National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,343: Violating the Rules

People often say that good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone.

But for Ning Weimin, this sentence does not seem to be the case.

His life operation mode is actually the opposite of this sentence.

He has always encountered fewer bad things and more good things.

If you don’t believe it, just look at it. He came back this time to hold a wedding.

But in the end, how much benefit did he get!

The master gave him shares of Pierre Cardin Huaxia Company.

Song Huagui gave him a hotel suite that occupied half a floor.

Kang Shude forced him to invest and become the largest shareholder of Yunyuan Hotel.

In the process of preparing for the wedding, he also accidentally discovered good things such as chestnut mushrooms and Xiangyunsha through many people, and experienced the charm of the almost extinct tent color and box flowers.

As a result, he was able to take these good things that were not valued by the world and were almost lost into his arms, and tried to realize industrialization and commercialization.

In addition, he also gained attention and favors from the upper-level bosses by facilitating Teresa Teng’s appearance on the Spring Festival Gala stage.

In addition, he successfully gained the trust and favor of the domestic film and television system.

Several responsible persons regarded him as an overseas agent, gave him full power and resource support, and hoped that he could promote Chinese culture overseas.

It can be said that he has a bright future now, and his future has undoubtedly been elevated to a higher level.

And to be honest, many of these things were not originally planned by him.

In fact, it was completely a strange thing that came naturally.

It was like he was a magnet full of luck, and good things always came to him one after another.

And such incredible luck was obviously not explained by Ning Weimin's plug-in as a time traveler.

Because although the time traveler can take the lead, this plug-in is powerless to the people's wishes, and it is not very helpful for whether it can be accomplished in the end.

Then there is only one answer, that is, the knowledge of how to behave in the world that Kang Shude gave him in this life determined all this.

Yes, many people can say "those who are righteous have many helpers, and those who are unrighteous have few helpers".

But how many people actually know what "Tao" is?

How many people can use this "Tao" in real life?

And everyone has a different interpretation of this "Tao".

In the past, Ning Weimin once thought it was "connections and background", "nepotism", "money", "power", flattery, and the ability to curry favor with superiors.

But now he doesn't think so.

Although these things represent power and resources, and although each of them can help a person quickly change his life situation when he is penniless, the problem is that these things have side effects.

In turn, they will limit people, make enemies for them, set up obstacles, and even completely destroy those who believe in them.

Those who choose to use these things, like cheating in exams, will eventually only taste the bitter fruit of "haste makes waste" and "success is the result of Xiao He's failure".

Fortunately, Kang Shude in this life made him understand the power of the word "harmony".

This word seems soft, but it has infinite wonders.

Repeated use not only has no side effects, but also turns active into passive.

Unconsciously, you can open up a broader prospect for your future and accumulate endless opportunities.

Because even bad guys hope to make deals with people like him.

It is just as the saying goes, "Not fighting is fighting."

Of course, some people may think that blindly seeking "harmony" will only make themselves weak, and will only make bad guys have unrealistic covetousness, and even bring disaster to themselves.

But this only shows that they have misunderstood this word.

"Harmony" is not an unreasonable concession.

On the contrary, it is an ability and advanced skill to control the situation, resolve contradictions, ease conflicts, and make all demands balanced and harmonious.

In other words, the more profitable a thing is, the more participants there are, and people like Ning Weimin who pursue "harmony is precious" and have the ability to do this, the more important they are, and they become the indispensable person.

If someone dares to break the balance, then Ning Weimin doesn't need to take action at all.

The other participants will tear this reckless guy apart without any prior agreement.

Of course, bad guys are not fools. Since they can obviously make money by following the rules, who would risk the world's disapproval to do such a thing that is not worth the loss, destined to offend many people, and contains countless risks?

So for those who value "harmony is the most precious".

As long as they act uprightly and always share the benefits equally, so that their existence is beneficial to most people.

Even beneficial to the country and society, then he will always be safe, and he will still be a popular and popular person.

Who doesn't want to have such a noble person around him?

Who would be so bored that he would attack such a person who can bring benefits to himself and society?

Wouldn't that destroy himself and make enemies with the world?

And Ning Weimin is also completely convinced that as long as he does this, he will be like what is said in martial arts novels, "no moves are better than moves, and he is invincible".

