National Tide 1980

Chapter 1324 Xiangyunsha

The capital is beautiful and even more lovely.

After living in the capital for a few days, Han Yingming has been extremely sure of this, and his words are absolutely objective.

Because he is not a Chinese, not a Beijing native, and not an ignorant person.

If he said this from the perspective of a local Beijinger, it would appear arrogant and proud, and it can be said that Wang Po is selling melons and bragging about herself.

But in fact, for business needs, Han Yingming has to travel between Japan and South Korea several times a year, including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. He also often goes to them.

He knows what developed countries look like, has also been to Europe and the United States on business trips, and is familiar with the urban conditions of many world historical cities.

So his views on the capital can indeed represent foreigners' views on the capital to a certain extent.

Take Kyoto in Japan for example.

Although it is also an ancient city with a strong historical and cultural atmosphere, it is a little worse than the capital, and it seems to lack a little excitement.

And Kyoto is not like here. People's love for history and culture makes people feel and see it.

There are many books and antiques here, and the prices are extremely cheap. Those who really love learning and culture can afford it.

Even the old city walls and buildings in Beijing, which are full of historical vicissitudes, are still loved by children up close, touching them, or playing around them.

In Beijing, history and culture are like air in the lives of ordinary people.

For example, in the echo wall of the Temple of Heaven, although Han Yingming could not participate in it in person and had no one to talk to through the stone.

But he was like sitting on the stone watching the tadpoles in the water or the young dragonflies on the reed leaves, he could watch others interacting with the stone wall happily.

There was also a lot of fun, and he felt completely comfortable.

Yes, Beijing is so interesting.

But this kind of bustle is not completely noisy, often there is stillness in the movement, although it is complex but has boundaries, and everyone can abide by it tacitly.

Just like the alleys in Beijing, almost no place seems to be crowded or too secluded.

Even the houses in the smallest alleys have yards and trees, and the most open places are not far from the commercial streets.

This distribution method can be regarded as the best in the world. No city in the world has such a scientific and well-considered planning.

There are many places in Japan that make people tired, so coffee and wine are necessary for stimulation.

But in many places in Beijing, people can relax, and mild scented tea is enough.

Occasionally, some coffee is just an unnecessary adjustment.

Of course, most of the people in Beijing are indeed poor, and their living space is indeed crowded. The living standard is completely incomparable with developed countries such as Japan. This is indeed true.

But the people in Beijing still love life and can show natural calmness in artificiality.

They have strong hands-on ability and can make many things for themselves, so as to achieve the purpose of thrift.

Door curtains, folding fans, cup covers, ashtrays, barbecue grills, key chains...even clothes are made by themselves.

And almost anywhere, any space can create the joy of life for yourself.

For example, planting flowers and plants, raising goldfish, and raising singing insects in summer are seasonal things that almost every household does.

Flowers and plants are expensive in Japan.

However, people here can plant a yard of flowers and plants without spending a penny.

Even if the varieties are mediocre flowers and plants, they are cute.

The morning glory on the wall, the bamboo and jasmine at the foot of the wall are so economical and easy to use, and they are enough to attract butterflies!

Some families are even smarter, and they can even grow tomatoes, leeks, cucumbers, coriander, loofahs, grapes, and lentils themselves.

These vegetables are also not cheap in Japan. They not only enjoy the fun of planting, but also meet the practical needs of life. It is very affordable.

Speaking of this, we must talk about Yunyuan where Han Yingming lives, which is even more amazing.

Because Yunyuan has no vegetables, but there are various fruit trees and flowers in different places.

Walnut trees, persimmon trees, pomegranate trees, quince trees, wolfberry trees, apricot trees, peach trees, jujube trees, mulberry trees, grape trellises...

Different species make up the grand scenery of Yunyuan Garden, turning it into a mountain of flowers and fruits.

These flowers and fruit trees are all good varieties, and they are at least a hundred years old.

In a hurry, no one seems to pay attention to their growth, but they can benefit the people living here a lot.

Fresh walnuts, bunches of grapes, half green and half red apricots, long horse teeth dates, pink peaches, red plums, jade plums, big pomegranates...These fruits are enough to make people salivate and drive away the bitter summer without appetite.

Even the lotus seeds and lotus roots in the lotus pond have become delicacies in their mouths.

There are also jasmine and tuberose, which can be used to cook dishes and are also served on the table.

And the most important thing is that you can eat as much of these products as you want, because there are few people in Yunyuan and the quantity is large.

In fact, the output from these gardens alone is enough to open a large fruit and vegetable store.

Yes, the capital is different from a certain place in Japan, which often only has a few specialties.

