National Tide 1980

Chapter 1347: No less than a man

If we say that Ning Weimin's arrangement for Zhang Shihui was more about his years of friendship, he gave him the best and most profitable life.

As for the arrangements of Gu Si'er and Sun Wufu, Ning Weimin was most worried because he was afraid that they, who were originally hardworking and hardworking, would lose their enterprising spirit and become useless, so he opened up a new map for them and gave them new tasks.

So for the arrangements made by Yin Yue, Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao, Ning Weimin relied on trust, friendship, respect and appreciation, so he put his most important speculative business and the largest speculative layout in the capital. , the main source of future business, is entrusted to the three of them.

Yes, that is speculation about the domestic postal market.

And what needs to be explained in particular is that this business is different from hoarding, fish farming, and second-hand shopping, investments that Ning Weimin only knows about the general trend.

As a speculative postal dealer in his previous life, Ning Weimin made great efforts to study the several waves in the history of domestic stamp development.

Not only are these historical events that happened, but the year, causes, process, results, as well as the scale and data, he is very familiar with them.

And in his previous life, he loved communicating with others about these things.

He often chatted with his colleagues at the dinner table. When he met old people in the industry who had experienced those things, he always liked to ask about what happened back then.

In addition, he has accumulated a lot of chips in his life. Every year, he never forgets to pay people to help him get the 4,000 zodiac tickets for the new year. He has always been the largest dealer of zodiac tickets in the country.

Therefore, investing money in this direction is not only an open-book exam for him, but it is also an open-book exam that he can grade himself as an examiner.

It is no exaggeration to say that to him, the domestic postal market is just like his own bank.

Based on the extent to which the chips in his hands affect the market, and his understanding of postal market speculation, his certainty of arbitrage is even safer than the financial games he played in Japan.

This is why when he went to Japan, he dared to take away all his cash assets in the capital.

To put it bluntly, as long as he holds the zodiac ticket in his hand, he doesn't have to fight at all in China.

As long as you wait for a few years, you can easily use these chips to bring your personal wealth back to its peak in China.

Unfortunately, limited by the level of domestic economic development, the postal market, a domestic speculative game, cannot be leveraged and its scale is relatively small.

Moreover, the RMB these days is not a hard currency either in the international market or the domestic market.

Otherwise, he might still be hesitant about whether it is better to stay in Japan and earn yen, or to stay in China and run the bank himself.

But even so, his long-term interests in this game are enough to provide sufficient nutrition for his future career development in China.

Just like now, Ning Weimin knew clearly that it had been more than a year since the postal market crash in 1985.

Despite the fact that there is almost no one visiting the postal market at the moment, it is as cold as the winter of March 9th.

But it won’t be long before another mini-postage craze of the 1980s quietly happens again.

This market occurred from the second half of 1988 to the spring of 1989, but it started brewing in 1987.

Since the stamp circulation this year has been significantly reduced, not only the subject matter is excellent, but the design and printing are also outstanding.

For example, "Raptor", "Xu Xiake", "Water Margin (1)", "Famous Ancient Buildings", etc.

Those true philatelic enthusiasts have gradually become more interested in visiting stamp companies and philatelic stores this year.

In 1988, the circulation policy of 1987 will be continued, and popular themes such as "Three Kingdoms (1)", "Tarzan", and "Orchid" will continue to be released.

In addition, in 1988, the Stamp Corporation significantly increased the price of domestic stamps. At that time, the national philatelic army also rapidly grew to 5.7 million people. Finally, it encountered the "buy what you can get" trend in 1988, and the postal market suddenly collapsed. It exploded.

This became popular when the "Mawangdui" stamps and souvenir sheets were issued on March 25, 1989.

The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications at that time once again used the trump card to increase circulation.

On the day the "Mawangdui" stamps were issued, the market price of a small sheet with a face value of five yuan was raised to thirteen yuan.

It is a pity that the confidence of stamp collectors has only just been restored a little, but the "higher-ups" have optimistically assessed the situation.

As a result, when it was reported a few days later that "Mawangdui" was increasing its circulation, the souvenir sheet fell below the issue price again, plummeting to 4.6 cents, which directly destroyed everyone's confidence and brought an end to this small market. , the postal market fell again.

This is the original direction that Ning Weimin grasps.

Objectively speaking, this wave of market is indeed not a real big market, but just a small wave of market caused by the social environment of inflation.

At most, it can be regarded as a transitional market before the big market in 1991.

If anyone is expecting to increase profits more than ten times or dozens of times like in 1985, don’t think about it.

