National Tide 1980

Chapter 1309 Special Treatment

In real life, nothing can be done just right.

In most cases, drought kills drought, and flood kills flood.

Even if you think it is at the beginning, the final result is often unexpected.

Just like Ning Weimin, in the process of participating in the hotel management company, he also recruited these shed craftsmen to his own command, established a small company, and monopolized a craft.

The operating mechanism of this world is that no matter whether it is wealth or any other resources, as long as it reaches a certain level, it is like a natural magnetic field, producing a siphon effect.

It is easy to gather more and more wealth around you and have more and more opportunities to make money.

This is the so-called fortune, and this is the secret of the rich getting richer.

Even this is true for both individuals and companies.

Sometimes even if you don’t want it, someone will force it into your arms.

June 6, 1987, Grain in Ear.

Invited by Song Huagui on the phone, Ning Weimin took Matsumoto Keiko to meet him.

The Mercedes-Benz car sent by Song Huagui to pick up Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko drove on Chang'an Avenue, and finally circled under the Dabeiyao Bridge, passed the International Trade Building, and stopped in front of a building next to it.

In fact, as early as when the Mercedes-Benz car was still across the street, Ning Weimin noticed from a distance that the building belonging to Pierre Catton Company was very different from what he saw at the beginning of the year.

He looked at the huge words "Pierre Catton International Hotel" outlined by neon lights on the hotel, and parallel to it, another identical building was rising from the ground, and it had already been built to four or five floors.

He couldn't help but think proudly in his heart-if nothing else, just because I used the exchange rate difference to earn these two buildings for the company, I am worthy of the company and Sister Song. I guess the two buildings here will at least become tens of billions in the next 20 years. Just for this, no matter how wild I am, I am afraid that no one in the company will dare to say "no" to me no matter where I go.

For this reason, his heart was filled with an inexplicable sense of satisfaction and superiority, just like a general who returned to the capital city he had conquered to inspect, and he was a little inflated.

But even so, he did not expect that the welcoming ceremony that followed would be so warm and grand.

When the waiter in the doorman uniform and white gloves opened the car door for him, there were actually more than a dozen young men and women in hotel uniforms waiting at the door, running to present them with flowers.

In an instant, both Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko were surrounded by blooming flowers, and through the swaying flower buds, Ning Weimin saw his nominal boss, Zou Guodong.

It turned out that he was the initiator. The most annoying thing was that this kid smiled like he was enjoying a comedy, watching Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko deal with the flowers that fell into their arms with a little embarrassment.

Until it was really full, this guy asked someone to help take away the flowers and help them out.

"You did this on purpose to intimidate us, didn't you? Did I not offend you?"

As soon as Ning Weimin regained his hands' freedom, he began to question him.

But Zou Guodong had also learned bad things, and was no longer a straightforward person who would only speak his mind. He refused to admit it.

"You don't know what's good for you, don't you? This is the etiquette of our hotel to welcome real VIPs in the future, and the hotel has not yet opened, so we will use it to receive you. You don't appreciate it, do you? Look at Miss Matsumoto, how easy she handled it, how graceful she behaved, otherwise she would be an international star, not like you. You are in a mess because you have little experience and low status. You should experience more occasions like this in the future..."

Don't mention it, Ning Weimin looked back and saw that Matsumoto Keiko was really happy.

She was holding a large bouquet of roses in her hand, and she was in high spirits. She was surrounded by the welcoming staff at the entrance of the hotel, signing autographs with a smile, and it really didn't seem like he had no experience in such a situation.

So he didn't bother to care about it, but waited patiently for a while, until Qingzi finished his work, and then they entered the hotel together.

However, after entering the hotel, Ning Weimin found that the hotel lobby was still under renovation, and even the lights were not fully installed. He couldn't help but feel a little strange.

He originally thought that the hotel was almost done, and Song Huagui would invite them to visit and show off.

Unexpectedly, this place is still a semi-finished product, and it's still early for the opening, so what's there to see.

Unexpectedly, Zou Guodong seemed to see through his thoughts, "Mr. Song is waiting for you upstairs. You will know when you go up."

However, he took them straight into the elevator and pressed the button for the eighteenth floor of the hotel.

Ning Weimin saw that he didn't speak again, and couldn't help but joked, "What, are you taking us to the eighteenth level of hell?"