There are many local flowers, vegetables, and fruits here, which enriches people's lives and brings them closer to nature.

From the perspective of the capital, it does not have factories like those in Japan that smoke all day long.

From outside the capital, it is closely connected with gardens, vegetable gardens and rural areas.

According to the ancient Chinese poem - picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, here you can indeed see Nanshan leisurely.

Maybe it’s not that big of a deal to replace “South” with “West” or “North”.

In short, an old man living in Japan like Han Yingming.

In this life, I have always seen vegetables, fruits, and flowers, all sold at extremely high prices. They can be classified as luxuries in life.

So he really had to look at the people in the capital with great envy.

He truly envied them for being able to enjoy the blessings of these natural gifts for a long time at very low cost.

Especially the price of watermelon in summer, even if it is sold in the store, the price is still so cheap that it is like giving it away. It is more than a hundred times lower than the price of watermelon in Japan. It is really incredible.

To be honest, if we talk about the freedom of fruits, vegetables and flowers.

Then China seems to be a wealthy family that is full of oil, and it is Japan that is poor and has no bottoms.

This is something that probably no Japanese can deny.

But even so, this was not enough to express Han Yingming's satisfaction with the capital. What moved him most was that his wife and daughters could also find their own fun in the capital.

The female relatives in the capital also have unique leisure activities in summer. For example, they pinch two tuberose flowers in the courtyard and put them in their heads to give themselves a scent.

Or find some nail grass, mash it with alum, and dye your nails red.

When the heat sets in, they don't like drinking coffee or fragrant tea very much. The Beijing's unique summer iced drinks, sour plum soup and palace cheese, can save their worries and relieve the heat in their hearts.

However, the best thing, the most beloved thing that suits a woman's heart, is the ice bowl.

A large bowl of ice, covered with a young lotus leaf, with fresh water chestnuts, fresh walnuts, fresh almonds, fresh lotus roots, fresh lotus seeds, fresh hazelnuts, and finally a few candied fruits to warm and tonic, and cantaloupe. Fragrant, fresh, clear, and eaten cold.

Red is red, white is white, and green is green.

In the hot summer, it is really refreshing to have such an ice bowl to cool down the heat.

The crisp, sweet, soft and tender river fresh food are all mixed together, and one bite is the best gift of this summer.

If this kind of fresh food that matches the right time and place is sold in Japanese restaurants, the price will be astonishingly high.

It not only makes women smile, but also makes men drink a few more drinks.

For this reason, Han Yingming had to admit that Chinese people really understand life.

Who knows how much smarter, healthier, and happier they are to be able to invent such a thing than the Japanese who only know how to put some red beans, strawberries, condensed milk, and glutinous rice dumplings in shaved ice?

Not to mention, even the fabrics used by people in the capital are much better than those of the Japanese. There is actually an extremely expensive fabric in the world that cannot be produced in Japan. This is something that Han Yingming never thought of. .

In order to repay the gift, Jiang Nianyun also sent a large piece of material as a gift, and found someone to tailor the clothes to make Chinese-style summer clothes for Han Changzi and Matsumoto Keiko.

The material was a piece of white fabric as thin as cicada wings and embroidered with grass leaf patterns with silver thread. When it was taken out, it was already stunning enough.

Keiko Matsumoto liked it at first sight.

After admiring it again and again, she couldn't help but put the end corner on her shoulder and look left and right in the mirror.

He called to his mother and said, "Mom, come and see how good the fabric is."

Han Changzi leaned over with a smile, took a look, and said it looked good. Then he thanked Jiang Nianyun and said, "It cost you money."

At this time, although the mother and daughter looked so polite, they didn't take it too seriously.

They just think the material looks good and they like it.

As for the tailor who came to tailor their clothes the next day, it was none other than Su Jin recommended by Yin Yue.

Su Shenzhen, an old tailor, was already making a Chinese wedding dress for Matsumoto Keiko, so of course she couldn't take care of this kind of work anymore.

Fortunately, the tiger father has no sons. Su Jin has been using scissors with his father since he was a child, and he has already learned the craft to a great extent.

The clothes were quickly prepared and brought over, which surprised the mother and daughter once again.

Because the stitching is so thin, the proportions of the cutting are so perfect, and even the buckles are made so convincingly, it looks like it was made by an expert.

This not only makes them happy, but also fills them with more yearning for the wedding dress that is being made.

But the most important thing is the texture of the ingredients, which is surprisingly good.

It didn't seem to be anything special to the touch at first, but I didn't expect it to be mysterious.

As soon as they put on these new clothes, Han Changzi and Matsumoto Keiko, mother and daughter, both sighed, "The previous summer was in vain."

