National Tide 1980

Chapter 1340 After the Wedding

An ordinary person probably has few opportunities in his life to attract attention like his wedding.

It is also impossible to get such sincere blessings from so many relatives and friends.

Therefore, people often "sell everything they have" to make their wedding grand.

Compared with ordinary people, Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko have sufficient financial resources and do not need to worry about economic expenses.

They also have far more relatives and friends who care about them than ordinary people, which makes their marriage seem so happy.

The most important thing is that they have experienced the addiction of weddings three times.

They have held Western-style weddings, Japanese-style weddings and Chinese-style weddings, and there is no regret.

Especially Chinese-style weddings, whether it is the pomp and quality, or the entertainment programs, they are so outstanding, unique and unforgettable, and they also leave behind sufficient and special audio-visual materials, which is a blessing that ordinary people can hardly achieve.

Even the gifts they received were "blocked".

You know, this wedding was full of guests, and all of them were well-classed guests.

Either they are educated, have status, and have position.

Or they are skilled, famous, and wealthy.

It is impossible for them to give pressure cookers, steamers, quilt covers, pillowcases, spittoons, etc. like attending ordinary people's weddings.

Except for the old neighbors in No. 2 Faner Hutong, they may give these things.

Most other guests either give some calligraphy and paintings and arts and crafts as gifts, or give gifts.

And people from Hong Kong like Zeng Xianzhi and Zheng Mingming are more straightforward, giving gold directly. You can imagine how rich the harvest of this wedding is.

In mainland China, it should be the most gifts received in folk weddings.

Let's not talk about anything else, just say that there are more than 50 pieces of calligraphy and paintings and arts and crafts.

Among them, the calligraphy and paintings given by officials and social celebrities such as Huo Yanping, Fu Jie, Saga Hao, and Huang Zhou are not bad, but they are famous and elegant, and their economic value is not obvious, which still makes people feel at ease.

But the things sent by the handicraft factory and the old craftsmen are enough to make people shudder.

Because without exception, they are all fine works from all walks of life.

Perhaps it is to compete with peers, perhaps to thank Ning Weimin for his daily care, or perhaps to win more orders in the future. Anyway, what everyone sent is good stuff.

There are even several pieces that can be seen at a glance as the top-level fine products in the industry that can only be completed with painstaking efforts, and are qualified enough to be placed in national museums.

For example, the green colored glaze jewelry box "Oxen Ploughing the Green Field" fired by Jiang Sanchang.

This is a rare piece of elaborate work in the material industry that perfectly combines animal shapes with utensils.

The entire jewelry box is about 30 centimeters in diameter, with a green color that is shiny and crystal clear. No matter the shape or texture, it is so fascinating, both artistic and practical.

There is also a coral "Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix" sent by the Beijing Jade Factory, which was made by Liu Deying, a master craftsman among the "Four Wonders of Northern Jade".

The ivory "Heavenly Girl Scattering Flowers" sent by the ivory carving factory was also made by the founder of Yang School ivory carving, the late ivory carving master Yang Shihui.

For these two things, let alone the exquisite carving, how much is the value.

Even if you only look at the material of the raw materials, you can know that they are valuable and good things.

To put it bluntly, these should be the good things that these two factories have kept in their bottom boxes.

It is very likely that after they were created, the price given by the foreign trade department was too low, so the two factories were reluctant to sell them and never made a move.

Now, in order to strengthen cooperation with Ning Weimin, it is sent as a gift. It can be seen that this is to please Ning Weimin and spend a lot of money.

Needless to say, Kang Shude and Jiang Nianyun are both people who have seen good things.

The value of these things is like a mirror in their eyes, and no one will take it lightly.

So after checking the accounts and making a list, they are all unsure.

I have to discuss with Ning Weimin in private whether such things are still normal interpersonal relationships, can they be accepted? Should they be returned?

You know, etiquette and customs have always been subject to various social and family conditions, especially economic conditions.

