National Tide 1980

Chapter 1311 A good harvest is in sight

"This is what I think. In addition to the construction scale of our hotel, the guest rooms should be smaller in planning space. The standards in other aspects can actually be closer to the five-star standard. But if we really operate it as a five-star, And because it’s not outstanding, I thought it would be better to downgrade it to a four-star hotel as we agreed at the beginning, and the price should be based on a four-star five-star standard. For a standard hotel room of RMB 650, we charge RMB 500 for a four-star hotel, which is quite a lot. However, our service facilities and service levels must meet the five-star requirements or even exceed the five-star requirements. and standards.”

"For example, like towels, slippers, toothbrushes, paper towels, and bath products, generally five-star hotels try their best to reduce losses and costs. They just use local products of similar quality. And for the candies, snacks, and tea placed in the room, We charge for things like bags, beer, and drinks. We can’t do this. We have high standards for the quality of consumables, and candies, snacks, tea bags, beer, and drinks are free, and each room is equipped with a small We will fill the refrigerator, put the most seasonal local fruits, and give away local cakes and snacks to the guests. How much is it? Just like what the eldest sister said just now, let’s be more generous. It’s okay to make a million.”

"We should be different from those high-end hotels that are eager to cut costs when opening a store, or have an eye for money and rip off customers. In this case, our hotel's cost-effectiveness will be high for guests, which is equivalent to being used by guests. It's a great deal to stay in a five-star hotel at a four-star price! Although the cost will increase for us, this is still a small amount compared to the hotel room price, but it can greatly improve the hotel experience. The current prices in China are not too high. We only need to spend 20 yuan a day on consumables for each guest in the room. If we earn less than 20 yuan, we can serve them like emperors and queens. I can’t think of any reason not to stay in our hotel if I can receive this kind of treatment.”

"Although our hotel is not the company's main business, it is our first time to get involved in hotel management. We lack experience and the hotel decoration does not have any features to attract guests. We do not have a revolving restaurant or an indoor garden. This is all true. But the thing is, the comfort created by high-quality services and high-end daily necessities can be called the biggest feature of our hotel! If a little bit of detail accumulates, customers can experience our hotel. With good intentions, we can improve our reputation and achieve a virtuous cycle. After all, tourists who stay in foreign-related hotels like ours often travel, so when compared with other places, our advantages will be obvious. To put it bluntly, we will. Be extraordinary in the ordinary. Why can’t we break the industry’s prevailing model and take advantage of our company’s advantages in all aspects?”

Not to mention, Ning Weimin's remarks really lived up to the expectations of Song Huagui and Zou Guodong.

After hearing his suggestion, both of them felt enlightened.

"Well, Weimin, your idea is indeed interesting. It's better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. Also, we must pay attention to utilizing our strengths and avoiding weaknesses in everything we do. Instead of desperately competing with five-star hotels, we should be down-to-earth. We want to make the hotel the best among four-star hotels and strive for maximum popularity and passenger flow. If we reduce our competition from giants like ours next door to competitors like Jianguo Hotel or Jinglun Hotel, then our advantages may not be greater. Suppress them."

Zou Guodong was the first to express his appreciation.

"Yes, Weimin's idea is very good. And it is consistent with our brand positioning. Even though our Pierre Cardon company seems to be the representative of high-end clothing in China, to be honest, we know best that in the international market, Pierre Cardin is actually a very popular ready-to-wear brand, especially in developed countries, where ordinary people can afford PC clothing. This is the first time a popular brand like ours has entered the hotel business. The high-end route will probably be a joke in the eyes of European customers, unless we adopt a more historical brand like Maxim, which may be recognized by some people, but in that case, the brand awareness will not be as high as that of Pierre Cardin. . Now this is a four-star rating. I think it’s a very smart market positioning. Then we’ll prepare it according to Weimin’s thinking. I think we can try this approach.”

Song Huagui later expressed his agreement.

It should be said that this is the first time that several of them have such a unanimous view on one thing.

They were both happy that they could come to an agreement so easily.

Therefore, several people felt a little unfinished, so they continued chatting along this topic, even forgetting about eating.

