National Tide 1980

Chapter 261: Miracle Effect (Repair)

Human beings are truly amazing creatures!

There are many character weaknesses that everyone knows about but cannot correct or resist.

For example, you can't judge a book by its appearance. Everyone says they are beautiful.

But in reality it's just the opposite.

No matter who you are, when you meet a stranger, you will still subconsciously judge the identity of the other person based on his clothes.

Then, based on the other person's appearance and personal preferences, we can create a more or less close feeling, or even a reverse feeling of disgust.

Especially in the contact between strange men and women, the identity of the man and the appearance of the woman can determine almost everything.

So one can imagine what kind of effect the beautiful public relations team Ning Weimin will have after being dispatched.

You know, even though we are in a republic where women’s transformation has been most complete and women’s rights are strongest.

But in the 1980s, 90% of the senior leaders and middle managers in various units were men.

It is the first high-end hotel established by a joint venture in my country, and this is no exception.

What's more, these girls from Ning Weimin not only have talents and good conditions, but they have also been carefully cultivated by him.

Dressing, grooming, conversation, smiling, and the way you treat others are all trained by two professional teachers hired at a high price.

The overall quality is very close to the standards of flight attendants thirty years from now.

Compared with most girls of this era, just in terms of style and temperament, she can be said to be a cross-generational crush.

In addition, their main job is to make customers pay happily.

These girls who have fully proven that they have this ability are of course far more professional and professional in communication than the employees of the first phase of the joint venture hotel who have not fully understood that "service comes first and the customer is God".

So the effect is huge and immediate.

They were like four witches with magical powers. Almost overnight, they miraculously flew in and out of various departments of the hotel, opening up the situation.

Such words can often be heard in the places where these four girls hang out.

"I said, Xiaoyan, you must be able to tell fortunes. Why do you come to us whenever we have some free time? You don't even let us breathe. Haha, don't hand me cigarettes. If you don't want to smoke, don't smoke. If you have to It's okay to let me smoke, but we have something to say first, just help. Ouch, ouch, why are you still angry, just kidding you... Wait a minute, I'll go, I'll go, isn't that okay..."

"Oh, isn't this nectar? Why, you've arranged work for us again? Tell you, there's no chance today. My electricians have been sent out... What? Let me go? You are ruthless... Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you. You girl, please don't shed tears here and let others see them. I can't explain..."

"Liu Jin, what do you want from me? What? We need to clean up the ground again... Okay, okay, originally I had other arrangements. Since you are so anxious, I will come after you first. It will also save you. It's hard to explain. But I have something to say first. If you want someone to come after this time, you have to wait until tonight. Now we have to clean everywhere. We have too much work, and you have to be considerate and considerate of my sister's difficulties. .Yes or no?……"

"Drink, I can't even say anything. Yin Yue, you must have been my biological sister in your previous life. You blocked me really well. I was just about to leave, and you came... What's going on again? Door? Can you wait a moment? I have to go to the basement. Some of the cold cabinets have collapsed. Where are the people from the catering department, waiting for me to open the door to restock... No, no, no, no, if you shake it again, I'll be gone. Okay, count me out Is it your turn? I'll open the door for you first, and then I'll go to the basement..."

It can be said that in the entire hotel, there is almost no door that they cannot enter, no person that they cannot invite, and no seal that they cannot seal.

As soon as he saw their smiles, his eyes lit up and he became positive.

As long as they call them "manager" or "supervisor", the person who used to have a stern face and frown will smile and become amiable.

No matter how stubborn a person is, no matter how many important things they are busy with, they often cannot help but plead and say a few kind words.

Even most women can't even stand up to their calls of sister and sister, and use the topics that women are most interested in to get close to them.

Anyway, whether it's for face or for the love of beauty.

In the end, all the heads and heads of these departments had no choice but to pat their chests and promise to give priority to solving this problem.

To put it bluntly, in this grand hotel that is about to open, there is nothing that "Mei Chun Yimeiko" cannot do.

In this way, the troubles that had troubled Ning Weimin in the past were completely solved, and everything became smoother.

Even Ning Weimin, the initiator of the Republic's first batch of beauties in public relations, never thought that these flowers would really come in handy and have such good practical results.

He said in his heart, some people are really mean.

As long as these girls smile and say a few nice words, their bones will become soft.

The master who treats guests and gives gifts doesn't work, so he just does this.

No wonder the ancients loved to use beauty traps. This is so cost-effective.

So Ning Weimin dug extra money into his pocket and rewarded each girl with two hundred yuan in foreign exchange coupons to make up for the profit commission they lost due to their inability to sell goods in the Zhai Palace.

And these four girls seem to have become more generous through frequent interactions with people.

After receiving the money, they not only compensated for Ning Weimin's "humanity", but also smiled with satisfaction.

He even made an additional request, which was to treat Ning Weimin to dinner after get off work.

"No, no, no, manager, you are not allowed to shirk. If it weren't for you, how would we have such a good job?"

"That's right, Brother Ning, you are so generous and take special care of us, so you must give us a chance to express our gratitude."

"Boss, right? Do you look down on us? Or do you still need... someone's approval?"

"Don't worry, Sister Huo won't mind. It's not like any of us are inviting you alone, the four of us are inviting you to dinner together. As long as you don't think too much..."

Well, even a veteran like Ning Weimin, who has been in the society all year round, can't deal with the few heroines he has created with his own hands.

It was easy for him to be cornered by several girls one by one, leaving him no room to turn around.

The girls laughed and told Ning Weimin.

They said that they were not going to treat him to a big meal and let him guess carefully as to what they would eat.

This really made Ning Weimin feel a little hopeful and honored.

To be honest, he is not a truly decent person at heart, and he never believes that the relationship between men and women in the world has a pure side.

But he doesn't think so now.

Although the girls were beautiful, he could swear that he didn't have any evil thoughts about any of them.

For some reason, he just wants to help them, care about them, and make them happy working under him.

While creating brilliant achievements, let them earn more money and find a good home in the future.

This is like a big brother treating several younger sisters, and like a teacher treating several students with excellent grades, without any distractions.

Perhaps, it is because they are equivalent to the "works" created by his own hands.

After finally getting off work, Ning Weimin finally found out where the girls were entertaining guests.

As a result, when he got to the ground, he was completely relaxed and he was happy.

For no other reason, the place where the girls planned to treat him to dinner was at the door of his house, the large fence under the front building.

And what the girls planned to treat Ning Weimin to, was actually all the Beijing snacks available on this street.

Isn't this a big joke?

How can we use a few girls to spread the word?

It is Ning Weimin who needs to show his loyalty to the landlords.

So the identities were changed, and Ning Weimin and several girls ate almost everything.

Braised on fire, stir-fried belly, tea soup, enema, grilled cake, fried red fruits, fried rice dumplings on fire...

In the end, we didn't eat half a street, and the girls couldn't stop rubbing their bellies and burping.

Although Ning Weimin had nothing to eat and was busy taking care of a few girls, he was also extremely happy.

Because he really likes to be in such a relaxed state with girls.

Unrestrained, lively and natural, laugh to your heart's content, and chat happily.

Especially being surrounded by four girls talking and laughing is a unique enjoyment.

The envious, jealous and hateful looks cast on him by other men inevitably made him feel free and happy from the bottom of his heart.

No problem, people are just so different.

who is he? He is Ning Weimin.

There is a reason why he is so popular with women and is chased by beautiful women every day.

Who makes him worry about the same thing every day when he looks in the mirror.

Damn it, why am I handsome again?

If I continue to be so handsome every day without end... can other men live?

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