Not only will he no longer have to worry about himself being in trouble and not having a good result in the future.

Even a boss with a higher level than Huo Yanping cannot truly control him or restrict him at will.

No matter how well his business operates in the future and how large it is, he will not be interviewed, warned, or fined like a certain Internet tycoon.

Because his pursuit is to never stand on the opposite side of the people, and never to increase his wealth by exploiting the people.

On the contrary, we should do more things that are beneficial to the national economy and people's livelihood, and only find the password of our own wealth from legitimate operating profits.

When he wants to exploit, he also exploits foreigners, and when he wants to exploit, he also exploits those who want to take advantage of others.

This is his "Tao" and the true meaning of the word "harmony".

In short, Ning Weimin now knows more and more how to deal with people in power, and he has become more and more aware of how his career can grow steadily.

To put it bluntly, it was all thanks to the old man's training and guidance that he successfully transformed from a speculator who only had money in his eyes and was a little clever to a man who was respectable and could make some contributions to the motherland. Legitimate businessman.

From this we can see how important it is to meet such a noble person in life.

Of course, this sentence is also true for those who have a close relationship with Ning Weimin.

Perhaps the saying "Those who are close to vermillion are red and those who are close to ink are black" have come into play, or maybe it is a matter of course that "one person can attain the Tao, a chicken or a dog ascends to heaven". Anyway, those closest to Ning Weimin all have their dreams come true without exception. , live smoothly.

To them, Ning Weimin was actually such a noble person, protecting them, guiding them, and taking them straight to the road of happiness.

Take Matsumoto Keiko, for example. As Ning Weimin's wife, she is of course the one who has benefited the most from Ning Weimin.

In fact, with the help of Ning Weimin, she not only got rid of her own financial crisis, but also broke through the bottleneck of her career. She turned from a female star to the boss of a studio, and made a blockbuster movie like "Li Xianglan" .

Now, with the investment of "Crazy Rich Asians", which has a larger investment scale, he has become a person who has attracted much media attention in the entire Asian film industry.

Many Japanese media predict that if this movie is as successful at the box office as "Li Xianglan" again, Matsumoto Keiko and her Fog Studio will become the most powerful in Japan besides the five major film companies. There is no such thing as a new emerging film company.

After all, these days there are very few film companies that dare to shoot such hugely invested movies and still make profits from them. Even the "Big Five" don't have such courage and courage, let alone the ability to achieve success one after another.

If this is achieved, Matsumoto Keiko and Fog Studios will be able to prove their creative and management capabilities, and their rise will be unstoppable.

From now on, there will be no film industry practitioners in Asia who do not want to cooperate with it.

At that time, Fog Studio will not only be able to consolidate its position in the Japanese film industry, but also become the hope for the revival of Japanese films.

Even for the Republic, which has relatively limited information conditions and a relatively backward market environment, Matsumoto Keiko's two films have had a huge impact.

You know, in China, due to the box office sales of "Li Xianglan", the box office of a 20-cent movie ticket has exceeded 15 million yuan, which means that the number of moviegoers in mainland China has exceeded 70 million. audience.

This figure has caught up with the "Zorro" starring Alain Delon a few years ago, and the release is still going on, with half of the schedule, so it is possible to finally earn 25 million.

As for the movie soundtrack album, sales have exceeded three million tapes.

It has even triggered a nostalgia craze in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. Many old songs from the past have been remembered and listened to again.

Matsumoto Keiko has therefore become the focus of the Chinese media.

In particular, the crew of "Crazy Rich Asians" came to the capital for filming. The Japanese actors on the crew also include Ken Utsui and Tomokazu Miura, who are almost famous in mainland China but are visiting for the first time.

So whether it was TV stations or print media, requests for exclusive interviews and performance invitations for several of them came one after another.

It can be said that Matsumoto Keiko's coming to China to get married not only created a solid foundation for her own acting career in mainland China.

It even became popular with these two Japanese actors, Utsui Ken and Miura Yu.

The three of them started a small craze about Japanese actors, and they have become guests that mainland TV stations are competing for.

Not only the national TV station, but also the Beijing TV station invited them to do programs one after another.

