National Tide 1980

Chapter 145: Heart to Heart

It must be said that these days, although the people have little knowledge, they are also poor.

But there are also benefits to this.

Because the world is smaller and the heart is closer.

But once the heart is close, the favor becomes thicker.

People these days don't pay attention to equal exchange, and they don't advocate settling accounts between brothers.

Not to mention that if you take a sip of my water, I will have to eat a sip of your steamed bread.

But people these days pay attention to exchanging love for love and comparing their hearts to their hearts.

What we pursue is that if you respect me one foot, I will respect you one foot.

The fundamental difference between the two is that the former has no trust, ignores human feelings, and is entirely out of considerations of safeguarding self-interest.

What the latter cares about is the proportion and quality of affection.

As long as you feel comfortable in your heart, you are really willing to think more about others, and you are not afraid of losing yourself.

Not to mention other things, the neighborly friendship in Courtyard No. 2 of Shan'er Hutong is obvious proof.

When everyone discovered that Kang Shude was still the old Kang they were familiar with.

The increase in wealth has not caused any estrangement from them. Instead, he sincerely thinks about everyone.

Moved, the kindness and affection they used to treat their old neighbors immediately revived.

They even responded with even more enthusiastic feedback because they felt a little bit more unspeakable guilt in their hearts.

No, I recently caught up with Kang Shude working the night shift.

In the past two days, every time the old man came back from get off work in the morning, he would find that there was not even a piece of paper or leaf in front of his door.

Even the window sills were wiped and the dirt boxes in the corners were emptied.

It was obvious that either the Bian family reached out to help, or the Mi family did it for them.

Anyway, it was definitely not Ning Weimin who did it.

Because the old man knows clearly in his heart that his apprentice is good at everything.

But the biggest problem with living at home is that I don't like to sweep the yard, and I hate taking out the dirt.

Every time he had to be urged and supervised repeatedly, Ning Weimin would reluctantly respond.

What's more, with so many things to be busy with recently, Ning Weimin couldn't even care about this.

Needless to say, the old man felt warm in his heart after fully feeling the kindness shown by his neighbors.

But this feeling of relief is also complicated.

Speaking of which, I am a little embarrassed, a little intolerant, and a little embarrassed. Anyway, it is very contradictory.

Because first of all, the old man was not sure which neighbor reached out to help.

He was afraid that people would continue to be a volunteer servant for such a long time.

And secondly, I want to thank you, but it’s hard to ask.

The old man is even more afraid that if he comes to ask for confirmation, he will cause more trouble to others.

When the time comes, I'm sure someone will be there to greet him.

"Hey, you're back. Do you want hot water? I've just boiled this pot. Here, I'll give it to you first. It's a strong wind at work, so I have to make tea quickly when I get back to warm my belly first."

Or, "Come on, come on, you can come over for lunch. It won't be any trouble at all. Wei Min is out again, so don't get angry if you are alone with your family. Let's just have a drink together."

In short, no matter how you think about it, it is a bit inappropriate to stretch this hair right away.

But the problem is, if you ignore it, you will still look condescending and unreasonable, right?

So there was nothing I could do. The old man could only watch the neighbors being extra affectionate and secretly observe them in private.

He had to keep this friendship in his heart for the time being and wait until he found this kind-hearted volunteer worker.

But what's even more unexpected is that this is just the beginning, and even greater favors are yet to come.

From that day on, Kang Shude and Ning Weimin never paid water or electricity bills.

Fortunately, the three neighbors had discussed it behind their backs and took the initiative to shoulder the burden for them.

Moreover, since everyone's knots have been resolved and their grudges have gone away, the old tradition of "when one person is in trouble, the neighbors are uneasy" has been restored in No. 2 Courtyard.

The three neighbors all regarded the difficulties faced by Kang Shude as their own family's business.

On the one hand, if we hear someone outside slandering Kang Shude again, we will never turn a deaf ear to it.

Anyone who encounters this must argue with reason and explain the benevolence and righteousness of Kang Shude's cancellation of rent in public.

Then publicize Kang Shude's voluntary resignation from the orphanage subsidy and donate to the streets.

You have to use your tongue to destroy those "red eyes" that hate what others have and laugh at what others don't have, until they are unable to escape.

On the other hand, everyone unexpectedly agreed and secretly began to help Kang Shude find out where those things could be placed.

As a result, thanks to the blessings of many neighbors, not only was Kang Shude's reputation effectively protected, but rumors and rumors dropped rapidly.

Even the placement of the old man's belongings was quickly and perfectly resolved.

To be honest, this really surprised Ning Weimin.

Because looking for a house these days is a very difficult task.

In addition to the social situation, due to the large number of educated youth returning to the city and the sudden increase in population, the capital city already has a serious shortage of housing.

The key is that the relevant policies are still extremely rigid and have not been relaxed at all.

Although in April last year, the great man pointed out the policy that urban residents could buy houses and published it in the newspaper.

But that was only implemented on a pilot basis in large institutions and large enterprises that had the ability to build new buildings on their own.

Those who are qualified to buy a house are not just ordinary people, they must have some kind of job title.

And because people's incomes are so low these days, the commercial housing system is in tit-for-tat conflict with the public housing allocation system.

Even this policy exists in name only.

Therefore, the actual situation of private real estate transactions at this time is that they are not allowed at all.

It is even illegal to rent out a house privately.

Under such circumstances, even many famous scholars, university professors, scientists, artists, newspaper editors, and even cadres who have just resumed their duties can only survive in huddled in tube buildings or small bungalows.

No matter how talented Ning Weimin was, he could get almost all the supplies that were in short supply on the market, but there wasn't much he could do about the house.

In fact, it was precisely because his search for a house outside was not smooth and he repeatedly ran into obstacles.

Even he himself felt that he would probably have to resort to desperate measures in the end.

We can only spend a lot of money first, rent two rooms from Chongwenmen Hotel, and move our things there.

Of course he could not have imagined that how could the other families in Courtyard No. 2 be so capable of solving something that even he himself could not do?

It stands to reason that Ning Weimin's idea is generally correct.

Because the difficulties are obvious, even a few neighbors themselves don’t have much confidence.

That is to say, those who want to treat a dead horse as a live doctor will kick it and go out to see it.

That's why everyone came up with their own ideas, and no one informed anyone.

But then again, Ning Weimin was blinded by a leaf on this issue and made another empiricist error.

To put it bluntly, he is still not very familiar with the characteristics of this era, and he is completely thinking about problems according to the ways and principles of his previous life.

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