As the "Book of Rites" says, "The poor do not use wealth as gifts, and the old do not use muscle strength as gifts", which refers to this situation.

Although Zeng Xianzhi and Zheng Mingming sent gold and goods, Kang Shude and Jiang Nianyun both think that it doesn't matter if they accept them.

That's because they know that Zeng Xianzhi and Zheng Mingming are businessmen in Hong Kong City, and sending these gifts is within their ability and normal social interaction.

But if the poor also want to imitate them, they will not be able to bear it, which is also inconsistent with their original intention of organizing this wedding.

It's originally a happy and lively event for everyone, how can it be a burden to others?

So they mean that these gifts are probably too expensive, so it's better to return them.

They can even accept part and return part.

According to the old etiquette, the returned part is called "Yu Zhen", and not accepting any gift at all is called "Bi Xie".

No matter which one, as long as you attach a big red note to the item to express your gratitude and return the item together, it will be fine.

That means the host appreciates the gift and is very grateful, but the gift is expensive and he is ashamed to accept it.

However, Ning Weimin thought about it seriously and rejected the suggestions given by the two old men.

He was unwilling to return the gift not because he was greedy, but because he felt that this matter was related to his face.

Officials have their own styles, people have their own styles, the rich have their own styles, the poor have their own styles, who doesn't want to save face?

In terms of social influence, nowadays, the trend is back, people yearn for wealth rather than poverty, and are willing to learn from the rich rather than the poor.

This time he held a wedding, everyone gave gifts, probably originally had the same mentality as participating in the arts and crafts competition, taking the opportunity to show off and compete for beauty.

If he returns the gifts, what will people think?

Especially those old craftsmen, who have the strongest self-esteem and are the most sensitive.

I am afraid that such behavior will make these people feel hurt, and Ning Weimin looks down on them.

Secondly, the more important thing is interpersonal relationships.

The old artists gave him gifts, not only for the help and affection in the past, but also probably in the hope of using him to help and become famous in the future.

Those factories in the arts and crafts industry gave him gifts, more for the sake of seeking benefits, hoping that he can open a large order to improve the survival situation of these factories.

Based on the above circumstances, there is such a seemingly abnormal, but not abnormal, generous gift.

If he returns the gift, it is easy, but it also reflects the meaning of keeping people at a distance.

I am afraid that these people will be disappointed and think that Ning Weimin does not want to fulfill their wishes.

So for Ning Weimin, he thinks that as long as he can afford what the other party wants and return this favor, there is actually no need to be taboo.

As the saying goes, "It is not polite to come without returning", which is the opposite of "poverty cannot be a gift".

And of course he will not sell these gifts he received, let alone take them outside to show off.

He thinks that the best way to deal with them is to put them in Yunyuan as exhibits.

This means a bit of public use and selfless dedication.

It can not only add cultural atmosphere to Yunyuan, but also improve the style of Yunyuan.

If a text description is attached under the exhibits, it can also make the gifter famous and make them look good.

And he is not afraid of others suspecting that he is just putting on a show for the sake of filming a movie, isn't it good?

Not to mention, his words seem to be more thoughtful from the perspective of human relations.

Kang Shude and Jiang Nianyun thought about it, and they were speechless, so they did as he said.

As for how much money was collected on the wedding day?

Ning Weimin couldn't tell.

Because to be honest, he doesn't care much about cash income in China now.

He didn't count it himself, and all the gifts were handed over to Kang Shude for him to handle.

However, he still has a certain basic understanding of how much some close people gave him.

For example, Jiang Nianyun, a rich aunt, gave Matsumoto Keiko a ruby ​​ring, a gold-inlaid jade ruyi, and two thousand US dollars.

In addition to the gift of 10,000 yuan in foreign exchange certificates, Song Huagui also gave Matsumoto Keiko a pair of jade bracelets.