Who knew that Zou Guodong looked at him with a strange look for a long time, and actually said, "This is nonsense you made up. I didn't say that."

The elevator was still very fast, and before Ning Weimin could figure out what was going on, he reached the eighteenth floor.

As soon as he got off the elevator, he found that the hotel environment here was completely different from what he had imagined.

Because there was no deep carpeted corridor, no guest room doors.

There was only a corridor, a spacious lobby decorated with marble and carpeted, and two doors on the left and right of the lobby.

One of the house numbers above is 18-A and the other is 18-B, which is commonly known as one-ladder and two-households.

The strangest thing is that there is a big happy word on the door of 18-B.

While Ning Weimin was feeling surprised, he wondered if this was the most luxurious suite in the hotel.

Zou Guodong took the lead to walk to the right and pushed open the door of 18-B.

"Please, Mr. Ning, come and see where you live..."

"What?" Ning Weimin was shocked. "My place?"

"Yes, this is what Mr. Song has arranged for you. Considering the limited living conditions in the capital, you are getting married soon. Mr. Song is afraid that you and Miss Matsumoto will often travel back and forth at home and abroad in the future and it will be inconvenient for you to live there, so we specially stay in our house. We have arranged a house for you on the 18th floor of the hotel. From now on, this house will be yours and will not be used for other purposes. The business floor will end on the 17th floor, and the swimming pool and gym will start from the bottom. , is the guest room.”

With that said, Zou Guodong stepped in again, "Come in and take a look. The furniture has been decorated by Mr. Song for you. They are all imported. Of course, if you insist on thinking that this is the eighteenth level of hell and don't appreciate it, then you Just tell Mr. Song personally.”

Good guy, you don’t stick needles at the gate like this.

Zou Guodong's last deliberate words to open the door made Ning Weimin's eyes widen.

Needless to say, you can tell by looking at this guy's actions that Song Huagui must be waiting for them inside.

And Ning Weimin finally understood the reason for Zou Guodong's strange expression in the elevator just now.

The co-author made this kid laugh. It turned out that what he said just now was purely his own "square".

So without saying anything, he glared at Zou Guodong who was deliberately trying to deceive him. Ning Weimin took Matsumoto Keiko's hand and went in together.

Sure enough, as soon as they walked through the entrance hall and entered the living room, they saw Song Huagui pruning a large bunch of irises in the living room.

"Sister, we are here."

Since Zou Guodong was unkind, Ning Weimin was also unjust. This time, he didn't care about Zou Guodong being by his side and immediately acted like a senior.

And not only did he call her "big sister" himself, but he also asked Qingzi to call him "big sister" too.

This dirty way of retaliation really works.

When he turned around and looked over again, Ning Weimin couldn't help but chuckle inwardly.

Because Zou Guodong, who was most concerned about the issue of seniority, almost had his nose twisted with anger.

But then again, it doesn't matter whether you heard the "eighteen levels of hell" or not.

Song Huagui behaved very cordially, as if it didn't matter at all. He looked cheerful and calm.

"Oh, Weimin, Qingzi, you are finally here."

She greeted Ning Weimin and the others cordially, then walked forward and took them to visit the place in person, looking at every room and the furniture and furnishings she had chosen for them.

I have to say, this house is really nice.

Let’s talk about the living room first, it is spacious and bright.

The area must be at least 200 square meters, enough to hold a small gathering of dozens of people.

There is also a garden-style balcony outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Not only are there sun umbrellas, deck chairs, and coffee tables, but there are also flowers and green plants, and a small pond for raising goldfish, just like a small private garden.

Going south from the living room, there is a 50-square-meter bedroom and a 40-square-meter study room, both with dedicated bathrooms. The bedroom even takes care of Matsumoto Keiko, including a 10-square-meter dressing room.

Everything in these two rooms, including furniture, bookcases, wardrobes, bedding, curtains and wall hangings, all utensils and decorative details are extremely luxurious and full of Song Huagui's aesthetics and wisdom.

Carved, gilded, silver-plated, or simply sterling silver, hand-woven carpets, marble floors, and gorgeous wallpapers, all remind people of the luxurious style of European old money at a glance.

To the north of the living room is a semi-open kitchen, a dining room with a bar, a bathroom with a bath, and two smaller guest rooms.

