National Tide 1980

Chapter 152 Big colander

For businessmen who like to speculate, conscience is actually of little use.

Even if there is an occasional discovery, it is always fleeting.

Therefore, in May, Ning Weimin's mood was gradually diluted by time, and he gradually put his concern for the country and the people at the back of his mind.

Of course, this is also related to other aspects of emotional entanglement.

It is normal for new worries to replace old worries.

I have to say that this month, this kid is destined to commit peach blossoms. His trouble is that Mi Xiaoran is starting to get a little clingy towards him.

Not only when picking up the morning shift, Mi Xiaoran always deliberately had breakfast with him.

Moreover, he always gives various hints and opportunities, hoping that he can ask her out so that the two of them can get along alone.

As for the reason, except that Mi Xiaoran may have a lot of affection for Ning Weimin originally.

It's also because Zhang Shihui, a meddlesome guy, is fanning the flames behind the scenes.

Zhang Shihui subjectively believes that Ning Weimin and Mi Xiaoran are a very good match.

It's just that Ning Weimin is too thin-skinned and doesn't know how to pursue girls, so they haven't made any progress.

So the emperor was not worried about the eunuchs, so Zhang Shihui kindly gave them a push.

When he was chatting with Mi Xiaoran, he deliberately acted as a colander and revealed that Ning Weimin took care of Xiang Baozhu and his "belly button".

Although I didn’t go into details on how to do it.

However, he made Ning Weimin's revenge against the two cooks even more jealous, defining it as an act of anger for a beauty.

As a result, Mi Xiaoran was a little excited after being slapped.

This girl really thought that Ning Weimin secretly liked her, and usually just tried to hide it.

He planned to take the initiative to put down his reserve and help Ning Weimin muster up his courage.

But for Ning Weimin, this was a completely unexpected disaster.

He was extremely depressed by Mi Xiaoran's sudden and inexplicable closeness and hints.

You know, from the bottom of his heart, he has no longing for love at all, only the prospect of a decadent life.

He never thought about having a real love, getting married and living a serious life.

He just wants to be like Leslie Cheung said, to be a legless bird that sleeps in the wind when he is tired, and to live a happy life with hugs from left to right.

Maybe give him another illegitimate son who strengthens the company.

So what I fear most right now is that someone will get involved, my freedom will not be guaranteed, and I will not be able to wait for his feast in the sea and the sky.

Naturally, I was insensitive to this and couldn't avoid it.

But just carry it on your back, fate plays tricks on people.

Even the social situation came to make trouble for him. The more he tried to avoid it, the more he couldn't avoid it.

In May 1980, Youth Magazine received a letter from a reader titled "Why is the road of life getting narrower and narrower?"

After careful discussion, the magazine decided to publish this article.

This article signed by Pan Xiao expresses the confusion of contemporary youth about life due to the harm caused by history.

Many people feel that they have been deceived and feel aggrieved and depressed.

It was this letter that triggered a great discussion about the outlook on life in the whole society.

In a short period of time, the youth magazine received more than 30,000 manuscripts.

At the same time, "Don't Let Time Go by", filmed by the National New Film Documentary Studio, also began to be shown nationwide.

This color documentary filmed in Shanghai selects ten representative figures and tells the story of young people of that era who, under different circumstances, remained unfazed by adversity, continued to strive for self-improvement, and became self-taught.

It is also equivalent to participating in a great discussion of outlook on life in the form of a movie.

Therefore, under the strong social response, various units in Beijing have also organized their own young employees to carry out various related theme activities.

Naturally, the Beijing Service Bureau also requires its subordinate units at all levels to conduct study and discussion.

There was even a vocational skills competition specially held for young workers.

We call on young workers to study hard and practice hard on their jobs, striving to become pillars of the new era who are skilled, ambitious, not vulgar, and live up to their wonderful youth.

Especially considering the future development trend of this industry, this professional competition has the biggest difference from the past.

That is, Service English has been specially added as a new competition event.

It turned out that this was a good move, and it played into Qiao Wanlin's plan.

He believes that many young people in Chongwenmen Hotel have picked up English books, driven by two typical learning models, Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui.

Or take an English class outside, or learn English by yourself following the radio.

The employees of this unit will have an inherent advantage if they participate in such a competition, and they are likely to get good results.

Once the branch leader is made happy and satisfied, it will be of great help to his career.

So, he decided to select ten top English speakers from within the unit.

Then invite a professional English teacher to hold an unexpected training class for two hours every morning to focus on training.

As for the incentives for these top people, he has not skimped on them either.

After asking for instructions from the leadership, it was approved.

Those who study on the job in this training class are not considered off-duty, and those who take up their own time will be given compensatory time off.

In addition, each person is given a subsidy of one yuan per day, and if they achieve good results, they can be promoted in salary and position.

Think about it, with such an affordable thing, who wouldn’t be eager to be the first?

Of course, Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui are definitely excluded.

The two of them did not see this benefit, but felt that this training class would affect their own affairs.

But the problem is, they have to support Qiao Wanlin.

In order not to delay Qiao Wanlin's promotion, he could only do his best to cooperate.

As a result, except for the two "recruiters" Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui.

Liu Weijing and Mi Xiaoran also passed the selection examination based on their own strength and were able to enter the training class.

As a result, Ning Weimin felt really uncomfortable.

Every day, there is an affectionate "you at the same table" sitting next to me.

Mi Xiaoran not only went to class with him, but also had a reason to communicate and make progress together after class.

Nature gave him a headache and he was exhausted from dealing with it.

But is that all?

No, what Destiny likes most is watching people.

What I love most is to add insult to injury and add fuel to the fire.

No, one day in late May, Ning Weimin suffered a new disaster.

In his life, due to the tricks of fate, he walked into another girl like a surprise.

That day, after finishing two English classes in the morning, Ning Weimin rode his old bicycle to Wangfujing.

On this day, he had three things to do.

The first is to help Mi Xiaoran buy an Oxford dictionary from a foreign language bookstore, and then go to the Stamp Company in Donghuamen to check out the stamp market and try to pick up the missing pieces.

After that, I plan to make another trip to the Beijing Hotel to try to exchange some foreign currency for emergencies.

Of course, we had our lunch there before going home to rest.

Unexpectedly, although his arrangement was beautiful and his plan was good, when it was actually implemented, it turned out to be very unsmooth.

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