In the end, Ning Weimin's stomach growled unsatisfactorily, and he finally reminded Song Huagui and Zou Guodong, making them realize what they had completely ignored.

Everyone laughed together at this.

Then Song Huagui apologized profusely and hurriedly asked everyone to go upstairs to eat.

She said that although the hotel restaurant was still closed, someone was actually preparing meals at home upstairs today, and that was Zou Guodong's lover, who was probably waiting in a hurry.

After hearing this, Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko thanked Zou Guodong and said they had worked hard.

Unexpectedly, it was just polite.

Zou Guodong took advantage of this to cause trouble again and deliberately called Ning Weimin into battle.

This guy said he didn't need to thank me, but he had a problem with the hotel recently. As long as Ning Weimin could find a way to help solve it, this meal would not be in vain.

Otherwise, he would have to return it sooner or later, and he would have to ask Qingzi to cook a meal for everyone. Celebrities don't have special privileges.

Although Ning Weimin knew that Zou Guodong was deliberately making trouble for him, he also knew that he was a kind person.

He was just used to targeting him, and their relationship was almost the same as that of Ikkiu and the owner of the Jigeng restaurant on TV. He just treated it as a game of wits, so he let him speak frankly.

Who knew that what Zou Guodong said was actually an important matter, and it was something that no one could do at this time.

If it couldn't be solved well, it would definitely affect the normal operation of the hotel.

It turned out that recently in China, among the waiters, tour guides and other foreign tourism workers in Beijing's foreign-related hotels, AIDS phobia is spreading.

The hotel waiters in Beijing hate cleaning foreigners' rooms the most. They all say, "What if I get AIDS?"

Some tour guides even try their best to avoid shaking hands with foreigners.

As for their hotel, although it has not opened yet, there are signs of this panic spreading.

Many of the employees who were recruited with great difficulty are wavering because of the fear of contracting the disease. Many people even want to resign because of this. They are really afraid to the bone.

Ning Weimin understood the crux of the problem as soon as he heard it.

In fact, the key is that this era has not been studied enough about this disease, and the relevant information is not transparent.

Maybe even the domestic health department does not have much information about this disease, let alone understanding and treatment. What can be confirmed is that this disease is not serious, there is no cure, it is a terminal illness, and it can kill people quickly.

As a result, rumors spread, and in the absence of relevant common sense, it caused panic among foreign service personnel, making everyone regard this disease as a scourge.

Now people generally believe that as long as they come into contact with daily items used by AIDS patients, they can be infected.

So he really took the responsibility. After going upstairs, in order to dispel the rumors, he sat down seriously and patiently took out the relevant common sense he had learned in his previous life and held a science class.

He mainly explained the problems of several ways of AIDS transmission, and that AIDS itself is not fatal, but only erodes people's immunity.

In the end, AIDS patients will die because of complications caused by lack of immunity.

As a result, the stuff in his stomach stunned these people at once, and they were all dumbfounded.

Ning Weimin was somewhat complacent about this, thinking who he is, it is not easy to clarify such a small matter.

Unexpectedly, happiness turns to sorrow, he was really reckless, because he looked at a table of good wine and food, except for talking and showing off, the only thing left was to think about eating and drinking, but he just ignored an important thing.

Just like that, retribution in this life.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zou Guodong asked him a question that he could not avoid, let alone answer, which made him too embarrassed.

"Wei Min, you are quite professional. If you don't know, you might think you are an expert in this disease. But I am curious, how do you know these things? Are you interested? It seems that you have really put a lot of effort into this disease..."


Looking at his wife Qingzi and Song Huagui, and even Zou Guodong's wife, these three women all looked at him with complicated and puzzled eyes.

Ning Weimin's pride in getting attention by mastering information in his previous life disappeared instantly.

Instead, he realized that he had reached a dead end because of racing too fast.

Today, he finally understood what it means to talk too much and lose.

Damn! The phrase "making a cocoon out of oneself" can be used on me one day?


After visiting Song Huagui and seeing the hotel that was about to open, Ning Weimin couldn't rest for a moment in the following time.

