National Tide 1980

Chapter 175 Beautiful Exam Paper

Why was Wang Xiangqing’s identity exposed?

In fact, the answer is very simple, it is worthless.

The key reason for this is that he wrote the anonymous letter himself. This is the biggest omission.

Don't forget, Qiao Wanlin is a trade union secretary who writes and writes every day and specializes in desk work.

With his writing skills and ability, he only needed to get a reprinted anonymous letter from his cousin, and then carefully compare it with the handwriting of all the cadres in the documents in the union office.

It was not difficult to identify Wang Xiangqing from several suspects, who had an official position dispute with his uncle, and whose nephew worked the night shift in the housekeeping department.

So in fact, Wang Xiangqing, who thought he was smart, was already doomed from this moment on.

If not for anything else, just because the logistics positions are too lucrative and the temptation is too great, almost no one can be as clear as water.

As an old colleague of more than ten years, Team Leader Qi knew him too well.

Team leader Qi has long known about Wang Xiangqing's subordinates' various tricks of secretly sharing materials, passing off inferior goods as good ones, falsely reporting accounts, cutting corners, increasing losses, and underpaying for reselling.

Although all aspects of relationships and interests are involved, sometimes Wang Xiangqing cannot help himself.

But to put it bluntly, as the leader of the logistics team, I have the obligation to be the scapegoat.

Then Team Leader Qi wants to punish him, isn't it convenient? There are holes everywhere.

To put it bluntly, despite the fact that the two of them were at the same level, perhaps even Wang Xiangqing himself had not figured out why he was afraid of the team leader.

It’s not just because Team Leader Qi has a wide network of connections and backers.

The more critical reason actually lies in the attributes of the job.

For example, this is like a microcosm of society. Regardless of whether there is original sin or not, which businessman does not fear the public prosecutor and the law?

In turn, Team Leader Qi did the same to Wang Xiangqing.

The sincere contempt for him is not because Team Leader Qi is too arrogant and arrogant.

The key is that Wang Xiangqing must have eaten early.

Don't deal with him, just don't want to deal with him, it doesn't mean that you can't deal with him.

Therefore, now that Wang Xiangqing has exposed his malicious intentions, why doesn't Team Leader Qi show his fangs?

So after several times of rubbing and crushing, Wang Xiangqing became a complete softie and was manipulated to death.

In the end, he was like any person who is under pressure and driven to the point of death.

I want nothing more than a chance to survive.

They were asked to sign, to plead guilty, and to follow the instructions of Team Leader Qi honestly.

He has completely become a slave and a puppet.

Just like that, a few days later, the service bureau officially dispatched an inspection team to actually investigate.

Qiao Wanlin and Team Leader Qi have prepared a very beautiful examination paper waiting for the examiners to examine it.

Therefore, the final investigation conclusion submitted by the verification team to the bureau is:

The situation reflected in the anonymous letter does exist, but it is far less serious.

There are cadres who practice favoritism and malpractice, but it is only Wang Xiangqing, the leader of the logistics team.

His mistake was to secretly ask for some gifts, cigarettes and alcohol from employees on the grounds of convenience and privilege.

Two employees on the night shift were found guilty of disciplinary violations: Ning Weimin from the front desk and Wang Xiaonan from the housekeeping department.

The two of them had no discipline at all, and both relied on Wang Xiangqing as their backer.

In addition to being off work at night for a long time, sleeping in private rooms, eating, drinking, and gathering to play cards occasionally.

As for the issue of employees embezzling public funds, it is purely a myth and does not exist after verification.

What is also quite gratifying is that most of the cadres and grassroots employees of Chongwenmen Hotel have a strong sense of right and wrong and can bravely stand up and fight against unhealthy trends.

For example, front desk staff Mi Xiaoran and Liu Weijing are not afraid of retaliation.

They were the first to notice the disciplinary problems in the night shift and reported them to the political work team.

Qiao Wanlin, secretary of the trade union, and Qi Shangzhi, leader of the political work group, can be regarded as role models among cadres in adhering to principles.

After hearing the opinions of the masses and receiving just reports from outstanding employees, they were not indifferent, nor were they moved by Wang Xiangqing's remarks.

Instead, they jointly conducted patient and meticulous investigation work, and after mastering comprehensive and conclusive evidence, they decisively attacked and wiped out the entire nest of foxes and rats in the city.

In this regard, the common opinion of the verification team is that there is a big discrepancy between the situation in the Chongwenmen Hotel and the anonymous letter.

Only a few grassroots cadres failed to behave, and employees who violated disciplines have been punished.

And in the end, even Wang Xiangqing realized his mistake and took the initiative to confess and reflect.

Therefore, it is recommended that the matter be handled internally and the bureau may not interfere.

I believe that the leadership team of Chongwenmen Hotel has the ability to handle relevant issues.

Needless to say, with this final conclusion, the problem has been successfully solved!

It can be said that Wang Xiangqing and Wang Xiaonan brought it upon themselves. They were punished, demoted, and fined bonuses, and all the punishments they deserved.

