National Tide 1980

Chapter 1338: Invitation to a meeting

After talking about the food, we have to talk about today's entertainment programs.

In the past, because Confucianism emphasized "ruling the world with etiquette", a person had corresponding grand etiquette at each stage of life.

Therefore, from the royal family, princes and ministers, officials at all levels, gentry and merchants, to ordinary well-off families, whenever family members reached an important stage in life and held festive banquets around these celebrations, they would often spend money to invite artists from the opera or folk art circles, or even juggling and magic tricks to perform to add to the fun, to set off the festive atmosphere and to show off "the grace of heaven, fame and wealth".

This is called "Tanghui".

Although if you count them, weddings should be considered an exception.

Under normal circumstances, families who marry daughters-in-law will not invite Tanghui performances to set off.

This is because weddings are much more substantial, complex and complicated than other celebrations, so there is no "blank" on the wedding day.

But nothing is absolute, this is not a fixed rule.

If some families are really rich and like to spend money to buy face, and the wedding banquet lasts a whole day, that is another matter.

For example, the family of Ma Huitang, the richest man in Beijing.

In order to enhance the family status and increase the joy, the wedding of Ma's grandson was held in Beijing Hotel during the day and in Ma's Garden at night, and two banquets were arranged in one day.

The Ma family not only hired all the taxis in Beijing to pick up relatives and friends, but also had the wedding scene covered with yellow silk to keep it secret and avoid interference from outsiders.

This is such a big deal, who can do it?

What's the point of having one more banquet?

So as long as you have money, you can hold a banquet even if it is a wedding celebration. There is no saying that it is absolutely impossible.

Moreover, today, specifically to the wedding of Ning Weimin, the new generation of Beijing's richest man, the actual situation of the wedding has become very different from the past.

In the past, there were too many complicated etiquette and feudal rituals in traditional weddings, which now seem extremely out of date.

In this way, there are still gaps in the wedding, and inviting a party to help fill the gaps has become necessary.

After all, the drama performances of the festive party itself have strong celebrations, wishes, entertainment, and partying.

It is not only a concentrated embodiment of traditional culture, but also has extremely rich folk cultural connotations.

In such performances, people's traditional beliefs, yearnings, pursuits and other mentalities will be fully revealed, which can be called a grand event in red weddings.

In this way, the host can not only make self-wishes as a spiritual comfort and entertainment, but also a kind of hospitality and reward for relatives and friends who come to congratulate with gifts.

So look at it this way, Jiang Nianyun, who organized this wedding banquet, took the initiative to invite a party, which is neither without precedent nor redundant.

In fact, on the contrary, it is a brilliant move.

The benefits are obvious. In addition to preventing guests from sitting at the table and eating and drinking, the guests also have something to entertain and communicate with while dining.

At the same time, it also greatly reduces the burden of toasting and greeting the newlyweds, giving the bride and groom a chance to breathe.

It is precisely because there are wonderful programs to watch that the guests can easily greet the newlyweds with words when they toast.

Especially when the actors on the stage give wonderful performances, Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko can get a chance to sit down and rest.

Moreover, to be serious, today is indeed a gathering of stars and big names, and the program is indeed wonderful and beautiful.

Even at the annual Spring Festival Gala, I am afraid that there are not so many stars gathered at Ning Weimin’s wedding this day, and they are so important.

If you don't believe it, just watch. At the beginning of the wedding banquet, after Director Huo, Song Huagui, and Pu Jie and his wife took the stage to speak, the famous Chinese and foreign actors from the entertainment industry, including Chen's father and son, Liu Xiaoqin, Liang Jiahui, Wang Mingquan, "Wang Xifeng", "Oshima Shigeru", and Miura Tomokazu, also took the stage to say a few words.

In the end, they didn't perform anything, but just showed up and expressed their congratulations to the newlyweds in front of the stage, which was enough to trigger cheers and applause from the audience.


Because of the closed information environment, in Beijing society, people usually don't have the opportunity to see so many stars.

Moreover, these people are the most outstanding figures in their respective fields in recent years. Each of them alone is enough to cause a riot among mainland movie fans.

And there are foreign stars as well as domestic stars.

For most ordinary people, it is like a beautiful daydream to see these people who seem to be in different time and space at the same time, standing together.

Finally, I saw the real person!

Isn't that exciting?

Later, later, when the actors really came on stage and the show was performed.

