National Tide 1980

Chapter 27 Rat making trouble

The wind is still blowing.

Ning Weimin staggered on the road with his head lowered.

There was nothing I could do, my legs and feet were so weak that I couldn't get up even if I wanted to.

What's more, there was a big slit in the right leg of his trousers, and when he took a step, his calf was exposed as if he were wearing a cheongsam.

The upper and sole of the left foot were halfway separated, and the toes were sticking out like a toad's mouth.

Such luggage is also cumbersome.

Not only that, but what was even more embarrassing was that he didn't dare to look back and just ran away.

He actually ran to Balizhuang two kilometers away in one breath.

Being unfamiliar with the place, he didn't even know where to find the bus sign.

No, I walked west along this avenue for another two miles.

Not to mention the stop sign, he had never seen a passing car.

Only carts pulled by animals came and went, not even a "three-wheeler", a tricycle, or a bicycle. It was actually more desolate than the eastern suburbs.

He really wanted to find a department store and quickly change into a pair of pants and shoes.

He also wanted to find a place to sit down, have something to eat, rest, and think over the whole situation.

Things happened so fast just now that his mind couldn't catch up.

Unfortunately, there was neither a shop nor a place for him to eat or rest.

This road is pure wilderness.

In addition to the wild trees and weeds on both sides of the road, there were exploding smoke dancing in the wind.

In this case, I have no choice but to stroll slowly.

After all, the direction was correct. I must have found my way home before the sun went down.


Now, he was like a hungry little bird with broken wings, his heart full of embarrassed lamentations.

Naturally, I miss the benefits of my previous life.

Still awesome in the Internet age.

No matter how remote the area is, if you place an order using a smartphone app, a car will come to pick you up.

Why do you need to suffer like this?

It is better to have a society governed by the rule of law.

In this case, call the police immediately to ensure that these guys can get in directly.

Why would you be so angry if you sued them later and ruined everything?

But having said that, no matter what happens today, it must be said that it is a blessing among misfortunes.

Thanks to his wit and bravery, he was able to escape from danger smoothly.

Otherwise, if he really received such a fat beating, his life would be saved, but his arms and legs would inevitably be broken.

As for losses, there really isn't much.

Because both the money given by Blind Liuzi and his own money were carried on his body.

What's really gone is just the household items in the big bag and a sack of copper.

And tomorrow, he will definitely not return to the eastern suburbs garbage dump.

Naturally, there was no need to buy the things those blind people asked him to buy on their behalf.

If you think about it that way, he even made a profit.

The key is that he was so careless and hurt by this unreasonable disaster.

Not only was his self-esteem brutally trampled on, but he was also a little ashamed.

Because a little bit of backing is a little bit of backing, but at the end of the day, who can be blamed?

Mostly he has himself to blame.

Master has warned him a long time ago, and it’s not like he doesn’t understand the truth.

But who told him not to take it seriously and insist on running into the ditch?

This may make the poor people hateful.

Therefore, even if he wanted to complain to the old man, he was too embarrassed to do so.

Hey, if the master knew about it, let alone comfort him, he would definitely squeeze him.

"You kid, you have a brain but don't use it. It's just a disease. You deserve it! You'd better find a quiet place and count your own brain cells."


When Ning Weimin arrived home that day, it was already the time when the food was fragrant, and it was after six o'clock in the evening.

But this is not really a long journey on the road.

In fact, he walked to Jintai Road at around two o'clock in the afternoon.

The rest of the time is spent buying shoes, pants, eating, bathing, and changing clothes.

So, by the time he entered the hospital, he no longer looked apathetic in wearing leg-revealing trousers and open shoes.

But putting on new pants and new shoes also attracted inquiring eyes from the neighbors.

Aunt Bian and Aunt Luo took the initiative to ask about him.

"Oh, Weimin, I went out today, why did I get a new one when I came back? Did I pick up some treasure? Did I make a fortune?"

"Minzi, this is the first time in the past two days that I've seen you come back so late. Hey, why is your big bag gone?"

Ning Weimin had expected this to happen, so he had already made up an excuse on the way.

"Hey, Aunt Luo, how can I get rich? To tell you the truth, I'm very unlucky today. On the way back, I cut my pants and stepped on the mud. Guess what? Wait for me to pull it out. When you come out, the face is the face, and the bottom is the bottom. If I don’t buy new ones, how can I come back? I’ll have to trouble you to help me lift up these pants later and mend these pants..."

"Hi, aunt. You asked me about that big canvas bag, let me take care of it. For no other reason, the garbage dump posted a notice not to pick up garbage casually anymore. A man with a red band told me that from now on The government has taken control of the garbage dump. When I thought about it, those things were no longer needed, so I might as well sell them in pieces to get some money..."

Hey, this guy is really good at making up stories and telling them vividly.