The audio-visual equipment in the living room is the best, with a video recorder and satellite TV.

You can make international long distance calls through the switchboard.

Behind the bar is a dazzling array of drinks and wine.

There is even an imported whirlpool bathtub in the bathroom, which is also the most advanced equipment of this era.

All of these are actually more complete than the facilities Ning Weimin envisioned for Yunyuan.

This is nothing, Song Huagui said, "From now on, if you live here and need dry cleaning, clothing care, shoe shine, cleaning, etc., you don't have to worry about anything. Just call the hotel's customer service department and they will do it." We will provide services for you. It will also be very convenient to entertain guests here. You can still call and the hotel will arrange chefs, bartenders and waiters for you. There is a concierge for using cars and a business department for sending faxes. You don’t need to be polite. You don’t even need to spend money on your purchases at our hotel. You can just sign and everything will be reimbursed internally by our hotel.”

Well, if you live here, you don’t have to pay the rent. Living together is really free.

All the enjoyment of eating, drinking and having sex, you don’t even have to pay for the coins.

But in addition to these benefits, the most important thing to say is that the outdoor scenery of this house is simply unparalleled.

Due to the special geographical location of this building, since this room occupies the entire east half floor of the building, it can actually fully see the Guomao Building under construction, the Dabeiyao Overpass on the Third Ring Road and Chang'an Street.

This is slightly inferior to the Capital Hotel, which can see Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City.

This is definitely not hell, but rather heaven.

If he thought about the apartment area of ​​nearly 500 square meters on almost half a floor, Ning Weimin's breathing became rapid.

This is definitely a mansion that only the top class in the capital can enjoy. It is a treatment that he has never dreamed of in the past.

He never imagined that Song Huagui would give this house as a gift to himself and Qingzi, so that they could live here for free all year round.

Not to mention anything else, the hotel will have to make less money just from room charges.

Even if the presidential suite at the Great Wall Hotel is currently priced at 8,880 a day, the hotel will lose a little over 300,000 a month.

What's more, this apartment is larger than the presidential suite, more than twice as big, and the location is much better than the Great Wall Hotel.

No matter how you put it, this is a bit much.

Why should he let the company pay so much for him and occupy half a floor of the hotel every day?

Therefore, he was grateful and moved. After fully understanding what Song Huagui wanted to give him, Ning Weimin did not dare to accept it.

He didn't even ask Matsumoto Keiko about her attitude, and said directly, "Sister, thank you so much, you always take care of me and worry about us. But I understand, this matter... I think it's better to avoid it. ?”

However, Song Huagui was also sincere and immediately asked why.

"What? You don't want these arrangements of mine? Well, what are you dissatisfied with? Tell me..."

Of course Ning Weimin was even more embarrassed.

"That's not what you meant, eldest sister. Your gift is too big and we can't bear it."

"Where are these words?"

"To be honest, I am a small manager. How can He De occupy such a large resource of the company? What merits do you have for me to reward me like this?"

"Don't be modest. Without your idea, where would this hotel come from? For the company to have developed to this point and have such assets, no one's contribution is as big as yours. Don't worry, this is normal. You deserve a reward based on your merits. Now that the hotel is built, no one can say anything about you living here."

"Oh, I can't bear your words even more. Not to mention that you are the general manager of the company. If we talk about rewards based on merit and the impact on the company, there is no way I can compare with you. Let's just say that I really Such an exaggerated reward for a small achievement is too much of a waste. Think about it, how long do I stay in the capital for a year? If we are not in the capital, we can't live in this house for nothing, so that's okay. You have to live here, you are more qualified than me."

However, when he said this, Song Huagui smiled and laughed.

But Zou Guodong didn't see the joke this time and intervened in time to wake up Ning Weimin instead of Song Huagui.

"Mr. Song doesn't need you to worry about it. Let me tell you the truth. In fact, Mr. Song's residence is upstairs. You are 18-B and Mr. Song is 19-B. Mr. Song's house is almost the same as yours. Same. In addition, Mr. Picardon also has an exclusive room, 19-A, opposite Mr. Song. As for me, we are actually neighbors, and my house is opposite yours. 18-A. How about it now. Do you understand? We are the only ones in the entire Picardon Huaxia Company who are treated like this.”

Looking at the smiling faces of Zou Guodong and Song Huagui, Ning Weimin really understood.

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