National Tide 1980

Chapter 137 Pretending to be drunk

"I'd like to reiterate to you that Qiao Wanlin's behavior is obviously abnormal. He will definitely not report us. On the contrary, I think he is hinting to you that there is still room for negotiation on this matter."

"I'm thinking that if we can try to contact him through this matter. If this person is not too greedy, maybe it will be a good thing for the two of us..."

"Really, buddy, you have to trust me. Don't worry about anything. I'll come forward and I'll take care of it right away."

Ning Weimin was so full of promises.

Although it was quite reasonable, Zhang Shihui couldn't believe it anymore, fearing that he was just talking without practicing again.

However, people did not expect that Ning Weimin did not fire cannons during this operation.

It really didn't make Zhang Shihui anxious for long. Ning Weimin used the excuse of thanking Qiao Wanlin for writing the manuscript for them.

Successfully invited Qiao Wanlin to "You Yishun" at the front door to eat hotpot mutton.

Of course Zhang Shihui was also brought over to accompany the guests, but Ning Weimin gave him a serious warning in advance.

He must firmly remember the strategy for dealing with the third type of person.

If Qiao Wanlin doesn't take the initiative to bring it up, then don't take the initiative to bring up the embarrassing things that day.

Perhaps because he stayed with the leader for a long time and had many opportunities to attend banquets, Qiao Wanlin was a good drinker.

On the same day before the appointment, this cultural man with myopia was at ease at the wine table, and he told a lot of jokes while enjoying the wine. 

Therefore, the banquet scene on this day was extremely harmonious, just like a class reunion.

Just like a few former close friends reminiscing about the past together.

The three of them ate, drank, talked and laughed, talking about interesting stories, customs and special dishes in various parts of the capital.

However, not a single sentence involved those words that Zhang Shihui thought should have been clearly stated and focused on.

It wasn't until he was full of wine, food and emotions that Ning Weimin half-hiddenly said something he wanted to get close to.

"Brother Qiao, I admire you as a thoughtful and cultivated scholar. It's a pity that I met you too late and you are too busy at work. Otherwise, it would be beneficial if we could have the opportunity to sit down and chat like this! It’s so profound..."

Seeing that Ning Weimin finally started to hint, Zhang Shihui, who was already anxious, of course quickly agreed.

"Yes, yes, listening to what you have to say is worth ten years of studying. We are willing to make friends who are educated and interesting. Only in this way can we all make progress together. If you don't mind, I hope we can get together more often in the future. …”

Qiao Wanlin seemed to understand these euphemistic and implicit words, and raised his glass happily.

"You are too polite. Since you think highly of me and we have such a good conversation, we will be friends from now on. Of course, friends should communicate more and help each other."

In this way, Qiao Wanlin clearly showed that he was a sensible person.

There was no longer any barrier between the three of them, and they truly relaxed.

That night, we had a great time eating hot pot and chatting happily, but no one got drunk. 

Because everyone knew very well that this gathering was not just for drinking.

So far, the highlight is still missing the final step. If this step is not achieved, all the previous preparations will be in vain.

As for this important step, the way it's done is quite natural and subtle.

Ning Weimin and Qiao Wanlin's tacit performance made Zhang Shihui stunned.

Just when everyone was going out together, Ning Weimin pretended to stumble and almost fell to the side.

Then when he used Qiao Wanlin to support him, he naturally and openly put a genuine Casio electronic watch on Qiao Wanlin's hand.

Then he apologized profusely, saying that he was drunk.

Just looking at that look, it seemed as if he had accidentally ripped off Qiao Wanlin's electronic watch from his wrist.

But Zhang Shihui, who was standing next to them, knew very well that there was another mechanical watch on Qiao Wanlin's wrist.

And then, Qiao Wanlin also burped wonderfully.

He laughed and claimed that he was drunk too, and kept waving his hands and saying it didn't matter.

In this way, relying on this kind of "knowledge", they truly implemented the alliance relationship.

From then on, Zhang Shihui certainly had a guarantee of safety and could start running her business happily again.

What is particularly worth mentioning is that it was Zhang Shihui’s rest day.

In fact, it wasn't until he returned home that Zhang Shihui truly understood the key points of today's last scene.

