National Tide 1980

Chapter 1326 The Right Day

June 27, 1987, Saturday, the second day of the sixth lunar month.

It was a really nice day. The weather was sunny, with white cirrus clouds in the watery blue sky.

But there’s just one thing—hot!

The highest temperature today was thirty-three degrees.

And before nine o'clock in the morning, the temperature soared to 289 degrees.

This kind of weather has clearly entered the middle of summer, so we shouldn't hold any happy events.

But if you really look up the almanac, it’s clearly written on it: it’s time to get married, move, make a bed, travel, break ground, trade, move into a new house, and meet relatives and friends.

Do you think this is evil or not?

And on this day, there are really some people who are not afraid of the hot weather and are stunned.

No, several doors in Yunyuan have red happy characters posted on them, and the main entrance of Weijia Hutong is also decorated with lanterns and decorations.

Even early this morning, Yunyuan specially sent people to deliver wedding candies to the neighbors in the two alleys door to door. I was afraid that receiving guests today would cause inconvenience to everyone, so I said hello in advance and said no trouble.

In this way, whether it is in front of Weijia Hutong or behind Shijin Garden Hutong, nearby residents know that there will be a lot of excitement today.

So not only were the cicadas chirping here, but the shouts of the vendors wandering the streets also sounded in turn, as well as the nursery rhymes that had been circulating in the capital for countless generations.

"Little girl, I had a dream. I dreamed that my mother-in-law came to make a decision. Real gold bars, wrapped with gold ingots, pink skirt with gold phoenix. Embroidered shoes, butterfly dream..."

"The eldest girl is older, the second girl is the second girl, and the younger girl is going out to bring me a message. Build a big tent and post a happy message. Twenty pairs of horn lanterns. Two lanterns for the wife to marry, and a pair of fins for the wife to be married to. Eight bundles of coats. There is a big open door, a four-wheeled carriage with two horses..."

"The moon shines brightly in the east window, which girl would like a dowry, a gold leather cabinet, a silver leather trunk, a tiger leather chair and an ivory bed. Powdered tablets, incense sticks, two hundred pieces of cotton rouge..."

Traditional wedding in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China - the marrying wife and the sending-off wife in front of the wedding hall

(In traditional wedding - the procession of giving away the wedding ceremony)

The long lasting charm of ancient folk customs can be passed down from generation to generation through the mouths of children, relying on such clear, colorful and catchy songs.

However, this kind of leisurely atmosphere was not the only thing at the entrance of Weijia Hutong.

People who are really busy with life have oil in their heads and anger in their hearts.

"Excuse me, I'd like to borrow my light. How do I get to No. 18 Courtyard of Weijia Hutong? Ah, yes, it's the place called Yunyuan. Ah, I have to go inside. Okay, thank you..."

In front of a vegetable stall at the entrance of the alley, three flatbed tricycles pulling goods stopped for a moment.

After the leader inquired about the direction, the three sweaty coachmen pedaled forward again.

Those six legs, all covered with dark tendons, continued their mechanical movement unconditionally and slowly.

The speed of several cars is not as fast as a normal person walking, which makes people anxious just looking at them.

But to be honest, it’s not that they don’t work hard, the key is that the goods are too heavy and too heavy.

These tricycles are filled with rattan baskets filled with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Just looking at the tires of several three-wheelers being weighed down by the cargo and eating a lot, you know that this trip is not easy, and ordinary people can't bear it.

Fortunately, there are shade trees as soon as you enter the alley, and the place is really easy to find.

Because as soon as we entered the alley, we saw red silk decorations on the south wall. Following this guide, we walked almost half of the alley. When we saw Yun Yuan, who had been decorated with a flower archway for a wedding, she had " At the gate of "Three Stars Gaozhao" Color Silk, these coachmen knew they were in the right place.

But to be honest, I was shocked.

If nothing else, they were all in their thirties or forties, and they had never seen such a scene in all their lives.

(The wedding archway and hanging colors in Tianjin during the Republic of China)

As a result, these coachmen struck up a conversation with the two staff members who were standing at the gate of Yunyuan to welcome guests.

When one of them got on his bicycle and was responsible for guiding these first-time tricycle drivers to the large iron gate where the tricycle could drive, the leading driver couldn't help but ask about it.

"Hey, let me tell you, brother, what level of place are you at?"