The guests not only did not calm down, but even couldn't control their inner restlessness, making the show seem a bit overshadowed.

Because don't forget, today Ning Weimin and his team were making a fuss in the front, but there were still two heavyweight actors who hadn't appeared yet. They had been staying backstage to prepare, and they were more famous than the actors on the stage.

Who were these two people?

Hi, one was Teresa Teng, and the other was John Lone.

The reason why the two stayed backstage was not only because Ning Weimin deliberately arranged a meeting with a "special person" for Teresa Teng, a safe opportunity to contact her, but also because of the filming needs.

You know, according to the script, the actors who were supposed to play the Yang family's relatives and friends were eating and drinking in front of the stage, and the two of them had to complete their "accidental acquaintance" backstage and go on stage to entertain everyone.

So in this way, when the guests finished speaking, it was their turn to go on stage.

Then imagine what would happen on the scene.

Today is different from the traditional opera hall party. The opening ceremony has to go through the rituals of breaking the stage, cleaning the stage, dancing the god of wealth and announcing the stage.

Because there are many famous actors on the scene, whether it is according to the needs of the movie plot or from the perspective of human feelings, it is destined that many famous actors will go on stage to perform, which will make the entertainment program of this wedding banquet a hodgepodge.

So the real hall party performance content - the opera program of Fenglei Peking Opera Troupe was postponed.

In fact, the first program at the opening was the appearance of Teresa Teng and her Japanese band.

Whether it is people who have heard or not heard the news, whether it is people who foresaw it in advance or not.

It doesn't matter whether they are colleagues in the entertainment industry.

Anyway, all adults under 40 years old were excited when Teresa Teng, who was also wearing a traditional red dress, appeared and started talking.

Regardless of their profession or level, these people were drunk before they even drank.

Especially those who were completely unprepared and caught off guard by Teresa Teng's sudden appearance, they screamed loudly.

The cheers and applause at the scene were so enthusiastic.

Even someone who didn't know which uncle was at the table blew the bandit whistle regardless of the occasion.

An executive of Pierre Cardin was even more amazing.

In order to express his admiration, he secretly picked up a bouquet that originally belonged to the bride and went on stage to give it to Teresa Teng.

This move made Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko laugh and cry. Needless to say, this kid was already obsessed with chasing stars.

This was nothing, wait until Teresa Teng started singing.

Not to mention that the actors who were waiting backstage also quietly looked out from the viewing platform and took a peek.

Even the waiters who had to do on-site work slowed down their movements, as if they were under a spell.

And those older guests who were originally puzzled by this, as well as the young children, now mostly woke up and realized who Teresa Teng was.

After all, Teresa Teng's singing has never stopped in the streets and alleys of Beijing for so many years.

Whether it is a pornographic song or a decadent music, it can't stop her voice. Her singing has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become a common memory of the times for contemporary people.

Even those who are older and can't call out her name can hum her songs along with her singing.

This is the influence of a generation of queens.

Even Zhang Qiang, who appeared on Time magazine with her this year and ranked higher than her, cheered for Teresa Teng like a little fan girl.

Artists from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, including Fei Xiang, Liang Jiahui, Zhou Xingchi, Wang Mingquan and Zhang Maggie Cheung, all applauded her sweet voice.

The local actors in Beijing did not give in at all. Among the crowd under the stage, Chen Baoguo and Jiang Wen were the two boys who shouted the loudest.

What is Teresa Teng's status in the Chinese music scene?

How popular is she in the hearts of Chinese people?

Just look at the scene on the scene and you will know.

Needless to say, such a scene is of course what Huo Yanping, Ning Weimin and the people from the national television station are happy to see.

From this, they can be more certain that what they tried their best to promote today is right.

It is very necessary to let Teresa Teng appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. It is definitely a great thing that is conducive to the emotional cohesion of compatriots at home and abroad.

In turn, Teresa Teng herself was greatly encouraged.

It was her first time to set foot in Beijing and also her first time to come to the mainland. She never thought that people here would like her and her songs so much.

For this reason, she not only strengthened her decision, thinking that this time was the right time, but also completely let go of her restraints and performed freely in the performance.

The Asian queen of singing first sang her more appropriate famous works "Sweet Honey" and "The Moon is Hazy, the Birds are Hazy" in turn, and expressed her congratulations to the newlyweds with the help of sweet praises of love.

