National Tide 1980

Chapter 243 Competitive Gap

Ning Weimin was definitely not acting foolishly.

It's not that he suddenly fell into the trap of kindness. When dividing the fruits, he insisted on giving Kong Rong the pears.

To put it bluntly, specific situations still need to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.

It was only because Ning Weimin felt that this was the best fit for him that he made such a choice.

First of all, how far is the Capital Airport? The transportation is really inconvenient.

Currently, Pierre Carton has three cars of its own.

But that Mercedes-Benz W123 200 was exclusively used by Song Huagui.

The remaining Japanese Mitsubishi L200 pickup truck and Japanese Daihatsu 850 are used to transport goods and deliver people, and can be used by department managers.

So as someone who has been away from the organization all year round and runs his own hilltop in Zhai Palace.

Ning Weimin didn't even dare to think about being able to use the company's vehicles to serve him for a long time.

Unless he was really screwed, he would have the idea of ​​taking over the airport territory and tricking himself.

Secondly, setting up a specialty store is not a simple matter, especially for stores dealing in luxury goods.

Hardware and software must keep up so that customers can pay willingly and increase sales.

Arranging these things must be very trivial and require a lot of time.

Especially in terms of personnel training, it is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

From a practical point of view, the time advantage of being able to carry out renovations at any time at the airport is useless.

It doesn't take much advantage, Ning Weimin doesn't need it at all.

He can now start looking for store clerks and start training.

Even if the store decoration is done later, it won't delay things at all.

Furthermore, Ning Weimin was also not worried about the passenger flow of Jianguo Hotel.

History has proven everything to him.

If no one was staying in the hotel, and if business was not booming, how could Jianguo Hotel recover its costs and make a lot of money in just ten years?

And behind Jianguo Hotel, there are a series of high-end hotel projects.

If the Jianguo Hotel fails to become an instant hit, the projects may have to be halted.

As for the last point, Ning Weimin is very confident in his business capabilities.

As the saying goes, even if you have never eaten pork, you have seen pigs running away.

In his previous life, he made money through sales, and he was also a man who was qualified to spend money in luxury stores.

He didn't believe it. With his decades of knowledge and experience ahead of him, how could his business performance be compared to others?

If that is the case, it can only mean that Zou Guodong has great talent.

Then he has to be speechless and convinced.

So when it comes to the fundamentals, since sooner or later it is yours, why bother to rush?

It's better to show high style, seize the time to do what you have to do, and let your strength speak for itself.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Ning Weimin to take the lead by one point based on his true talent and practical knowledge, and he made a little fuss.

Regardless of whether it is Zou Guozhu or Ning Weimin, the first thing they have to do is to hire someone to design a decoration plan.

Then determine the construction unit and quotation as soon as possible.

In this regard, Ning Weimin has sufficient advantages.

Don't forget, he was responsible for the project of the Zhai Palace Exhibition Hall, and he had already developed a tacit understanding with the construction workers.

I also have some common sense about construction.

In addition, in view of his previous consumption experience, Ning Weimin also has an idea of ​​the general form and facilities of clothing brand stores in the future.

Therefore, when looking for a construction company, Ning Weimin did not consider other companies at all, and directly found the company that decorated Zhai Palace.

In addition, when drawing out the design drawings, Ning Weimin did not let the designer blindly design based on his feelings.

Instead, I first communicated fully with the designer and drew a sketch of my own ideas.

Such as lighting requirements, mirrors, fitting room and rest area facilities, clothing display distribution and form.

Even if it cannot be achieved temporarily, he has taken into consideration the needs and changes that may increase in the future.

At the same time, he also provided photos of stores selling "PC" clothing in France.

Use it as a reference for material, size and “logo” application.

Under such circumstances, can we still be unhappy if the designer of the construction company comes out with the decoration drawings?

In fact, in just five days, Ning Weimin placed the finished manuscript in front of Song Huagui with its approximate dimensions and marked details.

You know, this is an era that relies solely on hand-drawing, and it is not easy to come up with a design plan.

Often, before coming up with a decoration design plan, we have to produce several conceptual drafts.

Then let the customer screen, and then conduct detailed discussions and modifications before drawing a detailed rendering.

