National Tide 1980

Chapter 25 Sadness

After Kang Shude broke it apart and crushed it into pieces, he said.

If Ning Weimin didn't understand his master's painstaking efforts, he would really be a brainless idiot.

Yes, he knows it all.

Not only did he know what the old man wanted to express.

He even gained a deeper understanding based on his experiences in his previous life.

That's right, people can't think too highly of themselves, be too confident, or be too strong.

Because the power of an individual is too small.

The interests of business actually depend on balance.

If you don’t know how to identify the general trend, follow the general trend.

Then people's efforts usually don't get the rewards they deserve.

And there has never been anyone who can benefit simply because he wants to be strong.

To put it bluntly, relying on your own size and overestimating your abilities to fight against God is like a grasshopper tied by a string to a child.

So what if you have wings?

Can't fly to the sky!

Therefore, if you know your destiny and obey it, you will win.

Those who do not know destiny and act smart will lose.

Those who do not believe in fate and act against destiny will surely fail miserably!

When it comes to speculation, it is far from enough to have a good vision and a good mind.

Only those who have self-awareness, can be cautious and restrain their desires will be the final winners.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you can lose all your underwear.

This principle is actually like stock trading. Those who know how to buy are not as good as those who know how to sell.

Some people seem to be very stupid. They only buy stocks that are moving sideways at the bottom, and sell them halfway up the mountain.

But people understand the principle of selling high and buying low, and can resolutely implement it.

Every time, I took away the profits without being arrogant or impetuous, and gathered the sand into a tower little by little.

Some people seem to be smart and courageous, good at grasping hot spots, and dare to attack.

In a bull market, the most dazzling star is always active on the cusp of the storm, with profits soaring.

However, this way of winning is extremely risky, as you are afraid of the market turning.

Once the bull market ends, the result will be a sharp fall from the sky with a "pop" sound.

All in all, just two sentences.

First, the gold of the night is not as good as the silver of the day. The treasure is what you get in your hands.

Second, we must always consider controlling the risks brought by speculation itself within an acceptable range.

It's a pity that although Ning Weimin understands the truth clearly, if he is asked to speak, he can be a teacher for others.

But the problem is that there is another saying - easier said than done.

Human emotions and reason are always in conflict with each other.

Even reason will always be manipulated or affected by emotions.

If it weren't for "unity of knowledge and action", just these four words, it wouldn't be a state that many people would find difficult to achieve in their lifetime.

The same was true for Ning Weimin. He told himself that he should listen to his master.

You should always remember the old saying "Be careful and your boat will sail forever", and don't let your guard down just because you think nothing is wrong.

But at the same time, as a time traveler, he always felt that he was an extraordinary superman.

Have enough ability to detect signs of danger in advance and even make a comeback.

To put it bluntly, he felt that it was impossible for him to take a blind eye to those blind people.

You know, those people are fierce on the surface, but in reality they are fierce and merciless, so there is no danger.

Moreover, not only are they extremely ignorant, they also become more stupid the longer they stay in the garbage dump.

Since I haven't had the courage to walk into the city for so long, how could I possibly discover his tricks?

Of course, the most important thing is that money is really getting easier and easier to make.

You know, these blind people are all masters who make money and have nowhere to spend it. In the long run, they all have a lot of money.

Moreover, they wander in a foreign land, have no fixed abode, and are at the bottom of the class. Even they look down upon themselves.

You are rich but have low self-esteem. Well, isn’t this the potential of a shopaholic?

Such people can easily form a psychological bias and rely on buying luxury goods to comfort themselves and gain confidence.

Once such consumer desire is ignited, it will naturally burn into a raging fire that cannot be extinguished.

Ever since, the blind comparison among blind people has become more and more intense.

You have a watch, so do I.

If you buy domestic products, I will import them.

If you have one piece, I have to have two pieces.

If you have more than one hundred waves, I will have to ask for a big Yinger.

Okay, now that we have all the watches, it’s time to get the semiconductors.

Who doesn’t want to listen to operas, listen to songs, and work happily?

Even the "general" wants to win the title and stand out from the crowd.

He also wanted to get the ultimate big deal at any cost, and asked Ning Weimin to help him buy a TV.

That's it, Ning Weimin got rich.

In April, he brought back more than just copper every day.

Even many blind people couldn't wait and gave him cash directly.

By the end of the month, he was working two or three days a day, earning almost two to three hundred a day.

This is either gold from overnight, or gold obtained on the same day!

So how can people leave without leaving?

After thinking about it over and over again, Ning Weimin didn't think anything would happen to his current job.

He was quite confident that he would work harder and collect a thousand monkey tickets from the full page of monkey tickets in his hand.

Therefore, he finally decided to listen to his master's words, but he would not retreat until the end of May.

The reason why he chose this time point was because he estimated that by then, he would have almost wiped out the wealth of these blind people.

If you keep doing it, it won't be much trouble.

In addition, the weather is getting hotter. Once summer enters, the working environment will suddenly become several times worse.

Why bother?

It's better to take the ticket and go home to be bored, and then we'll change our ways.

There is really no way!

Knowingly and deliberately!

Man, I'm afraid this is the saddest thing.

Once risks appear together with opportunities, greed often makes people lose their guard. Who cares about risks?

Ning Wei Minji thought Guan Shuan was very smart.

But he didn't realize at all that what he was doing was a bit wishful thinking, just like stock investors guessing the high point of the bull market out of thin air.

As the old saying goes, if the wind and rain come according to the weather forecast, it won't matter.

If all difficulties were solved step by step and slowly according to people's thoughts, there would be no need to drive people crazy.

The sudden blow came just as it was said, with no warning at all.

It was extremely windy that day, and the whining wind was like a whistle, turning the sky yellow.

Ning Weimin was working in the garbage dump, which made him feel uncomfortable.

The shaves made my face hurt, and it was still difficult to open my eyes.

The throat and ears are either dirty or "young beard".

So at noon that day, he gave up his job.

I exchanged copper with the blind people in advance, took the money, changed my clothes and headed home.

But this is the case, the one kilometer road from the garbage dump to the station has to be walked against the wind.

It was extremely difficult for him to carry the sack, and it took twice as much effort and time as usual.

As a result, when he was halfway there, two bicycles rode up quietly from behind him.

One passed him, and another was behind him, and he was immediately caught in the middle.

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