National Tide 1980

Chapter 232 New Year’s Eve

Not to mention others, Ning Weimin felt quite sad.

Because even though he inherited the memory of the original owner, it was very limited.

For Luo Guangliang, there are actually only some broken and fragmented scenes from daily contact since childhood.

She only knows that this is the youngest son of the Luo family, one year older than herself, but in fact he is quite unfamiliar with him, and there is no sense of "childhood" at all.

But he just couldn't stand this kind of thing.

He couldn't see the embarrassment of a grown man with no way out, the frustration of a seven-foot-tall man who wanted to hit him to death.

Just like Bian Jiangong's crying and Zhang Shihui's difficulties, this was the same for him.

Faced with similar situations, he simply could not remain indifferent and stand by.

Of course, this does not mean that he is so soft-hearted, kind-hearted, or has any saint complex.

Mainly because he had experienced too many similar situations in his previous life.

Once he sees such a person, it often reminds him of his own unbearable history of suffering.

He was hesitant about walking on the street with sore feet and not knowing where to go.

About the pain of sleeping in a fast food restaurant until your body is numb.

For the desolation of being driven by the hunger in his stomach, making him want to dig out the hotel trash can.

For the chills of being drenched by heavy rain and shivering with cold in a stormy weather.

As for seeing a beloved dog being carried by a beautiful woman into an SUV, I hate myself for being a human being and wish I could exchange the lowliness with him...

He knew all those tastes well and remembered them deeply in his bones and blood.

He understood more clearly how jealous and sad he felt when he was alone in the New Year, looking at the happy lights leaking out of other people's homes, and thinking about the intimate scenes in other people's homes.

And every time like this, if you get a few rolls of eyes or a few contemptuous scoldings.

Then he would really have the urge to hold his nose and jump into the river, or to set fire to the whole world.

Because of this, in this life, he would help Bian Jiangong and Zhang Shihui get out of the difficulties in life.

It is also because of this that in his previous life, he lived a safe life and had a small amount of assets.

Every year before Children's Day and Spring Festival, he sends 5,000 yuan in cash to the children's welfare home where he was raised, as well as 20,000 yuan worth of food, books and stationery.

Even in his previous life, even on weekdays, he took special care of the vendors selling yellow tape, lunch boxes, drinks and the scavengers around the stamp and coin market.

For example, he bought twenty pieces of tape.

Those who sell tape will take the initiative to deliver it to him several times every month.

He never refuses, and he will probably have more tape than he can use in half his life.

However, he does not buy lunch boxes and drinks from the market or order takeout, but exclusively orders them from vendors outside the market.

Even the cardboard boxes and beverage bottles were specially brought in from outside to be moved away.

No one among his employees could understand, and no one could understand why he, the boss, would do such a troublesome and uneconomical thing.

Only he knew in his heart that this was actually a disease buried deep in his heart.

It's like having some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

If he doesn't do this, he will feel pain in his heart, suffer, and have trouble sleeping and eating.

Only by helping these people who are struggling with the same adversity in life as I once was.

Only then can he gain a kind of psychological balance and relief, as if he had compensated for his past.

Especially since he had heard and witnessed in the past two days and figured out the details of Luo Guangliang's "crime".

I learned that Luo Guangliang was actually deceived and was essentially a very good person.

Not only did he often help his neighbors with hard work, but he also taught everyone a lesson to the electrician at the housing management office who was asking for money, and beat away the gangsters who intercepted Mi Xiaoran in the alley.

He even stood up for the original Ning Weimin in school and acted as a protector.

He even felt a kind of spiritual spur, as if there was some mysterious force urging him to lend a hand.

It's a pity that as soon as Ning Weimin had this idea in his mind, Kang Shude saw it.

The old man is indeed a master. He knows everything clearly and warned his apprentice in advance.

I told Ning Weimin that human relationships are complicated and it is difficult for upright officials to handle household matters.

If outsiders want to step in rashly, even if they have good intentions, they may not be able to do it successfully.

Let him live his life in a down-to-earth manner and not meddle in the Luo family's business, otherwise he will become a human being inside and out.

Just like that, Ning Weimin really couldn't express what he was thinking.

In fact, why doesn't he know this?

Don't you just want to discuss it with Master?

I didn't expect this old man to be so clever as to say ugly things first.

Don't suffocate him to death.

But as the saying goes, no living person would choke to death by peeing.

No, it’s January 24, 1982, the New Year’s Eve of the Renxu year of the lunar calendar.

Ning Weimin, who had no one to negotiate with and who felt he didn't have a good sense of control, was actually inspired by a pee.

It should be said that on New Year’s Eve, the capital is full of New Year atmosphere.

As evening approaches, the lights on all the buildings along Chang'an Avenue light up.

What is particularly worth mentioning is that inside the Great Hall of the People, when a New Year group gathering from all walks of life in the capital was held, everyone only had a cup of tea in front of them.

I bet this is a new regulation that was implemented just last year.

So when our "great man" presided over the meeting, this is what he said.

"What is before us, comrades, is still a cup of tea. Compared with last year, is there any difference? I think there is one difference, that is, our country is improving rapidly. Although there is still a cup of tea on the table, the face of the country is always new. "

This immediately aroused endless applause from all participants.

Like the warm atmosphere on Chang'an Street, Shan'er Hutong, a few kilometers away from the Great Hall of the People, also has a strong New Year atmosphere.

There was heavy snow outside, and firecrackers exploded from time to time.

The sound of chopping stuffing can be heard on the chopping boards of almost every household, and the aroma of food comes from the kitchen.

But on this day when the whole family should be reunited, Master Luo refused to accept his youngest son.

When Ning Weimin rushed back to celebrate the festival in the evening, he happened to run into Luo Guangliang, who was wrapped in a torn cotton-padded jacket without a blouse and was freezing outside the courtyard.

Ning Weimin was really shocked at that time.

Because at this time of year, except for children setting off firecrackers, where are there people in the streets and alleys?

As he turned around, he was thinking about entering the courtyard.

Who would have thought that just in the corner, I would meet a big living person who was jumping with cold.

It was so unexpected and heart-stopping!

Especially in the pitch-black darkness, the person's nose, eyebrows, and eyes could not be seen clearly, except for the two pairs of eyes that were shining brightly.

To put it bluntly, he was like a kid who ran away from the City God's Temple.

So Ning Weimin just said "ah" and his body trembled, as if he was stuck on a nail.

Fortunately, I heard an apology right away, "Wei Min, I'm sorry, are you scared?"

"Hi, it's you, Guang Liang, why are you staying here?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Ning Weimin regretted it, because he asked too redundantly and it was obviously nonsense.

Sure enough, Luo Guangliang's face turned blue from the cold and he looked extremely embarrassed, and his eyes felt a little teary.

"I'll be back soon. I'm busy at home today, so I'm waiting for my mother to finish finishing the kitchen..."

Nothing else, Ning Weimin quickly pretended to be stupid.

He laughed, took out his cigarette, lit one for Luo Guang, and then went into the courtyard.

When passing by the Luo family's small kitchen, he didn't forget to say hello to Aunt Luo who was busy talking to her.

But on days like this, Aunt Luo didn't feel happy at all.

She was holding the stew in her hands and smiling at him, which was uglier than crying.

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