National Tide 1980

Chapter 180 Nanhuang Chen Shao

September 1981 was indeed a wonderful month.

This month, the temperature began to drop significantly, and Huo Xin's foot injury completely recovered.

Mi Xiaoran and Liu Weijing both had their salaries officially raised by one level due to their excellent performance in the English competition and their contribution to "reporting on Ning Weimin".

And just as Ning Weimin predicted, cross-strait relations have begun to break the ice.

At the end of September, Ye Shuai officially published the famous "Ye Nine Points" through the National News Agency, using a positive attitude of caring for the blood and family ties of his compatriots to defeat the army on the other side of the strait.

This made the people on the other side of the strait agitated and forced the Taiwan authorities to open their mouths and allow Taiwanese compatriots to return to the mainland to visit relatives.

In this way, the hostile policy that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait had implemented for more than thirty years and guarded against each other finally began to loosen.

The action was swift, and perhaps the decades apart were too painful for everyone to bear.

Shortly after the National Day of the Republic, people from across the strait who returned to Beijing to visit relatives began to appear on the streets of the capital.

Although these people's accent has changed and they can no longer speak the Beijing dialect, their search for their roots with tears in their eyes still proves that their blood is still connected to this ancient capital and this land.

Needless to say, Kang Shude was extremely happy about this change of situation.

The old man spent a whole day to make a small jar of Shaoxing old wine, and also made some Wufangzhai braised food. He happily drank with Ning Weimin.

It was both a celebration and a reward for his ability to predict events.

Ning Weimin, on the other hand, is a master who gets a good deal and eats for free without saying yes.

As soon as the wine was opened, he started talking to the master with a sullen face.

He said that the old man was stingy and was not willing to buy some good wine when treating guests. You just don't want to buy a bottle of Maotai. Even if you get a bottle of Tongzhou Laojiao or Huadu, it's better than getting this cooking wine.

Hey, who knew that he would be slapped in the face as soon as he finished speaking.

Kang Shude was extremely contemptuous of his words and said, "You know nothing. Good food must be paired with good wine. For this southern cuisine, you must drink southern yellow wine to taste right."

"What about Moutai? Let me tell you, the reason why Shaojiu became popular after the founding of the People's Republic of China was just because it was cheap and saved food."

"Going back a few decades, a fine banquet must be paired with rice wine. Because only the mellow taste of rice wine can the exquisiteness of the dishes be appreciated."

"Maotai and Fenjiu are not worthy of the banquet. You are so ignorant."

"This is Ligustrum Chenshao, the best Nanhuang wine. You know how hard I worked to get it. Just this jar could be exchanged for fifty kilograms of Maotai."

Don't tell me, Ning Weimin didn't know until he tasted it, it was true.

This wine is bright red in color, has a rich and fragrant taste, and is delicious and mellow in your mouth.

It completely shattered his stereotype of rice wine. It was definitely two different things from cooking wine.

For this reason, he felt a little embarrassed and expressed his appreciation sincerely.

"Hey, old man, I didn't tell you that you are an expert in drinking. This wine is not bad. It is not bitter, not astringent, and very fragrant. It is not spicy at all. It tastes almost like Oriental sake."

But this praise is worse than no praise at all.

First, he is ignorant, and second, he forgets that his master is an old angry young man, so scolding is inevitable.

When the old man heard this, he said "bah" on the spot!

"Pay back the sake? That's what the little devil learned from us. It's just an additional grinding and precipitation process. Don't use that crap to compare with our authentic Chen Shao. Mr. Song once said, Oriental sake Even though you have stolen my ancient wine-making method, it is still useless in a barren land without good glutinous rice, without good water, and unable to grow good wine koji..."

Well, Ning Weimin was once again taught a lesson for being dishonorable.

But it must be said that the more you get scolded when you are with the old man, the more you gain experience.

After this meal, Ning Weimin gradually felt the old man's pulse and chatted with his master's words.

As a result, we know that in the past, Jingcheng yellow wine was divided into Nan yellow wine, Nei yellow wine, Jing yellow wine, imitation yellow wine and Western yellow wine.

I know that Ligustrum lucidum from a long time ago and Huadiao old wine are top-grade in Nanhuang wine.

