conditions of the Ma Family Garden are indeed suitable for running a high-end hotel and entertaining foreign guests.

You know, Ning Weimin had a similar idea when he first saw the ice cellar under the rockery in the Ma Family Garden.

At that time, he was embarrassed to continue the conversation because of the old man's feelings.

Otherwise, it seemed as if he was thinking about the old man's property.

After all, this was the private residence of the richest man in Beijing at that time.

Back then, the Ma family had received many celebrities, and even Dai Li had stayed here temporarily. This place is not an ordinary place.

Whether from the perspective of landscape, layout, or the functional facilities of the house, from the perspective of historical and cultural heritage, it must be said that this is the leader of Beijing gardens, and it is no less than the level of the royal gardens.

It is even better than the ordinary palaces.

The key is that there is no similar place in Beijing at present. Private gardens like this, which can be regarded as the essence of national architecture, are absolutely scarce resources.

Especially considering that every building in the garden is connected to at least several rooms, and there are gardens, ponds, fountains, rockery and various halls with beautiful scenery, and even ice cellars and theaters.

In addition to being suitable for receiving high-end customers who travel with groups, this place is also particularly suitable for art exhibitions, celebrations and large banquets.

Even four or five hundred people can be accommodated.

And these characteristics are immediately distinguished from those stereotyped five-star foreign-related hotels, but are particularly in line with the needs of the development of the times.

It can even be said that this is the face of the people in Beijing.

Only such buildings can fully reflect the essence and style of the Beijing courtyard.

Then there is no doubt that if anyone wants to rent a few rooms here for a day, it will definitely be much more expensive than the presidential suites of Shangri-La or Great Wall Hotel.

That is worthy of the layout of this house, and it is not in vain that the royal builder Ma Huitang spent energy and painstaking efforts on this house.

As for the business prospects, let's not talk about the distant future, let's talk about the immediate future.

This month, Motorola has officially settled in Beijing to carry out the mobile phone business.

P\u0026G also entered Shanghai with products such as Rejoice and Safeguard at almost the same time.

Unilever brought dairy products to the mainland.

These foreign companies have come to the mainland to carry out business and set up branches, which not only set off the enthusiasm of Chinese people to work in foreign companies, but also provided a steady stream of customers for high-end business places in the mainland.

And the Asian Games will be held soon.

It is easy to imagine how many foreigners will come to Beijing at that time.

These international business and official activities are the confidence of Beijing to vigorously develop foreign-related hotels. How can there be a lack of guests?

So even if we take a step back, don't say too much. As long as we use this garden to receive two or three groups of guests every year, the money earned will be enough to cover the annual expenses of this garden.

Losing money is totally out of the question.

Moreover, since we are going to make this place a business, it is not only about making money, but also about living.

Because then, there will be dedicated fixed employees here.

From the perspective of daily maintenance, in the future, whether it is taking care of the courtyard, cleaning, or repairing the house, fire prevention and theft prevention, or even serving tea and water, washing vegetables and cooking, there will be someone responsible, and there is no need to bother others.

Isn't this much better than going to the triangle of Chongwenmen to hire a few unprofessional nannies to take care of the daily life of the two elderly people?

Even on weekdays, there can be hotel employees to talk and chat with the two elderly people.

In addition, many information shackles can be broken.

Not only can you apply for satellite TV signals in the name of the joint venture hotel, you can also apply for international long-distance calls.

You can set up a stage, bar, teahouse, billiard room, fishing project, fitness equipment in the garden, and you can also raise a few cages of parrots and get a movie projector.

Think about it from another angle, everything seems to be convenient.

It can be said that it is equivalent to these two old people spending their own money to open a nursing home and an amusement park for themselves in a way that is most suitable for the current national conditions.

Not only do they no longer need others to worry about their lives, but their life content and material enjoyment have also become richer.

At the same time, all the expenses will be paid back. In the end, instead of spending money, you can also make extra money. How great is this.