A few words made Aunt Bian and Aunt Luo laugh from ear to ear.

But then again, this is also a forced smile.

It's like breaking your teeth and swallowing it in your stomach. You know the pain in your heart.

As soon as he entered the house, Ning Weimin's color changed.

Lying on the bed, I just smoked.

Fortunately, the old man is working the night shift today, so he doesn't have to act with anyone anymore, otherwise he would be even more depressed.

If nothing else, the key is that he can't slow down his breathing.

He couldn't think about it, and he repeatedly told himself that everything was over, but it didn't work.

It's cowardly, disgusting, frustrating, and so bullying!


I have endured so much hardship to finally find a profitable living. It's easy.

As a result, all my calculations and management were in vain, just to be bullied by others!

Master said it nicely, violence is a helpless act of fools.

But in the hands of those who play with the base of their arms, smart people can only act like chickens in the hands of the cook?

Is there nothing you can do except swallow your losses and stay away from them?

And just when Ning Weimin was feeling lucky, the rats on the roof also came to cause trouble.

I don’t know what these guys are crazy about, it’s extremely abnormal.

It wasn't completely dark yet, but there was a commotion on the ceiling above his head, screaming "Zhi Zhi" incessantly.

The most annoying thing was that before his eyes, he saw a mouse tail hanging down from the small hole in the ceiling.

This is unintentional!

Ning Weimin, who was lying on the bed, felt evil fire rushing to his forehead.

He was too lazy to get up. With a cigarette in his mouth, he took off the socks under his feet and twisted them into an egg.

Then he threw it towards the rat's tail with all his strength.

Unfortunately, the ceiling was too high, and he didn't have the skills of the golden dart Huang Tianba.

So the sock missed the mark and not only missed the ball at all.

Instead, it fell and hit him in the eye.


Look, how unlucky it is.

But let alone this guy, Ning Weimin seemed to be possessed by Brother Xiu, and suddenly thought of two important passes that were almost ignored.

His eyes were dark, but his heart was bright, and he immediately turned over from the bed and sat up.

First, this matter was probably just the people at the scrapyard wanting to take revenge on him.

The blind people were not involved in it, and most of them were not even aware of it, including the "general".

Otherwise, why would these simple-minded people give him money?

If you want to deal with him, of course the best way to do it is in the garbage dump. No one will even know if you bury him alive.

Second, these scrapyard people are too self-righteous. Violence is a deterrent that requires conditions before it can be used.

After all, this is a new society, not the old society. If they are real gangsters, he really can't afford to offend them.

But the problem is that they are not.

They are all people who have formal jobs and want to continue to live a good life of being fat and oily, so they come to him.

As the saying goes, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes.

He is an orphan with no family and no job. If he really rushes to smash the pot, he wants everyone to die together. Then we are still not sure who is afraid of whom?

Thirdly, it was also a coincidence that due to the weather today, he was wearing a mask without even showing his face.

Even the blind people don't know his name or where he lives.

That is to say, now he is hiding and those bastards are hiding.

So looking at it this way, this matter is slow, and he really may not have to swallow this fume of cowardice...

PS: Since the beginning of writing this book, some people have expressed doubts about buying monkey tickets, thinking that it is meaningless to buy or not sell. It is said that things are more expensive when they are rare. If you save more, they will become cheaper.

Others say that they should buy antiques and courtyard houses instead, thinking that it is impossible to make a fortune by relying on monkey tickets.

People who think like this actually only have the routines in other rebirth stories in their minds.

It's as if the world has only one possibility. It's like the common sense that rare things are valuable is something others don't know.

These are the same people who don’t even know when private house sales will be allowed, when there will be channels for purchasing second-hand goods, and when self-employed people will be able to engage in pure commodity trading and start private companies.

Otherwise they would not express such opinions.

Their understanding of the old days is probably limited to their own imagination.

The past they recognize is probably only part of what they want to believe.

I was too lazy to pay attention to it, and I really found this logic of trying to find a sword a bit funny, so I might as well say a few words by the way.

First, what did the protagonist do in his previous life? What will the protagonist do in the future? There are already hints in the book.

Just because other rebirth essays are useless doesn’t mean this book is the same.

This article’s Monkey Ticket is a powerful tool. In the future, necessary props in the plot will not only be bought and sold, but also play a role beyond everyone's imagination.

Second, collection must be cost-effective, collection must be sequential, and legal and objective conditions must be considered.

To put it simply, old things are all cheap and can be compared with each other. They are still expensive and have different potentials and storage conditions.

Buying with your eyes closed and taking action on everything is too stupid, there will definitely be trade-offs.

This question ends here and will not be raised again in the future.

Readers who have read my old works should have a rough idea.

I wrote the book objectively based on real history and supported by real data.

When will my protagonist do something?

The era and society I write about are neither imagined old times. Nor is there only one possible world.

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