I learned that the Imperial Household Rice Wine in the palace had disappeared since the Qing Emperor abdicated.

I learned that Liuquanju’s Yuquan wine ranks first among Jinghuang wines.

I know that "Shandong Yellow" and "Shanxi Yellow" are the two most popular ones.

I know what Chen Shao's head feels like, and what it means to drink Nanhuang wine, which smells delicious even after being drunk...

In short, Ning Weimin not only enjoyed eating and drinking, but also chatting happily, and he also learned a lot.

I have to say that drinking with the old man is really a pleasure.

The taste of good food and wine is secondary.

The key is that he can appreciate many tastes of life from the old man's mouth that are difficult to experience again.

Then I understood how I should live.

Of course, Ning Weimin was more convinced by the old man's pouty temper.

Well, I am so considerate that in order to keep a close eye on the progress and news of cross-strait relations, the old man can no longer do without the relevant news programs broadcast on the TV station every day.

He took the initiative to give the old man a color TV set.

But even if you talk too much, how can you explain it, how can you break it up and crush it into pieces.

However, the old man refuses the most cost-effective Japanese products and is determined to boycott Japanese products to the end.

In the end, there was no other way. In order to make the old man feel better, Ning Weimin had no choice but to bite the bullet and buy a Kunlun 18-inch domestic color TV.

That was really a time when I was taken advantage of, and my grandma's family was in trouble.

I'm sorry that this domestically produced product not only has poor color and bad signal, but it's also very laborious to get the color TV ticket.

Ning Weimin spent 600 yuan to buy it from a worker at the "Dongfeng TV Factory" at No. 77 Beiheyan Street, Dongcheng District.

You know, the price of a domestic color TV is only 1,350, which plus the cost of the color TV ticket is 2,000, which is much more expensive than the original Japanese color TV he bought.

On the contrary, in order to repay Mi Xiaoran's favor, he bought Aunt Mi an imported color TV at the original price, which was a great benefit to Aunt Mi.

Needless to say, this aunt was quite satisfied.

So they told each other behind the scenes that Ning Weimin would only buy domestic products and import them to others.

He was praised as a moral model who sacrificed himself for others and put others before himself.

But when Ning Weimin knew about it, he could only feel ashamed and unjust about the compliment.

In fact, he really wanted to have a word with Kang Shude.

"Aren't you a native? Since you always talk about Mr. Song, why don't you learn from Mr. Song? If you are patriotic, why don't you marry an Oriental wife?"

Of course, given his courage, this was just what he was thinking.

If he dared to speak out, the old man would dare to slap his mouth with the sole of his shoe.

But having said that, soil also has its benefits. An elder in a family is like a treasure. This is the absolute truth.

No, the model training is coming to an end, and the date of Pierre Carton's press conference is approaching.

Thanks to Kang Shude, Ning Weimin successfully helped his foreign boss pass another level.

And thus won the praise of Pierre Carton and Song Huagui.

Because the performance was about to take place, Song Huagui received calls from comrades from the Ministry of Economy and Trade and the Ministry of Textile and learned that many important leaders would attend the clothing conference held in the Beijing Hotel.

She suggested to Pierre Carton that it would be best to arrange some shows that the leaders like to open.

It is good to pave the way for the transition of these leaders who know nothing about fashion models.

Otherwise, she was afraid that the leaders would find it difficult to adapt and accept when she saw such an open model walking on the stage.

It would be bad if there were any negative emotions.

Pierre Carton respected Song Huagui's opinion very much and thought it was very pertinent, but he had difficulty arranging any program.

Because the actual situation we face is that this program cannot be too inconsistent with the theme of the clothing display, and there is not much preparation time. It is best to do it directly.

Later, they asked Ning Weimin to help him think about it.

When the three of them finally met, Pierre Carton, who was completely Western in thinking, suggested a magic show.

Song Huagui's idea was a monkey show, and he wanted to have a beautiful monkey king come on stage to do somersaults and jumps.

Ning Weimin's opinions are actually similar to Song Huagui's, and they are also Peking Opera.

But what's even better is that because he has Kang Shude's counselor, he got the old man's advice on "Tiao Ling Guan" and "Jingtai Curse".

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