National Tide 1980

Chapter 133: Confused

There is a saying in Beijing called "hanging Xiang'er", and Ning Weimin has a dazzling eye.

Because I have been in society for so long, I have seen all kinds of people.

Ning Weimin is very good at judging people by their appearance, and he also knows what to say to whomever he meets.

Usually, based on a face-to-face understanding, he can accurately classify people into four different types.

Then use different methods to communicate with each person according to their characteristics.

In this way, the success of business negotiations will be greatly enhanced.

What he taught Zhang Shihui was the most basic "art of identifying people" and how to deal with each type of person.

Specifically speaking, in Ning Weimin's mind, the first type of person who is easiest to deal with is an honest person.

The facial feature he attributed to such people was smile lines on their cheeks.

It may not be obvious in young people, but it can be observed if you pay attention.

The reason is very simple. If you think about it, you will know that in interpersonal circles, people don't talk much and can only laugh.

Over time, the skin on the cheeks tends to loosen, leading to some wrinkles.

Generally speaking, Ning Weimin didn't encounter many customers like this in his previous life, because honest people basically wouldn't come here to speculate.

But he has seen quite a few such people in this life.

I don’t know if it should be attributed to the simple folk customs of this era, and there are too many honest people. It is normal for such people to come on business trips.

Sometimes they are not technicians, but they are really leading cadres.

And this kind of person is purely a melon that he wants to kill.

As long as they encounter it, they can easily take it down.

Is the most worry-free customer.

The second type of person is the impatient type.

The most obvious appearance feature of this kind of person is that the forehead wrinkles will be heavier.

This is because these people have expressive faces.

He will be surprised by the topics you sometimes talk about, and he will easily look at you with wide eyes and a long mouth.

Over time, forehead wrinkles will appear.

This kind of people also have unique behaviors. They speak quickly, walk quickly, and do everything quickly.

Just use words to seduce him, and he will follow your lead.

You can even talk about any topic you are proud of.

He will tell you the result of the topic after you, and he will exaggerate it.

Of course, such people certainly don't pay much attention to details. The cigarettes they smoke are their own.

Often, regardless of whether you dislike it or not, he will hand you the cigarette he likes.

And once you give in, he immediately lights the cigarette in his mouth.

In fact, Ning Weimin loved dealing with this kind of people.

Because such people are very rash and have soft ears.

To make money from them, as long as you feel the pulse and find out their general needs, it is very clean and crisp.

The third type of people are stable.

It is difficult to get in touch with such people.

Judging from the appearance, most of these people have big faces and tight lips.

The distance between the brow and the eye socket is no more than two centimeters, the eyelids are squinted, and he doesn't look at people very much.

Even if you talk to him, he won't look at you.

But I am definitely listening, and I like to bite my lower lip with my teeth from time to time.

Ning Weimin has encountered many such steady people who have their own backbone and like to think.

Most of them belong to the people he has to deal with, and they often control him, commonly known as "official ministers".

To be honest, Ning Weimin found talking to such people the most tiring.

Often, in a one-hour negotiation, there will be at least forty minutes of silence.

The most common thing this kind of person says is "hmm".

So if you want to talk to them, you have to deal with the whole process with "What do you think?", "What do you think?", "What do you think?"

To deal with this kind of person, you must find a way to make him take the initiative to talk to you.

The best way is to get into his head, find out as soon as possible what questions he is most afraid of you asking now, and then make a fatal statement.

Only then can we solve the trouble quickly and let him lift his ass and leave.

The most fucked up person is the fourth type of person.

This kind of person Ning Weimin encountered many thieves, and he was also a good mentor and helpful friend on his growth path.

Without the existence of such people, he would simply have no desire to make progress and no passion for pursuing his career.

Because this kind of person is a treacherous minister who is full of evil intentions and shrewdness.

I wish all the money in the bank belonged to his family.

He even wished that everyone in the world had a lower IQ than him.

Because there are so many such people, they can be found almost everywhere, and their appearance is easy to describe.

He had a smile on his face, his eyes were narrowed into slits, he had a bit of a mustache, but it was not obvious, and he was skinny and skinny.

I like to carry a clutch and dress very appropriately.