Because in addition to him and Qingzi who needed to cooperate with the two old people to prepare for their wedding in Beijing, he also had a lot of official and private matters to deal with, and many people had to see him.

Even Matsumoto Keiko's schedule is full because of the release of the movie "Li Xianglan" and the movie soundtrack album in mainland China.

This is not surprising. The capable work harder and the mediocre are free. This is actually a normal phenomenon.

Otherwise, Zhuangzi would not have said, "The clever work harder while the wise worry. The ignorant seek nothing. They are full and wander around like an untied boat."

The reason why rich people are busier than poor people is that they pursue higher values.

Because they are the "tools" to create social wealth.

If they stop, the "tools" will lose their function, and their lives will lose their goals and meaning.

This time, in Ning Weimin's heart, the most important thing is the seeds he sowed last year - palace yellow and purple gold hoop, one is Beijing oil chicken, and the other is Yutian Rouge Rice.

So afterwards, he didn't go anywhere, but went directly to the Agricultural University to meet the leaders of the two project cooperation groups.

Not to mention, in modern times, having money means getting things done. These two things are really good in the hands of experts.

Let's first talk about the chickens raised in the experimental pasture under the Agricultural University. From the initial one hundred or so, the number has expanded to nearly five hundred, and for the sake of completeness, they have been divided into groups and raised in three pastures.

Although only half of the oily chickens have the physical characteristics and production characteristics of the palace yellow, the road to selection and breeding is still long, and it is still far from the day when it can be industrialized.

But this should be regarded as the successful preservation of the best chicken breed in the capital, and there will be no more accidents that will cause it to become extinct.

At the same time, those chickens that were eliminated because they did not meet the standards can also be eaten.

Although they are inferior products, they are stained with palace yellow and are free-range, so the taste is still far better than ordinary chickens.

After learning that Ning Weimin returned to Beijing to hold a wedding, Li Zengguang, the expert in charge of the palace yellow group, took the initiative to propose that if Ning Weimin did not mind, he could give Ning Weimin some substandard chickens for his wedding banquet.

At least forty or fifty can be guaranteed to be supplied.

Ning Weimin was naturally overjoyed, which was also an unexpected surprise.

Speaking of the purple gold hoop, the experimental field of the Agricultural University was set up in Shangzhuang, Haidian, with a total of two hectares.

When Ning Weimin saw the rice fields, the rice had already begun to sprout, and the growth rate looked quite good. This place was already a prosperous pastoral scene.

Tang You once wrote in a poem, "Rice hangs down and wheat looks up to the yin and yang, the soil is thick and the spring is sweet and fragrant. It will sprout two ears with nine ears, and a star in the sky will respond to agricultural auspiciousness." This is almost the scene.

Hong Yingfang, the expert in charge of the group, also felt that God was kind and had already estimated the yield optimistically.

He said that the yield of rice milled after polishing, shavings and other processes can reach more than 200 catties per mu, and a total of 4,000 to 5,000 catties should be harvested, although it is far less than the yield of 600 to 700 catties per mu of ordinary Jingxi rice.

But this is indeed a good harvest for Rouge Rice.

Under normal circumstances, the yield per mu of land is only about 100 catties.

Otherwise, why is this kind of rice so scarce?

But the good news is that rice planting is quick and not as troublesome as raising chickens.

Moreover, Rouge Rice is special and can be harvested before the White Dew.

Even if the planting area is expanded five times next year, seeds need to be saved after this year's harvest.

By then, they can also leave half of the rouge rice for Ning Weimin to sell.

That is more than 2,000 kilograms.

Of course, it is not much more. If it is really sold freely, it is not enough for the main store of Tan Gong Restaurant to sell.

But if it is taken to Japan, it should be enough to fool the Japanese with this thing.

A bowl of rice is sold for 9,900 yen, isn't it expensive?

This is for the royal family, the supreme.

That one kilogram of rice can at least produce five and a half peas of rice, even if it is sold for 50,000 yen.

These two thousand kilograms of rouge rice can be exchanged for 100 million yen, several million yuan!

It's too much.

How can Ning Weimin not be happy.

Who said that China doesn't have top-grade ingredients?

We have found it.

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