Shanghai TV Station and the nearby Jinmen TV Station also strongly invited them. We sincerely hope that they can be guests and talk to domestic audiences about the current development status of Japanese film and television, as well as future cooperation plans with China.

Of course, these media will inevitably ask Miura Yuka about Yamaguchi Momoe's recent situation and current situation.

In this way, these Momoe fans in mainland China have the opportunity for the first time to listen to Miura Yuka personally telling the love story between him and Momoe, and to understand the idol's real life and married life.

It can be considered that Ning Weimin has inadvertently contributed to a small consummation.

Not only that, but what surprised Matsumoto Keiko even more was that Fu Jie, the brother of the last emperor, and his wife Sagahao also specially invited her and Ning Weimin to a banquet because of this "Li Xianglan".

During the dinner, she took the initiative to ask them a rather surprising request.

It turned out that Saga Hiro really liked Matsumoto Keiko's performance in "Li Xianglan" and could feel deep empathy, perhaps because her own experience was similar to Li Xianglan's to a great extent.

Seeing the success of the movie "Li Xianglan", coupled with the recent completion of the co-production movie "The Last Emperor".

She suddenly had an idea, why not make a movie about her and her husband's story?

And her favorite actress was Matsumoto Keiko, believing that only she could interpret her story vividly.

In addition, Ning Weimin's way of dealing with people had long won their trust, so they specially invited her and Ning Weimin to discuss this matter, and even the couple prepared the manuscript.

In 1985, Saga Hiro also published the personal autobiographical novel "The Wandering Princess" in the name of Aisin-Gioro Hao at the Beijing October Literature and Art Publishing House, as well as the personal autobiography written by Fu Jie for himself over the years, all of which could be provided to them free of charge.

Needless to say, Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko naturally had no reason to disagree with this matter.

Because the life experiences of the Qing Dynasty royal family, especially the last brothers Puyi and Fu Jie, can actually be regarded as a kind of IP, historical IP.

Not only are people in China interested, but there are also many people overseas who are studying their lives. The audience is quite wide and curious, and there is a certain audience base.

Let’s not talk about anything else. Let’s talk about Japan in this era. Because of the special historical entanglements, they are indeed very interested in these stories of the descendants of the Qing royal family, and have a special kind of emotional concern.

In addition, Ning Weimin knows that the movie "The Last Emperor" will soon cause a cultural craze about the late Qing royal family around the world.

It is completely predictable that if they want to shoot such a film and television drama, it is neither following the trend nor not following the trend. Anyway, it will definitely benefit from it.

Then think about it, the original owner is willing to authorize it for free and act as a consultant.

If they don’t agree, wouldn’t it be hypocritical to give up something that can obviously make money?

Besides, after filming "Li Xianglan", a lot of costumes and props from the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China have been accumulated. They can't just leave them in the warehouse and wait for them to rot.

Moreover, they have found some ways to cooperate with actors and directors from the mainland, and have some rules.

If they cooperate again this time, the cost of filming will definitely not be too high.

Then taking on this job and promoting this project is just the right thing to do?

Moreover, as the operator of a film studio, Matsumoto Keiko also needs good stories and good scripts.

To be honest, if it is based on the scale of Mist Studio, at least three or five films should be filmed every year to not waste resources.

However, the current Mist Studio has no artists under its own and lacks scripts.

Then most of the production staff can only operate around Matsumoto Keiko's project.

Matsumoto Keiko is really a little worried about how to find more work for these people.

Originally, "Crazy Rich Asians" was an attempt in this regard. Matsumoto Keiko was only a supporting role in it. For the first time, Mist Studio established two crews to operate separately.

In the second half of this year, Matsumoto Keiko's main work focus is still on the TV series "Black Leather Notebook".

As for the project arrangement for next year, it is still blank.

Now that Fu Jie and Saga Hiro have taken the initiative to deliver these autobiographies, it means that at least next year, Wu Studio can guarantee another major drama to be released, which will naturally make Matsumoto Keiko very happy.

In the end, after the filming of this drama, it will also have countless benefits for Ning Weimin's overseas Tan Gong Restaurant.

So if this is not a perfect match, then it would be a miracle.

Of course I have to agree.

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