No matter how you think about it, there is nothing more appropriate than such self-sufficiency.

Finally, there is another option, that is, once this place becomes a garden hotel open to the public.

Then Ning Weimin's wedding should be more extravagant. He would set up a large-scale wedding tent in Ma's Garden and hold a traditional wedding, which would not be so scary.

Although it is still ostentatious, if the garden is rented, this level of ostentation will be acceptable to the public.

Even with his professional characteristics and social status, this move can give him a reputation of not forgetting his roots and valuing traditional culture.

And for the unknown Garden Hotel, it will become a good thing to a large extent, because it is equivalent to advertising in disguise.

Needless to say, the social level that Ning Weimin has access to now is already very high.

His guest list included many cadres, businessmen, people from the literary and artistic circles, and foreign friends of all ages.

If these people come to the wedding banquet, they will naturally spread what they see and say, which will be of great benefit to the reputation of the Garden Hotel, and people will definitely come here in the future.

In short, the benefits are countless. In comparison, the side effects have been greatly reduced to an acceptable level.

So thinking of this, Ning Weimin was completely enlightened. He no longer had any worries and decided to fully support it.

"Gao, old man, your idea is really great. Since you have such a good idea, I fully support it. Isn't it just money? We are not short of money. One million is a little less, so I will give you two million. Even though I am a filial piety to you, I would like to show my sincerity to you for taking care of my affairs. I wish you and my fourth aunt a perfect marriage and a prosperous business..."

Ning Weimin really wasn't bragging when he said this.

Although his domestic assets and overseas assets are two different things, before he went to Japan two years ago, he transferred almost all of his assets to Japan through Axia's underground bank to make money.

But these two years have passed. In the capital, whether it is Yin Yue's clothing business, Luo Guangliang's car park and Donghua Gate rent collection, or the cigarette shop Zhang Shihui opened with him, there are also alternative collections. income from those handicrafts.

He didn't use any money from either party.

According to his own estimation, the income from these transactions, if added together, must be three to four million.

And that's nothing, the key is that he made a fortune on the tape.

The album for Cui Jian sold more than 7 million copies, and the album for Zhang Qiang sold more than 8 million copies.

Feixiang was the one who picked up the leaks, and worked with others to create additional issuances, and eventually sold more than four million tapes.

Even though he was never embarrassed to take a cut of the performance fees from the three artists because he stayed in Japan, he still made a fortune just by selling their tapes, and he made more than 18 million in a reasonable and legal amount.

This is still the net profit paid in the capital in the name of Kei Matsumoto's subsidiary.

So even though he has not had any commercial expansion in the country in recent years.

They also spent money to support agricultural research and cultural research, and set up a reading club that was almost a welfare one.

But if you want to support the old man in opening a hotel, you don't have to move from overseas. It's just as easy and effortless.

But what Ning Weimin didn't expect was that although his attitude was cheerful, he would be wrong.

The old man actually said, "What? My business is booming? Don't worry, I still have a big wine vat. I don't have time to take care of things here. It's your business, and I want you to use the money to negotiate with your Jiang family." My aunt is a partner, and you still have 51% of the shares."

Ning Weimin's eyes suddenly widened.

"Me? Old man, I have too many things to do. How can I..."

"Why can't you!"

Kang Shude seemed to not allow Ning Weimin to evade, so he interrupted him.

"It's not like you have to worry about actual matters. You just provide money and then use the name of a shareholder. To put it bluntly, you can just be a hands-off man. From now on, your aunt from the Jiang family will definitely be responsible for gardening here. reason."

This arrangement made Ning Weimin even more confused.

"Then why do you need to do this? Why don't you just invest in Huayuanzi and be the shareholder yourself? I can take care of the money. The shares are all in your name. This is different."

"It's different. How can it be the same? A sale is a sale, and a house is a house. In this business, one must calculate clearly, one is one, two is two, Ding is Ding, Mao is Mao, otherwise it will be difficult to talk about some things in the future. Why, Are you worried about me or your Aunt Jiang? Are you afraid that we will lose all your equity?

