National Tide 1980

Chapter 224: Prosperity and Disappointment

"I'm not refuting your reputation. The key point is that when we buy such a fine piece of art, we hope to treasure it forever. We don't want to make a profit from these calligraphy and paintings."

"In fact, you two should thank Director Liu more. Because if she didn't want to make you two embarrassed, she advised me to leave some for Mr. Xu. I will keep all the paintings and calligraphy in this library. .

"So forgive me, I will never sell these paintings and calligraphy. No matter how high the price is. If Mr. Xu doesn't like the remaining things, it doesn't matter. I am really willing to buy them all."

Well, let's see how grand this guy's reasons are and how wonderful his rejection words are.

Not only did they seal the cracks in the door, but they also used a feint to shoot, and they were able to win over Aunt Liu and defeat the two of them.

He kept his composure and even gave the two of them a big nest of roast chicken to eat.

It can really be said that you are taking advantage and being good, killing three birds with one stone.

Therefore, in the end, both Director Wu and Mr. Xu were deflated.

But Aunt Liu, who was smiling all over her face, was seeing Director Wu and Mr. Xu off.

He quietly put his hands behind his back and gave Ning Weimin a thumbs up.

But this was still not the moment in this unexpected meeting that made Ning Weimin feel most content.

His greatest happiness was actually because Director Wu subconsciously called Mr. Xu's name while comforting him while walking.

In a flash of lightning, they suddenly arrived.


What did Director Wu call him?

Hua Ming? Xu Huaming?

Could it be that Mr. Xu who came with Director Wu is...

Is that the collector who is famous in the world of calligraphy and painting, and will attract the attention of major auction houses in the future?

It was like a flash of lightning flashed across Ning Weimin's mind.

After a flash, it suddenly became clear!

The name he heard, the photo he saw in the "Investor" pictorial in his previous life, and the real image of the Hong Kong businessman in front of him all merged into one.

That’s right, that’s right!

He is Xu Huaming!

Xu Huaming when he was young!

That Xu Huaming is so enigmatic and mysterious that no one knows why there are so many famous calligraphers and paintings!

so? I seem to have cracked a shocking secret that no one knows about.

And...and I also cut off this big guy's beard!

So cool!

So cool!

So cool!

Think again about Mr. Xu’s future status in domestic collection circles and auction houses...

Comprador Ning was so excited that he could hardly breathe.

He actually took his place in this life and took away this greatest luck by accident?

This life's opportunities and the wonder of fate are beyond description!

On the way back, there was a strong wind and fine dust swirled.

Hitting people in the face without any protection or hindrance.

Despite the sun, the air is still dry and cold, which can freeze people into popsicles.

Among Ning Weimin's group, not to mention Zhang Shihui, who was sitting on the tricycle escorting the car with him, clutching his coat tightly and feeling extremely cold.

Even the workers who worked hard on the three-wheelers shivered with the cold wind.

They were all looking forward to finishing today's errands early and going to a restaurant to drink two ounces of soju.

Only Ning Weimin was different from everyone else. He was just like the God of Fire descending to earth, he didn't know cold at all.

His mind is still immersed in the things he experienced today and these people...

The wonderful encounter made his blood boil!

In the evening that day, the sun was setting in the west.

Ning Weimin wanted to entertain friends from all walks of life who helped facilitate business.

We specially made a special trip to hold a banquet and set up a sumptuous banquet at the "Sambo Lok" of the Xinqiao Hotel.

The main guests of the banquet are, of course, Aunt Liu and his wife, Huo Xin and Zhang Shihui.

Since Liu Weijing happened to be off work, Ning Weimin naturally invited her along.

Unexpectedly, she also brought a newly purchased Seagull camera.

Zhang Shihui took advantage of the situation and asked Liu Weijing to take a photo of him and Ning Weimin, saying that they had not taken a photo together for so long.

After the photo was taken, unexpectedly Aunt Liu also encouraged Huo Xin and Ning Weimin to take a photo.

Ning Weimin didn't want to refute Aunt Liu's reputation, so he had to bite the bullet and endure the embarrassment to take a photo with Huo Xin.

In the photo, he stood upright, with a serious face like a soldier ready for training.

Huo Xin pretended to be shy, as if she were a bride.

Zhang Shihui later made fun of this photo, saying it was a man and a woman with the most discordant expressions in the world.

At the same time, they were in the Qianmen Hotel only three kilometers away from them.

Xu Huaming, who was drinking heavily, was filled with depression and frustration that was even harder to calm down.

If he saw so many good things being taken away with his own eyes today, it was his fate.

If he could suppress his resentment and maintain a peaceful mind.

If we say, he finally paid 40,000 yuan for the things he bought.

Unexpectedly, I couldn't find a few masterpieces by famous artists like Qi Baishi and Pan Tianshou.

He could only admit that he was unlucky. After all, it was because of the cheap price that he could barely accept the reality.

But a piece of good news from the port city dealt a heavy blow.

He could no longer maintain his grace.

He couldn't help but feel an unprecedented jealousy towards Ning Weimin, the man who bought most of the paintings and calligraphy.

Just two hours later, Sotheby's held its first auction of paintings by famous modern Chinese masters in Hong Kong.

Fu Baoshi gave Xiong Shiyi a piece of "Mrs. Hunan", and the hammer price was as high as 180,000 Hong Kong dollars.

One hundred and eighty thousand, just for a painting!

Although Xu Huaming didn't know how many Fu Baoshi were in the paintings and calligraphy bought by Ning Weimin.

But the last time he entered the warehouse, he just took a quick look and found no fewer than six or seven paintings, all of which were large in size.

According to his scruples, Curry should have at least dozens of them.

God knows what he missed!

He simply couldn't continue thinking about this!

Such a regret, it would be better to have never known it!

Even though there is only one step between human beings and human lives, it is a huge difference!


Some people are proud and some are frustrated, this is life.

The frustration of frustrated people is often caused by the pride of proud people.

This is the truth of life.

But no matter what, 1981, which is coming to an end, should be considered a good year.

Because in this year, our republic has been positive in terms of its overall outlook and economic development.

At the same time, we also began to solve various historical problems.

It's the end of the year.

A reporter named Song from the branch of the National News Agency went to Dong'a County to interview and write a newsletter, "As long as you can hold your head high - Remembering the paralyzed girl Lingling".

Lingling's scientific name is Zhang Haidi.

When this report came out, not only did Zhang Haidi's own life trajectory change, but many young people who were moved by this report also benefited a lot.

At the end of this year, 47-year-old Chen Jingrun finally became a father.

This year, Xu Chi's reportage "Goldbach's Conjecture" made the mathematician Chen Jingrun, who had always been unknown, become a household scientific icon.

But until the child was born, their family still lived a life of separation in two places.

Due to the long-standing personnel system and the needs of national construction and development, individual jobs in cities are uniformly allocated by the state.

The transfer of jobs must go through complicated procedures and a long wait.

Separation between two places was a difficulty that many families had to face in this era.

However, starting from this year, the Republic has begun to work hard to solve this problem.

In 1981 alone, the state solved the practical difficulties of 300,000 families.

Two years later, under the care of contemporary great men, Chen Jingrun's wife was also transferred from Wuhan to the capital.

Finally, at the end of this year, the Cross-Strait Friendship Association of Chinese Compatriots was established.

Its role is to assist island compatriots to come to the mainland to do business, invest, build factories, run schools, give lectures, and conduct research activities.

As a result, countless families and compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait who had been forced to separate and had been cut off from contact for more than 30 years finally began to resume contact.

Many relatives and old friends who had been separated from each other now have the possibility of getting together again.

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