Zou Guodong gave 8,000 yuan.

As for the executives of Pierre Cardon, on average, almost everyone gave 2,000 yuan.

In addition, Yin Yue, Luo Guangliang, Xiao Tao, Zhang Shihui, Sun Wufu and Gu Si also gave gifts.

Yin Yue gave 20,000 yuan, and Sun Wufu gave 5,000 yuan.

Of course, he soon learned from Kang Shude that Zhang Shihui encouraged several people to use the newly issued banknotes to build a "banknote fleet" for him.

However, his opinion is a little different from Kang Shude's, after all, he was a postal merchant in his previous life.

These things may be vulgar, but there is one thing, it depends on where they are placed and how they are used.

If they are placed in the stamp and coin circle, whoever can have such a fleet built at a cost of more than 100,000 yuan as a collection in the future, it seems not so tacky, but it can have a positive effect on attracting customers.

To put it bluntly, just like those casinos in Macau, they always like to use exaggerated gold objects to attract people's attention, which can be regarded as a form of GG.

Besides, this is also a token of the brothers’ love.

In any case, it can be seen that everyone has put a lot of effort into it, and both the form and value are touching enough.

So, he not only accepted this friendship, but also did not destroy the things given by the brothers. Instead, he kept them together with his stamp stocks, waiting to take them out when the occasion arises in the future.

And this is what Kang Shude could never understand.

In short, the wedding was lively and prosperous.

Although a lot of money was spent and everyone was busy and tired.

But the money spent was finally recovered in some other form.

And it also fulfilled the wishes of Kang Shude and Jiang Nianyun, and even the Japanese father-in-law and mother-in-law and Matsumoto Keiko were very happy.

In addition, it was a major event that satisfied the people of the whole country, so what else could Ning Weimin say?

He would suffer a little loss.

Who let the old saying say that a small loss is a big advantage.

He is a kind man like Ning, who is so selfless.

However, even though this marriage is perfect, Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko will not have time to enjoy another honeymoon after this wedding.

They can't even accompany Han Yingming and his wife, who are becoming more and more interested in the mainland of China, to take a short trip in China.

In order to satisfy the two old people's wish to see the beautiful mountains and rivers of China, they can only spend 20,000 yuan to customize a special "free travel" itinerary for them, and entrust the travel agency to arrange a special car and special people to take care of them.

First send the two to Xi'an, and then travel to Chengde and Shenyang.

Fortunately, there is a branch of Tan Palace in Chengde. Du Yang, who was unable to attend Ning Weimin's wedding, was very happy to have the opportunity to entertain his boss's father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Moreover, the travel agency chosen by Ning Weimin also has a cooperative relationship with Yamato Tourism, which can definitely take good care of the two elderly people and let them have fun.

As for themselves, it was just the opposite. After the wedding, there was basically no time left for Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko to breathe.

One of them had to act and promote "Li Xianglan" and the soundtrack album released in the mainland, and the other had to deal with business affairs. Almost immediately, they started to get busy in Beijing.

Especially Ning Weimin, he had several times more things to do than Matsumoto Keiko.

Some things that were originally squeezed out because of his marriage, he no longer had room to shirk at this time, and they had to deal with them as soon as possible.

The first to bear the brunt were the representatives of the Shanghai Film Translation Studio, who rushed to Beijing from Shanghai at the invitation of the leaders of the Film Bureau and China Film Corporation. They were eager to enter into substantive negotiations with Ning Weimin on the European films he had and the Japanese films that were likely to be introduced in the future, and to sign a contract as soon as possible.

Perhaps it was to make the Film Bureau and China Film Corporation leaders, who were "closely concerned" about this matter, look good.

Or perhaps it was because they fully felt that the Shanghai Film Translation Studio was already in a state of "not having enough food", and was a little anxious and angry, and even had a tendency to try all kinds of methods in desperation.