I like to tuck my top into my pants and expose my belt.

This kind of people will reveal their wealth inadvertently, for example, they will light up their cigarettes when smoking, roll their wrists and look at their watches, etc.

Such people do not necessarily smoke, but they smoke frequently.

Regardless of whether I recognize you or not, I will hand you a cigarette first.

As soon as you take his first cigarette, he will immediately stare at the speed of your smoking.

As soon as your cigarette was put out, the second cigarette was handed over to you.

This is no longer an ordinary cigarette, it has accepted its bribe on your behalf.

The biggest appearance characteristic of this kind of person is that he loves to laugh, his smile is very unnatural, and he can say a lot of compliments.

In short, I like to interrupt from beginning to end and chat about seemingly irrelevant topics.

In fact, I'm trying to trick you quietly.

If you are not vigilant, you can easily be led into a trap by such people.

He inadvertently revealed some secrets he wanted to know.

Deal with this kind of person.

Ning Weimin thought that the most appropriate way was to take the medicine according to the prescription and fight the poison with poison - treat him with the attitude of a third person.

That is, silence is golden. If you don't speak, this kind of treacherous person will never be able to guess your thoughts.

This is called staying unchanged to cope with all changes, and using silence to overcome sound.

There is no doubt that these are extremely practical lessons learned.

The characteristics and summary of these types of people explained in detail by Ning Weimin were of great use to Zhang Shihui.

Not only did it directly improve his ability to communicate with people,

Solving the problem became much more efficient.

It even made him discover many of his own problems and shortcomings.

He just felt that no matter how he looked at himself, he seemed to be the second kind of person, the kind of impetuous person who has no sense of control.

I don't know if in Ning Weimin's eyes, he always seemed childish and ridiculous.

Of course, he was embarrassed to ask Ning Weimin as to whether it was true or not.

Anyway, from then on, I began to intentionally move closer to the third type of person.

Deliberately slow down yourself, trying to develop a calm and calm mentality.

Therefore, it can be said that these words of Ning Weimin gave Zhang Shihui unlimited inspiration and promotion.

From then on, he looked at the world and the people around him from a different perspective.

It's like my vision has sharpened a lot overnight, and my mental age has matured a lot.

But the most interesting thing is that no matter how hard Zhang Shihui thinks about it, he can't figure out what type Ning Weimin belongs to.

He just thinks that Ning Weimin is different from others, others are easy to judge.

But Ning Weimin's body is full of contradictions.

When it comes to joking, Ning Weimin laughs more than anyone else every day and talks more.

But it doesn't make people think that this kid is deliberately and frivolous.

On the contrary, it can make people feel sincerity and create a sense of trust.

And Ning Weimin's style of doing things is even weirder. There are times when he is vigorous and resolute, there are times when he is calm and calm, and there are times when he is tactful.

It's completely unconstrained, far-fetched, and without any rules at all.

What's going on?

Unable to bear his curiosity, Zhang Shihui finally asked.

"Weimin, what kind of person do you think you should be? Why do I think you are not close to any of these four types of people you told me?"

In response, Ning Weimin replied.

"Not on the side? Just don't get on the side. I am the master, how can I let you, the disciple, see through it so easily? Right?"

"Do you know what it means to jump out of the Three Realms and not be in the Five Elements? Let me tell you clearly, I am the seventy-two transformation."

"Whichever way you want me to turn into, it's all a matter of one sentence. I'll do it immediately. But if you want to use any method to deal with me, it's useless."

Zhang Shihui rolled his eyes after hearing this.

"Hey, you sound so arrogant. Why is it so dark? Because cows are flying in the sky. Why are cows flying in the sky? It's because you are blowing on the ground!"

"Seventy-two changes? Together with you, you are such a monkey spirit that blooms every three thousand years, bears fruit every three thousand years, and matures after another three thousand years, right?"

"You pancake beetle, don't do this with me. I finally understand, you are a type B braggart."

PS: Since Writer Assistant has canceled the Easter egg chapter function, I regret to tell you that we can no longer continue to post pictures after each chapter. The good news is that the editor said that this is temporary maintenance, and I hope that the function will be restored one day.

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