"Look what you said. How could I have meant this..."

"Okay, as long as you don't mean it. Let me ask you now, can I make this decision for you? Do you listen to me? Do you take the money? Should you be a nominal shareholder?"

Look at this old man, what kind of song is he singing?

I don’t know if it’s because of the hot weather, or if I’m just tired from being too busy lately.

As soon as he mentioned the opening of the Garden Hotel, before even saying a few words, he lost his patience and even forced the Overlord to force himself.

Ning Weimin didn't know why the old man was so anxious or what he was thinking.

But he knew that the old man had a stubborn temper and was quite serious about some things.

Especially when it comes to Ma's Garden, everyone has to obey him, otherwise it will be hard to coax him if he gets really angry.

He has just come back, and he wants the old man to give him a hard time for this matter, whether it will be publicized or not.

Then doesn’t everyone have to think that he is disobedient?

So there was no other way, he thought to himself, it's just two million, no big deal, just treat it as spending money to make an old man happy.

He had no choice but to compromise quickly, "Okay, you have the final say. Isn't it okay for me to listen to you? As long as the fourth aunt doesn't object, I will be the shareholder. Isn't that okay?"

In this way, Kang Shude became a docile donkey again.

"Hey, that's right. We are a mother-in-law and we are a master and a disciple. You are right to listen to the master. Can I still make you suffer? Come on, then this matter is settled. I'll look back later Just tell your Aunt Jiang. She will definitely agree."

Not only that, but once the matter was settled, the old man not only felt relaxed, but also seemed to be interested again.

The conversation that could have ended here did not end. He took the initiative to mention the two masters who built the wedding tent.

"Ah, by the way, as for how to prevent fire in the wedding tent, we two will think about it carefully and come up with a charter later. What I mean is that we should try our best to make it possible. The first is to let you get married. Your Aunt Jiang and I are happy to see you become so beautiful and respectable. This is a major event in life. We should really invite all the people who are doing well to liven up our lives. Secondly, These two masters are already in their 70s, and they don't want us to pay high prices. What they want is for their apprentices, who have switched careers to work as frame workers in the construction industry, to earn some extra money. The key is coming. I want to show off my skills once and for all, so that these disciples can open their eyes. It’s not all about money, do you understand?”

Hearing what his master said, Ning Weimin couldn't help but think of the late Chang Yuling.

To be honest, ever since he received the gift entrusted to him by the last descendant of "Pao Chang" before his death.

He added a bit of respect and gratitude to the old artists and craftsmen from all walks of life in the capital on top of his original closeness and admiration.

That's why he took the lead in setting up the "Palace Catering Research Association" and the "Beijing Industrial Art Industry Inheritance and Cultural Materials Compilation Department", hoping to record the life skills and glory of these old artists and craftsmen, make them famous, and make them famous. Write books and biographies so that they can get the glory and recognition that should belong to them.

This was his original intention. Now that the two old masters in this shed business were in an endangered situation and were about to become extinct, he naturally had to take care of them.

So he said without any hesitation, "Old man, I understand your thoughts. I will try my best to act according to your thoughts. First of all, money is no problem. I will pay for all expenses and I will give it to you tomorrow." Get 500,000 and spend it first. This is probably enough for the wedding. Secondly, you don’t have to worry too much about the fire prevention of the wedding tent. They have the most experience in building colorful archways every year. We have to hold a large-scale event. I will ask someone for help later, and I think it will not be difficult to solve. In addition, I will also find someone to take pictures of the construction process of these wedding tents, so as to leave some memories for future generations. I'm thinking that if the two masters are willing, I can help them find more work. Summer is coming again, and Tiantan will hold a book fair during the summer, which will be a good use for their skills."

"Okay, okay..."

I don’t know whether Kang Shude praised his apprentice or these methods.

Anyway, for this reason, the old man was finally happy.

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