It's only when they put it on that they can truly appreciate it. The material is light, breathable and not easy to wrinkle, soft and full of body.

Its texture is 70% soft and 30% hard, cool and pleasant, and does not stick to the skin at all.

It also has a certain waterproof function, leaving no wrinkles at all, and the matte texture is more advanced.

It is really stylish, comfortable, lightweight, low-key and luxurious.

Both mother and daughter liked their clothes very much.

For this reason, Han Changzi couldn't help but go to Jiang Nianyun again, asked the source of the fabric face to face, and planned to buy some more and take them back to Japan.

Unexpectedly, I didn’t know if I didn’t ask, but I was shocked when I asked.

Only then did I know from Jiang Nianyun that the material was not ordinary, but an ancient and traditional natural silk material from Guangdong.

It is called "Xiangyunsha", also known as "Kaosha", "Gansu Silk", and "Shulangsha".

This thing originated in the Song Dynasty. It is made by soaking the original color natural fabric directly in the juice extracted from the stems of wild kudzu (Gansu) and sealing it with silt. After being placed for a period of time, it is made by special processes such as sun exposure.

It is also the only silk fabric dyed with pure plant dyes in the world's textiles.

Its advantages are cool in summer and gentle in winter. The longer it is worn and washed, the better the feel and color are. It can be called the coolest clothing material in the world.

The characteristic is that when walking, the clothes will make a "rustling" sound when rubbed.

The disadvantage is that it is currently impossible to make it by industrial methods, so this thing is quite precious and expensive.

This can be known only from the fact that it is praised as "soft gold" by the textile industry.

Moreover, since the liberation, mainland movies and dramas have used Xiangyunsha pants and jackets as professional uniforms for the Three People's Party spies, and people have no other way to get the coolest fabric in the world.

This has led to the near extinction of this fabric. In fact, the domestic production area has been in a state of suspension, and no new fabric has been produced in recent years.

Jiang Nianyun frankly said that after returning to China, she also looked for ways in many ways, and it took several months to buy half a piece of fabric from Guangdong through her son's friend.

Faced with the seller's price of two thousand dollars, she did not hesitate to ask someone to help her get it.

So these fabrics for Han Changzi and Matsumoto Keiko are really all she has.

If Han Changzi really wants it, of course it is not impossible.

But it will take time, and you have to ask someone to slowly look for it, and you have to wait patiently.

After listening to Jiang Nianyun's story of the cause and effect, Han Changzi knew that it was difficult to fulfill his wish.

He could only sigh helplessly and express regret.

Later, Han Yingming learned about this matter. After seeing this magical fabric, he felt even more confused.

His company was engaged in import and export trade, and he couldn't understand why such a good thing was discontinued?

For this reason, he even went to his son-in-law Ning Weimin to discuss this matter in person.

He asked Ning Weimin in person, "Isn't your Pierre Cardin company a clothing company? Then why don't you make good use of such a good thing? Isn't it a pity? In my opinion, this kind of fabric should be resumed as soon as possible. At least it will be popular in Southeast Asia."

In response to his father-in-law's inquiry, Ning Weimin gave this answer, "You are right, I thank you for your reminder. But I have to say that my country is really too big and too closed. All the excellent products from all over the country, let alone not being able to go abroad, even many people in our country don't know about it."

Han Yingming asked again, "If no one knows, can't we make some efforts to promote it abroad? ? I am very optimistic about the business prospects of this kind of thing. "

Ning Weimin had to smile and said, "In our mainland China, the business concept has just begun to recover, and there are not many people with this kind of mind. If we want to fully explore the commercial value of this kind of thing, we may not be able to do it with the people in our country. However, if you are interested and willing to invest. Then maybe we can cooperate to see if we can resume production of this kind of thing in the place of origin and sell it to Southeast Asia. "

"Hey? If so, that would be great. I am looking forward to it. "

Han Yingming didn't expect Ning Weimin to say this, but his eyes lit up, he was really interested.

Nothing else, doesn't he trust his son-in-law?

He really wants to be a participant and get to know Ning Weimin's business talents from a closer perspective.

It also prevents his daughter from bragging about Ning Weimin's ability in front of him.

For him, it is really a blessing to have such an opportunity to carry out a father-in-law and son-in-law cooperation.

However, although they have the intention and interest in this matter, they still have to put it aside for the time being.

For no other reason, it was because the Japanese crew finally got approval and went to Beijing.

And Han Yingming now had something to do.

Whether he was representing his son-in-law or helping Jiang Nianyun, his in-laws, it was his duty to settle these Japanese in the garden, and it just happened to be useful.

More importantly, once the crew arrived, it would be very close to the real wedding.

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