Then she joked about her own hatred of getting married, and further expressed her envy of the happy couple by teasing the audience on the spot.

Afterwards, she also sang "The Flowing River", the theme song of the movie "Crazy Rich Asians", so that this new song, which has not yet been officially released, can be enjoyed in advance.

Finally, after receiving applause, when she was about to leave the stage, her talent for tampering with lyrics began to work again. She even pretended to be the bride's best friend and wanted to give the groom a piece of advice, and used Ning Weimin as a target to tease.

Under the attention of the guests, she sang a humorous cappella with a joking meaning - "I sent you to the wedding room, I have something to say, today you married a good wife..."

At this point, she paused deliberately, and then hummed the accompaniment of "Lenggeligelengeleng", while raising her hands to incite the guests in the audience.

As expected, everyone finally sang the sentence with her - "Don't pick the wild flowers on the roadside..."

And this triggered a warm laughter.

At this point, she waved to everyone, left the stage gracefully, handed the microphone to someone else, and ended the performance.

It must be said that her entrance performance was so sensational and popular.

Just these few songs and her playful and friendly stage presence made most of the guests feel that their trip was worthwhile.

In fact, her performance almost completely stopped the normal flow of the wedding banquet.

Because many people couldn't help but stand up during the viewing process, few people had time to eat.

The same was true for the waiters, chefs and waiters, all of whom watched from the corner of the theater until Teresa Teng returned to the backstage, and everything at the banquet returned to normal.

The person who was most distressed by this was none other than Japanese director Osawa Yutaka.

If nothing else, Teresa Teng's performance effect did not match her movie character.

This was completely the appearance effect of a superstar, and it could not be equated with the identity of an unknown little singer.

So, the original wish to use the performance shots at the wedding scene could not be realized. All of these were shot in vain and could not be edited into the movie. They had to be re-shot later.

All these just now can only leave a souvenir for Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko, and there is no other use.

After Teresa Teng went down the stage to remove her makeup, Fei Xiang, Zhang Qiang, Cui Jian and other stars who were exclusive to Ning Weimin also appeared one after another, and used their songs to give the big boss Ning Weimin the most decent blessings.

Although in terms of performance effect, each of them was invisible to be overshadowed by Teresa Teng.

No one else's performance could achieve the same guest interaction and emotional response as Teresa Teng.

However, the audience still applauded enthusiastically, which was acceptable. After all, young people accounted for more than half of the guests on the scene, and they were still very satisfied with their performance.

Moreover, this was also conducive to the normal progress of the wedding banquet.

Otherwise, if the guests were still standing and staring at the stage, today's wedding banquet would not be eaten, and everyone should just concentrate on watching the show.

In addition, the folk art programs of local actors in Beijing also joined in the fun.

For example, the crosstalk performers Niu Qun and Feng Gong, who became famous this year due to the Spring Festival Gala, performed a segment of "Eight Screens".

Then Feng Gong, who is from Tianjin, independently performed a segment of his own quick-talking book "Grow Old Together Forever".

Then the actors of the folk music troupe took the stage, and the deacons who had just played the gongs and drums regained their elegant demeanor and performed "Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon" and "Carrying the Flower Sedan" for the guests.

Then it was Tian Lianyuan, who became popular on TV screens last year with the long storytelling "The Generals of the Yang Family", who told a short storytelling segment for everyone.

And the actors of the two top TV series "Dream of Red Mansions" and "Journey to the West" also performed well,

because Chen Peisi followed Ning Weimin's advice and invited Deng Jie, who played Wang Xifeng in "Dream of Red Mansions", and Shen Lin, who played Ping'er, to shoot "Two Sons Open a Store" with him at a high price.

Shen Lin replaced the role of Yingzi originally played by Zhang Jinglin, and Deng Jie played the rival of Erzi, Zhang Daju.

So the two of them also came to congratulate with Chen's father and son this time, especially before joining the crew of "Dream of Red Mansions", Deng Jie studied Sichuan Opera and Shen Lin studied Yangzhou Opera, so they naturally performed a cappella at this time.

The crew of "Journey to the West" was saved from the financial crisis by Ning Weimin, and today almost all the actors who played the four masters and apprentices and director Yang Da are here.

Since Liu Xiaolingtong, who plays Sun Wukong, is also from a Peking Opera family, he naturally has to perform on stage, recite a few lines of "An Tianhui" and show off the basic skills of his ancestral monkey play.

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