Ning Weimin, who knew how to be a man, didn't dare to bargain at all when faced with the low offer from the Shanghai Film Translation Studio.

He said, "I like the works of the Shanghai Film Translation Studio very much, and I think it is a contribution to the dubbing film industry." He readily bought the "dubbing package" of 50 films for a period of one year at a price of 25 million yen in the name of Matsumoto Keiko Kiri Production.

Once this contract is signed, not only will the Shanghai Film Translation Studio be able to resume full-power operation, but it will also help alleviate the survival crisis of the largest dubbing studio in China, which is declining from prosperity.

On the other hand, it is actually quite cost-effective for Ning Weimin himself.

For no other reason, it is because the manpower in China is still too cheap.

Especially now, it is an indisputable fact that those who make missiles are not as good as those who sell tea eggs.

Ning Weimin never dreamed that translation work would be so cheap in the Shanghai Film Translation Studio.

A team of seven people responsible for translation, who are proficient in different languages ​​such as English, French, Spanish, Arabic, and Japanese, took a month to complete the translation work for a movie of 30,000 to 50,000 words, and the quotation was less than 10,000 yuan.

And after the overall calculation, including the dubbing actors and dubbing directors, as well as the equipment production costs, the average cost of translating the sound of a movie into Chinese and providing subtitles in four languages, Chinese, English, French and Japanese, is only 30,000 yuan per movie.

Such an affordable price made him almost hesitate and completely gave up his original plan, no longer considering the possibility of dubbing these films in Japan.

He decided to simply release the original film with Japanese subtitles in Japan, and use the subtitles translated by Shanghai Film Translation Studio.

Nothing else, cheap is king.

Why can Indians earn dollars by outsourcing services?

He can't take care of his compatriots, it doesn't make sense, right?

So in order to motivate the enthusiasm of "Shanghai Film Translation Studio" and ensure the translation quality of each movie, he even took the initiative to propose an additional clause, if the quality of the film is satisfactory and there are no major translation errors.

He can also add another 100,000 yen to each movie as an incentive bonus.

This made the representatives of "Shanghai Film Translation Studio" very happy. Originally, Ning Weimin was willing to pay foreign exchange, which was enough to make them happy, but now he was willing to pay more?

How could they not be grateful and full of urgency?

The leaders of the Film Bureau and China Film Corporation were also very satisfied with Ning Weimin's generosity, and their trust in him increased slowly.

After this incident, they no longer doubted Ning Weimin's sincere desire to serve his country. He was a young man who was in Cao's camp but his heart was with Han, and he was determined to support the film industry of his own country.

As for who really suffered the loss?

Matsumoto Keiko?

No, that's not right. How could Ning Weimin turn his elbow outward and cheat his own wife?

He had already thought about it. This thing can be tax deductible, so it is better to take care of his compatriots than to benefit the devil.

In the final analysis, it is the Japanese government that will pay for this.

How could he not calculate this account?

It's just that the only bad thing is that the contract is easy to sign and the money is easy to talk about, but it takes time and energy to do things.

With this contract, he has to select the copies as soon as possible, pick them out from the vast film library, and arrange for people to send them to the Shanghai Film Translation Studio.

Only in this way can they start work.

No one can do this for him, isn't this a kind of self-defeating?

(A group photo of the dubbing actors of Shanghai Film Translation Studio in the 1980s. Many unforgettable figures are in it. They are: back row from left: Yang Xiao, Yang Chengchun, Cao Lei, Hu Qinghan, Yan Chongde, Weng Zhenxin, Bi Ke, Yang Wenyuan; middle row from left: Cheng Xiaohua, Zhou Han, Su Xiu, Wang Jianxin, Ding Jianhua, Shang Hua, Shi Rong, Lu Yinghua, Fu Runsheng; front row from left: Sun Yufeng, Liu Guangning, Wu Jingwei, Zhao Shenzhi, Yu Ding, Qiao Zhen, Tong Zirong.)

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