National Tide 1980

Chapter 1345 True Nature

As for the reason for doing this, in addition to Ning Weimin's confidence in the long-term trend of Moutai and Wuliangye prices, he was also fully aware that 1987 was a contradiction, and through the information obtained from daily newspapers and "News Network", he almost sorted out the logical relationship of various economic phenomena in this special period.

You know, due to the need for reform and opening up, and in order to quickly see the results.

Before this, since 1980, the reform model implemented by the upper level was "decentralization, profit sharing, and benefits".

But this preferential policy cannot be sustained for a long time. Now that the upper level does not have enough financial resources, it has begun to implement the local fiscal contracting system.

This is an obvious signal of a change in the wind direction.

However, there are policies from above, and countermeasures from below.

Before the new policy is officially implemented, the lower-level units will naturally think of using the old policy to gain some benefits for themselves.

Their method is very simple, that is, spend more money, spend money quickly!

And this leads to a special phenomenon.

Although the general policy above is austerity, the actions of the lower-level units are scrambling to "catch the last train".

So for some special groups with connections, 1987 was indeed a great opportunity to make a fortune.

Especially in Beijing.

You know, in the planned economy era, all ministries and commissions were here, and even many insignificant officials had some power.

So for Beijing's traders, the geographical conditions are unique, which is the biggest feature of Beijing's traders.

But the biggest opportunity for traders is in the circulation field.

Especially at the beginning of the rise of township enterprises, when information was not smooth, raw materials were in short supply, and local price differences were high.

In this way, for a long time, Beijing was destined to produce more traders than other places.

And there were enough conditions to breed "big traders" and "giant traders".

Let alone other things, Pierre Cardon concentrated all its resources on hotels this year, and did not add a new franchise store in Beijing, but the turnover increased by 25% compared with last year, which is enough to prove this phenomenon.

The same is true for Tan Gong Restaurant and Maxim's. Without any promotional activities or GG, they have achieved substantial growth.

Now the banquet department of Tan Gong Restaurant has tasks almost every day, and the restaurants that sell individual customers have long queues every day, which is overloaded.

Maxim's is even more full at night, with singing and dancing every night, and it has reached the point where there is no room for guests every day.

This is obviously caused by the particularity of history, which is a bonus of the times.

It is impossible that Zhang Shihui, who follows the rules and only knows how to maintain the status quo, really has such great ability.

In fact, whether it is Song Huagui, Zou Guodong, or Ning Weimin, while they are happy to get these data, they can't help but think about a question, who actually spent this money?

If you understand this point, you will also master the secret of performance growth during this period.

In addition, when Ning Weimin came back to get married this time, he also called Jiang Hui and politely invited the couple to attend his wedding.

However, he learned from Jiang Hui that Nian Jing was working with Jiang Hao on a big project.

Even Jiang Hui herself was busy all day, helping them run around and make contacts for social events.

Now Jiang Hui could only use a leave note to delay the credit union, and she couldn't even go to work.

So Jiang Hui could only apologize to Ning Weimin.

She said that although she wanted to go, at this critical period, she and her husband couldn't attend his wedding, and asked him not to mind.

When they were done, they would find a chance to get together and definitely give him a big gift.

In this way, Ning Weimin didn't need to know what they were busy with, and he knew that they must be living a good life.

And now they are making a lot of money, otherwise it would never be like this.

Then think about it, even small fish and shrimp like them are so busy and so arrogant.

What kind of state will those real big fish be in?

Otherwise, the earliest group of rich people in China were all in Beijing.

Compared with them, the "first rich" groups in the southeastern coastal areas, special economic zones, and Shanghai are simply weak and not up to par. This is the reason.

But from another perspective, we must admit that since these people make a lot of money by taking advantage of loopholes, it is inevitable that there will be serious side effects on society - that is, the speed of price increase will begin to accelerate!

There is no doubt that in the absence of a large supply of goods, once a large amount of money is chasing a small amount of goods, inflation will immediately occur.

Although we are very smart and have not learned from the Eastern European countries to take the extreme route of opening up and closing, we have always implemented the "dual-track price system" and tried to make a completely safe transition in a gradual way.

But in 1987, serious inflation still occurred across the country, and the price increase of many items has exceeded 20%.

According to official data, the inflation rate this year reached 7.3%, which is a relatively high level.

In particular, the fourth set of RMB was issued not long ago, which increased the maximum value of RMB by ten times.