"Are you kidding? We have no class here. It's just a hotel with a garden. It's a foreign-related hotel that welcomes foreign guests."

The coachman was able to figure things out on his own, and he was so self-righteous that he held Yunyuan up high.

"Oh, let me tell you. I dare you to do the same thing as Diaoyutai. Hey, you have such a fancy door at your door to hold a celebration to welcome foreign guests, right? Which country are you from today with such a grand display?"

The staff also know not to be too serious. The more serious they are, the less clear they will be.

"Oh, you are so funny. You didn't see such a big word "Happy"? This is called the Wedding Flower Archway. This was the special way to hold weddings in the past. And the traditional wedding ceremony requires hanging colorful balls and pasting the word "Happy" on the wedding door. , we are very particular about it, even the side entrances on both sides of the flower archway and the walls of the courtyard along the street are decorated with colorful decorations and happy words."

Now the driver finally understood what was going on and shook off the sweat from his head.

"Huh? I really haven't seen it before. To tell you the truth, this is the first time I've opened my eyes like this. Yes, it's really exquisite. If you want to put aside this style, it must be said to be the standard of a prince. But...but at this time, isn't it a bit... Isn’t it? It’s such a hot day, why doesn’t he feel like it’s too hot? Who’s getting married today..."

"Hey, don't worry about it. People have their own faults. Anyway, as long as the host and guests don't mind the heat."

Perhaps he was asking for help, even though he was given a small round of words.

But the driver did not dare to express his dissatisfaction, but complained in a self-deprecating way.

"Hey, that's right, the poor are all taking advantage of the poor, and they don't have to work as hard as us to pull the cart. Inside, there is an electric fan, eating and drinking, and watching the excitement, so it's naturally not hot. Hey, brother, please trouble me, you have to take us to find a tap later. It's so hot, it's not easy for us brothers to pedal from Yongdingmen to here, and we really can't stand it if we don't drink a lot."

Unexpectedly, the other party's feedback was better than the drivers imagined, and much better.

"Why are you still so stubborn? Don't worry, there's tea inside, plenty of it. And it's good tea."

"Really? It's great to have hot tea. In fact, it doesn't have to be very good. We're not picky, foamy tea is fine."

"How can that be? Today our chairman said that no one who comes to help should be treated unfairly. We can't let people work in vain. And you guys not only have tea to drink, but each of you will get a portion of wedding candy, and each of you will take away a ten-yuan red envelope."

"What? There's ten yuan for wedding candy! Oh my god, there's such a good thing in the world! Are you kidding me?"

"No. It's so hot, why would I lie to you? Would I let you have a false happiness and then get scolded by myself? ? Then I am simply sick, and my heart is too bad. "

"No, no, I don't mean that. Don't be afraid of you laughing at me, brother. I have never seen anyone so generous to others. This is too... too embarrassing..."

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Don't be polite. Just like you said, it's such a hot day. Anyway, our chairman is generous and kind-hearted. She just wants a smooth and happy wedding today, and she doesn't care about these few people. Look at our street-side tents. They are everywhere. You will see them when you enter the yard in front. The wedding tents inside are much more gorgeous than those outside..."

"Hey, what you said is scary. If it is true, then It's amazing. Let me ask you one more question. What country is your chairman from? Who is the family getting married? "

"You ask this? Our chairman is from the United States. But she is a Chinese, a very rich old lady, and she doesn't have an accent. It seems that the old lady originally went overseas from Beijing. As for the family getting married, do you know the Japanese star Matsumoto Keiko? This big star married a Beijinger and became a Beijinger. The groom is also one of the major shareholders of our hotel and Pierre Cardon. They are holding the wedding today. Oh, by the way, the Huimin Reading Club is also funded by them."

"That's right, no wonder, there are so many foreigners, but I haven't seen so many people like this. Treat us who have worked so hard. We are still kind and righteous in Beijing. Anyway, I can't see the owner, so I will say a few good words behind his back, please congratulate me on my behalf..."

"Okay, okay, I will also thank you on behalf of our chairman, you old people, you have worked hard. See, we are here, as long as we enter the yard in a while, you can take a few more steps to get our goods to the kitchen door, and unload them safely. "

"That's right, that's right, don't worry. Don't say send it to the kitchen door, we will put it wherever you say..."

Perhaps the other party promised too much, far beyond their expectations, although several drivers pursed their dry lips, they didn't feel thirsty anymore.

