National Tide 1980

Chapter 18 Blessed (Thanks to stupd2 for tipping the leader)

The apprentice has the apprentice's luck, and the master also has the master's blessing.

Kang Shude has also been having good luck during this period.

At the end of March 1980, he finally got the Beijing household registration he had been waiting for for a long time.

This is really not easy.

Because it is difficult to settle in the capital, not to mention it comes at the peak period when educated youths return to the city.

Don’t forget that Mr. Da applied for it right after he returned to the capital in 1979.

If it weren’t for the help from the streets, or if it weren’t for the policies from above to solve the problems left over from history have been repeatedly reiterated.

Even if it takes a few more years, there may not be a result.

But if this is done properly, it will really solve the big problem.

The first is that Kang Shude has a shopping notebook.

From then on, he and Ning Weimin were no longer stretched in the supply of non-staple food.

There are even some commodities distributed on a household basis - such as two pounds of sugar per household per month, and the two of them can receive double portions.

So if Ning Weimin goes home early in the afternoon and feels hungry, he can eat fuqiang flour steamed buns dipped in sesame sauce and sugar.

This matching method can be called a classic of this era, and it is an extremely luxurious material enjoyment.

Don't look at the middle of the steamed buns, although there is just a layer of sesame sauce and sugar.

But the rich and rich taste can overwhelm the fresh cream of the best Western pastry.

It's much more delicious than those walnut cakes and glutinous rice sticks in the store that can be used as weapons for self-defense.

For example, there is a jingle in Beijing that praises this kind of food.

"Blue walls, soft bed, steamed buns filled with sesame sauce dipped in sugar."

It can be seen that this kind of thing can represent happiness to a certain extent.

Of course, no matter how good the conditions are, if the ordinary steamed buns are replaced by fried steamed bun slices, it will be the ultimate luxury.

It can be roughly equated to the realm of the emperor who carries a golden pole to farm every day and eats fried goods when he is hungry.

As for how valuable this way of eating is.

In fact, it doesn’t mean that sugar costs 80 cents per pound, or sesame paste costs 55 cents per pound. Many people really can’t afford it.

The key lies in the limitations of materials.

So in view of this, Ning Weimin still had to carry as many people as possible when eating.

Otherwise, if the neighbors see it, it will look a bit "poor and rich", which is really embarrassing.

Second, with the Beijing household registration, Kang Shude can enjoy the social welfare security in the capital.

This one is more practical than the first one.

As a lonely old man in society, the street will subsidize him 18 yuan a month from now on, which is real money.

Whether buying wine or selling meat, what doesn’t taste good?

Even if one day Old Man Kang can't paste the paper box, even if Ning Weimin betrays his promise and leaves him alone, he doesn't have to worry about anything.

Because the street didn't care about him, he went to the nursing home and got free food and free medical treatment.

This is called the superiority of socialism.

However, despite this, as a person who came from the bottom of society with nothing to do, Concord did not think that this was his destiny.

He is not the kind of ordinary person who enjoys his life happily, sits back and enjoys his success, and waits for the sweet things from life.

He knows where salt is salty and vinegar is sour.

Understand that a charter is a charter, and implementation depends on the individual.

So as soon as the household register was settled, he asked Ning Weimin to buy some tobacco and alcohol gifts for him.

Then I specifically inquired about the home of the street cadre, and personally visited the door with my things on weekends to express my gratitude.

Unexpectedly, what was even more coincidental was that on the day he arrived, the cadre was sitting at home sulking.

And he was still angry for a relative of his.

What happened was that the children of the cadre's relatives were also educated youths who had just returned to the capital.

Since meeting during the Spring Festival this year, this relative has asked cadres to help find a job for his child.

But how hard is it to find a job these days?

The cadres tried their best and worked hard to get a temporary job as a gatekeeper for the Jade Carving Factory in Beijing.

It sounds a bit like making do, and that's true.

But it must be said that the manufacturer is very wealthy.

As the country's largest foreign exchange-earning enterprise with the best skills and best works.

They give me 24 yuan a month.

The work content is also very simple. I only need to help make phone calls, distribute newspapers, and deliver newspapers.

In theory, it is better than many formal apprenticeships in factories.

What's more, when you do this, you can meet with factory leaders every day in the factory, and you also have the opportunity to have close contact like delivering newspapers.

So as long as the leader has a good impression, wouldn't it be possible to be transferred to the workshop to do formal work?

The key is to get to the factory first before you can think about the next step.

But the relative's family simply didn't understand the principle of riding a donkey to find a horse, and simply thought that the cadres were perfunctory with them.

There is no gratitude, only complaint.

Especially the child who was ignorant and felt that it was embarrassing for a young man to do this. He walked away after two days without even saying hello.

So the factory was a little unhappy too.

The cadres never expected that the favor was wasted and they actually turned out to be inhumane inside and outside.

Is this still a source of anger?

He said in his heart, he doesn't like this one, and he doesn't like that one.

If you want to make a difference, why do you still need to beg me?

Even if this job happens again, it is much better than a young man sitting idle at home.

What's the matter with me complaining about my busy work in vain?

Come on, if you don't pull her down, I really can't afford to serve you.

However, precisely because of this incident, in the eyes of the cadres, it became even more obvious that the unrelated old man Kang was a good person.

I'm afraid of comparing myself to others when it comes to anything.

At the beginning, the cadres just felt sorry for Kang Shude's age and were afraid that he would have no one to rely on in his old age, so they tried their best to do everything possible.

I really didn't expect that Kang Shude would miss him so much.

Not only was he polite and respectful, he gave him cigarettes and drinks, but when he saw that he was not in the right mood, he took him out and spent eight yuan on another drink.

This kind of thoughtfulness and proficiency made the cadre even more moved and gratified, and he felt that it was worthwhile to help.

Needless to say, he was completely outclassed by his bullshit relatives.

This cadre is also a hero at the drinking table.

The face and neck turned red, the wine became smoother and smoother as the wine drank, and the conversation became closer and closer.

Just as they were being praised so highly, the cadre suddenly discovered that Old Man Kang was really knowledgeable.

He was well-spoken and well-literate.

There are not many old people like this these days.

Well, the cadre simply took advantage of his drunkenness and left the job to the old man.

Look, this is also a prize that was won by accident. Old Man Kang got an easy income for nothing.

This adds up to an income of 42 yuan, which is not much worse than the official retired factory workers.

They say fate favors those who are prepared.

Facts have proved that being aware of emotions and being kind to others should also be counted as one of them.

Therefore, if the encounters between master and disciple Kang Shude and Ning Weimin were different in nature.

That means Ning Weimin was just lucky by chance, but the old man was not.

The old man's good fortune is actually a kind of necessity, which comes from a large network formed by his conduct and social interactions.

Relying on favors and kindness to build public relations, he will not let any blessings and opportunities around him pass by.

Many fish and shrimps even took the initiative to jump in when they saw this net.

Otherwise, the master is the master and the apprentice is the apprentice.

Ning Weimin, this kid, has learned a lot from the old man.

PS: I would like to express my sincere gratitude to book friend stupd2 for your strong support since "Return to 1977".

However, due to limited personal time and energy, Jia Geng has always been powerless and very ashamed. Let’s just try to express our feelings today.

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