Needless to say, this inevitably had a significant impact on the economic development and social life at that time.

If nothing else, you only need to look at the two prices of dried tofu, one is by ticket, which costs more than 20 cents per catty, and the other is negotiated, which costs more than 80 cents per catty, and you will know how serious this situation is.

When prices rise, people naturally complain more.

Many people say they would rather not have a wage increase than let prices rise.

Therefore, under this situation, even if the official price of Moutai has risen to 28 yuan from the Sugar Industry Tobacco and Liquor Company and 35 yuan for retail, it still seems cheap.

Although the Moutai factory has been increasing its production year after year, it cannot keep up with its reputation. More and more people recognize this wine.

Nowadays, people without special channels cannot get this thing at all, and the characteristics of "hard currency" are increasingly highlighted in the field of asking for help.

This has even led to the proliferation of fake Moutai products. Nowadays, some people are willing to recycle even an empty Moutai bottle for five yuan, which shows how huge the benefits are.

What's more, although Ning Weimin doesn't know when the prices of Maotai and Wuliangye will be liberalized.

But he knew that there would be a nationwide panic buying trend in 1988 due to price breakthroughs.

Even because of this incident, someone created the cross talk "Afraid", which even appeared on the Spring Festival Gala a few years later.

So making such a decision to stock up in advance is naturally a foolproof and wise move for him.

In the direction of stocking up, he chose Moutai and Wuliangye, which was also the best choice after weighing the balance.

Because Moutai and Wuliangye are becoming more and more popular as they become more popular, and they will have special uses of both luxury goods and value-added properties in the future.

Even if it is not regarded as a short-term speculation business, as a long-term investment transaction, this transaction is guaranteed to make a profit.

Of course, Zhang Shihui's views on this matter are definitely not as comprehensive and thorough as Ning Weimin's.

It stands to reason that if someone gave him such an idea so suddenly and asked him to allocate up to 800,000 to 900,000 yuan in the account and invest it in storing wine, he would not necessarily have such great courage. Unfortunately, I thought the person who came up with this idea was trying to trick him.

But the problem is, Ning Weimin is not someone else.

To put it bluntly, since the day Ning Weimin arranged for Du Yang to go to Lishantou at the Chengde Summer Resort in order to leave him the position of the Tan Palace Head Office in Beijing.

Zhang Shihui was completely devoted to Ning Weimin and wanted to always follow Ning Weimin's lead.

What's more, in addition to their relationship of mutual trust, Ning Weimin's own status and influence have been growing simultaneously.

Apart from anything else, he just wanted to work for Ning Weimin and become a shareholder, so that the French boss would be willing to give him the company's shares for free.

For example, Ning Weimin crossed the sea and conquered the East alone. He was able to build a huge fortune in Japan with his bare hands. He was also able to marry Japan's "most beautiful woman" and kidnapped Teresa Teng to the capital.

He is the hero who created miracles in Zhang Shihui's mind.

Zhang Shihui was completely convinced by him and fell into submission. She didn't believe that there was anything he couldn't do or accomplish.

It would be no exaggeration to say that he has regarded Ning Weimin as his personal idol.

What if Ning Weimin brought him a burned briquette one day and told him that it was a panacea that would prolong life and prolong life.

Zhang Shihui could believe it and swallowed it happily.

Superstitious, this is his strong confidence in Ning Weimin, which has reached this point.

Not to mention that Zhang Shihui is now the leader of Tan Gong Restaurant.

I don’t know anything else, but he knows how well Moutai sells in restaurants.

Don't look at the price of Tan Gong Moutai, which is as high as 98 yuan a bottle. It is more expensive than anywhere else in the capital, and is about the same price as the Great Wall Hotel.

But no one cares about the guests who come here to eat.

On the contrary, in recent times, especially domestic customers, they have become reluctant to drink Moutai.

This, of course, became his source of confidence and confidence, and he even became a little jealous because of Tan Palace's huge profits.

After all, he always sells Maotai liquor to Tan Gong for 40 yuan. If he sells it to an individual, he can sell it for 60 or 70 yuan.

Now Ning Weimin does not allow him to supply goods to individuals, and only asks him to ensure the supply of Yunyuan, Tangong Restaurant and Maxim.

It was inevitable that he would feel a little uncomfortable worrying about gains and losses.

However, he was also a little clever. At this time, he did not complain openly, but gave Ning Weimin a suggestion that could not only protect his own interests, but also show his loyalty.