Even more than that, because they had seen the big iron gate and knew that they were about to ride into the garden, several drivers actually had a kind of faint excitement to explore what was inside.

It was like taking a powerful pill, that was a sharp increase in strength.

It seemed that suddenly, even a cart of goods became lighter.

After a while, there is no need to even take a breath to unload the goods. It is not a problem at all.

What is being particular about?

Isn't this being particular?

In the past, no matter whether it is a government office or a house in the capital, when a wedding is held, the whole street will celebrate together.

Not only do the neighbors come to congratulate, but often some poor people on the ground also come with gifts in different forms to ask for titles, positions and rewards from their families.

As the host of a real wealthy family, they never frown and always agree.

They all want the wedding to be successful and smooth, so that everyone is happy.

And the most important thing is that the four types of people who usually deliver water to their homes, dump dirt, clean toilets, and watch the street at the door must not be treated lightly.

If nothing else, their workload will inevitably increase during the wedding.

Just like this time, the rickshaw drivers who were already tired and cursed in their hearts, how could they be in a good mood?

The more I compare, the more I want to curse. Now that I have the lucky money, not only does my resentment disappear, but I also change it into auspicious words.

Not only do I promise that it is nothing, I guarantee that the work will be done neatly, and I also recognize the benevolence of the host.

So, the emphasis in the past was not on how extravagant or complicated the procedures were.

What is really commendable is the word "comprehensive".

In the midst of everyone's happiness, I always maintain the word "courtesy", and appear to be harmonious and respectful to everyone.

It may not be completely guaranteed that I will not be hated or envied, but I have made most people read it well, and Yunyuan has indeed achieved this.

How good is this, everyone is comfortable.

Isn't this the purpose of holding a wedding, right?

Otherwise, the more pomp and the more money you spend, the more people will hate you, and that is called being rich but unkind.

What they earned was not fame, but infamy.


It must be said that on this day, the most different thing about Yunyuan from usual days was that it lost the quietness of the past with birds singing and flowers blooming, and everywhere was busy and busy.

In fact, when the tricycle entered the big iron gate, many chefs in the kitchen of Yunyuan were also busy.

Those who should cut onions cut onions, those who should smash garlic smashed garlic, those who should cut meat cut meat, those who should make soup...

Dozens of people were preparing in an orderly manner.

Just by looking at the wet towels on their necks, you can know how they feel, which is actually not much better than a few tricycle drivers.

But the higher treatment is not only reflected here, not only is there enough tea, but also the red envelopes are fifty foreign exchange coupons per person, and there are several large ice basins filled with ice, sour plum soup and mung bean soup for everyone.

Even several cigarettes were prepared for the wedding, but they had to be smoked outside.

Who made them all soldiers of the Altar Palace!

And they are the main force that can make this wedding banquet shine today!

The treatment must be outstanding.

However, there must be brave men under great rewards. At this time, no ordinary chef in the kitchen was lazy.

Everyone inside and outside was wiping sweat while working hard.

They are the two chefs in charge of today's wedding banquet.

Master Pang, who came from Kouzi Kitchen, and Master Li, who retired from Fengze Garden, were meticulously counting the things to be used today and checking whether the semi-finished products they prepared last night were suitable.

Because of their fatness, both of them had a big cattail leaf fan in their hands, and they were talking while waving the fan in the yard.

After ordering the main ingredients such as meat, eggs and river fish, Master Pang smiled and said, "Master Li, I'm not saying anything. It's just that our Manager Ning is wild, otherwise, some ingredients are really hard to find. Take this palace yellow chicken and Jingxi rice for example, they are all found by him from the Agricultural University and came here the night before yesterday. If you change someone else, can you get such good things? The chestnut tree mushrooms are also good. When I was tasting dishes last night, I casually fried a plate and it was really tasty. I feel at ease now. I was worried that most of the dishes in our four-four-to-the-end banquet would be ordinary ingredients and would not be too outstanding. Now I am a little sure."

"Well, you are right. These things were hard to find in the past, let alone now. Especially chestnut mushrooms, such dried goods are the best. Fresh mushrooms are easy to get into trouble because they are wild. They are often edible, but they may contain a small amount of hallucinogenic ingredients. But dried goods are definitely fine and absolutely safe."

(Group photo of the daughter of Wang Rongbao, a celebrity in the Republic of China, the photo was taken in a place similar to a garden)

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