National Tide 1980

Chapter 187 People

Pierre Carton's fashion show held at the Capital Hotel was an astonishing success.

The whole performance was brilliant, with the colorful colors on the stage in sharp contrast to the blue, gray and green under the stage.

It is no exaggeration to say that these programs today were like a bomber formation bombing one after another, making the entire venue continue to boil.

Not only did it make every domestic audience who was lucky enough to witness it marvel, it felt like it was a lifetime ago.

Even the well-informed foreign media sitting in the press box completed their work in a state of shock that was close to jaw-dropping.

So even though the show was over, Pierre Carton took the stage, surrounded by models and actors, to take his final bow.

The excited audience still refused to leave for a long time.

Either stand up and applaud continuously, or whisper to each other about what they just saw.

Even if it's just a moment's detail.

Of course, what was even more exciting were the alert and decisive reporters from various countries, who immediately flocked to the stage.

In addition to "click-click-click" to capture the wonderful scenes one after another, there were also people rushing to hand over the microphone for interviews.

A reporter from Pierre Catton’s hometown was the first to ask.

"Mr. Catton, please tell me how you feel about this fashion show? Do you really think the Republic's market is capable of accepting foreign famous brands? Where does your confidence come from?"

Pierre Carton's confident smile.

"This grand fashion event is different from any fashion show I have held in the past. Its significance is precisely that it allows people in this country to have a glimpse of the colors of the world. At the same time, I also bring the wonderful things that belong here , placed in front of the world through the Pierre Carton brand.”

"And I have to say that we are now the most populous country in the world, with huge market potential. The consensus today is that dressing has become the number one issue in people's lives, and eating has been reduced to the third. Question No. The clothing industry is an integral part of life and is not just for decoration.

"The garment industry is a very important industry in the world. Countless people work and labor for it. There are many experts, technicians and workers who turn raw materials into clothing through countless processes. It is imagined that without this industry, there would be countless People who don’t understand will lose their jobs. If there was no clothing industry, more than half of the stores in New York would close down, and human civilization would be gone."

Pierre Carton became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke. The old French man kept waving his hands in the air, quite passionately.

"Now is a civilized society. The higher the level of civilization, the higher the demand for high-end and high-quality clothing. I can tell you that the economic development here is amazing, and the need for famous brands will become increasingly strong. You will soon see this The result of a fashion show.”

"I can assure you that some of the things that appear here today will be produced in a few months. Not only will they be sold in this country, but they will also be on store shelves in France and the United States. Gentlemen and ladies, I sincerely I hope that next time we meet, each of you will wear clothes with PC trademarks to interview me."

Pierre Carton's last sentence was obviously humorous, and many reporters were amused.

At this time, a reporter from the Associated Press asked, "Mr. Caton, I'm curious, where are your models from? Hong Kong people? Or Japanese?"

Pierre Carton smiled and shook his head this time, "No, it's better to let them answer it themselves."

So when he made an invitation gesture, Miya Haibin, who was beside him, announced it in public under the prompts of the interpreter.

"I am from Beijing. My home is in Xidan, opposite the Palace of Nationalities. The other models here, both male and female, are just like me. We are all from Beijing."

The reporter seemed to have evil intentions and refused to give up, continuing to question Pierre Carton.

"Mr. Catton. So, you are choosing inexperienced people? No wonder these girls put on gold high heels and swayed unsteadily when walking, and one lady even fell. Why don't you Professional model? Don’t you think it’s too childish?”

Faced with such a fierce "attack", French fashion design entrepreneur Cardin is not afraid.

Under his silver-grey hair, a pair of big, kind eyes shone with wisdom, and he responded particularly generously.

"You are right, my models are inexperienced. I can even tell you that these children have only trained for a few months. Most of them are on stage for the first time today. And it is the first time they have worn them. These costumes.”

"However, precisely for this reason, this is a wonderful thing. Because it is these young people in the Republic who dress me in a unique oriental beauty. It is their yellow skin, black hair and unique temperament that make me It just shows the most essential fabric texture of these clothes, which is exactly what Western professional models are not good at.”

"And in my opinion, although they are amateurs, they are quite talented in modeling. Even in such an accident, they handled it very appropriately. They are obviously very professional."

"Given that everything has just begun, I have reason to believe that they will perform better and better. Even if they can be on the international stage one day, they will never be worse than professional models from any country. Isn't it?"

And the American reporter couldn't believe it.

"Mr. Cotton, are you kidding me? Is this really their first time on stage? Isn't there even a real professional model among them?"

"Yes, that's right. This is a fact, I can guarantee it on my honor."

"Then I want to know even more now. Where is the lady who fell down just now? And where is the man who stepped forward and picked up the lady? They don't seem to be on this stage? Where are they now and why? not here?"

I have to say that this sentence really speaks to the hearts of all reporters.

Ning Weimin and Qu Xiao left a deep impression on everyone.

No one wants to be interviewed about their feelings and then add this little piece of news to their report.

That would add a lot of fun.

Unfortunately, each of them is destined to be disappointed.

Because although Pierre Carton has the ability to train amateur diaosi into professional models, he has not yet learned the magician's ability to transform a living person.

As the only two people who did not take the stage for the curtain call, they are now in the Union Hospital.

What's more, in fact, even Pierre Carton himself has just noticed that two very important heroes today are missing from the curtain call stage.

He looked around, still wondering.

yes? People...where are people?

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