The inspection team they recruited themselves eventually became a chain around the necks of their uncle and nephew, and they could never get over it.

From now on, I can honestly be a dead dog that won't resist, and I can still eat from an iron rice bowl.

If you dare to show your teeth again, you will be beaten to death and skinned at any time.

So in fact, except for Ning Weimin, he was the one who risked his life to bring down the emperor, risking a job future that he no longer wanted.

It can be said that Qiao Wanlin and his uncle suffered no losses at all.

He even turned the crisis into an opportunity and gained great benefits. It was an absolute victory.

First of all, both Team Leader Qi and Qiao Wanlin left a good reputation in the bureau because of their kind words from the inspection team, and were praised by the bureau leaders.

Secondly, Team Leader Qi defeated his competitors openly and it was certain that he would take over the position of Minister of Administration.

Furthermore, Mi Xiaoran and Liu Weijing also became new advanced models because of Ning Weimin's self-sacrifice.

If combined with the fact that they both stood out in the English competition organized by the service bureau, they both obtained good rankings.

Their salaries and positions have been raised to a higher level, that's for sure.

Joining the party is almost within reach.

Especially Liu Weijing, she has been in the store for three years and already earns a first-level salary.

Moving up a level, the level is deputy team leader, which can be considered as entering the management level.

Just for this reason, if you think about it from the perspective of a husband and wife.

Not to mention that Zhang Shihui led the political work team to block Ning Weimin and Wang Xiaonan because he had made up for his mistakes.

He successfully offset the charge of "complicity" and only received a verbal warning.

Even if he was really implicated by Ning Weimin, even if he lost his bonus and received a formal punishment, it would be enough to make up for all the losses.

What's more, even the small business he and Ning Weimin partnered with has not been delayed. The money that should be earned is still being earned, but it is fair and aboveboard.

Not to mention the slightest bit of "loss".

Sounds incredible, right? what is going on?

After taking the blame and resigning, Ning Weimin remembered that the Chongwenmen Hotel was the location of the future Magsim Restaurant that Pierre Carton and Song Huagui had agreed upon.

He asked Song Huagui if he could rent a room at the Chongwenmen Hotel using the name of Pierre Carton Company.

Unexpectedly, Song Huagui simply asked him what he wanted, and actually agreed.

Then this advantage is quite considerable.

You know, as a foreign partner, you can not only get a 30% discount on the rent.

In addition, the location of Chongwenmen Hotel is right opposite Chongwenmen Hotel.

When doing business, it means that the customer base directly covers two hotels and restaurants, which is of course a good thing.

Those old customers like Zhang Shihui just need to make a phone call and call someone over to talk.

There is only a road between the two places, so how much trouble can it cause?

Even if there is any important customer information, Liu Weijing can contact him directly by picking up the phone.

Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui just need to wait calmly in the guest room.

On the contrary, running business is more convenient than before, and I feel more relaxed.

In this regard, Ning Weimin only felt stupid.

I regret that I didn't think of this benefit earlier, and sigh that things have forced me to this point.

It can be seen that people have limitations. Even if they claim to be smart, they will inevitably have blind spots in thinking.

Zhang Shihui praised it repeatedly, saying that it was no different from the past.

So she was so beautiful that she went to work whistling every day.

Of course, there are some subsequent things that are absolutely unknown.

For example, one night, Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui came to Sister Qin's house with an original color TV.

For no other reason than because Ning Weimin felt that the only person he felt sorry for was his immediate boss at the front desk.

What does it mean to hurt the innocent?

Something happened to him, and as the head of the front desk department, Sister Qin was inevitably criticized and fined a bonus.

That's why he thought of giving the color TV to Sister Qin at the original price as some compensation.

Fortunately, Sister Qin did not reject his "apology" and asked him not to forget his old colleagues and come back when he had time.

This finally made him feel more comfortable.

In addition, Mi Xiaoran also secretly met with Lan Lan about this matter.

He told this simple girl some half-truths and half-falsehoods about Ning Weimin's new situation.

Mi Xiaoran said that although Ning Weimin is no longer at the Chongwenmen Hotel, he has found a job in a foreign-funded enterprise.

I can still be with my girlfriend every day, which makes me happy.

Needless to say, Lan Lan was naturally relieved and left sadly.

After returning home, she completely locked the paintings Ning Weimin gave her into the cabinet.

There was also a secret conversation between Team Leader Qi and Qiao Wanlin.

The conversation mainly focused on Ning Weimin. Team leader Qi asked Qiao Wanlin in detail about everything he knew about Ning Weimin.

"This young man is a scheming person and a person who does great things. Most importantly, his interests never seem to conflict with yours. So I am relieved that you become friends with him."

"What I mean is that even if you no longer work together in the future, you can still keep in touch and chat more with each other. You can't help each other, but you can still increase your knowledge. His vision and skills are very vicious, which will help you grow. .”

"But you also have to be careful, because this person is willing to make choices. He can even use himself as a chess piece to calculate to this extent. It shows that he is ruthless."

"So if you can avoid conflict with him, don't do it. If one day it is unavoidable, you should also let him know your difficulties."

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