But if you want to make three to five times, five or six times from it, you can actually think about it.

Especially since this is a good opportunity to raise funds.

Since the postal market has been cold for so long, there are so many excellent chips floating in the market that their prices have almost settled to the bottom.

At this time, it is the most cost-effective thing to re-eat some goods.

Besides, Ning Weimin earned more than 8 million RMB with the tapes of Cui Jian, Fei Xiang and Zhang Qiang. Even if he took out part of this money to support the two cultural associations and increase investment in the cooperative projects of the Agricultural University, he would still have several million left.

This does not include the cash saved by Yin Yue, Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao in their respective businesses in the past two years.

The share of the income from the soundtrack of "Li Xianglan" that Matsumoto Keiko's office in Huaxia is about to receive is not included.

So it can be said that the time, place and people are all right. Ning Weimin has no doubt that the time is ripe and it is time for him to make a move in the stamp market.

So in order to discuss this matter, he specially found an afternoon and invited Yin Yue, who was off work that day, and Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao, who were closing the garden and closing the stall, to have dinner at the Tan Palace Restaurant.

Zhang Shihui specially arranged the banquet for Ning Weimin. A sumptuous banquet was set up in the hall of the Qinian store. The drinks were two bottles of Moutai and several bottles of iced "Polar Bear" and sour plum soup.

Although he couldn't participate in it today, he almost expected what Ning Weimin wanted to do with these people, but he was not jealous.

After all, Ning Weimin promised him that as long as Zhang Shihui implemented the current wine hoarding plan, all the money in his hand would be converted into Moutai and Wuliangye.

In a few years, at least he can make several times the profit, which guarantees that he can become a real millionaire.

Millionaires, in Beijing these days, anyone with 30,000 or 40,000 is considered a rich man.

If someone has 200,000 or 300,000, he is considered a big shot.

500,000 or 600,000 is amazing, and he is definitely the best among the big shots.

If you can have one million RMB, you are definitely a wealthy man that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

If you don't believe me, just look at the front page of the Economic Daily on June 13, 1987, which just published the news that Guan Guangmei from Benxi, Liaoning Province, rented and contracted a grocery store with others.

It said that her personal annual income last year reached 44,000 yuan, which also caused the world's surprise and envy.

And this set off a big discussion, and many parties argued whether it was reasonable for her to earn a personal income that was more than ten times the income of ordinary people in the local area by renting and contracting state-owned units.

(Guan Guangmei was interviewed by reporters on June 12, 1987)

So when I thought that if I listened to Ning Weimin and invested all the current funds of the tobacco and alcohol shop, I would soon be able to reap millions of profits and share them equally.

Zhang Shihui felt his heartbeat speed up and his breathing became rapid.

With his current mental quality, he could not bear such mental pressure.

What's more, Ning Weimin's meeting with Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao this time also intended to help Zhang Shihui solve part of the foreign exchange coupons needed for stockpiling.

Ning Weimin also promised Zhang Shihui that he could exchange a portion of foreign exchange coupons from the public account of the Tan Palace Restaurant every month, so what else could Zhang Shihui say?

In his heart, since he had already gained the greatest benefit, he naturally would not be jealous.

Not only was he not jealous, but he wanted to laugh from the bottom of his heart, seeing that Yin Yue, Luo Guangliang, and Xiao Tao were all friendly.

He didn't think about anything now, and was only thinking about how to get Moutai and Wuliangye, and at most, he would think about how to spend the money when he earned it.

Since he saw the splendor of Yunyuan and attended Ning Weimin's wedding, his current ideas and aesthetics have changed a bit.

He no longer only recognized the building, but also liked the courtyard house a little.

Later, he also wanted to find a courtyard to buy and renovate it well. As long as it could catch up with a small courtyard in Yunyuan, it would be quite beautiful.

As for the three people who came to the dinner today, of course they didn't know what Zhang Shihui was thinking.

But without exception, they all felt flattered by Ning Weimin's enthusiasm and the richness of the banquet.

They originally thought that they would just have a casual meal here, but they never expected that the banquet would be of high standard and full of ritual.

Moreover, there were only a few of them, occupying a large round table for ten people, and even Zhang Shihui was not present.

This special atmosphere made them, who were used to the lively and free-spirited, feel a little uneasy, and they couldn't help but guess Ning Weimin's intentions.

It was Yin Yue who was the most sensitive, perhaps because of a woman's sixth sense. She sat in the chair and pondered for a while, and guessed it almost right when she opened her mouth.

"Brother Ning, do you have something important to tell us? About stamps?"

Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao looked at each other, and then looked at Ning Weimin.

"Oh, why do you say that?" Ning Weimin ignored Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao, just looked at Yin Yue with a smile in his eyes, neither admitting nor denying.

"Why else? What I do has nothing to do with what Third Brother and his friends do. If you want to talk to me about clothing, you don't need to call Third Brother and his friends. My accounts are all in Tianqiao Shopping Mall, and we can talk more clearly there. If you want to talk to Third Brother and his friends about the business of soliciting customers on tricycles, it would be great if you all sit together and have a drink and chat. If I, a woman, get involved, it will only make you not have a good time. So apart from stamps, I can't think of anything else you can talk about by calling the three of us together."

"Haha, Yin Yue, Yin Yue, it's the easiest to talk to you. Smart man. You're right, I really want to talk to you about stamps."

Ning Weimin first fully affirmed Yin Yue's guess, and then sold a favor.

"It's just... it's not all about this. My wedding has troubled you a lot. No, I'm going to Tokyo again soon. So before I leave, I also want to express my gratitude. I'm sorry. , we have the closest relationship, so I put you at the end to express my thanks, don’t mind.”

These words were full of intimacy. After saying this, Ning Weimin took the lead in raising his glass and stood up enthusiastically.

Where can they sit and stay?

So, with their hearts full of warmth and warmth, they said, "Where is it?", "That's too polite", "That's right", and they all stood up with their glasses in hand and drank the wine one after another.

Especially Yin Yue, who behaved in such a lowly manner that he didn't even pour a drink and drank Maotai.

Clinking glasses with Ning Weimin and drinking down a cup of Maotai, Ning Weimin was really surprised.

"Oh, okay, when will you drink liquor?"

"Hey, I don't know how to drink, so I'm just drinking blindly."

Yin Yue felt a little shy after hearing this, "We have to deal with the people in Tianqiao Shopping Mall all the time. We also have to thank the factories that give us the last products during the holidays, so we inevitably have to socialize. For socializing, we can have some drinks. ”

Not to mention this, Xiao Tao still plays the drum.

"Sisters, you are too polite. Brother Ning, isn't there a popular saying at banquets nowadays? There are three kinds of people you are afraid of when drinking, one is the one with red cheeks, the other is the one with pigtails, and the third is the one who eats For pills, this girl falls into the middle category. She doesn’t show her true face. Last year we drank two bottles of 256-degree Erguotou, which I shared equally between the three of us. Even now, this girl is still as stable as a rock, her face doesn't even change, she actually tells me that she doesn't feel anything, no matter how much she drinks, I don't know how the third brother is doing, but I am really willing to give in. If you don’t believe it, you can have a good drink with her today.”

After saying that, Xiao Tao winked at Ning Weimin mischievously.

And these words completely exposed Yin Yue's true identity. Then Yin Yue said in embarrassment, "Xiao Tao, you are trying to describe me as a loser. How have I offended you?"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

And with Luo Guangliang's confirmation, Ning Weimin couldn't help but really look at Yin Yue with admiration.

It's not like he has never seen a woman who can really drink. In Japan, the only one in Japan is Ishida Ryoko who can't get drunk no matter what.

I didn’t expect that there would be such a person next to me in China.

So he poured wine for Yin Yue himself, "Okay, since you can drink, drink more. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, this is also a talent. I have long been optimistic about you, and now I am even more sure that you will definitely be a shopping mall elite in the future. . "You will definitely be the number one businesswoman in Beijing in the future."

But in the end, Yin Yue felt even more embarrassed, "Brother Ning, why are you making fun of me? If that's the case, I'll have to come and have a drink with our Japanese sister-in-law next time."

Such a threat immediately hit Ning Weimin's weakness, and he quickly changed his words, "Okay, I was wrong. From now on, our Yin Yue will be the key protection target at the wine table. No one is allowed to provoke her to drink in the future. Who wants to Who is responsible for paying the bill?"

Yin Yue felt proud and immediately counterattacked Xiao Tao, "Xiao Tao, it seems you didn't drink well last time. How about we continue drinking today?"

"Sister, we don't bully people like this. You are holding Shang Fang's sword. I'm going to make you drink too much. I have to pay the bill in the end, right? This table costs hundreds of dollars. I have two I spent half the day in vain, how could I be so unscrupulous?”

After saying that, Xiao Tao immediately moved his wine glass far away like an honest child, lowered his head and concentrated on the sumptuous dishes.

This show of weakness and adapting to the situation naturally caused another burst of laughter.

Young people, no matter what the reason for getting together, is often like this.

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