He said that Moutai and Wuliangye were not easy to obtain originally, and the Sugar Tobacco and Liquor Company could only supply them with fifty or sixty boxes of goods every month.

Therefore, if the Pierre Cardon Hotel opens, if we want to get enough Moutai to meet the needs of all places in the future, I am afraid we will have to find another supply channel.

With the current channels of Huiminyan Hotel, it is really too much.

What if we count on the Friendship Store and use the method of converting foreign exchange coupons to arbitrage?

Success is a success, but the cost will definitely go up.

So according to his opinion, should their supply and prices in these stores increase?

Anyway, now they don’t sell to individuals just to stock up on goods.

Especially now there are so many fakes out there, making it even more difficult to buy genuine Moutai.

In fact, in many state-owned stores, including the Moscow restaurant where he used to go to buy Maotai, now you have to try your luck to buy Maotai, and you may not necessarily be able to buy it with money.

So for those customers who can still drink in Tan Palace, it is already good to have real Moutai, so why should they be picky?

Needless to say, Ning Weimin instantly understood what Zhang Shihui was pondering, thinking about, and having selfish motives.

But after thinking about it, he felt that what Zhang Shihui said made sense.

Since things are originally scarce, isn’t it normal for prices to rise as the market goes by and to sell more expensively?

They are not a state-owned unit, so they have to stick to the planned economy.

Of course, it’s up to you to do whatever is reasonable.

Just like that, Ning Weimin nodded in agreement and allowed Zhang Shihui to adjust the price of Moutai to Tan Gong Restaurant to fifty-five a bottle, while Tan Gong Restaurant raised the external price to one hundred and eighteen.

Wuliangye can also be adjusted according to this ratio, and other drinks will not be used for the time being.

This way no one will suffer, just try it out first and then talk about it.

As a result, Zhang Shihui immediately beamed with joy and no longer had any worries or reluctance in performing the task.

Not only that, this kid even reciprocated the favor and immediately promised benefits to Ning Weimin.

Because he knew that Yun Yuan was Ning Weimin's own investment, he immediately patted his chest and said that he would treat Yun Yuan differently, and the Maotai given to Yun Yuan would definitely be the lowest price at thirty-five dollars a bottle.

As a result, he made Ning Weimin really dumbfounded.

He glanced at Zhang Shihui angrily, his tone also filled with hatred for him.

"You guy, who do you think I am? I promise you, co-authoring is just to take advantage of this little advantage? Why do I love taking advantage of this little advantage so much. Go ahead and do whatever you want, treat everyone equally. Do you understand? Understand?"

But not to mention that it was okay. As soon as Zhang Shihui started talking about it, he started to act smart again.

He was stunned for a while, then slapped his forehead and immediately responded, "Oh, you can rely on me, you can rely on me, look at my brain. That's right, this aunt from the Jiang family is your elder, and she is our uncle Kang's best friend. You How can our shares in Yunyuan be higher than others? But we only have half of the shares in Huiminyan Hotel. If I give Yunyuan thirty-five cents, it will be a loss for you... Hey. , It’s my fault. Yes, it’s really my fault. In that case, I’ll give Yunyuan fifty-five dollars.”

Ning Weimin was really angry and laughed at this time, gritting his teeth more or less.

"You're quite good at playing the abacus. You've made some progress. Then I thank you, you really think about me."

What's even more amazing is that Zhang Shihui really thought he was praising him, and didn't hear the underlying meaning at all. Instead, he immediately started shaking his head.

"Thank you. This shouldn't be the case. I'm not bragging. With my brain, real accountants may not be as quick as mine. Hey, if my son wants to have these two moments like me in the future, then he will be fine for the rest of his life. Just like his father, he loves to eat and drink. "

But don't mention it, Zhang Shihui's attitude of not forgetting to eat but not to beat is really full of joy.

Unknowingly, Ning Weimin's slight dissatisfaction suddenly disappeared, and he started to laugh sincerely.

For no other reason than because Ning Weimin suddenly remembered the time when Zhang Shihui was selling fruit in Maicheng.

When I think about how many years have passed, this girl has actually become a "fashionable" person.

Compared with him in the first few years, this is really a rare human comedy.

And this... should be regarded as some of his life achievements, right?

Forget it...the same rice feeds hundreds of people, who doesn't have some problems?

He was like this when I first met him, so why should he be so harsh on his friends?

Zhang Shihui like this is actually quite good. After all, he still has a true temperament.

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