That is, through such drunkenness, both Ning Weimin and Qiao Wanlin have excuses.

The behavior of giving away electronic watches has been improved, and it will not appear so rigid.

In short, this method is quite clever, just like today's banquet.

Although on the surface a sentence seems to be pointless, what they say is all "useful nonsense".

Important issues are resolved through "face-giving" where both parties know and express their opinions.

Not only flexible, but also efficient.

It won't even put any of them here in danger of breaking up and making it difficult for them to step down.

Such a clever and advanced way of interpersonal communication, what else can anyone say?

It's really not just about knowing how to recognize people and having a little bit of experience in dealing with people that can do it right.

Zhang Shihui thought about it carefully and pondered it over and over again. How could he not be convinced by Ning Weimin?

I feel like it has opened my eyes and I have learned a very good skill.

As for the other side, in fact, Qiao Wanlin also has a good opinion of Ning Weimin.

Speaking of being able to attend the appointment this time, Qiao Wanlin originally came with two purposes.

The first is to see whether Zhang Shihui and Ning Weimin are people worth dating, and whether they know how to deal with people and social situations.

The second is to see how good their performance is.

The point is not the amount of money, but whether they are sincere and understand the importance of building a certain relationship.

As a result, Ning Weimin's performance was outstanding, which greatly exceeded Qiao Wanlin's expectations.

Such sophisticated communication skills should not appear at all on a twenty-year-old boy.

So Qiao Wanlin felt that he could be friends with Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui.

At least it's safe to be in a relationship with someone like this.

They do things in a measured manner and will not get out of the circle. Even if there is a problem, they will handle it in a more appropriate way.

Naturally, he will not be implicated.

However, both Zhang Shihui and Qiao Wanlin, at this stage, were still a little limited in their thinking, and both looked down on Ning Weimin.

Because Ning Weimin not only knows how to make connections and build relationships, he also knows how to utilize and operate relationships.

Just a week later, there were further developments in this matter.

That is, Ning Weimin came to Qiao Wanlin privately and used him as an intermediary to ask people from the political work group to dispatch.

Shang Baozhu and "Navel Eye" were caught stealing food from the warehouse and gambling in private.

These two enemies were completely defeated.

In the end, not only were they punished, but they were also sent to the boiler room to burn boilers.

But that wasn't the end of the story, and the two even turned against each other later, and they fought again in the boiler room.

As a result, Shang Baozhu hit his "belly button" with a concussion.

Shang Baozhu was sent to a labor camp by the political work team. His future was ruined and he would never appear in the Chongwenmen Hotel again.

Needless to say, this form of evolution was certainly beyond Zhang Shihui’s expectations.

Only then did he begin to understand a little bit about Ning Weimin's forbearance.

He also admired Ning Weimin's good plan from the bottom of his heart.

No wonder Ning Weimin said that hooking up with Qiao Wanlin was a good thing. It seemed that at that time he was thinking about killing two birds with one stone.

For Qiao Wanlin, this incident also allowed him to learn more about Ning Weimin's plans.

He was even more certain that Ning Weimin would definitely stand out in the future.

Because when Ning Weimin came to beg him, he focused on one key point of revenge.

At that time, he said softly and slowly, "Don't worry, the cook will not steal, and the grain will not rise. I dare say that no one in the kitchen has clean hands, and it is common for these people to play cards and gamble. The specific situation It’s not difficult to master.”

"It's just that this matter must be handled in detail. You must not let the political team attack Shang Baozhu first. Although he is the most reckless and brainless, the one who is the least courageous is the 'navel boy'."

"So, you'd better start interrogating him by grabbing his navel, and then force him to report Shang Baozhu. That will be easier."

"When the time comes, we have the facts in our hands, and we have facts and witnesses. We are not afraid that Shang Baozhu will not admit it. We are also not afraid that the two of them will form an alliance and collude to confess. In turn, it will allow them to accuse each other and make a solid case. "

Look, such a person with a bright face and a bad belly can be called a wise man!

The method and ruthlessness of doing things put even him to shame!

What a great idea! A serial plan within a counter-intuitive plan!

If it hadn't been for this, Shang Baozhu and "Navel Eye" wouldn't have been so miserable.

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