National Tide 1980

Chapter 237: Obtaining a License

"This is Director Li, thank you very quickly!"

Under the supervision of Aunt Bian, Luo Guangliang bowed respectfully to Director Li.

This is the etiquette of the labor camp.

It is applicable to inspection leaders, discipline cadres, and various visitors.

In the "circle", as long as people talk to you or look at you.

According to the regulations, everyone must bow deeply like this.

"Is this the third child of the Luo family? This young man is really down to earth."

Luo Guangliang could see that Director Li was very happy. This friendly attitude also resolved the embarrassment and inferiority he had hidden in his heart.

"Hey, no. Didn't I tell you? Look...this kid can't even be polite and his face is red!"

Aunt Bian echoed, which made Director Li burst into laughter.

"The normal process takes at least half a month, but in just two days, I applied for your tricycle license. Do you know why?"

Director Li glanced at Luo Guangliang's face and suddenly asked him a question.

Luo Guangliang's heart suddenly tightened and he stuttered in response.

"I...I don't have a job."

"Just for this?"

Director Li curled his lips disdainfully.

Then he added, "In our street, there are many retired, unemployed people, as well as people who have been released, who are unemployed. Many people come to me and want to apply for individual licenses. Why can't they get it and only you can get it?" "

Luo Guangliang blushed, but the way he looked at Director Li didn't seem to mean any charity or condescension. It seemed that he was simply inspiring him.

Then he boldly said, "Is it because...Uncle Kang...and Aunt Bian begged for me?"

"Hey, that's right. The government cares about you, and you must understand why."

Director Li finally nodded in approval and continued to add.

"Let me tell you, the first thing is that the neighbors in No. 2 Courtyard have all said good things to you. Uncle Kang and Aunt Bian have all come to me about your affairs. Everyone hopes that you will get well."

"The second reason is that you are indeed not a bad person. I have asked our film police about your affairs clearly. You are guilty of ignorance, which is different from those who are sneaking around. Now you are willing to work hard to earn a living, and you are willing to be upright. As a person, you can be considered ambitious.”

"But we have to say the ugly things first. From now on, if you do it by yourself, it really depends on whether you earn one or both. But don't be too crooked. Don't be blind to money and do anything stupid again. If you do it again If you make a mistake, no one can help you."

"Especially when dealing with friends who are friendly, you have to be careful. Don't go there without knowing everything. Just go as soon as you hear someone's greeting. Think carefully about whether you should do it or not, and whether you might make a mistake. Do you hear me?"

"By the way, do you know Xiao Jiu'er from the alley next door? His mother picks up rags on our street during the week, and sells popsicles in the alley in the summer."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know him. I just want to tell you that as soon as that boy came out of the post, he stole three bicycles and completely handed over his household registration!"

"What's the point of fucking begging me? This kind of person can't survive. Stop living as soon as possible. Find a hole and plunge yourself into it. Don't you think so?"

Luo Guangliang nodded.

Although the words are not pleasant to listen to, they are not choking.

He also understood that this kind of warning was actually for his own good.

So he came up with a catchphrase from the labor camp and made another salute.

"I will definitely listen to the government."

Director Li admired his attitude very much, and Aunt Bian also nodded in approval.

In this way, Luo Guangliang successfully obtained the individual tricycle license.

Even before leaving, Director Li asked him one more question.

"Hey, by the way, do you want to continue living with your uncle Kang and Ning Weimin, or do you want to move out on your own? The streets are now cleared of some houses, and I can free up a tool room to lend you. However, I want to live in someone else's house. I’m afraid it needs to be tidied up properly.”

To be honest, Luo Guangliang was really tempted. He didn't want to cause any more trouble to Kang Shude and Ning Weimin, so he really wanted to take a look.

But just because Ning Weimin had repeatedly told him that if he wanted to be accepted by his family as soon as possible, he could not leave No. 2 Courtyard.

So after thinking about it, he finally bowed and declined.

Of course Director Li will not force it.

"Well, I'll let others use this small room."

"Also, don't bow to people when you see them. What happened to you is in the past. No one will know about it outside our alley."

"Except every month, if you report to our police station on time, you will be a free man. It's better to be normal."

After finishing the instructions, Director Li went back to his office.

On the way home, Luo Guangliang and Aunt Bian were all smiling and felt a lot more relaxed.

"It's just you when you go back. Why don't you come to our house for lunch? Auntie is making braised noodles today."

"No, I won't bother you. Uncle Kang left me a lot of food. It's ready-made. I can just heat it up. Besides, I have to go out and buy a car later..."

"Really? You really won't come? Don't be polite to aunt..."

"No, it really can't be done. When I pick up the car and make money later, Auntie, I'll treat you to a restaurant."

"Hey, why are you spending that wasted money? Auntie doesn't want anything from you. You can make good money and keep it to marry a wife. If you can really start a family and start a business, your mother will be so happy that she can't shut up, and your brother won't worry about you anymore. . And your dad, even if he doesn’t tell you, he will definitely be satisfied when the time comes, so it’s still a matter of your family getting back together."

"Hey. That's what you said."

"My child, you have to work hard, and you really have to fight for your reputation and let others take a good look at it. Look at Minzi, when he first came back, he had only two empty fists and no place to live. He is no better than you. You have to eat and drink from the garbage dump by yourself. But within half a year, he introduced jobs to our Jiangong and the eldest daughter of the Mi family. Look at them now, although they are pretending to be foreign devils, they don’t have anything. Everyone wants to buy some hot goods, and also You have to ask him for help. Uncle Kang is right, how you live your life and whether you are successful or not all depends on you."

"Don't worry. I have to learn from Wei Min. He is really amazing."

"Hey, let's talk about it wherever we go. Learn what's good, but don't learn what's not good. Didn't these people smash the windows in your house? The brat is always frizzy and unstable. You are better than him at this point."

Aunt Bian walks like a proud general, and her words are like giving advice to the country.

But when it came to this, Luo Guangliang was really not easy to talk to, so he just smiled awkwardly.

You must know that the labor camp is an alternative technical school and a gathering place for all kinds of alternative elements.

After staying there for a long time, no matter how down-to-earth he was, he had to change, and he couldn't be as careless as before.

So he had already figured it out in his heart that Ning Weimin did this sincerely.

He was almost certain that Ning Weimin deliberately smashed the window of his small kitchen just to invite him to his home.

But Aunt Bian is still confused. Maybe she is really old and doesn't see what's going on here.

Of course, he couldn't figure out Ning Weimin's motivation for insisting on meddling in his family's business.

Maybe it was to pity him, to sympathize with him, or maybe it was for the sake of his family.

But no matter what, it will not affect his personal gratitude to Ning Weimin.

One day, as long as Ning Weimin opens his mouth, he will repay him with all his heart.

Because Ning Weimin not only gave him a place to sleep, gave him food and drink, helped him raise money to buy a car, and found him a job.

And when doing these things for him, Ning Weimin also took care of his sensitivity and self-esteem.

Ning Weimin has actually been trying his best to make everything seem logical and not so abrupt.

This is true kindness!

It is true goodness!

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