Under normal circumstances, such a plan can produce a manuscript with a definite direction within twenty days, which is considered fast.

It will take a few months to get it to the point where it is basically complete.

In fact, Zou Guozhu is still looking for a meeting with the construction unit, and Ning Weimin has already completed the draft.

I have to say that the speed at which he does things is nothing short of miraculous!

And most importantly, in terms of practicality and details of the store decoration.

I am afraid that there is no one in the entire Republic who can have such reasonable ideas and professional planning as Ning Weimin.

So not to mention that Song Huagui was full of surprises and satisfaction after watching it.

Even when Song Huagui specifically showed the plan to Zou Guodong, Zou Guodong had to be sincerely convinced and admitted that Ning Weimin's design was not something he could do.

In this way, both Jianguo Hotel and the specialty store at Capital Airport decided to adopt the plan provided by Ning Weimin.

Zou Guozhu completely lost his ambition and simply gave up, giving up and looking for another construction company.

Of course Ning Weimin was very happy with this result.

Whether it is for the sake of the company or for himself, it is of course best for the hardware facilities of the two stores to be consistent.

Otherwise, when he takes over, it will have to be done all over again.

This is the best outcome now.

Let Zou Guodong work as a land reclamation cow and complete the preliminary work for him.

I can spend less energy, so why not?

Will this make it more difficult to outperform competitors in terms of performance?

Ning Weimin is not worried at all.

Because among other things, his competitor made another very serious mistake when it came to hiring people.

Zou Guozhu actually asked "Foreign Service" to hire twelve employees.

Six males and six females, with high school education and foreign language proficiency are preferred.

Men should be over 1.75 meters tall, and women should be over 1.6 meters tall.

And the request he made to the "foreign service" was that he only wanted women.

Eight people are enough, with junior high school education required.

But the height must be over 1.65 meters, and the age must be no more than 20.

The key is to be beautiful! The prettier the better! Try your best to find beautiful ones!

Needless to say, such a request would inevitably make people surprised, and the people in the "foreign service" looked at him wrongly.

But Ning Weimin knew it in his heart.

If you really follow this practice, the balance of victory will undoubtedly tilt a lot towards yourself.

You know, Zou Guozhu obviously doesn't understand anything about the current situation of luxury goods consumption in society.

That is, old men have the final say. They are the main consumers. Even if it is women's clothing, they are the ones spending money to buy it for women.

This is true both at home and abroad, but it is more obvious at home.

So it can be seen that in this industry, beautiful girls are far more useful than handsome boys.

The reasons mainly involve psychology and gender differences.

For example, women have an attraction effect on men. This is basically a consensus, so I won’t go into it here.

The key is that women also love to compare each other.

Especially love to compare appearance and clothing.

Therefore, beautiful girls dressed up in all their glory are used as living advertisements.

Whether it is for men and women, or for men and women who come together, it has a very significant effect on stimulating consumption.

On the other hand, using handsome guys is the end of it, which is completely counterproductive.

Because men who are born to win are exactly the last thing they want to do is compare on appearance.

To put it bluntly, the external comparison is too low-level, and there is no sense of accomplishment at all when winning.

But if it's bad if you lose, it will also cause people's frustration.

Needless to say, given the characteristics of the current consumer market, how many of the domestic male customers are outstanding in appearance?

The greasy uncle spends money to buy the feeling of being an uncle and the glory of the brand. When he wears it, he is waiting to be praised by others.

If you really get six young men who are dressed like standard gentlemen, who would be irritating?

Who wants to spend money and lose face?

So according to Zou Guodong's arrangement, there might not even be a single domestic male customer willing to buy clothes.

Secondly, in terms of employment costs, the more people there are, the more basic salary expenses will be, which is tantamount to increasing operating costs.

However, Ning Weimin hired fewer people, so the cost was lower and he took advantage.

Of course there was a reason why he dared to do this.

That is, in addition to implementing a stepped profit sharing system, he also has the "Twelve Hairpins" from Zhai Palace that can be mixed and used.

He is not worried about not having enough people. Instead, he is able to match the old with the new and select the best from the best.

This is also where Zou Guozhu is difficult to match.

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